Tag Archives: potus


Not a day goes by without some progressive pundit, talking head journalist, also-ran comedian mocking the Trump administration and his family. But it goes to far when they cast their wrath at the FLOTUS.  These pukes have gone so low as to target the President’s son Barron. But this is was unexpected. To see the left demagogues take the law road attacking the President’s wife and son is beyond the pale.

Once they saw the handwriting on the wall on the night of November 8th the accusations, vilification, false accusations, scorn and ridicule movement went into high gear. 

Hillary called us Deplorable and then she trampled on the Women who voted for Trump as if they didn’t have a mind of their own. We waited eight years to depose a president who sided with the enemy and BTW while Hillary was Secretary of State she was responsible for four of our brave men being slaughtered to death in Benghazi. Then she lied about it. She, a megalomaniac, who has accepted the devistating defeat she took at the hands of the American voter.

Trump came to Washington because most of Americans were fed up, fed up with Big Government, fed up with lies and fed up with Fake news.  Trump is in the process of outing the skeemers and skammers, he is slowly cleaning up the Swamp and the hellhole of the insiders who work for themselves and not us. The bureaucracy is hell bent on destroying Trump – they are prejudiced, biased and belligerent.

In a bizarre response, late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel launched an attack on Melania Trump over the White House annual Easter Egg Roll. First he derided Melania as being uninvolved in the set-up of the event. “Not a chance she did one thing to help set that up. There’s no — she didn’t dye eggs, she didn’t fill baskets.” 

Cal Thomas: We’re heading for a breaking point in Washington

That is why certain issues resurface during (and between) election cycles. Issues like the poor (but likely only when Republicans are in power, not when Democrats hold the majority), education (stated goals are never achieved, and no matter how much is spent it is never enough, which is why the left opposes school choice), the environment (“climate change” appears to remain an unchallengeable doctrine for the left, though there is some evidence ignored by liberal media that strongly suggests otherwise), taxes and spending (history shows the benefits of small government and low taxes, but in an age of envy, greed and entitlement one finds it increasingly difficult to teach self-reliance when the federal government is seen by too many as a giant ATM).


Yes we did it, we talked the talk and now Trump is talking the walk.  Only a week has gone by and President Trump (doesn’t that sound good?) has instituted several measures through the use of “Executive Orders.” He had a good teacher, Barack Hussein Obama. Obama’s rule was best described as a dictatorial in your face like it or not.  Most if not all of his actions were partisan; Not one Republican signed on to Obamacare. That is where the problem lies, what can be done by one man can be outdone by one man. Orders were given this week by Trump to eviscerate the individual mandate sending a shiv right into Obama’s heart. By no means is this the end, but the beginning.

Orders went out to prevent citizens from several countries, mostly Muslim, to enter the United States. Of course there were cries from the far left. Their concern was that Trump was singling out Muslims. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia topped the list. Referring to Christians Trump said, “We are going to help them.” “They’ve been horribly treated. Do you know if you were a Christian in Syria it was impossible, at least very tough, to get into the United States?”

He didn’t stop there by including countries south of the border, including Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and more. He knows who commits the most crime in America. This is no laughing matter. United States agencies, sanctuary cities, judges and other law enforcement officers (get it – law enforcement officers – that is a misnomer if we every saw one, either fail to enforce the law or maximize sentences or kick the criminals out for good. How can we be safe if illegal criminals continue to live here.

However, this is the start, it gets better. For instance, orders were put out to stop the global warmers at the EPA fro talking climate change. From the past anecdotal evidence public comments were biased, facts skewed and agenda pushed. Those with facts contradicting the warmers were silenced or fired. Big Government was silenced too; orders went out regarding a hiring freeze. Regarding Obamacare, all public relations, public announcements and such were to be vetted before issued. See below for the edict given to “SQUEAKY”

From “Will There Be An Internal Revolt Against Trump?” by Tevi Troy, in the February issue of Commentary:

My first face-to-face encounter with the federal bureaucracy came on January 22, 2001. I was the deputy director of a “parachute team” for incoming president George W. Bush, and our job was to “secure the beachhead” at the Department of Labor on the first day of the new administration. (The political realm loves to borrow military metaphors.) That meant stopping the department from issuing guidance, rules, and statements that reflected the views of the departing Clinton administration. The most important tactical objective in this mission, we were told, was this: Secure the fax machine! (It was 2001, after all.) At that time, there was one specially designated fax machine used to send new regulatory language to the Federal Register, which publishes all newly minted regulations. There was a bureaucrat I’ll call Mitchell Sykes whose job it was to man that fax machine. We were to find Sykes and stop him from doing anything.

We were barely in the door when the cultural differences between the federal bureaucracy and the rest of America became apparent. We arrived at 8 a.m. The vast majority of career officials, we learned, did not arrive at 8 a.m. So we had trouble finding Mitchell Sykes. We began asking around and were met with shrugs and unknowing looks. The director of the parachute team began to grow agitated. His face reddened, his voice rose, and he slammed the table once or twice. Finally, well after 10, more than two hours after we had first arrived, we were told that Mitchell Sykes was outside our office. With great anticipation, we looked to the door to catch our first glimpse of the all-powerful bureaucratic potentate, the man who controlled the entire Federal Register for the $12 billion, 17,000-strong behemoth called the Department of Labor. And in walked . . . a nebbish. Balding, bespectacled, with J.C. Penney slacks hiked up above his waist. In a somewhat high-pitched voice, he introduced himself: “Hi, I’m Mitchell.”

The parachute team director looked at him and hesitated a moment, wondering if this could really be the man we were seeking, then asked, “Are you Mitchell Sykes?”

“Yes,” he responded meekly.

The director said: “I want you to stop sending all regulations to the Federal Register right now.”

“OK,” Sykes squeaked.


By now we have heard the reply to Obama’s last State of the Union Address. A pitiful rebuke if there ever was one. The South Carolina Governor acted like a Union soldier killing General Grant after the surrender of General Robert E. Lee at the Appomattox Court House.

Image result for appomattox court house surrender
The Battle of Appomattox Court House, fought on the morning of April 9, 1865, was one of the last battles of the American Civil War. It was the final engagement of Confederate Army general Robert E. Lee‘s Army of Northern Virginia before it surrendered to the Union Army under Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.

Judge Jeanine Pirro had none of it, she again manifested her rage with a right on diatribe, a vitriolic invective that Nikki Haley had coming. Click here for Judge Jeanine.  Chalk up Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan for the negativity against Trump. Now we know why these two Obama lapdogs have licked the feet of Obama for the past seven years. 


Department of State employees continue to cover-up for Hillary Clinton. Under court order to produce Clinton’s emails they have consistently delayed and/or indicated none exist. Now we have learned that they have failed to produce 82% of Clinton’s emails by the December 31, 2015 deadline; blaming the holidays for the delay.

In reality employees of the department are scanning these emails for the smoking gun or guns which will tighten the rope on Clinton’s neck, but obviously not turn these over. John the lackey Kerry is now in charge of what emails are to be released; Kerry gets his orders directly from POTUS.CHAPPAQUA

The newly released emails reveal Clinton and one of her closest aides, Jake Sullivan, had an exchange in September 2010 that showed considerable confusion over her email practices.

The time has come for America to rise up and demand that this rogue candidate be incarcerated in a Federal Prison; she is a traitor to our country a duplicitous liar to boot. If the FBI does not arrest her, then America knows what to do next.


Gay Paree was shown much love by ISIS on Friday night, actually a kiss of death before setting off their suicide vests and unloading their AK-47s. What would perturb them enough to let loose on the city of love? We are hell bent to find an answer, other than these are Islamic terrorists.

Their goal is to send fear into the very bones of their victims. And they certainly did a good job. President Obama, a member of the JV team, doesn’t appear fazed by the threat; in fact POTUS didn’t think much of it.  Apparently the killing of 140 innocent civilians is a daily occurrence in Chicago.

But we can’t stop thinking of this because ISIS said their next target –God Willing– is Washington D.C. Certainly this is a threat that must be taken seriously. For them to take out a plane killing 224 and now bringing mayhem and death to Paris, any sane person would have to wonder when not if they will hit us. Again, we repeat the words of President Obama, this is only a minor setback.

Now members of the liberal establishment are second guessing their outreach to the  Muslim criminals coming into the United States from Syria. It is important to note that Obama has opened the flood gates to hundreds of thousands of what may turn out to be a whole division of ISIS suicide bombers. We just don’t know, as France did not know either. Stolen, fabricated and counterfeit passports are easily gotten in today’s world.

The government said that there is an adequate vetting process. They think that most Americans are so stupid that they could pull the wool over their eyes. Apparently many governors think differently. The resistance at the state level is coalescing at a rapid clip. So far, governors in at least 16 states have moved to suspend or restrict the refugee resettlement, including Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,  Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas and Wisconsin.

Listen to Obama in the video one has to wonder what is he thinking. POTUS gave birth to ISIS, it is he who gave them the go ahead to form a Caliphate. Expect more bombs, more fear and more government denial. The Jews who voted for Obama must be beside themselves as the Muslim Jew haters saturate major cities in our country. We begin to wonder how many Jews will be voting for Liberal candidates in 2016.


From the WSJ

President Obama says the nuclear deal with Iran depends on verification, not trust. But what if Iran has a very different interpretation of what verification entails than does Mr. Obama?

Take Ali Akar Velayati, a top adivser to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who appreapared on Al-Jazeera on July 31 and was asked about U.N. inspections of Iran’s military sites. Here’s how he replied, according to Memri translation service:

“Regardless of how the P5-1 countries interpret the nuclear agreement, their entry into our military sites is absolutely forbidden. The entry of any foreigner, including IAEA inspectors or any other inspector, to the sensitive military sites of the Islamic Republic is forbidden, no matter  what.”

Interviewer: “That’s final?”

Mr. Velayati: “yes, final.”

Yet Mr. Obama has been assuring Americans that inspectors will have access to any suspicious site after a maximum of 24 days. Is Mr. Velayati mistaken, and if he is, will someone else in Iran put that on the record? Congress sould find out.


We will hazard a guess that the majority of Jewish Americans are not high fiving the Iranian deal with the words shalom (peace); most Americans are against the deal too. However Obama and Kerry knelt down on the Iranian prayer rugs blessing the Koran. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait shook to their very bones as POTUS blew them away; they are now part of the Israeli axis. If the time comes to defend themselves against a nuclear weapon, the Sunni Arab states will most likely depend on Israel to protect them.

Since mounting the throne Obama has thrown Israel under the bus. There is no doubt about it. But the time of truth has come for Charles Schumer and the rest of the Jewish Senators – Blumenthal, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Benett, Cardin, Franken, Schatz, Sanders and Wyden to stand up to POTUS.  Their only choice, defy Obama a pyrrhic victory. By doing so they will put themselves in political purgatory.  The only question remains; do they have the courage to do what is right?


The message sent to POTUS was simple; give us what we want or we will make your life miserable for two more years. The American people have spoken; loud and clear they are telling you that business as “Harry Reid usual” is off the table. The Republicans have an agenda, you may not like it, but America is telling you to take a deep breath and suck it in.

By the way Mr. President, your Man Reid is responsible for seven or eight of your puppet Senators going down in flames. In fact, the good citizens of Illinois, we firmly believe that not all Illini are gang bangers, voted in a Republican governor. Just wondering if you got that message.

Well in any event 2015 brings in a new year. The only question remains – will you change your spots?  As far as we know which is not as much as you, it is apparent that your spots will not change, alacrity on your part is a rare commodity; we expect that you will continue  the blame game – class warfare campaign for two more years. But this seems to be out of character with past changes of the guard, even Bill Clinton saw the light and changed welfare as “we know it.”

Again, from our vantage point the American people have spoken, the message is “no more welfare, food stamps, Obamacare, free housing and to top it off, your pet peeve, allowing illegals, mostly all criminals from invading our borders. These are only starters, but as they say in baseball, the table has been set. Now it is your time Mr. President to eat.

One more thing, “politics is a blood sport and yesterday your flock spilled a whole lot; in so doing your agenda has been mortally wounded; lick your wounds Barry,  Harry Reid’s hands and mouth have been bound shut, his help is no longer available.



In the days ahead Obama is expected to unleash a fire storm of criticism when he gives carte blanche green cards to 11 million illegals. This is an outright  declaration of war. From Obama’s perspective, if the illegals were able to vote this year, his water carriers would not have gone down to defeat. As to the election results Obama said that many voters (illegal) sat out the election because they were not engaged. Therefore, Obama has decided to listen to the ‘no voter’ and put them in a position to elect a Democrat President in 2016.