Ask one who lives in a gated community if they are armed, what type of munitions do they have to protect life, liberty and happiness. What type of security detail is stationed at Gracie Mansion. We bet Cuomo’s Tonton Macoutes (a special operations unit) have automatic weapons. For What we may ask is the Governor afraid of? He is armed and we must be.

We would challenge the Governor to take a nightly tour of the deep crevices, the inner sanctums, the no-go zones and hoods of New York City, St Louis, Baltimore and Los Angeles without an armed security detail. He wouldn’t last a minute.  Expect him go yellow pants, cry like a baby and get down on his knees begging for mercy. Not gonna happen though because the governor lack cajones!

But the set up for a breakdown of civil order is in place. Middle America, the Patriot, the 2nd Amendment advocate and those who love the country will not be intimidated by a YELLOW BELLY excrement liberal progressives who invite the illegal murderer, rapist and law breaker into our communities. Those who proffer sanctuary cities are as much a danger as the illegal.  A destroyer of cities, states and country the governor is. Failure to obey the laws and protect the citizens of the New York and beyond is treason. Governors like Cuomo belong behind bars for their horrendous crimes against humanity.

The ignition switch is turned on, one push of the button and WE WILL TAKE AMERICA BACK. They say back from what? Back from the leech. Read the following blog post. When payments to those who are scamming the system are stopped expect civil war. Suburbia will not escape the humdrum implosion of the cities, but ostensibly will be the next target. The only way to survive is with automatic weapons, with AR-15 defensive type weapons.

Nut cakes like him will continue to give succor to the mentally deranged. The bureaucracy will fail time and time again because of political correctness and the lack of will to enforce the law. While Cuomo will be begging for his life we will taking out those who threaten us.

Sending money down a rat hole is a Democrat priority; we give Solyndra as the quintessential example. Seven Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($750,000,000) up in solar flames. The Donkey party patronage system paved the way for  one of the largest scams in the past twenty years, yet no one was indicted. Why? The answer is simple, those involved in the scam were, shall we say, WELL CONNECTED. Big doners to the Democrat party get access to funds that the average Joe only dreams about. Bloomberg reported in 2011 that Solyndra’s $733 million plant had whistling robots and spa showers, along with many other signs of extravagant spending – all of this was on our dime.

Continuing on the scheme to fleece America we advise any one of you to spend a day or two at your local Social Security Office. What to look for? Notice the people in line, do they look like you? The majority of which are there to run the Disability Scam.  To collect Social Security Disability we advise you to check any numerous of these (click)websites out.

Depending on the severity of your medical condition, you may be eligible for permanent benefit payments if you have any of the following common impairments:

DepressionAnxietyBipolar disorderPTSD
RSDFibromyalgiaAsthmaCardiovascular Disease

Click here for the full list.

In other words, any person who breathes can collect SSDI. Scamming America has never been higher. The number of people collecting social security disability is over 10,000,000. Over 61,000,000 people are collecting social security benefits one way or another. The facts are these, those collecting social security has never been so easy.

Excerpted from Jim Quinn’s The Burning Platform blog,

The number of people on SSDI now exceeds the entire population of Greece. The aging of the population has nothing to do with the increase. In 1968 there were 51 workers for every person on disability. Today there are 13 workers for every person on disablity. Even the most pollyanna would agree that medical advancements since 1968 have been significant. These medical advancements would argue for less people being on disability and unable to work. Workplace safety measures have been increased exponentially since 1968, so that also argues for less disabled workers. The good old ADA law forced all workplaces to become disabled friendly. That argues for less people on disability. The country has transitioned from a manufacturing society to a service society. Workers don’t work on dangerous assembly lines anymore. Robots do the dangerous stuff. This should have dramatically reduced worker injuries and disabilities.

Everything I’ve pointed out is true. The tremendous increase in people on SSDI is nothing but a gigantic fraud, perpetuated by the Federal government and slimy lawyers. The government broadened the scope of disabilities to include stress, depression, and non-diagnosable things like aches and pains. I have stress, depression and pains too, but I get up at 5:15 every morning and go to work. The SSDI program is a joke. More than half the people on SSDI are lazy good for nothing leeches. They are sucking you and I dry while sitting around eating cheetos, watching Judge Judy on their government subsidized cable TV, and texting with other lazy fucks on their iPhones. And don’t forget, you get the added benefit of Medicare coverage after only two years of SSDI stress.

An 18-month investigation by a Senate subcommittee found that in more than 25 percent of cases reviewed, evidence confirming disabilities was “insufficient, contradictory or incomplete.” The staff reviewed 300 decisions in which individuals were awarded disability benefits by administrative law judges. A 2011 internal SSA report echoed the findings, showing a national error rate of 22 percent.

Going forward, it is essential that Congress take significant steps to rein in SSDI’s growth. To do nothing — to continue to prioritize the able bodied over the truly infirm — is far worse.

It’s Tax Refund Time for Illegal Aliens

By David North, February 2, 2016


Some people in the United States have already filed their 2015 income tax returns — not because they are super-law-abiding, but because they want to get a check from Uncle Sam in the mail. Some savvy illegal aliens, since they can get substantial tax breaks, will have filed by now.

The first day that IRS accepted returns was January 19 this year — the deadline is two and a half months away, the usual April 15.

This year there is yet another tax break for illegals in the tax system. Unlike citizen and green card workers who are not participating in Obamacare or another qualifying plan, who will be paying a penalty of up to $695 per adult (with a family limit of $2,085) for not joining the system, illegals without coverage pay no penalties. None at all. These penalties were much smaller last year.

That is also true for the semi-illegals covered (for the moment) by the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program. (On the other hand, these illegals and semi-illegals cannot — legitimately — be covered by the insurance, though some must be beating that system.)

But the big attraction for filing early is not the new Obamacare tax break, which simply reduces the amount owed, it is the Old Faithful of tax breaks that illegal aliens can access: the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC). Illegals filing their income taxes can claim the ACTC if they have (or claim to have) children in the United States. This tax credit, unlike virtually all others, can result in a negative income tax payment. That means that no taxes will be collected from the individual, but he or she will get a check in the mail for all taxes withheld plus a bonus for the credit, as my colleague Jim Edwards has reported in the past.

The ACTC is well worth filing for; it can be as high as $1,000 per child claimed and proving the existence of a child is all too easy, with an ID number issued all too casually by the IRS, as we reported a couple of years ago. This is now called the TIN (tax identification number) and, in the immediate past at least, it was issued in such a sloppy way that the process was roundly criticized by the inspector general of taxation for the Department of the Treasury.

There are at least three kinds of children that an illegal can claim for the ACTC: actual citizen kids living in this country; actual children living abroad, but claimed to be living in the United States; and, at the bottom of the ladder, nonexistent children. The IRS has created a system that makes it very hard to distinguish between these three classes.

A somewhat similar tax program, the Earned Income Tax Credit, requires a Social Security number for the claimed children, and thus is a bit harder for illegals to misuse.

IRS earned income credit or EIC is another one of  frauds committed by illegal aliens.

IRS Corruption Fuels Billions in Fraudulent Payments to Illegal Aliens