All posts by thenewbostonteaparty


France has long been the hot bed of liberal activity; since the fall of the Bastille, the French have frolically played to the prurient interests of man. Eros was their God. Freedom of the press their liberty, for the state validated the prurient interest of its politicians.

However, things have gone awry, foreigners with a different ideology have invaded the country and yesterday they manifested their true nature; murders of innocents who didn’t tow their line. Muslims, Islamists all the same, in the name of Jihad, executed Charlie in a brazen raid in broad daylight.

There is no appeasement here, the French must demand the heads of the perpetrators by the method utilized by their forefathers;  Punishment by the GUILLOTINE   will send a message to all worlds Muslims, the western world does not want you. We have seen your work, your religion is no religion at all it is a political agenda which demands all to serve your killer God.

Time now for the world to wake up and do what is right, exterminate the cancer before it exterminates you. Wake up Christians. Do you not realize that turning the other cheek is tantamount to death.

Doesn’t ISIS, Boko Haram, Islamic Jihad, al Qaeda and the Taliban give you a clue.


Any country that does not take this seriously will succumb to Islam in a short two or three decades. As the day passes into night, country after country will pass from Christian majority to Islam hegemony. Don’t take our word for it, but look to the appeasing politicians in Germany, France, Sweden, England, Norway and the United States.

Islam is not a religion it is a political agenda disguised as a religion; a real killing machine. The Middle East is in flames, Africans of the Christian faith have seen their blood color the Nile red, the last time this happened was two thousand years ago. If this is not a wake up call there never will be.

Appeasement is a euphemism for surrender. Do you want to be a part of THIS.

Click here for German protests against Islamization while the Church warns against German Christians extremists. Pathetic! Back in the 30’s Germany abdicated to the Nazi’s; today we find them lying down for the Islamists.

What is Pegida?

  • Founded in Dresden by activist Lutz Bachmann in October 2014
  • Acronym for Patriotische Europaer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West)
  • Umbrella group for German right-wing, attracting support from mainstream conservatives to neo-Nazi factions and football hooligans
  • Holds street protests against what it sees as a dangerous rise in the influence of Islam over European countries
  • Claims not to be racist or xenophobic
  • 19-point manifesto says the movement opposes extremism and calls for protection of Germany’s Judeo-Christian culture



Obama the Robbin Hood President.  Stealing from the middle class then transferring their wealth to the enabled parasite.

America has paid a terrible price for the horrendous mistake made in 2008 and again in 2012. During his eight year term (two to go) Obama has irreparably harmed the United States. One look at the map after the 2014 election will validate this conclusion.

The United States is divided more now than it was fifty years ago. The fault lies with Obama and Holder, two of America’s race baiting duo.  Add in a cadre of Czars and one can see the destructive nature of his administration. Both believe that a Dred Scott environment still exists, that Blacks and Hispanics are second hand citizens. We weigh in that Spain was guilty of murdering millions of Latinos as they colonized the Americas. Why are they then given preferential status?

To rectify their naive and biased way of thinking the two anti-American usurpers want immediate retribution. Obama trashed Zimmerman in the stand your ground affair and then doubled up on the Garner death. And don’t forget Holder is still fuming over the Supreme Court decision regarding North Carolina’s newly enacted voter registration law.  Holder lives in the wrong century still believing that a poll tax still exists.

The North Carolina case, unlike those in Ohio and Wisconsin, is tied to the Supreme Court’s 2013 ruling that struck down the formula used by Congress to decide which states must pre-clear all changes in voting procedures with the federal government. That ruling allowed the Tar Heel State and others, mostly in the South, to act without federal approval.

Back to Obama’s violating the Constitution by allowing millions of illegals to stay in this country by a policy of deferred action. Such policy has never existed on a global scale.  The new Congress set to meet this week will have to address the Obama’s illegal action. We expect this fight to be adjudicated by the Surpeme Court. When they decide that Obama has exceeded his power under the Constitution there will be no excuse to not deport the millions of illegals, specifically those who ran rampant over our borders, invading our country from Central American countries.



The usurper in the White House, better know as Barack HUSSEIN Obama, don’t let that middle name fool you; it is important to note that his border jumping criminal half-aunt, Zeituni Onyango, who died at the age of 61 in Boston, Massachusetts. Isn’t that appropriate, where the revolution began, but still lives, this welfare enabled criminal was not deported. And we are not remiss to say that Obama condoned her behavior. This is nothing new from Obama’s far flung flaunting family, don’t forget his father was a bigamist; already married when he took it to Stanley Ann Durham. Barack Obama Sr. fathered six sons and a daughter in addition to Obama.

At the age of 23, Obama Sr. had come to Hawaii to pursue his education, leaving behind a pregnant wife and infant son in his home town of Nyang’oma Kogelo in Kenya. Dunham and Obama Sr. were married on the Hawaiian island of Maui on February 2, 1961, despite parental opposition from both families. Dunham was three months pregnant. Obama Sr. eventually informed Dunham about his first marriage in Kenya but claimed he was divorced. Years later, she would discover this was false. Obama Sr.’s first wife, Kezia, later said she had granted her consent for him to marry a second wife, in keeping with Luo customs. Obama was raised in a Muslim family. When he was about six years old and attending a Christian missionary school, the boy converted to Anglicanism when strongly encouraged by the staff. He changed his name from “Baraka” to “Barack


She first came into the public eye in 2008 when reporters discovered she was living illegally in South Boston. At the time, then-Sen. Obama said he had no knowledge of her status. She had emigrated from Kenya in 2000, seeking political asylum, but her request was denied in 2004. She would later tell CBS Boston that she couldn’t afford to leave the U.S. when her asylum request was denied. She lived in a homeless shelter for two years before being assigned public housing.

Immigration attorney Margaret Wong later helped her win her asylum case in Boston’s immigration court, which she won in 2010. She later received a green card. What a joke.

She is not the only relative of the president to have run into trouble with immigration authorities. The president’s Kenyan-born half uncle, Onyango Obama, ignored a deportation order in 1992 but was granted permission to stay in the U.S. last December.

n 2010 Onyango was granted political asylum. Interviewed in September 2010 following this action, she described having lived in a homeless shelter for two years in Boston while waiting for her public housing apartment. She said that she received disability checks of up to $700 a month. She did not apologize for overstaying her visa.

“I don’t mind,” she said. “You can take that house. I can be on the streets with homeless people. I didn’t ask for it. They gave it to me. Ask your system. I didn’t create it or vote for it. Go and ask your system.”

And the beat goes on: Onyango donated money to her nephew’s 2008 presidential campaign, but these were considered illegal under US law. Foreign citizens and/or immigrants without green cards may not make political donations. The campaign said they would return her donations, regardless of her status, to avoid any appearance of wrong doing.

Wow, a typical American family to say the least.


News coming from Nevada report that Harry Reid was on the receiving end of an elastic band that let lose from a piece of exercise equipment he was using, resulting in broken ribs and facial lacerations which included broken bones. Just can’t wait for this lawsuit. The trial bar accident chasers will hop on this one quicker than a progressive tax hike. As a courtesy to a fellow human being we wish him well, Godspeed and a speedy recovery.


We won’t hear much from ex Governor Mario Cuomo anytime soon as he passed into another world yesterday. But his son, the Governor of New York, a raging liberal with a mouth full of pittiful diatribe that casts conservatives as extremists continues with the invective. As they say, “like father like son” and so it is.

Back to 1984, Ronald Reagan was our President, during Mario Cuomo’s keynote speech at the 1984 Democratic National Convention eviscerated the Gipper like none before. As always, the the Democratic way to electrify the troops is to run rampant with a diseased mouth blaming the conservatives as bigots, racists, anti-women, anti Big Government, and anti EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING; 2014 proved Cuomo holding the short end of the stick. Secondly, the Keynesian agenda has failed miserably sliding the country down a trail that resembles Greece just a half dozen years ago. Some of Cuomo’s vitriol from that speech follows. You will recognize the words because Obama has preached to the same crowd over and over again.

Ten days ago, President Reagan admitted that although some people in this country seemed to be doing well nowadays, others were unhappy, even worried, about themselves, their families, and their futures. The President said that he didn’t understand that fear. He said, “Why, this country is a shining city on a hill.” And the President is right. In many ways we are a shining city on a hill.

But the hard truth is that not everyone is sharing in this city’s splendor and glory. A shining city is perhaps all the President sees from the portico of the White House and the veranda of his ranch, where everyone seems to be doing well. But there’s another city; there’s another part to the shining the city; the part where some people can’t pay their mortgages, and most young people can’t afford one; where students can’t afford the education they need, and middle-class parents watch the dreams they hold for their children evaporate.

In this part of the city there are more poor than ever, more families in trouble, more and more people who need help but can’t find it. Even worse: There are elderly people who tremble in the basements of the houses there. And there are people who sleep in the city streets, in the gutter, where the glitter doesn’t show. There are ghettos where thousands of young people, without a job or an education, give their lives away to drug dealers every day. There is despair, Mr. President, in the faces that you don’t see, in the places that you don’t visit in your shining city.


In fact, Mr. President, this is a nation — Mr. President you ought to know that this nation is more a “Tale of Two Cities” than it is just a “Shining City on a Hill.”

Maybe, maybe, Mr. President, if you visited some more places; maybe if you went to Appalachia where some people still live in sheds; maybe if you went to Lackawanna where thousands of unemployed steel workers wonder why we subsidized foreign steel. Maybe — Maybe, Mr. President, if you stopped in at a shelter in Chicago and spoke to the homeless there; maybe, Mr. President, if you asked a woman who had been denied the help she needed to feed her children because you said you needed the money for a tax break for a millionaire or for a missile we couldn’t afford to use.

Maybe — Maybe, Mr. President. But I’m afraid not. Because the truth is ladies and gentlemen, that this is how we were warned it would be. President Reagan told us from the very beginning that he believed in a kind of social Darwinism. Survival of the fittest. “Government can’t do everything,” we were told, so it should settle for taking care of the strong and hope that economic ambition and charity will do the rest. Make the rich richer, and what falls from the table will be enough for the middle class and those who are trying desperately to work their way into the middle class.

You know, the Republicans called it “trickle-down” when Hoover tried it. Now they call it “supply side.” But it’s the same shining city for those relative few who are lucky enough to live in its good neighborhoods. But for the people who are excluded, for the people who are locked out, all they can do is stare from a distance at that city’s glimmering towers.

We speak for the minorities who have not yet entered the mainstream. We speak for ethnics who want to add their culture to the magnificent mosaic that is America. We speak — We speak for women who are indignant that this nation refuses to etch into its governmental commandments the simple rule “thou shalt not sin against equality,” a rule so simple —

So, as we enter the New Year with much promise, a new Congress down home conservative optimism, we still are aware of the flame throwing class dividing President, who will do everything in his power to double down on the Cuomo’s agenda. The 2014 election was a vote for America, most Americans are not New Yorkers, nor will they ever be.  

Click here to listen to a hardened anti-Constitution prggressive  foaming at the mouth progressive Governor Andrew Cuomo as he proposes to the legislature a tough New York gun law.  Tune into the 2.30 mark when he calls us EXTREMISTS. A majority of Americans would agree that a speech like that would render the speaker a place in a mental institution.  America is sick of anti gun, anti Constitution, anti patriotic Americans such as Cuomo and his breed. 


teapartylogoredHappy New Year. Since January 1, 2008, long before Rick Santelli’s rant from the floor of CBOE, the New Boston Tea Party engaged the public with their first blog entry. The question we posted then and still do is, is a “Revolution” possible? We still believe it is.

Marx’s philosophy was such that he thought it best that socialism prevail over capitalism; that is the profits of labor be distributed by the state to the people rather than kept by the capitalists. Well today we find ourselves in a similar position, but the profits are no longer being kept by the capitalists, sure some are, but it is the government (local, state, federal) that is picking the pockets of the middle class via a burdensome tax system (fees, regulations, excise) and distributing the profits to the government employee and society’s loser. This has to stop.

We are entering a new phase in 2015, Republicans control Congress. Now is the time for them to produce. The Tea Party is responsible for them taking power; for we mad it plain and simple that the past way of doing business, compromising our principles, will no longer be tolerated.  They better take note.

Happy New Year Patriots.


Give them MORE money, a breather of sort, to get their act together, and what do they do, spit in your face, blame you for their fate and when you are not looking tell you to shove it where the sun don’t shine.  So that is the thanks the EU Central bank gets for loaning the Hellenistic leaches $290 billion. The story is about to culminate in a bloody climax soon pitting austerity vs socialism.

After years of tough budget cuts, Greece’s economy is emerging from recession but the radical left Syriza party is leading in the opinion polls. Its leader says “austerity will be history” if Syriza wins on 25 January. The Syriza leader told supporters that the vote had marked the “end of the regime that sank the country into poverty, unemployment, grief and desperation.”  German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said there was “no alternative” to structural changes.

Bailouts put the squeeze on the budget cheats, the socialist cookers of the books, now they want to return to their paper hanger ways. Audacity from a bankrupt nation that has little bargaining power. A word to their bankers, learn from past mistakes, don’t throw good money after bad. With a 25% unemployment rate, an economy in tatters, most citizens looking for a free meal and most of all a country which is sinking faster than the Titanic ever did. Time is to let them hit rock shoals where the birds of prey will gladly carve up what remains.

The government of Greece employs 41% of the working populations. They enjoy benefits only a CEO could dream of. The root of the problem is the condoning of deficits by political liberals who enjoyed the good life at the top of government year after year, winning elections as long as they kept the spigots open. Sounds similar to politicians here in the United States.


Just as he does every December, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, along with other PA officials, made the Christmastime claim that Jesus Christ was a Palestinian, rather than a Judean. What an insult to Christianity and Christian history to have this Jew Hater spew out this filth which denigrates Christianity and the Son of God. Abbas, a suicide bomber, has resorted to what can be called hallucinations of the mind.  So now we have it, according to Mazen, Jesus is a Palestinian Muslim.

The facts from the new testament, text defines Jesus as  a Jewish resident of Judea. The Roman Empire changed the name of “Judea” to “Palestine” one hundred years after Jesus’s death.

Palestinian Christians have suffered as dhimmis for centuries. An English traveler in the Holy Land in 1816, for example, remarked that Christians were not permitted to ride on horseback without express permission from the Muslim Pasha.5

Other European travelers to the Holy Land mentioned the practice whereby “a dhimmi must not come face to face with a Muslim in the street but pass him to the left, the impure side,” and described how Christians were humiliated and insulted in the streets of Jerusalem until the mid-1800s. The British consul in Jerusalem wrote that in the Holy Land, particularly in Jerusalem until 1839, Christians were pushed into the gutter by any Muslim who would swear: “turn to my left, thou dog.” They were forbidden to ride on a mount in town or to wear bright clothes.

From 1953 until 1967, Jordan undertook to Islamize the Christian quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem by laws forbidding Christians to buy land and houses….It ordered the compulsory closure of schools on Muslim holidays and authorized mosques to be built near churches, thus preventing any possibility of enlargement.

In Israel, too, Muslim fundamentalists seek to assert dominance over Christian Arabs. “Attacks against and condemnation of Christians are also often heard in mosques, in sermons and in publications of the Muslim Movement.”16 In Nazareth, a significant clash developed in recent years when Muslims sought to build a grand mosque next to the Basilica of the Annunciation, the dominant Christian landmark in the town

The PA, in fact, denies historic Jewish – and thus Christian – ties to Jerusalem. Walid M. Awad, Director of Foreign Publications in the Palestinian Ministry of Information, asserted: “The location of the [Jewish] Temple on the Temple Mount is in question….There are scholars who say that it might be in Jericho or somewhere else 4 kilometers outside of Jerusalem.” Asked “The New Testament talks of Jesus going to the Temple in Jerusalem. Are you suggesting that Jesus went to Jericho rather than Jerusalem?” he responded, “It depends on what temple you think he went to.”44 U.S. Ambassador Dennis Ross asserted: “The only new idea [Arafat] raised at Camp David was that the temple didn’t exist in Jerusalem.”

Continuing the Islamic tradition of Saladin – who constructed two mosques contiguous to and taller than the Church of the Holy Sepulcher – mosques have mushroomed adjacent to and usually taller than churches. Loudly amplified Muslim sermons have been aired during Christian services, including the Pope’s April 2000 address in Nazareth, which had to be halted until the Muslim call to prayer was concluded.

Christians should start demanding blood for blood when it comes to Muslim incitement. Prayers only go so far.