The conspicuous lickers of Biden’s ass need to take a lesson from Senator John Fetterman. But these simpletons have turned pussy, yes they turned pussy by selling Israel down the drain. Let us be clear, these guys with the Jewish persuasion, who impeached Trump, twice, stand by and watch their commander in chief withhold vital weapons for Israel’s fight with Hamas. Voters in their districts, many of them Jewish, will not forget their yellow streak. Hamas won’t stop with Israel, Europe is next, then the U.S

John Fetterman wants you to know he’s consistent – and not just about hoodies

In the months since the Israel-Hamas war began, the Pennsylvania Democrat has become one of his party’s most outspoken supporters of Israel and an island apart from his peers.

The junior Democratic senator from Pennsylvania still shows up to work each day in a Carhartt hoodie and gym shorts, peppers conversation with profanity and takes potshots at the “losers” and “sleazeballs” he feels need to be called out – and he won’t mince words when it comes to Israel.Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman sits down with LNP editorial ...

“I said I dress like a slob, I dress like a slob,” he said. “I said I was going to stand with Israel, I stand with Israel. I said I’m going to be a reliable Democratic vote, and I’m still a reliable Democratic vote.”

And we never thought we would come to “Lock Her Up’s” defense but she came to Israel’s defense by countering Anti-Israel protesters.

Hillary Clinton: Anti-Israel protesters ‘don’t know very much’ about the Middle East

‘Propaganda is not education,’ says ex US secretary of state, slamming campus activists for ignorance of Palestinians’ rejection of husband Bill Clinton’s 2000 peace initiative.

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton slammed the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel protest movement that has swept American colleges, saying in an interview Thursday that student activists were misinformed by propaganda on social media and in the classroom.

Under her husband, Clinton said, “an offer was made to the Palestinians for a state on 96% of the existing territory occupied by the Palestinians with 4% of Israel to be given to reach 100% of the amount of territory that was hoped for.”

Arafat’s rejection of that offer — attributed by Clinton to his fear of being assassinated like past peacemakers, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and “our dear, dear friend,” Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin — was “one of the great tragedies of history,” said Clinton.

Hillary Clinton slammed by fellow Democrat for ‘dismissive’ remarks about anti-Israel protesters