The Biden crime family has amassed millions of dollars. It is incumbent for President Trump to pull out all stops and see to it that a RICO indictment is brought against them.

There is no doubt that ths Biden Criminal Enterprise has existed for at least a decade. Reports have surfaced where upwards of $30 million have been washed through various Biden enterprises.
How the ‘Biden brand’ was used to rake in $30 million for Joe and the first family, detailed in James Comer’s book
Published Jan. 9, 2025, 6:00 a.m. ET

Joe Biden was “central in his family’s moneymaking scheme,” according to the year-long congressional investigation led by Rep. James Comer, who claims he found nearly $30 million funneled into the first family’s accounts.
In his new book, Comer (R-Ky.) details how Biden’s son Hunter and brother Jim peddled the “Biden Brand” to foreign governments and entrepreneurs in order to rake in cash.
“I can honestly say that I do not know of one single legitimate business that the Bidens owned or operated,” Comer writes in “All the President’s Money: Investigating the Secret Foreign Schemes that Made the Biden Family Rich,” out Jan. 14.
Comer, the committee’s chairman, likened DC journalists to “public relations flacks and ad-men for the Democratic Party.”
He accuses bureaucrats at the IRS and FBI, among others, of “slow-walking investigations” and leaking “false narratives” of his findings to the media.
When he tried to access the Biden family’s banking records at the beginning of his probe, he was reduced to begging the Department of the Treasury to hand them over.