Did you take our advice and buy a stake in your future. $3000 is around the corner. The government bluff has been called.
Gold and silver notes were at one time the coin of the realm, now we are forced to take a Federal Reserve note as legal tenderfor all debts, public and private. Here we find the socialist conspiracy where by government can reward and punish those who disagree with their policies.Where as the payment in gold or silver prevented the government from violating the principles on which it was founded.
But wait, inflation is now roaring its head once again. This Powell guy thinks he has everything under control. Sorry to tell him that to play the
Game is a Fools Errand. Expect inflation to whack government in the head. Before you know it, the rate will be over 7%. Take that to the bank.
Where have all the Keynesians gone? Hanging paper on the masses is their forte. The more they hang, the faster the economy runs, the employment ranks swell on the way to universal bliss. It is not turning out that way. Financial Armageddon awaits billions; the blame goes to the ability of governments to print fiat money (funny money).
QE I, QE II, QE III, a 20 trillion largesse machine built on plastic, IOU’s;give us credit and we will party like there is no tomorrow say the political scions. A champagne taste with a beer income.
Robots feasting on menial jobs, greens cogging the wheels of progress, social progressives preventing everything from fracking to pipelines. Yet the bloated bureaucracy continues to eat at the taxpayer’s troth. When will the insanity end? When will “we the people” capture Washington and bring those who created this mess and stole our lives to justice?
EXECUTIVE ORDER 6102, issued by US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt 80 years ago, on April 5th 1933,banned private gold ownership in the United States, forcing gold owners to take their bullion to a bank and exchange it for Dollars at the prevailing rate.
Think about it, the Federal Government of the United States, in broad daylight confiscated the wealth of its citizens. This enabled the government to transfer power to the Federal Reserve, they then began the printing of fiat money with abandon. Why? To perpetuate the lying and the deceit of their hidden agenda. What is that agenda: to retain their political power above all else. However, the day has come to stop the charade.
Protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, shouted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” during an International Al-Quds Day rally held in the town.
“Imam Khomeini, who declared the International Al-Quds Day, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America,” Tarek Bazzi, a Michigan-based activist associated with the Hadi institute, said in a video from the rally that was shared by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
Bazzi’s comments were followed by crowds chanting “Death to America!” in the background.
Bazzi reasoned that the rallies held on the day “are so anti-America,” instead of a focus on Israel, because “it’s the United States government that provides the funds for all of the atrocities,” pointing to Israel’s continued siege of Gaza as an example.
Protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, shouted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” during an International Al-Quds Day rally held in the town.
“Imam Khomeini, who declared the International Al-Quds Day, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America,” Tarek Bazzi, a Michigan-based activist associated with the Hadi institute, said in a video from the rally that was shared by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
Bazzi’s comments were followed by crowds chanting “Death to America!” in the background.
We have all seen them, single or in aggregate, the Gaza protestors who want a ceasefire now.
They are playing into the hands of Hamas.They are for is the killing of Jews and the destruction of Israel.In other words, these USEFUL IDIOTS are giving breath to terrorists who will execute them at a moments notice. They are one an the same as the BLM movement , one snake with two heads, an offshoot of the George Zimmerman bruhaha.
Effectively, they are saying, let Hamas win and Israel lose. The true story here is not a mystery. The protestors are boosting Hamas, who will regroup, rearm, and retarget Israel. Israel cannot let this happen. We sympathize with the hostages and their families, but in War innocents are sometimes victims. Some might say that we have no skin in the game, true, however, to finish the job, Israel has no choice but to eliminate Hamas. There must be payback of October 7.
There is a ton of pressure on Biden, so far he has withstood the call to pressure Netanyahu. But slowly, POTUS is relenting to the Hamas aficionados, boosted by confrontations on college campuses, public engagements and Muslim aggregates. Bibi has one more job to do, eliminate the Head of the Octopus,this means to move into Rafah before it is too late. Israel will find out soon enough, if the U.S. stands for Israel or like Pelosi, is a Sunshine supporter.
Nancy Pelosi joins call to halt U.S. weapons transfers to Israel
Story by Andrew Solender
• 3d • 2 min read
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) signed onto a call by progressive members of Congress for the U.S. to stop transferring weapons to Israel over a strike that killed seven aid workers in Gaza.
Why it matters:It’s a significant break with Israel by a long-standing supporter that underscores growing fissures between Democrats and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.
Driving the news: The letter, led by Reps. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.), Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) and Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), was released on Friday with 37 signatures from 37 other Democrats, including Pelosi.
“In light of the recent strike against aid workers and the ever-worsening humanitarian crisis, we believe it is unjustifiable to approve these weapons transfers,” the lawmakers wrote to President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
Parents are opting to homeschool their kids or are moving to other districts rather than let their children face the violence plaguing the campus.
Brockton High School was profiled in “How High Schools Become Exemplary,” a 2009 study which examined how teachers banded together in their free time to reshape the curriculum and turn things around at the school 25 miles south of Boston.
Over about a decade, they developed a system where every educator — including gym teachers, art teachers and guidance counselors — worked to incorporate reading, writing, speaking skills and reasoning into their classes and sessions.
By the end of the process, Brockton went from a school where the unofficial motto was “Students have a right to fail if they want” to one of the highest-performing public schools in the country, according to a 2010 New York Times profile.
The video player is currently playing an ad.“We used to have a timeframe where people were traveling from across the world to come and observe how we manage a large school as well as we do, and produce the educational results that we do,” Cliff Canavan, a Brockton math teacher of 22 years, told The Post. “Things have changed.”
Kalani Washington’s mother, Kyanna (right), chose to homeschool her daughter instead of sending her to Brockton High School.
The school’s superintendent said the pandemic hit Brockton families hard, but blamed a Massachusetts law that prevents administrators from suspending students from class for the breakdown in discipline.
The situation at Brockton High, which has a student body of 3,600, was already deteriorating four years ago when Kyanna Washington’s daughter Kalani was preparing to go there.
So instead of sending her into the fray, she pulled her daughter out of the public school system and has been educating her herself.
“I wouldn’t let my daughter go there,” Kyanna said. “I seen two or three videos. You couldn’t tell who was fighting who. And I told my daughter, ‘You’re not going to this school.’”
“She knows kids that go there. She has her best friend goes there. And the child is scared. She’s just hoping to get through school every day,” she added.
The Washingtons are one of many such families. Brockton has lost nearly 500 students since 2020, a decline in enrollment of about 12%, according to Massachusetts Department of Education data.
Enrollment at public schools across the commonwealth has dropped a much smaller 3.5%.
The number of black students at the school is down 15%, while the white student population is down nearly one-third. The number of Hispanic students, meanwhile, is up 20%.
Canavan, whose arm was broken while breaking up a violent fight between two students, has seen that attrition playing out in real time.
A 2009 Harvard study examined Brockton High as a public education success story.Harvard
“I’ve been coaching cross-country girls for 20 years, and the cross-country team usually has some of the highest academic performing students. For the last three seasons in a row, I’ve lost half of my varsity athletes to other districts because the parents move the kids.”
Kalani, now 18, is right in step with her mother’s decision to keep her home and out of Brockton High.
“Kids have always been really hostile. That would be the correct word — very hostile,” she said.
“It’s hard being in school and wanting to learn and see your friends, when there’s so much drama, so much violence and negativity, even outside of the violence, things like the drugs.”
Even though she isn’t at Brockton High School, Kalani called it “nerve-wracking, very anxiety-inducing” to hear her friends who go there talk about what they see in the halls.
“Premeditated fights,” plotted over social media by beefing students, have resulted in organized “fight clubs” where students brawl on and off campus, she said.
Last year, a student was stabbed outside the school, Kalani said. And friends told her blood left over from fights sometimes remains dried on hallway floors for weeks.
“They’re worried about their safety, people bringing weapons into school,” she said.
Students at Brockton High School have been getting into frequent fights and filming them to post on social media.boston25news
Brockton Schools Superintendent Mike Thomas, who has been on leave this school year following a medical issue, believes the current situation was brought on by a conflation of factors exacerbated by the COVID pandemic and its effect on Brockton’s lower-income families.
“Brockton was hit hard by the pandemic. A lot of the students’ parents lost their jobs, and it affected the kids a lot,” he told The Post. “I think a huge part of it is you got students that are dealing with a lot of mental health issues, and it causes a lot of the misbehavior.”
About 70% come from low-income families.
“As we came back to in-person across the country, I don’t think anybody realized the toll that pandemic took, especially on kids,” he said.
“I think that’s a direct correlation to what’s happening now.”
But Thomas, who was present throughout the turnaround process featured in the 2009 study, believes the genesis of the current behavior issues began before the pandemic with the passage of Massachusetts’ Chapter 222 student disciplinary law in 2012.
Brockton High School Superintendent Mike Thomas has been on leave throughout this school year.
The law was intended to make suspension a last resort for student punishments — but teachers have complained it left them helpless to enforce discipline and that no additional funding was provided to help teachers deal with troublemaking students.
“The state put this law in, but it never came with any funding,” Thomas said.
He added that Chapter 222 only made sense if it came with money for alternative academic programs for troublemaking students “so you get to the root of why they’re behaving like they’re behaving.”
“I don’t think throwing kids out of school solves the problem, but there’s got to be consequences,” Thomas said.
“People have to be held accountable and there’s got to be programs … but again, those things cost money.”
Brockton’s discipline problem gained national attention this year when the Brockton School Committee asked Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey to send in the National Guard to ramp up security and supplement staff in February.
Healy’s office denied the request and instead ordered a state-funded “safety audit” to study the problems at the school.
Parents, students and community members have reported that fights in the school have become rampant, while stampedes of students rushing to film the fracas and post it on social media have resulted in injuries as people are swept up and trampled in the fray.
Parents and community members outside Brockton High after the school committee asked for the National Guard’s help.Boston Globe via Getty Images
Illicit drug use among students has also been reported, as has sex in empty stairwells and classrooms, and off-campus brawls to settle schoolyard scores.
“The challenges Brockton High School is facing are nuanced and complex, and the school is moving day by day toward improving its culture,” Brockton public schools said in a statement. “An essential part of meeting our goals — which have no true ‘finish line’ but rather are an ongoing and everlasting effort — is having stable leadership.”
Despite the problems facing Brockton, Thomas, Canavan and others repeatedly praised the efforts of the great majority of their students and the dedication of the school’s staff.
Two principals in a Texas school district are facing criminal charges after allegedly violating state election laws by using their school emails to urge staff to vote for candidates who oppose school choice.
Alexander Elementary School Principal Lindsey Lujan and Borman Elementary Principal Jesus Lujan, who are married, work in the Denton Independent School District.
The two administrators emailed staff in February encouraging them to vote in March’s Republican primary election for candidates who oppose GOP Gov. Greg Abbott’s school voucher plan, court documents show, according to Fox 4.
Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against Denton ISD in response to the emails, which were leaked in February. Paxton’s office and the school district later reached a settlement.
The principals were charged with unlawful use of an internal mail system for political advertising, a Class A misdemeanor. The charge carries a maximum penalty of up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.
The Texas American Federation of Teachers, a teachers union, claimed the charges represent a “politically motivated legal attack.”
Pro-Palestinian activists were left seemingly dumbfounded after Dr. Phil brought a former Hamas member on his show to dismantle their arguments.
One student tried to accuse the former Hamas member, who originally hails from Ramallah, of peddling “colonial rhetoric.”
“Dr. Phil Primetime” invited Palestinian activists — Salma and Zaynab from the University of Michigan — to debate the issues with Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Palestinian ex-militant who defected to Israel in 1997. Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, worked as an undercover agent for the Jewish state’s Shin Bet intelligence wing.
“It’s very disappointing to see Americans supporting Hamas and thinking that Hamas is a cool thing, while Hamas does not respect any of those followers, while those followers don’t know that Hamas would torture them and massacre them with no mercy.They call them useful idiots. They don’t know that Hamas is a dark black hole,” Yousef said on an April 2 episode of “Dr. Phil Primetime.”
“[Pro-Palestinians are] absolutely idiots because they don’t know what they are supporting. They are supporting a monster that has been hijacking an entire society and endangering the entire Middle East, pushing the world towards a global war. … What’s happening is insanity. Those pro-Palestine people need to go to a mental asylum.”
Yousef, also known as “The Green Prince” from his work with Israeli intelligence, said he based his knowledge in the time he spent with Hamas leaders and members from different districts in prison.
“I was born there, and part of that culture, part of that religion. … That’s why I described it as a black hole. Some people hear about Hamas, or they see an avatar of a Hamas fighter carrying a rifle, a freedom fighter, and they think it’s a fancy idea to support such a monster,” he said.
Yousef said the activists were wearing the keffiyeh, a black and white neckerchief, to distract from the fact that they had no legitimacy to speak on behalf of the cause.
Are we repeating the fiasco that took down the Weimar Republic?
What is so special about GOLD? Why has it endured in times of war, political upheaval and economic turbulence? What is money and how does one value it? These are questions that “time” has answered.
Countries have gone to war over gold, pillaged, robbed, murdered and savaged unsuspecting peoples. If printing paper was money, why seek gold in the first place? “TRUST” in government is the number one priority of a stable currency; without trust, citizens resort to the accumulation of precious metals; this is to secure their wealth. Governments have tried to prevent citizens from holding gold, but in the end they all have failed.
And now world governments sit on the precipice of massive inflation, one which there is no viable solution. Trillions upon trillions of dollars have been printed by world governments since March 2020. The continuation of printing continues without interruption; a runaway freight train that can’t be stopped. Revolution or War is the end result.
Socialist governments have seen this show before. For instance, some were on our southern border, for instance Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil; burning investors over and over again. Has the time come for the United States to join the club?
Outright theft by governments have taught citizens from around the world that the devaluation of money through printing is thievery.So, to ward off the devaluation of their wealth, they resort to the purchase of gold, silver, platinum, palladium; they trust no one accept themselves when it comes to protecting their wealth.Therefore, it is imperative that citizens take note of what is happening in currency markets today. The dollar has been devalued in terms of gold which has risen by over $800 during the past five years.
World currencies are being devalued, they are no longer a stable source of money when compared to real money, that is GOLD. We have not seen the ultimate collapse yet, but rest assured it is not too far off. Its After all the FED raises, the CPI is still OVER 4%.
Protect yourself and be safe, but be careful America. Your well being is the number one priority in the calamity we see ahead.
First it was salt, then spice, then paper, but in the end it was gold. They tried them all, as they say, “you can fool some of the people, some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.” And it has come to pass, the “ALMIGHTY DOLLAR” is slowly dissolving like the piece of paper it is printed on. Don’t take our word for it though, check the status of soon to be reserve currencies, like the Chinese renminbi (aka yuan) or perhaps the Russian ruble. Don’t despair, the cryptocurrency world is at your fingertips. If that doesn’t suit you, GO FOR THE GOLD, but SILVERwill do just fine. To those of the initiated, they know where the price is headed, and that is north. The everlasting obituary is premature, the body has not been declared mortal. And as the eternal rays provide life to all, the man who has gold in his hand will endure for a lifetime.
The politicization of the DOJ under Biden is akin to that of Fascist regimes throughout the world; add to that the dictators of Latin America. Peron, Noriega, Trujillo, Pinochet, Santa Anna, Samoza, Diaz, Castro and others.These thugs ruled with an Iron Fist, for they were the law.
Recently they let Biden off the hook. The interview has become one of the most notable and politically controversial parts of special counsel Robert Hur’s investigation, which concluded “there wasn’t enough evidence to charge Biden with criminal mishandling of records after his vice presidency.” In a final report, Hur called Biden, 81, “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” Does anybody think that they would return the favor to Trump? Never in your lifetime.
Judge Ana Reyes delivered a memorable tongue-lashing to both sides in a hearing Friday over subpoenas to Justice Department lawyers who worked on the Hunter Biden tax probe. | Senate Judiciary Committee
‘Are you kidding me?’: Biden-appointed judge torches DOJ for blowing off Hunter Biden-related subpoenas from House GOP
Judge Ana Reyes also dinged the House for seeking testimony that is clearly privileged.
A federal judge tore into the Justice Department on Friday for blowing off Hunter Biden-related subpoenas issued in the impeachment probe of his father, President Joe Biden, pointing out that a former aide to Donald Trump is sitting in prison for similar defiance of Congress.
U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes, a Biden appointee on the federal District Court in Washington, spent nearly an hour accusing Justice Department attorneys of rank hypocrisy for instructing two other lawyers in the DOJ Tax Division not to comply with the House subpoenas.
“There’s a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena,” Reyes said, referring to the recent imprisonment of Peter Navarro, a former Trump trade adviser, for defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 select committee. “And now you guys are flouting those subpoenas. … And you don’t have to show up?”
“I think it’s quite rich you guys pursue criminal investigations and put people in jail for not showing up,” but then direct current executive branch employees to take the same approach, the judge added. “You all are making a bunch of arguments that you would never accept from any other litigant.”
It was a remarkable, frenetic thrashing in what was expected to be a relatively routine, introductory status conference after the House Judiciary Committee sued last month to enforce its subpoena of DOJ attorneys Mark Daly and Jack Morgan over their involvement in the investigation of Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes.
Republicans are demanding the two attorneys testify and say it’s crucial for their ongoing impeachment probe of the elder Biden. But the Justice Department argues that subpoenaing two rank-and-file, or “line,” attorneys to seek details about an ongoing investigation would be a violation of the separation of powers.
Reyes has been on the bench for just over a year. Rarely seeming to stop to catch her breath, she repeatedly dressed down DOJ attorney James Gilligan as he sought to explain the department’s position, scolding him at times for interrupting her before continuing a torrid tongue-lashing that DOJ rarely receives from the bench. She delved into great detail about the nuances of House procedure — like the chamber’s rule against allowing executive branch lawyers to attend depositions — and even asked whether the Judiciary Committee had followed internal rules requiring that the ranking Democrat on the panel be notified of the subpoena to the DOJ attorneys before it was issued.
Ep. 22 Larry Sinclair says he had a night of crack cocaine-fueled sex with Barack Obama, and that Obama came back for more the next day. Assess for yourself. Here’s our interview. pic.twitter.com/R6CXwKv6gs