The Greeks have cast their vote in favor of Syriza who hailed the exit polls as “a return of social dignity and social justice.” Their socialist campaign message centered on the hardship imposed by the European Central Bank and IMF; austerity was a necessary evil to bring the country back from the abyss, but with Greek unemployment reaching toward 30% the citizens felt that the suffering must end.
The government of Greece employs 41% of the working populations. They enjoy benefits only a CEO could dream of. The root of the problem is the condoning of deficits by political liberals who enjoyed the good life at the top of government year after year; , winning elections as long as they kept the spigots open. Sounds similar to politicians here in the United States.
So now we can look forward to tumultuous days ahead, the possibility of them leaving of the EURO, inflation, reneging on their debt and ultimately bankruptcy. It appears that Greece cooking the books is one recipe that may ultimately payoff – DEBTORBEWARE!
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