All posts by thenewbostonteaparty


Old scores to be settled on Tuesday night. Time for Harry Reid to face the NRA, the Tea Party and Republican conservatives. The Senate majority leader is about to become a nobody. The ruthless Reid will no longer be in charge, but he will be charged with stonewalling the American Agenda.

Charles Schumer will be wiping that the grin off hiss puss. Nancy Pelosi, robber of We the People’s money, will find the time to read the Constitution. Obama will come out smiling, saying he will work with the new Congress. Wrong, the Congress will dictate the agenda and if Obama doesn’t work with them, it will be lights out Washington D.C.

Many Democrat Senators up for reelection in 2016 are about to jump ship, they will see what happens to those who toe the Obama line. There is a slight chance that a Presidential veto may be over turned. That will be a sight to behold. \

We can’t wait for a half dozen or more Democrat Senators to go down with the Obama Titanic. Not even a RINO would want to be seen rescuing them.

God Bless America and Good Luck to all Republicans on Tuesday night.


Every Democrat is Barack Obama in disguise.


Raila Odinga, the Communist Islamic Dictator of Kenya, a Close Friend of Obama -Obama Has Close RMarshall Davis

Raila Odinga, the Communist Islamic Dictator of Kenya, a Close Friend of Obama

-Obama Has Close Relationship With Kenyan Communist & Islamic Dictator – Advised Him on How to Forcefully Rise to Power After a Lost Election

William Ayers, the Unrepentent Domestic American Terrorist from Chicago, a Political Ally of Obama

-Obama has a Very Close Personal and Professional Relationship with Radical Terrorist William Ayers

ACORN, the Left-Wing Election Fraud Organization, an Obama Endorser & Former Obama Employer

-Obama Worked for ACORN as a Lawyer and “Community Organizer”

-Obama Campaign Gave $800,000 Behind the Scenes to ACORN

-ACORN Trying to Steal Election

-Inside Obama’s Acorn

Tony Rezko, the Convicted Felon from Chicago, one of Obama’s Business-Partner

-Obama is Close Friend with Convicted Fellon Tony Rezko

Louis Farakhan, the Radical Nation of Islam Leader from Chicago, an Obama “Worshipper”

-Jew/Christian-Hating Muslim Loius Farrakhan Calls Obama the “Messiah” – Children Listen in a Room With Hitler-Like Aura

Hamas, the Terrorist Organization that has Called for Elimination of Israel, Obama Endorser

-Terrorist Organization Hamas Has Endorsed Obama

Jeremiah Wright, the Radical American-Hating Pastor, Obama’s Spiritual Mentor

-Obama Went to Church for 20 years with American-Hating Pastor, Jeremiah Wright

The New Party, the Socialist Communist Activist Party of America, a Party of Which Obama is a Member and an Endorser of Obama

-Obama is a Member of & Sought Communist “New Party” Endorsement – The New Party & ACORN are United Behind Socialist Ideals

Barrack Hussein Obama Sr., a Communist Kenyan Politician, Obama’s Father -Barack Obama’s Economic Blueprint Sounds Like One His Communist Father Tried to Foist on Kenya 40 Years Ago, With Massive Taxes and Succor Shrouded as “Investments.”

Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Poet, Obama’s mentor

-Obama’s Communist Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis

Father Michael Phleger, a Radical American-Hating/Jew-Hating Priest, Obama’s Other Spiritual Mentor and Endorser

-Father Michael Phleger, Jeremiah Wright, and Louis Farakhan are Friends

Alice Palmer, a Communist Propagandist, Obama’s Political Mentor

-Palmer is much more than the “influential liberal”

Bernadine Dorne, the Other Unrepentent Domestic American Terrorist from Chicago, a Political Ally of Obama

Wikipedia Bernadine Dorne Obama once visited ’60s radicals


No fossil fuels, close uranium power plants, order gasoline propelled automobiles to be dumped, no coal plants, open borders, free health care to all, English as a second language, new flag with Hammer and Sickle logo, jails to release all criminals, confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens, curtailing of beef due to the methane gas they give off, demand and enforce women to wear the hijab, burqa and niqab. newhavenpeople2 Restrict  farmers from fertilizing fields, monitoring all internet traffic. When through we will be back to the stone age.  Vote Democrat – vote Communism. votecommunism


The Obama team will be sweating bullets on Tuesday night as their vision of transforming America will hit the proverbial wall.  Look for two more years of Obama lies as he is confronted by his adversaries at every turn. Expect tow more years of lies coming from the mouth of POTUS.

However, the Republicans have to up their game by bringing the Obama liars to justice. First to face the cage is Lois Lerner, next up Hillary Clinton and finally Eric Holder.  Bring it on.


Click here for the story.  Click here for the Big Picture

Let’s take our country back from the parasitic class, those who believe in entitlements, and those who perpetuate their cause. We can make America great again by removing from office the criminals who constantly violate the Constitution and stomp on our liberty. Time to run them out of town.



Michelle Obama campaigned for wanna be Senator(sic)Bruce Bailey in Iowa, but that slip of her tongue was a sign of things to come.  Braley not Bailey was supposed to be a sure fire winner.  Joni Ernst has gone to the Democrat killing fields and repeated the corn that Braley has failed to harvest.

Braley, under tremendous pressure to hold the seat once occupied by none other than the flaming liberal Tom Harkin. However, getting the people into his silo is a challenge. Braley characterized Senator Chuck Grassley as an Iowa farmer. This did not sit well with the Hawkeyes.

Harry Reid said, “think of what that would mean for our country if Braley loses, we lose the Senate.”  Yes Harry, a defeat is hard to take, but Tuesday night it will be your turn to be humbled while you find the words to congratulate the new Republican Senate Majority Leader.


Last Chance

On Tuesday, every one of We the People who is old enough needs to get out and vote. Period. No excuses. The Democrats have nearly destroyed free, capitalist, constitutional America, and if they are not soundly, roundly, and decisively defeated, they will do so. Period. Repeat, PERIOD.

I have no illusions that a Republican victory will take us back to the Reagan years. The misleadership of the party – McConnell, Boehner, and their lackeys and toadies – have made it painfully clear that they are not conservatives. They, too, will destroy free, capitalist, constitutional America, but at a slower pace. And it’s that slower pace that will create a window for the genuine taking back of our country that makes voting massively for Republicans essential.

The alternative is to allow the traitorous, lawless Democrats to steal the election, just as they have done year after year since the party first came into being. A tidal wave of reports has already been coming in – voting machines that automatically change all votes to Democrat, election officials encouraging counterfeiting of early, mail-in ballots, ballot box stuffing by thugs, voting by non-citizens (read, criminal invaders), and so on. The New York Slimes…er…Times has claimed that the polls showing a clear Republican victory are flawed, trying to set the stage for the expected fraudulent Democrat victories. A massive turnout of people who care enough about saving America to vote Republican will nullify much of the fraud.

That said, we desperately need to look beyond election day and earnestly and genuinely commit to putting unprecedented pressure on the newly elected and re-elected members of Congress. They need to unquestionably understand that if they don’t immediately begin to repair the damage that Obama and the Democrats have done over the past six years – repeal, or at a minimum, defund their unconstitutional laws, programs, regulations, executive orders, and policies, and do the same with rogue agencies like the EPA, the IRS, the VA, and ICE, just to name the most obvious ones, there will be very real and unpleasant consequences.

In addition, the radical leftists and Islamist supporters need to be immediately and without apology fired from the Department of State of Disarray, the Department Homeland Insecurity, the Department of Surrender, the Department of Indoctrination, etc, etc, ad nauseam. A Special Prosecutor needs to be appointed, with clear power to indict, to investigate vote fraud, corruption involving the distribution and misuse, – read, theft – of the people’s tax money (Note: tax money does NOT belong to the government. It belongs to We, the People, who, perhaps mistakenly, have given our government permission to manage it for us.), and other high crimes and misdemeanors committed by the current lawless regime.

We need to make clear that we are committed to doing whatever it takes to remove from office any and all who resist or impede carrying out the will of We, the People. We need to be willing, if necessary, to organize and participate in mass demonstrations and civil disobedience. If Congress refuses to repeal or defund unconstitutional, and therefore illegal, laws and regulations, We, the People, must make it clear that we are under no legal obligation to obey them, and will not, under any circumstances. We need to be willing to organize and participate in a general strike that will not just shut down the government, but the whole country, if Congress chooses to ignore us and continues to adhere to the discredited, largely illegal, and certainly immoral policies of the government as it exists today. We must be ready to do all this or be willing to continue to sit and watch as America is turned into a fascist, Third World police state, with We, the People as the slave labor.

The lies and lawlessness, the usurpation of government by totalitarian criminals must end. We can do this. We must do this. Period.