All posts by thenewbostonteaparty


ElectoralCollege2000.svg The Electoral Map after the George W. Bush win in 2000 is indicative of what is to come in 2016. Easily taking the middle of the country, but leaving mostly the west coast and New England liberals in their wake besides the upper mid-west union strongholds. And this is changing, note Wisconsin’s Walker crushing all Democrats who threatened him.

What the Republicans need to do and quickly is to get their Presidential act together, stop the infighting and coalesce  around one candidate early. Campaign vigorously, transparent and tell it like it is. Do that and in 2016 we will rule the roost. Don’t let the lame stream media tell you any different. They have already stated that the Democrats will win back the Senate; wishful thinking losers are they.

We will win in 2016 because the Country saw Obama once and that was enough. Every Democrat running in 2016 is Obama, remember that. The good people in Louisiana did.




Nun Pleads for Christians Raped, Sold, Killed by ISIS

Leo Hohmann, WND, December 23, 2014

It is the season of “peace on Earth,” but Sister Hatune Dogan has a chill in her spirit that could be felt only in a time of war.

The Orthodox Christian nun feels it with each new atrocity committed against the Yazidi and Christian minorities of Syria and Iraq. She feels it in the church burnings across Egypt and the slaughter of innocent children in Pakistan.

For this reason she brought a word of warning to Americans in a visit last week to Minnesota, where she spoke to several church groups.

Today’s political climate draws her back to 1915 and her native Turkey, when her family experienced the cruelty of the Ottoman caliphate, which slaughtered 3 million Christians and reduced others to second-class status under subjugation, or “dhimmitude.”

ISIS is nothing new, she said, just the re-emergence of Islam’s dark side.

“ISIS is not fanatic. ISIS is not more terrible. ISIS is real Muslim believers who like to follow the Quran and Muhammad,” said the founder of Warburg, Germany-based Sister Hatune Foundation, a worldwide relief organization that has been honored by the German government for its dedication to human rights. “Others say they are Muslim. They say they believe Quran, but they don’t follow it.”

Armenian Christians accounted for about half of the 3 million victims in Turkey, but the other half were Christians of various ethnic backgrounds–Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox and Protestants. All felt the boot of jihad against their heads.


She believes Christians in the West should learn what is written in the Muslim holy book. If they did, they would realize that the Islamic State, also called ISIS, is not doing anything that hasn’t been done in the past by devout Muslims who have conquered a people they see as “infidels.”

Sister Hatune in India

Where are all the Christians?

Sister Hatune points to the fact that 96 percent of the people who populated the Middle East at the turn of the eighth century were Christian. Now, that Christian population has dwindled to 6 percent. Turkey was once almost all Christian, but now it is 0.03 percent Christian. Iraq had 1 million Christians under Saddam Hussein, but now only a few thousand remain, and the churches of Baghdad will be mostly empty this Christmas.

“Where are these Christians? Where are these people? Just ask yourself,” said the fiery nun, whose native tongue is Aramaic.


The Sister Hatune Foundation works in 35 countries with Matthew 25:34-40 as its mission statement–feeding, clothing, sheltering and providing medical care to the poor and persecuted of the world. She has been making regular trips to the Middle East since 2005, and ISIS presents a new challenge: trying to rescue orphaned children from its clutches.

Sister Hatune returned to her home convent in Germany for only a few days before she will make another trip to the Middle East to celebrate Christmas with persecuted Christians. She was with them in November when she visited refugee camps in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. She also sneaked into Syria to meet with Christians there.


Drawing on her own family background, Sister Hatune has recently finished work on her 13th book, “I Believe in Action,” written to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Christian genocide in Turkey. In this book she compares the life of Jesus to that of Muhammad, Islam’s main prophet.

“I not write from my head. All facts,” she said. “Muhammad came and he brought killing, beheading, pedophilia. He slept with a 9-year-old girl, he married when she was 6 years old. We know because she says it herself in the Hadith. In Yemen today, where Shariah is the law, they have to marry the girl before her first menstruation, maximum of age 13, because it is written.”

Sister Hatune thumbs through her Quran and finds another verse that she says leads Muslims to murder Christians in the Middle East.

“Twenty-five times in Quran it says to kill Christians because we are involved in polytheism,” she said, explaining that Muslims do not understand the concept of the Holy Trinity. “Also it says to not make friends with Christians.”

Europe is on its way to becoming the next battleground for Islam, especially Belgium and France, where Muslims make up 6 to 10 percent of the population. Sister Hatune’s adopted country of Germany is at least 4 percent Muslim and has more than 4,000 mosques.

A mosque is not just for prayer,” the nun said. “It is to prepare to kill the unbeliever and control the world.”

In the Quran there are 97 verses against the unbeliever.

“And there are verses against the Christians who say God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or that Jesus is the Son of God. They have to be beheaded, the head cut off from the neck; no other interpretation. This is what the Muslims are doing. Normal Muslims, who are really Muslims, have to follow this rule,” she said. “There will never be peace on Earth if these verses of the Quran are not stopped. It is in the Quran, Hadith and sunna 36,800 times, the words ‘cut,’ ‘kill’ or ‘attack.’ How can there be peace on Earth?”

The Quran also gives Muslim men permission to rape girls and women who are held captive as slaves (Sura 23:5-6).

In conquered cities, ISIS has marked the homes of Christians with a red symbol of the Nazarene. They are then visited by ISIS militants who bring unspeakable horrors upon the families.

Sister Hatune says it is justified under Sura 5:33 in the Quran, which states:

Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land.

Muslim apologists in the West say the verse is taken out of context by “Islamophobes,” but Sister Hatune believes otherwise.

“Those of us Christians from Middle East. We know them. We know their rules,” she said.

Today there are 57 Islamic countries living under Islamic law.



To Democrats:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.
I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2015, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great.  Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere.  Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.
To all my Republican friends:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



DeBlasio and Sharpton condone frontier justice. Two of New York’s finest gunned down.  The president of the city’s largest police union, Patrick Lynch, blamed Mr. de Blasio for the tragedy. The officers’ blood “starts on the steps of City Hall,” he said, “in the office of the mayor.”
It turns out that almost everything bleated out by the race-mongers and the low-information/left media, about the Eric Garner tragedy, has turned out to be wrong.
Eric Garner, a 43-year-old father of six, is dead. This is a tragedy, regardless of the circumstances.  When we witness a gut-rending tragedy like this, we want to know who is responsible. Who is to blame for depriving this family of its husband and father? As the facts emerge, it becomes increasingly clear that, as tragic as this situation is, in the end the culpability for Eric Garner’s death, rests with Eric Garner.
To put it as simply as possible, if Mr. Garner had not broken the law and then resisted arrest, he would be alive today.
While protesters are trying to make this about race, it must be noted that the police showed up in response to complaints from black business owners.
The arrest was ordered by a black officer, and the arrest itself was supervised by a black officer, a female sergeant.
A crackdown on the sale of illegal, untaxed cigarettes – called “loosies” since they are sold in singles rather than in packs – had been ordered just days before Garner’s arrest by the highest ranking black police officer in the NYPD, Philip Banks.
So a black officer ordered the crackdown, black business owners called for the arrest, a black officer ordered the arrest, and a black officer supervised the arrest itself. It’s also worth noting that the 23-member grand jury which refused to indict the arresting officer included nine non-white members. Ask yourself how many of those facts you have heard from any member of the race-obsessed, low-information media.
Garner had been arrested 31 times, and eight of those had been for selling loosies. His rap sheet goes back decades and includes arrests for assault and grand larceny.  At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with multiple offenses, including illegal sale of cigarettes, marijuana possession, false impersonation and driving without a license.   So he certainly knew the law, knew he was in violation, and knew doing it again would likely lead to his arrest, a drill he’d been through dozens of times before.
There were 228,000 misdemeanor arrests in New York City in 2013, the last year for which figures are available. All of them together led to precisely zero deaths.
Garner, all six-foot, three inches and 350 pounds of him, clearly resisted arrest, swatting away the arresting officer’s hands while loudly exclaiming, “Don’t touch me!” After he was taken to the ground, he growled, “This ends here!” That could be taken any number of ways, but in the heat of the moment it certainly could be read reasonably as a declaration that he was going to fight arrest until he was subdued by compelling force.
The patrolman who wrestled Garner to the ground, Daniel Pantaleo, did it by the book, using a takedown maneuver every policeman is taught at the academy. He did NOT, in fact, use a chokehold.  Garner was clearly able to breathe, since that’s the only way he could have repeatedly spoken.
The autopsy explicitly declares that there was NO injury to Garner’s windpipe or to his neck bones. This was a wrestler’s headlock, not a chokehold. (As a sidenote, chokeholds, while contrary to police policy, are not in fact illegal in the state of New York when an officer uses one to restrain a resisting subject. They are not even illegal in New York City, at the insistence of liberal mayor Bill DeBlasio.) Patrolman Pantaleo was not indicted for the simple reason that he did nothing wrong.
Garner’s death likely should be attributed to the fact that he himself suffered from severe asthma, something the arresting officers had no reason to know. According to Garner’s friends, his asthma was severe enough that he was forced to quit his job as horticulturist for the city. He wheezed when he talked and could not walk so much as a city block without having to stop to rest.  Garner “couldn’t breathe” because of his asthma, not because of a chokehold.
In addition, he suffered from heart disease, advanced diabetes, hypertension, obesity and sleep apnea. Contrary to public perception, he did not die on site, nor did he die of asphyxiation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance and was declared dead about an hour later at the hospital.
So it turns out that almost everything bleated out by the race-mongers and the low-information media has turned out to be WRONG!
Eric Garner and Michael Brown both fought the law, and the law won.  In the end, they have no one to blame but themselves.
New York Post columnist Bob McMcanus concluded his column on Eric Garner this way:
“There are many New Yorkers – politicians, activists, trial lawyers, all the usual suspects – who will now seek to profit from a tragedy that wouldn’t have happened had Eric Garner made a different decision.   “He was a victim of himself. It’s just that simple.”


policechiefbratton Police Commissioner Bratton looks on while his department shuns the Mayor.

  • NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton blamed the protests for the murders of Ramos and Liu, telling NBC’s “Today” show that “it’s quite apparent, quite obvious that the targeting of these two police officers was a direct spinoff of this issue of these demonstrations.” He also conceded the mayor had lost the trust of some cops.

Bringing out the rage, then setting in motion the loser who feels that righting a wrong is a job to be done; burning inside to act like the animal he is. Societies drecks are in waiting for that instant to be triggered, to be set off to kill by the likes of Sharpton and DeBlasio. And so it did happen as scripted culminating in the deaths at point blank range of two brave policemen whose blood is on the Mayor’s hands.  A week ago chain pulling agitators unleashed a crowd of protesters on the police injuring several of them while the Mayor did nothing; he did not have the back of New York’s finest, in fact New York’s Finest do not have DeBlasio’s back.

Brooklyn Republican State Senator Martin Golden said police had become “targets of violence.”

“Our NYPD have become targets of violence, and this cannot be allowed to go unanswered,” he said in a statement. “The Mayor needs to act swiftly to ensure that members of the NYPD are safe on the job.  We cannot allow our fellow men and women in uniform to be targets of violence. The time for sitting on the sidelines while our city is torn apart is over. Its time for the Mayor and his administration to act.  When our police are victims, everyone loses.”

And another Staten Island Republican, Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, said in a statement the city had “descended dangerously close to turmoil.”

“It is well past the time for our mayor and citywide leaders to call for a return to order in our streets, and take a hard stance that that lawlessness and aggression towards police officers will not be tolerated. Extreme anti-police sentiment and public unruliness have been permitted to fester for far too long,” she said.

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Rahm Emanuel’s son was the victim of a robbery on Friday. Of course Emanuel the younger was not carrying; the embattled City of Chicago is one place where carrying a hand gun is a means of survival- it comes down to life or death. The brazen hold-up is one more example of why Otis McDonald was so adamant when he challenged Chicago’s restrictive gun regulations.

Self protection is a 2nd Amendment right, however all individuals have a natural right to self protection that no government can take away.


Elizabeth Warren does not have Hillary Clinton’s back. Most likely she never did. Actually, when the 2016 Presidential election season plays out with Warren winning the Democrat primary, the question arises; will Clinton have Warren’s back? Interestingly enough Clinton had the back of Barack Hussein Obama. But this time Clinton will not be interested in playing Second Fiddle.  The reality will expose the Democrat cleavage.

Warren’s populous ultra left wing vs the pragmatic Clinton friendly to bankers and Wall Street wing which has as its primary motive to win elections; afterword laying down the law – for instance Dodd-Frank written with the help of banker’s lawyers. Warren will be in your face from the get go. But she does have some good talking points. For instance, the “bankers must pay for their wicked ways.”

Warren makes a valid point. Just six years ago the banks were headed for extinction. The cause “GREED”. The banking implosion was due to greed. Gordon Gekko said that greed was good; it became a pervasive philosophy among the bankers. And recent news reveals that JP Morgan Chase  acted accordingly; for Bankers play by a different set of rules. Thousands of bankers benefited from the collapse and very few have spent time behind bars woofing down three squares a day. However, they have spent much time devouring their favorite elixir in some of their favorite bars and bistros, all on our money.

The banking system is unlike most if not all private companies. The government has their back. The Federal Reserve is an incestuous institution, private and public at the same time; it provides liquidity in time of panics. That is where the major problem lies. Banks that took on too much risk, in the case of banks too big to fail, are bailed out. Hence they are rewarded for risk taking. That is wrong, they should be allowed to fail, pay the penalty and forgo their previous incentive payments and salaries.

Another prime example is the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), both GSO’s that operated with impunity while the top dogs bilked the companies fleeced the treasury and stockholders for all they had. Failed institutions do die, but their executives always pop up somewhere else. How about that Jon Corzine, ex gov of NJ, once the head honcho at MF Global allegedly participated in the sinister move of looting customer funds.

So coming into the 2016 debate the Republicans will have to alter their traditional message. “Greed by Bankers” is not good expecially when the government has their back. Middle America is not too pleased with not rogue bankers on the loose but ordinary bankers who rob banks from the inside, never spend much time in Club Fed, but live the life of Riley when their nickel ends.

Perhaps the Statue of Limitations has ended in many cases, but government claw back of the perpetrator’s loot is still an option. Drug dealers assets are seized why not bankers?


Consent of the Governed

Congress has clearly been bought and paid for by big special interests of various sorts whose demands have little or nothing in common with the wants and needs of We, the American People. The trillion dollar + “budget” they are ramming down our throats will add to a national debt that some believe has already reached the point where it can never be paid off. Our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren will be slaves to Big Government and their corporate masters in perpetuity. However…

I did not ask them to spend us into dept peonage, nor did I give them my permission to do so. Actually, I don’t know anyone who did, even my liberal friends. I didn’t ask or give government my go-ahead to loot the national treasury under the guise of “stimulus”, and I especially didn’t give them my blessing to distribute that hundreds of billions of dollars to the very bankers, brokers, and other Wall Street Fat Cats the current government claims to hate so much. I also gave not an iota of indication that giving amnesty to millions of ignorant, semi-literate, unskilled, lawbreaking, often racist, often violent foreigners who have no knowledge of, nor loyalty to, our county was something I wanted my government to do for me.

Likewise, I gave neither consent for nor approval of the government’s spying on its citizens, or its military mis-adventures in Libya, Syria, or its re-involvement in Iraq. I also didn’t ask for or sanction the arming of radical Islamist jihadis in the aforementioned countries. Moreover, I didn’t instruct them to interfere in the dispute between Russia and Ukraine, nor endorse the methods the government used to do so.

I expressed no desire for government to take up the fraudulent issue of “global warming” or “climate change” or whatever they are calling it this week, and make it the raison d’être for life in what’s left of America. I certainly did not ask nor give my consent for the unconstitutional EPA and the Corps of Engineers to rewrite our already draconian Clean Water Act to include not just navigable waters in their corrupt jurisdiction, but all waters, including the water from the taps in your house and the rain that drips off the brim of your hat.

In fact, there has been almost nothing that our government has done over the past six years that has been done because I or anyone I know has wanted it to happen. Repeat, nothing.

We have been betrayed by the people we naively elected, foolishly believing that they actually wanted to represent us and our vision of America. They have clearly sold out to get into the political elite, driven apparently by an insatiable greed for power and privilege. Not all, but the vast majority of them have broken every promise they made to get us to vote for them. Traitors and quislings of the worst sort.

So, as we approach the New Year, we find ourselves teetering on the brink of becoming a totalitarian, collectivist, Third World fascist nation, run by marginally intelligent racists and thieves, some of whom clearly suffer from mental disorders (Nazism redux?). Our Constitution might as well not exist, for all the attention it’s given by those in Washington. In theory, the new gaggle of Republicans we just elected will start to turn things around, but the blatant deception, bald-faced lying, and unabashed collusion with the radical Democrats pretty clearly indicates that the Republican Misleadership will never let that happen.

So, what are We, the People, to do? The current gang of lame-duck fascists has rigged the game so that even if they wanted to, the next batch to occupy Congress is not likely to roll back anything of significance. Thus, we are left with few choices, but what choices we have must be made soon.

One choice, since the civilian government has made it clear that it will do nothing to stop the lawlessness, is to encourage a coup d’état by the patriotic loyalists in the military. Despite the purge of hundreds of these patriots by the Obama regime, there is still a majority who would support a return to constitutional government. However, there’s always the possibility that this would backfire and that the military would not relinquish power.

Another option is for the States that still support the idea of a constitutional republic to individually secede from the already crumbling Union, and band together to form a new nation. Given the deep, apparently irreconcilable political, moral, philosophical, and economic divisions among Americans, this, to me, seems like the most viable solution. It’s one that many are already considering, and I believe needs to be seriously looked at and discussed.

Time is running out, and our rogue government is fomenting racial violence that can easily be used to justify its imposition of martial law. If that occurs, civil war will result. We need to face reality – not the false picture presented by the government and its Propaganda Ministry – and take the actions needed to protect ourselves and survive as a free people.