All posts by thenewbostonteaparty


Speech is free only if you are a liberal progressive says Sol Stern.  On many college campuses the (click for the Stern’s opinion published in the WSJ) 2nd Amendment does not apply to those who seek the truth. As the majority of Americans  know that the definition of a liberal is one who forces their agenda on the rest of us.

That is not the true definition of a liberal when our freedom is abrogated.  Freedom to discuss differences between individuals is suppressed by liberal progressives when the facts don’t support the progressive autocratic agenda.  One example stands out; wearing a T shirt with the Old Glory printed on it is strictly forbidden in some schools because it might insult illegal aliens. This was affirmed by the wacko 9th Circuit Court in California.

The trouble dates back to May 5th 2010 (Cinco de Mayo) when officials at Live Oak High -a school with a predominant Mexican-American student body — forced the students to remove their American flag-festooned shirts. Administrators called the shirts “incendiary” and worried that fighting would break out between white and Latino students if Latino students noticed the shirts. So, assistant principal Miguel Rodriguez told the students to turn their shirts inside out or leave school. 

Think for a moment, a large percentage of Caucasian Americans party of May 5th in celebration. This holiday is but a trifle on the Mexican calendar, hardly celebrated or remembered by most Mexicans.


Senator Ted Cruz introduced legislation which targeted returning ISIS fighters back to the United States by stripping them of their citizenship. But on the way to passage a lone Democrat Senator intervened by killing the proposed legislation. Democrat Mazie Hirono, a freshman senator from Hawaii, objected on the Senate floor when Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas tried to fast-track his ‘Expatriate Terrorists Act.’  

Click here for the story.  But one posted comment to the story is deserving of a second read: These liberals will only wake up when there is a knife to their throat and their heads are ready to roll.


A quick update. Lois Lerner, Obama’s IRS water carrying Tea Party vigilante, is receiving a pension of $100,000+.  Lerner is very depressed because she can’t find a job. You have got to be kidding. We have one for her. Time for the ankle bracelets.  We have seen a recent job posting at an all women’s prison, “Help wanted: no experience necessary; attention to detail cleaning latrines in a government institution; low pay but plenty of job security.”


Colorado is prime focus  in this years governor’s race.  Governor Hickenlooper is in the midst of a tough reelection battle. Thus far he was seen as the lead pipe cinch winner. However, something happened on the road to victory. The Governor is close to suffering the agony of defeat. Yes it can happen.

The governor has stumbled badly down the stretch. Former Republican Bob Beauprez has surged ahead, up by 10 points according to the most recent Quinnipiac poll. Hickenlooper, a gun grabber, has not followed through on executing a murder; the public does not take these positions kindly. Oh, and we forgot to mention his positions on most issues are a rubber stamp for the Obama agenda.

Coloradans can make history here by voting to retire the governor. Stand up for our Constitution, the right to carry and not be dictated to by any politician no matter what his stripe who seeks to destroy our liberty.


Senator Mark Pryor, a stalwart Democrat, is up for reelection, but now so fast; on his tail is Representative Tom Cotton, who has gained an advantage.  This is good news in the Republicans attempt to wrestle the Senate from the pit bull Harry Reid.

According to a Public Policy Polling poll of likely voters, 43 percent would vote for Representative Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who is seeking a Senate seat, if the election were held today. Thirty-eight percent would vote for Pryor.

Pryor isn’t very popular in The Natural State. Just 36 percent of likely voters approve of his job performance. About half (51 percent) do not.


The first step in cleansing the population of religious thoughts is to remove from their grasp any object, books included, that will influence their mind in a religious way. Germany and the former USSR tossed religion into the fires of hell. Propaganda came down hard on the believers to such an extent that many lives were prematurely terminated.

To seek God through Christian prayer was forbidden. Now we find the same pattern here in the United States. Case in point is the Srpings Charter School in Temecula, California.  A sectarian book authored by a Christian was ordered off the shelf.

Pacific Justice Institute is representing a parent who discovered what they called a “Christian purging” of the charter school’s library.  We are coming full circle, the liberal education industry is full of venom when it comes to abrogating the right to free speech and freedom of religion. TheHidingPlace-cover.jpg


Oh, Well…

Constitution Day has come and gone and not surprisingly, hardly anyone noticed. The Constitution has become irrelevant to all but a few endangered Republicans on Capitol Hill, and is totally ignored or twisted beyond recognition by all – repeat, all – Democrats. This, of course, includes all the members, young and old, of the Ministry of Leftist Propaganda, aka, the “mainstream” media.

The only ones of us who cared to note the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution in 1787 have been designated by the so-called Homeland Insecurity and Injustice Departments as probable domestic terrorists. As most of the readers of news and information on this site know, patriotic adherence to traditional American culture, language, religion, politics, societal organization, education, morals, values, etc., has become not just politically incorrect, but since the courts no longer feel the need to follow the Rule of Law and instead apply their personal opinions, said adherence has been transmogrified into the globalist/fascist/Marxist (read, current Washington Establishment) definition of terrorism. So far, it’s been applied mostly as harassment. However, without strong push-back from We, the People, and (does “fat chance” mean anything?) our elected representatives, rounding up and incarceration of America-loving patriots is just a matter of time.

Meanwhile, the movement to destroy America gathers momentum, ostensibly spearheaded by the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama, but in reality, by those who pull his strings. Again, as most readers of news and information on this site know, every single policy and action of both the current administration and the Democrat Party as a whole, has been designed to: a) attack, weaken, and eventually destroy the Middle Class; b) weaken and eventually destroy the economy as a capitalist institution; c) force all Americans into government dependency; d) create a permanent, uneducated, unskilled underclass, what Marx referred to as the “lumpen proletariat”; e) weaken, demoralize, and eventually destroy all branches of our armed forces; f) create a militarized police state controlled by the Executive Branch of government; g) weaken our standing and position as a sovereign nation vis-à-vis our friends, allies, and enemies; g) give aid and comfort to our enemies, especially radical Islamic jihadists. Other than that, everything’s just grand.

Space doesn’t allow listing all the individual illegal, unconstitutional, and outrageous policies and acts these traitors have foisted upon us. However, one recent and particularly heinous act on the part of these traitors have foisted upon us. However, one recent and particularly heinous act on the part of Obama deserves special attention, due to the unspeakable consequence liable to result from it.

Again, as most of you know, the military-hating Obama has committed 3,000 of our troops to “fight Ebola” in Africa. Many are rightfully asking, “Why?” Given his clear hatred for the military and America, the answer appears to be that he and his string-pullers are well aware that many, if not all, of the soldiers will be exposed to and contract Ebola. Many, if not all, will die horrible deaths. The demoralization this horror will cause in the ranks will be catastrophic. Then, on top of that, Ebola will be brought home to America, to be spread far and wide, “letting America know how the poor countries of Africa feel.” Paranoid? Give me a better explanation for using our military, our highly trained killers of people and breakers of things, in a situation they have no training for.


One would question how any Democrat could prevail in winning an election. For instance Charlie Rangel, censured by the House of Representatives: Rangel former chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. was guilty of not disclosing rental income from a condo in the Dominican Republic on his income tax return. But to the dismay of many, Rangel was reelected twice. This was due to the liberal press killing the story before it gained traction. No ink on the front page paved the way for his victory.

Rangel had the support of his constituency who in most part were ignorant of the charges and failed to understand how they were taken to the cleaners. All of this was the fault of the lame stream media. Only Fox News kept the story from being smothered. This leads us to President Obama and the feathered touch to his illustrious biography.

Only the initianted knew about Obama’s relationship with Reverend Jeremy Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Father Michael Phleger, Tony Rezko and last but not least Bill Ayers. The press surreptitiously killed one story after another. We don’t have to tell you the reasons, but they are overt; BIAS, BIAS, BIAS. The press was intent on furthering the career of Obama, their new standard bearer of the liberal agenda.

However, during the past year there has been a slight change in this paradigm. The press was attacked on several fronts, remember NSA, this infuriated them. Going forward into 2014 and 2016 there has been a slight shift in their previously one sided reporting. This does not bode well for the Democrats.

But let’s keep in mind the Obama blunders. First off is the pulling of our troops from Iraq early on. Failing to recognize the dire consequences we now find our selves mired once again fighting our existential enemy. Turning sand into glass is the only option here. Obama’s failure to support General al-Sisi was blunder number two. The President through in with Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood HOOD, who began the targeting of enemies soon after election.  Blunder three, more serious than the other two, allowing Russia to march through today’s Sudetenland.  These blunders were easily predicted; soon after assuming office Obama pulled the guarantee of defending Poland with our defensive infrastructure, then he went to Egypt to sugar coat our new relationship with the Muslim world. Did we need any more evidence of crimes against America than those?

Putting everything we said so far does not even compare to Obama’s upbringing; this alone should have set off ALARM BELLS, but it did not. Dismissed out of hand, the liberal press gave him a big pass and now look where we are. Stuck in an insane world, dictated to by ISIS killers and the likes of Putin who despise the United States; stared down by China in the China Sea and buzzed by Putin’s Luftwaffe.

We are now waiting for the chips to fall on Hillary Clinton, guilty of murder in the killing of our Ambassador in Behghazi along with three associates. Will the press disclose the all that they know, will the press investigate the story as it should or will it resort to past practices in a massive cover-up detrimental to our nation?


To give lift off to Clinton’s political ambitions and Obama’s reelection plans accusative reports by witnesses on the ground and commanders in the Benghazi theater confirmed that incriminating evidence has been shredded; neutralized to protect the guilty. Clinton, we all know is a liar of the first rank only to be out done by Obama, the opportunist and liar of the first degree. Both of them are guilty of treason, lying to the American public and involved in a cover-up that far surpasses anything that we have ever seen.

Not only Benghazi, but keep in mind that this is a pattern of the administration, add to it the IRS targeting the TEA PARTY, suppressing their first amendment right to free speech; the result being the reelection of a swindler, worse than a Madoff or a Ponzi. The rage in the eyes of the American public has reached Code Red stage.

And to add insult to injury, Eric Holder, our chief law enforcement officer has been complicit, lying to Congress, failing to produce requested documents – the guy will not come clean on Fast and Furious. A ruthless killer, Holder is attempting to suppress the investigation of his culpability, which borders on murder for the killing of our Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, that will implicate him.

The time has come for all three to be fitted with ankle bracelets. America has had it with the triumvirate of evil.