Not even his namesake would commit such an act. Vlad the Impaler, aka Vlad Tepes, had an arsenal second to none. He watched his back, determined to be proactive, always looking over his shoulder.
This is contrary to Vlad Putin, who as the story unfolds, is facing a back stabbing threat from a known adversary, a military insider, but which one?
Assassination talk inside the Kremlin has begun. How will it occur? By gun, knife, chemicals, poison or suicide vest. At this point it is only talk, but when there is talk, there is also smoke and when there is smoke there is fire. Whoever perpetrates such a killing will be a hero to the world if he/she ends the Ukraine Invasion.
The Ukrainian militia is holding its own against a formidable enemy. The Ruskie dead are spiraling upwards; estimates as high of 15,000 have been slabbed, that is taken out on the horizontal. Rumors are now reaching the Motherland and the Tovarish don’t like it. Questions are being asked, but answers are far and few and in between.
Zelenskyy to Fox News: Ukraine ‘will not accept any outcome’ besides ‘victory’
Zelenskyy said that giving up territory is ‘out of discussion
“What matters for us is that you and the whole world should know that we are a country at war,” Zelenskyy continued. “We were attacked. That is what matters. That is the biggest tragedy. And today, to hear those reports about something happening someplace something exploded while there is war in Ukraine – honestly it’s not professional to talk about it. They occupied our territory. They attacked us. This war going on for 8 years so whatever happens in a certain situation it’s hard for me to comment.”
“Just give us missiles, give us airplanes, you cannot give us F–18 or F-19 or whatever you have, give us old Soviet planes,” Zelenskyy said. “That’s all. Give them into my hands. Give me something to defend my county with.”
At the close of the interview, Baier asked Zelenskyy about comparisons some have made between him and Winston Churchill.
“God chooses what we can endure, and I think this was not by chance,” Zelenskyy said. “I know we will stand through this.”