All posts by thenewbostonteaparty


Where have all the Keynesians gone? Hanging paper on the masses is their forte. The more they hang, the faster the economy runs, the employment ranks swell on the way to universal bliss. It is not turning out that way. Financial Armageddon awaits billions; the blame goes to the ability of governments to print fiat money (funny money).  Europe, in the throws of a imploding economy, China in a sink hole, Japan unable to grasp the brass ring, Latin America at the beck and call of the Marxism Chavistas, but last but not least the United States; they take the gold, really from all of its productive workers – deserving the moniker of  the paper hanger of all time.

QE I, QE II, QE III, a 17 trillion largesse machine built on plastic, IOU’s; give us credit and we will party like there is no tomorrow say the political scions. A champagne taste with a beer income.

Robots feasting on menial jobs, greens cogging the wheels of progress, social progressives preventing everything from fracking to pipelines.  Yet the bloated bureaucracy continues to eat at the taxpayer’s troth.  When will the insanity end? When will “we the people” capture Washington and bring those who created this mess and stole our lives to justice?


Biological Warfare and Dereliction of Duty

Barack Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama, Indonesian citizen and erstwhile Muslim, needs to be impeached. Now. Repeat, now.

The list of his high crimes and misdemeanors is long and growing by the day. Impeachment could have been done years ago, were it not for the criminal conspiracy among the ruling Democrats and the craven cowardice of complicitous Republicans. Fear of being slandered in the “mainstream” media as racist effectively suppressed criticism of Obama’s criminal acts and paralyzed the political establishment’s willingness to take action.

Citizens such as myself have been demanding impeachment for years (,,, but the calls appear to have fallen on the proverbial deaf ears that seem to be issued nowadays to politicians when they get to Washington. The result is the disaster the country has become today, and a world about to explode into war. Obama-Soetoro and his co-conspirators in the Democrat Party have been allowed to shred our Constitution, article by article, tear up our Bill of Rights, amendment by amendment, dismantle our economy, sector by sector, eliminate our private property rights, lot by lot, acre by acre, expand the overreach and power of the federal government into areas previously untouched by any but the most totalitarian of the world’s dictatorships.

The latest, and most egregious, example is the federal government’s (mis)handling of the spread of the Ebola epidemic. Forget the fact that our Surgeon General has yet to be heard from – has anyone looked under his desk? – or that radically contradictory statements are coming from “officials” on a daily basis. What should hit Americans like a 2×4 upside the head is that the government is doing virtually nothing – repeat, NOTHING – to stop Ebola from entering the United States. In fact, they seem to be encouraging its arrival here by refusing to close our borders and allowing what amounts to unrestricted entry of people traveling from the infected areas of Africa.

Ebola is already here, in Texas, in Georgia, probably in New York or New Jersey. In addition, Obama-Soetoro, as “Commander-in-Chief”, has ordered 3,000 of our military personnel to the infected areas of Africa where it is inevitable that some, if not all, will become infected themselves. They will then bring the disease home with them to infect God only knows how many more soldiers and American civilians. And it’s just a matter of time before the insanely fanatic Islamic barbarians in ISIS – created by the policies of the above mentioned Obama-Soetoro – start sending infected “martyrs” across our wide open southern and northern borders on “suicide missions” of unprecedented inhuman barbarity. These disease bombs, allowed what amounts to free and unrestricted entry, will disperse all over our country and it’s possible that in a mere matter of weeks, we will be overwhelmed by an epidemic that will kill thousands, perhaps millions.

It’s obvious to anyone who has not been living in a cave on the dark side of the Moon that the apparent bumbling and “incompetence” of the Obama-Soetoro administration in its response to what amounts to a critical national security/national health emergency is intentional. The failure to act decisively is gross dereliction of duty, as is his failure to attend his daily intelligence meetings or read the reports. This lying, America-hating Marxist has made it crystal clear that he has no intention of doing his job or obeying the law. He has plenty of time to play golf, attend fundraisers with Left Coast “celebrities” and Wall Street fat-cats, and take lavish and extravagant vacations on the taxpayer’s dime, but can’t be bothered to take any action to protect Americans, as directed by the Constitution he so clearly despises. Gross and undeniable dereliction of duty.

The man is so obviously out of control and drunk on his own seemingly endless ability to break our laws with impunity that the mind boggles that cries for his removal from office are not the only thing being heard. Instead, what we hear is his dictatorial proclamation that he will again violate our laws and, spitting in the faces of Congress, unemployed Americans, his union allies, unilaterally declare amnesty for the tens of millions of illegal aliens he has allowed to invade our country. This will, as even those on the left are starting to admit, destroy our public education, health, and public welfare systems, our economy (, and give citizenship to hundreds of thousands of violent criminals and terrorists.

Yet nothing – repeat, NOTHING – is being done to stop him.

Clearly, We, the People, are no longer the masters of our own govenment. The upcoming election is a charade designed to continue the illusion that we still have government by the consent of the governed. While we must still vote – in record numbers – I really don’t expect anything to change. By 2016, if we don’t put criminals like Obama-Soetoro and his underlings like Eric Holder, and corrupt fascist politicians like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in prison, America will be a Third World, possibly Islamic dictatorship, and our free, constitutional republic will be relegated to the dustbin of revisionist history. It’s up to us an no one else (, see particularly paragraphs one and two).


Every Democrat up for reelection is a two headed serpent, Double headed turquoise serpentAztecbritish museum.jpgone is theirs the other is Obama’s. Do not let them fool you, every one voted for Obamacare, everyone of them voted for either for Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, everyone of them has condoned the illegal border jumpers who have invaded our country, everyone of them is responsible for the $13,000,000,000,000 in debt that Obama has rung up. Everyone of them is guilty of stifling the investigations into the most egregious of crimes , Benghazi, IRS and Fast and Furious. These two faced do gooders have not demanded the arrest of Eric Holder who is in contempt of Congress.

But all of a sudden five Senators up for reelection are against Obamacare, for the Keystone XL pipeline, are for secure borders. Do not let them fool you, if they are reelected  they will immediately do the bidding for Obama the second time around. Another words a vote for any Democrat is a vote for Obama.

They have requested that Obama stay out of Dodge during the election season. To them Obama is a negative; latest polling puts the opposition to him at a 16 year high.

This election is most important for a Supreme Court seat will most likely be vacated allowing POTUS to nominate a liberal ideologue. We cannot let this happen.  But for other reasons too; the growth of government and the entitlement state must be brought under control; not only for us but for future generations.

The Dirty Five are listed below

Mary Landrieu – Lousiana

Mark Pryor – Arkansas

Kay Hagan – North Carolina

Mark Begich – Alaska

Mark Udall – Colorado




Thomas Duncan, today’s typhoid Mary, carried Ebola to the United States. The Dallas Hospital did not obey protocol. It is important to click here to understand the threat of this most deadly of diseases. So far close to 3400 have died.  Questions have arisen on the real reason Mr. Duncan came to the United States. Some opined it was to get free treatment for the disease which he knew he had.

Not to be outdone, Louis (anti white Jew hater) Farrakhan said that whites invented ebola to kill Blacks.

From the true revolt article ” Farrakhan has crawled out from under a rock to spew another hatred-filled tome. His latest revelation is a CIA weapon “that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind.”

One other valid point. This incident is a metaphor for Obama’s version of spreading the wealth. Bring every successful economic entity down to its lowest denominator.  Now we have seen how it works in the real world.  “Spreading the wealth is just as dangerous, just as powerful, just as effective as Ebola.” It kills!  Seems like the defintion Obama used to describe his own “security force?”


Thirty years in the making, but finally the stampede has reached crisis proportions. If it keeps up, which we have no doubt it will, those that are left will be trampled to death. We are talking about the outflow of citizens from the northeast states including New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  What brings us to this conclusion is history.

To get the picture one only has to look at Italy and Spain, both countries are on the brink of splitsville. Spain’s Catalonia region and Italy’s north are talking secession. They see themselves as patsies to the country’s moochers who suck the life blood out of the industrious and wealthier regions. So the entrepreneurs, the motivated, the believers in freedom and self reliance have no choice but to leave the prison of liberalism where the bye word is “share the wealth.”

Three decades in the making have resulted in a loss of representation of 60 House members only to be picked up by the New South where workers matter more than couch potatoes. Yes many of those who are fleeing are former liberals hell bent on not seeing a socialist progressive again for the rest of their life.

No need to expand on the details of what makes a liberal, but America knows one when they see one.  Listening to their arguments can cause a severe migraine. Liberals, more often than not, modify the truth, lie to make their claim whatever the case may be. Liberals always find a cause that needs their help; that’s their problem; because helping a moocher has an opposite and equal effect which is to forc everyone else to pay.

Liberals will never admit the fallacy of their arguments (global warming). Liberals are class warfare piranhas; vultures of the worst human kind, ready at an instant to jump into a situation where they have no fight . Rabble-rousing flame throwers are they, violently ready at an instant to pluck the guilty from the jaws of justice. November 4 is a month away, hopefully our Thanksgiving prayers will be answered with a Democrat being served up like the traditional turkey, DOA.



The countdown for the exorcism of Eric Holder has begun. Expectations of Obama appointing a new Attorney General in the coming lame duck session has garnered some heavy negative feedback. Warnings have come from Angus King of Maine and Wyoming Senator Barrasso to that effect. But lets be clear here. The greatest threat to our freedoms is Holder’s take on the voting rights bill. To Holder, there is a racist wearing a white pointed hat in every voting district.

300,000 illegals signing up for Obamacare is a case in point. Those sign-ups did not produce the required documents on time and were deemed ineligible. Leverage that with Holder’s voter free card and America understands what Holder’s ultimate objective is; to eliminate Whitey from holding any office across the land.

Between elections there are 1460 days, certainly that is ample time to obtain a photo ID. But Holder finds it burdensome to do such a simple task. Not realizing that most citizens who intend to vote already have a government issued ID of some form or another. This is not acceptable to him. Election day sign-ups should not have to produce any form of ID let alone a photo ID. That is where the problem lies. And the canary in the coal mine is Holder’s attempt to use the poor as an example. They don’t have the means to get an ID, a birth certificate, a state issued ID card is the excuse. Of course this is another one of Holder’s canards.

Instead of upholding and enforcing the law Holder is condoning those who break it. How many times now has Holder spit in the face of the Supreme Court and lower courts that have issued decisions not to his liking?  Eric Holder, you are guilty as charged.

As the influx of illegals continues, the outflow of money from citizens pockets escalates.


Record cold has settle into the central United States breaking records set many moons ago. In fact the earth’s temperature has not risen in 20 years despite the fact that man has spilled billions of tons of carbon, according to the naysayers, into the atmosphere.

Facts are dismissed, but new untested theories are promulgated. The latest being that the oceans have absorbed the carbon, therefore the earth’s temperature did not rise.  If you believe that, we have a bridge to sell you.  To go back in time, approximately 198 years ago, Jack Frost paid a visit to Connecticut in the month of June. Not to to be out done, Albany, New York was treated to an early June snowfall; Massachusetts too and Montreal saw a foot of the white stuff cover its streets.

In 1918 a trace of snow fell in June at Mount Pocono, Monroe Co, the first ever in June in the
Mt Holly area of responsibility, tying the June PA state maximum snowfall record set
in 1907 and 1902. So as weather history is recorded one day at a time the truth be told.

But to the Global Warmer Climate Change aficionados snow will never fall on their parade. The global warmer/climate change chameleons have constantly revised, recalculated, rebutted, resorted too distortions of the facts. The lame stream media has constantly buttressed their position by eliminating counter arguments to their unproven thesis. The most recent “Peoples Climate March” took place as the UN summit occurred on September 21, 2014.  Demanding an ambitious agenda by those who spew carbon into the atmosphere.  Of course the biggest polluters of them all was not on the same page; China and India left the zealots in the cold.


Eric Holder official portrait.jpg

May have been a surprise to some, but it was expected by many. Eric Holder, one of the most controversial and race motivated attorney generals in the history of the United States has decided to step down.  Holder, as most of the Patriots know by now, is a racial provocateur, having pulled the race card on many occasion. Not able to believe the facts and decide cases on merit, Holder as does Obama, finds a racial motive behind every minority killed by Whitey.

On the other hand, Blacks killed by Blacks, don’t move the needle. The reason being, it does not get the juices flowing in the Black Community. The protest leading to the riot mentality will only be generated by their rabble rousing rent a riot diatribe blaming Whitey for their lot in life.

Holder, responsible for the killing of our Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, has not accepted responsibility; nor has he accounted for his actions.  We are quick to point out that Holder is the only Attorney General held in contempt by Congress.  It is important to point out that Holder is violently against the 2nd Amendment. 

Personally we do not hold a grudge against the Attorney General and wish him well in his future endeavors. However, in upholding the law, one must do so with an unbiased eye and manifest no impartiality, this Holder did not do. Many Americans have lost faith in his ability to enforce the law equally as required under the Constitution. To quote ex-President Richard Nixon, “you won’t have Holder to kick around anymore.”  Good riddance!