Everything Trump promised during his inaugural speech was not accomplished due to warfare. The Fake News and Deep State prohibited him from implimenting many of his promises. Those in government who act against our President this time around will pay the price.
To those who have listened to Trump’s inauguaral address, we remind you that his policies, programs, and prognostications were stifeled by a bunch of Goons in the Deep State. Don’t forget, Obama led the pack. Hillary Clinton illegally wiped her own computer clean, she also paid for and directed the Russian Dossier, which ensnarled President Trump. This prevented him from winning a second consecutive term. Additionally, 51 liars from the military, including current and former government officials, swore that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation. But on a side note we have the last laugh, “We the People” saw all through this and elected President Trump to a second term. This was the greatest political comeback of all time.
We make mention that if “The Invalid” ran against Trump and won, how would he walk down those steps. And secondly, that debate experience didn’t serve him well, how would he ever get through his address? Good thing he didn’t win, but left a legacy of disasters during his four years in office; slept most of the time. We need not mention them. Forgot that he said, “if Harris ran against Trump, she would have won.” Please stop laughing, feel sorry for the “CLOWN.”

And that V.P. Harris, she was torched on November 5, 2024. An unprepared zombie who was not at the right place at the wrong time. Quote, “nothing comes to mind” when ask if she would change any of Biden’s policies. Come to think of it Michelle Obama would have been a better choice. But history is history.