Americans better wake up and fast. Currently the world is collapsing with the United States at the epicenter; having lost its swagger during the Obama term we can no longer sit idly by as the ship tanks. One only has to see what happened in the Middle East, Israel hooks up with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, who would have thought? The United States is relegated to the back seat because most countries in the line of fire know that Obama is full of himself, he cares little about defending our mutual friends not even mentioning the homeland. And that is where the problem lies. And don’t forget Obama delayed missile shipments to Israel in their time of need; during their most recent offensive Israel was caught short handed. Reading into this tells you what side he is on. Delay is Obama’s strategy. Syria, Obama watched from afar, instead of defending Bashar al-Assad, he through in with the rebels; they have a new name, ISIS. In Iraq, we pulled our troops, victory was fleeting, now ISIS is stepping on the throat of Baghdad. The Kurds wonder if they will be next. Nigeria, the Boko Haram runs wild, raping and kidnapping little girls, yet Obama gets down on his hands and knees praying to his mighty Allah that more will be raped. England, the country that leashed jihadist head hunter where 5% of the population is now Muslim is spellbound. Norway, yes the liberals have opened the door there too. ISIS has come to the land of the Norse. America will soon be waking up to a mosque in every town, city and hamlet, radical puke will be demanding their rights. You don’t think this can happen, wrong. Click here and you will understand that they are already here. Patriots in Vermont, the home of the Green Mountain Boys, the salt of the earth type, are scared to death. death threats abound forcing a restauranteur to take down an offensive sign to the Allah kneeling terrorists. What was on the sign, the word BACON.
Sneakers Restaurant did the politically uncorrect thing. Yeah if this doesn’t get you to take out a pistol permit nothing will. Wake up America, we are in a silent war. What are these people doing way up in Vermont anyway? Do you know the answer? Well it is to undermine our way of life, our community, our culture. Sharia law is next. The sound to pray will be heard five times a day. Vermont, the home of the two of the most liberal senators, Saunders and Lahey are responsible for giving these Muslims green cards. Church in Winooski Vermont soon to be converted to a mosque. 
Some Facebook Comments: They raged on Facebook: “Gutless, spineless, pukes. Anyone eating at this cesspool of a food establishment may as well join the rest of the jihadists trying to destroy this nation from within. May their faces and bodies be burned and seared with boiling bacon grease!”
“DON’T YOU SEE WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THIS COUNTRY? NO ONE IS STICKING TO THEIR GUNS … PUT THE SIGN BACK UP!!!! WE ARE GIVING INTO EVERY NIT-PICKING THING. WE ARE AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Women in Burkas on cellphones, drinking their Starbucks and driving their Toyotas badly is offensive to me. Bring back the Bacon!”
But that is not all, ISIS is about to crash many Labor Day picnics. Yes, they are eyeing the Texas border, infiltrating it with suicide belts and hand held rocket propelled grenades. Obama is watching from afar which is tantamount of an invite. We can easily make a case that the Texas militia take on the cause with dispatch. What that means is to shoot anything that moves on our side of the Rio Grande.