Every Democrat is Barack Obama in disguise.
Raila Odinga, the Communist Islamic Dictator of Kenya, a Close Friend of Obama -Obama Has Close RMarshall Davis
Raila Odinga, the Communist Islamic Dictator of Kenya, a Close Friend of Obama
-Obama Has Close Relationship With Kenyan Communist & Islamic Dictator – Advised Him on How to Forcefully Rise to Power After a Lost Election
William Ayers, the Unrepentent Domestic American Terrorist from Chicago, a Political Ally of Obama
-Obama has a Very Close Personal and Professional Relationship with Radical Terrorist William Ayers
ACORN, the Left-Wing Election Fraud Organization, an Obama Endorser & Former Obama Employer
-Obama Worked for ACORN as a Lawyer and “Community Organizer”
-Obama Campaign Gave $800,000 Behind the Scenes to ACORN
-ACORN Trying to Steal Election
-Inside Obama’s Acorn
Tony Rezko, the Convicted Felon from Chicago, one of Obama’s Business-Partner
-Obama is Close Friend with Convicted Fellon Tony Rezko
Louis Farakhan, the Radical Nation of Islam Leader from Chicago, an Obama “Worshipper”
-Jew/Christian-Hating Muslim Loius Farrakhan Calls Obama the “Messiah” – Children Listen in a Room With Hitler-Like Aura
Hamas, the Terrorist Organization that has Called for Elimination of Israel, Obama Endorser
-Terrorist Organization Hamas Has Endorsed Obama
Jeremiah Wright, the Radical American-Hating Pastor, Obama’s Spiritual Mentor
-Obama Went to Church for 20 years with American-Hating Pastor, Jeremiah Wright
The New Party, the Socialist Communist Activist Party of America, a Party of Which Obama is a Member and an Endorser of Obama
-Obama is a Member of & Sought Communist “New Party” Endorsement – The New Party & ACORN are United Behind Socialist Ideals
Barrack Hussein Obama Sr., a Communist Kenyan Politician, Obama’s Father -Barack Obama’s Economic Blueprint Sounds Like One His Communist Father Tried to Foist on Kenya 40 Years Ago, With Massive Taxes and Succor Shrouded as “Investments.”
Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Poet, Obama’s mentor
-Obama’s Communist Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis
Father Michael Phleger, a Radical American-Hating/Jew-Hating Priest, Obama’s Other Spiritual Mentor and Endorser
-Father Michael Phleger, Jeremiah Wright, and Louis Farakhan are Friends
Alice Palmer, a Communist Propagandist, Obama’s Political Mentor
-Palmer is much more than the “influential liberal”
Bernadine Dorne, the Other Unrepentent Domestic American Terrorist from Chicago, a Political Ally of Obama
Wikipedia Bernadine Dorne Obama once visited ’60s radicals