Back in 1962, JFK issued Executive Order 10988. On January 17, 1962, Federal employees first obtained the right to engage in collective bargaining through labor organizations when President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10988, “Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Sector.” 
Executive Order 10988 gave Federal employees the right to join, form, or assist labor organizations. 
Executive Order 10988 issued as result of the findings of the Task Force on Employee-Management Relations in the Federal Service, which was created by a memorandum issued to all executive department and agency heads by President Kennedy on June 22, 1961. In this memorandum the President noted that, “The participation of employees in the formation and implementation of employee policy and procedures affecting them contributes to the effective conduct of public business,” and that this participation should be extended to representatives of employees and employee organizations.
As the years have passed we have witnessed the CANCER that has metastasized throughout the Public Sector. And to put it bluntly, the majority of public employees are on a the Welfare Train. They can’t be fired for most infractions or transgressions that would be the immediate cause for severing their relationship with a private employer.
As this train gathered speed during the ensuing years, the labor unions became a Bank for the Democrat party. Upwards of four million Federal Employees, plus their families and their relatives Pull the Democrat Lever. Why would they not? These Blood Suckers have been imbedded in the government bureaucracy for the past fifty-plus years.
While federal employee groups prefer the current BLS model for determining hourly pay, conservatives have argued that policymakers should incorporate non-salary benefits, like retirement and health insurance programs, into the model to compare “total compensation” between sectors, and that such a model suggests that federal workers are overpaid compared to those in the private sector.
There is one thing missing here, Federal, State and City employees, in most cases, are paper shufflers, gold bricks, lack oversight, but most of all they take up space doing nothing, or not adding value. In other words, this is the Deep State Swamp that must be Drained.
There is only one person who can do this, his name is Trump, Donald J. Trump. Give him a Second Chance and the Swamp will be Euthanized.
This will not be easy because as America has witnessed, the Swamp will go after anyone who threatens their existence. Lurking there are liars, thieves, criminals who will stifle and even murder those who threaten their livelihood.
We have witness two impeachments, one investigation, raids on personal residence, aggressive D.A.’s bringing lawsuits in a never ending attempt to stop their main adversary. On going threats are everywhere. For instance the A.G. Garland, a liar, a subversive, a felon has targeted parents who question CRT, teaching of transition of children to the opposite sex in third grade, climate change, anti Trump agendas, socialism/Marxism who question the Education Industry at school board meetings.
On Friday, the White House unveiled a proposed rule that would make it even harder than in the past for an incoming Republican president to wrestle control of the left-leaning federal bureaucracy and actually implement the conservative policies promised to voters.
Of the 2.2 million federal civil workers, only 4,000 are presidential appointees. The rest stay in their jobs, from one administration to the next, protected by rules that make it nearly impossible to discipline or replace them. They overwhelmingly favor the left. A staggering 95% of unionized federal employees who donate to political candidates give to Democrats, according to Open Secrets. Only a tiny 5% support Republicans.
Garland has weaponized the DOJ. But long before that, it was Obama’s command to an IRS employee, who by the way took the fifth when interviewed by a Congressional committee. She, Lois Lerner, who vetted 501-3c applications, submitted by Tea Party entities prevented them from educating the public on the socialist BIG government policies of the Obama administration. The Racist President (Obama) was sued, lost in court, and had to fork over millions in damages to the Tea Party. Never the less, it must be a law implemented that immediately fires a government employee who take the fifth. They work for us, and as an employee should not be given the opportunity to take the fifth. Guilty as charged!
In the dead of night, employees were screened before promoted to positions of power. As we have witnessed, he corruption has run rampant inside the DOJ, the FBI and CIA. These aforementioned departments have been weaponized under Branden. Rogue employees, mostly all members of the Tard party, have and will continue to target us, unless stopped by an administration change.
But don’t leave out the Education Industry and the perverts who are involved in every step of your Childs education or should we say Brainwashing. Do you think that your child’s teacher would ever say a bad word about the Democrats. This starts at an early age and continues well into college with liberal instructors holding sway over agendas. This brings us to the lying scum that heads up the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). You will remember her, she closed down schools for two years while teachers got paid and your children weren’t educated. Don’t think for a moment that they care about your child.
RANDI WEINGARTEN is president of the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, which represents teachers; paraprofessionals and school-related personnel; higher education faculty and staff; nurses and other healthcare professionals; local, state and federal government employees; and early childhood educators.