Tag Archives: 1ST AMENDMENT


Anti-Trust Time

“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”. The salient terms here are “Congress shall make no law”. The meaning of “abridge” at the time it was used in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution was “to deprive”. Thus, even though the actions by Internet giants Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other blatantly leftist social media corporations in censoring conservative content – read: pro-American, pro-capitalist, pro-Christian, pro-traditional values, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-Trump, etc. – clearly deprive us of our freedom of speech, the actions are constitutional, since the perps are companies and not Congress. Though these self-proclaimed arbiters of what is acceptable to say or discuss are depriving the majority of Americans – and do not doubt me, as R. Limbaugh says, we ARE the majority – of a venue to speak out, they are not included in the language of the 1st Amendment, and therefore, not covered.

We are faced with a similar problem in regard to the “mainstream” media. Technically, TeeVee “news”, both networks and cable, MSN, Yahoo, The Hill, Politico, all the failing “newspapers”, etc. are “the press”. Interestingly, the amendment has no definition of what “the press” is. If we applied the reasoning the idiot, double-standard left tries to apply to the 2nd Amendment, that the Founders meant only the muskets in use in the late 1700s, then TeeVee, radio, the Internet, and all news transmitted in any way, shape, or form other than ink on paper, including news sent by the far-left Associated Press, by telephone, telegraph, or fax, would not be covered.  Hmmm…In any case, this so-called modern press is free to make up the most outrageously libelous and seditious lies and slander on a daily basis, without fear of curtailment or legal repercussions. Conundrums, indeed.

So, what can be done to stop this usurpation of freedom of the flow of information, this imposition of fascist brainwashing, social engineering, indoctrination, and propaganda on us? Time to follow the advice of trust-busting Teddy Roosevelt. Since in terms of mass communications we can only speak softly, let’s use our anti-trust laws as our Big Stick, and beat these fascists silly.

A salient fact that we all need to be aware of is that only six – repeat, six – mega-corporations own 90% of all newspapers and TeeVee networks and stations. Clearly, they all group-think in leftist lockstep, with the exact same buzz words and phrases mouthed and printed across the board. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have done an excellent job of putting together montage after montage of the media spewing identically worded Democrat talking points, night after night, day after day. The stranglehold that these fascist corporations have on our media needs to be broken. They are clearly making it difficult, if not impossible, for people with ideas other than the ones they force upon us to compete with them. There is obvious collusion among them, and a quick look at the practices covered by anti-trust laws shows that if one substitutes ideas and knowledge for money and profits, the tech giants and the media giants have broken just about every one of them.

It would be amusing, if it were not symptomatic of the cultural degeneracy that the left has created in America over the last 50 years, that the fascists they so hysterically and self-righteously claim to oppose, are the very ones who fund them, give them their talking points and marching orders, and fill their empty skulls full of pie-in-the-sky utopian fantasies that have zero basis in reality. These fascists, of whom George, the unrepentant Nazi anti-Semite, Soros is the most obvious, are out to accomplish what Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin, Mao, and Castro tried and failed to do. They want to impose a worldwide, totalitarian state, with them as the new hereditary ruling class, and us as the peasant labor. They want to create a paradise for themselves with only 1 billion people, as opposed to the current 7.6 billion. That means that 6.6

Anti-Trust Time

“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”. The salient terms here are “Congress shall make no law”. The meaning of “abridge” at the time it was used in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution was “to deprive”. Thus, even though the actions by Internet giants Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other blatantly leftist social media corporations in censoring conservative content – read: pro-American, pro-capitalist, pro-Christian, pro-traditional values, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-Trump, etc. – clearly deprive us of our freedom of speech, the actions are constitutional, since the perps are companies and not Congress. Though these self-proclaimed arbiters of what is acceptable to say or discuss are depriving the majority of Americans – and do not doubt me, as R. Limbaugh says, we ARE the majority – of a venue to speak out, they are not included in the language of the 1st Amendment, and therefore, not covered.

We are faced with a similar problem in regard to the “mainstream” media. Technically, TeeVee “news”, both networks and cable, MSN, Yahoo, The Hill, Politico, all the failing “newspapers”, etc. are “the press”. Interestingly, the amendment has no definition of what “the press” is. If we applied the reasoning the idiot, double-standard left tries to apply to the 2nd Amendment, that the Founders meant only the muskets in use in the late 1700s, then TeeVee, radio, the Internet, and all news transmitted in any way, shape, or form other than ink on paper, including news sent by the far-left Associated Press, by telephone, telegraph, or fax, would not be covered.  Hmmm…In any case, this so-called modern press is free to make up the most outrageously libelous and seditious lies and slander on a daily basis, without fear of curtailment or legal repercussions. Conundrums, indeed.

So, what can be done to stop this usurpation of freedom of the flow of information, this imposition of fascist brainwashing, social engineering, indoctrination, and propaganda on us? Time to follow the advice of trust-busting Teddy Roosevelt. Since in terms of mass communications we can only speak softly, let’s use our anti-trust laws as our Big Stick, and beat these fascists silly.

A salient fact that we all need to be aware of is that only six – repeat, six – mega-corporations own 90% of all newspapers and TeeVee networks and stations. Clearly, they all group-think in leftist lockstep, with the exact same buzz words and phrases mouthed and printed across the board. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have done an excellent job of putting together montage after montage of the media spewing identically worded Democrat talking points, night after night, day after day. The stranglehold that these fascist corporations have on our media needs to be broken. They are clearly making it difficult, if not impossible, for people with ideas other than the ones they force upon us to compete with them. There is obvious collusion among them, and a quick look at the practices covered by anti-trust laws shows that if one substitutes ideas and knowledge for money and profits, the tech giants and the media giants have broken just about every one of them.

It would be amusing, if it were not symptomatic of the cultural degeneracy that the left has created in America over the last 50 years, that the fascists they so hysterically and self-righteously claim to oppose, are the very ones who fund them, give them their talking points and marching orders, and fill their empty skulls full of pie-in-the-sky utopian fantasies that have zero basis in reality. These fascists, of whom George, the unrepentant Nazi anti-Semite, Soros is the most obvious, are out to accomplish what Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin, Mao, and Castro tried and failed to do. They want to impose a worldwide, totalitarian state, with them as the new hereditary ruling class, and us as the peasant labor. They want to create a paradise for themselves with only 1 billion people, as opposed to the current 7.6 billion. That means that 6.6 billion of you deplorables, you bitter clingers, you children of the Barack and Michelle’s All Powerful Government, have got to go. The scary part is that this has been a stated goal of the left for decades, has never been revised or amended, and has largely been ignored by those of us they want to exterminate. It also underlies and permeates everything that happens on Google, Facebook, Twitter, the TeeVee networks, the New York Times, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.

I truly believe that President Trump is serious about wanting to clean out the corruption that is rotting America from within. The Attorney General and the Justice Department are part of the Executive Branch, of which he is the head. Repeat: The Attorney General and the Justice Department are part of the Executive Branch, of which he is the head. Time to put the anti-trust laws to work protecting the American people from our Enemies Within.


billion of you deplorables, you bitter clingers, you children of the Barack and Michelle’s All Powerful Government, have got to go. The scary part is that this has been a stated goal of the left for decades, has never been revised or amended, and has largely been ignored by those of us they want to exterminate. It also underlies and permeates everything that happens on Google, Facebook, Twitter, the TeeVee networks, the New York Times, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.

I truly believe that President Trump is serious about wanting to clean out the corruption that is rotting America from within. The Attorney General and the Justice Department are part of the Executive Branch, of which he is the head. Repeat: The Attorney General and the Justice Department are part of the Executive Branch, of which he is the head. Time to put the anti-trust laws to work protecting the American people from our Enemies Within.



They did their job well, we give them A+; educators, AKA elitists have brainwashed our youth to such an extent they don’t know the truth and will never accept it;  it started a long time ago.  American history was rewritten by eliminating essential parts of our venerable and fabled story. Once the Federal government got into education the game was over. It started with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Liberal thinkers rewrote the rules, history books were turned into propaganda manuals. There was no choice, take it or leave it! Indians became Native Americans; well you get the picture.

But looking back at the real story, the one involving the Spanish Conquistadors (a Royal Hispanic killing machine) who plundered the Americas in their quest for riches (GOLD), we find wholesale murderers bent on destruction and blood sucking the indigenous peoples. It took almost 60 years of wars for the Spaniards to suppress the resistance of the Indian population of Mesoamerica. And it goes on to this day. RED LIVES don’t matter, they never mattered to the Spanish murders who have mobilized like locust by infiltrating our country with illegals and their progeny who lead the counter protesters. We must stop them before it is too late. But can we?

As the protest and counter protest plays out we are find a common thread. The counter protesters are definitely adverse to different points of view. The 1st Amendment only suits them when you Agree with them.  (click) ANTIFA (anti facist action), the left wing anarchist group of provocateurs looking for a fight. They are usually anti-government and anti-capitalist, and their methodologies and tactics are more aggressively violent and anarchistic than those of associated groups in the far left. We are prepared for MORTAL COMBAT, they are pussy driven and will run like birds flying from the first sound of a shotgun going off. We number in the millions, they but a handful.

Let it be known that the alt-right has never succumbed to violence, it is always the alt-left that initiates the battle, but the alt-right has no choice but to defending their turf.  However, we have the police on our side; once these Anitifa’s get out of hand the Governors will have no choice but to fire on them; we know the Republican governors will, but will Democrat governors up the ante. We shall see!


CLICK HERE for the organizations funded by George Soros.

WOW! AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK By These 187 Organizations Directly Funded By George Soros

Tomi Lahren on police hatred from the alt-Left


Attorney General Loretta Lynch has thrown down the gauntlet; free speech is not free if you don’t tow the line. Her target is to prevent ordinary Americans from expressing their opinion. In other words, Lynch is stifling freedom of speech and expression which is guaranteed under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

Attorney General Lynch Looks Into Prosecuting ‘Climate Change Deniers’

By Hans von Spakovsky | March 11, 2016 | 12:08 PM EST

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch

In news that should shock and anger Americans, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that not only has she discussed internally the possibility of pursuing civil actions against so-called “climate change deniers,” but she has “referred it to the FBI to consider whether or not it meets the criteria for which we could take action.”

Previous post warning America on the Loretta Lynch agenda. Please be aware of the Republican Senators that voted for here confirmation; see the list below.



Remember Obama’s blind justice department, the one that let the New Black Panther Party thugs go scott free although they were harassing voters. Well Loretta Lynch is doubling down on the bet. She will continue to be unjust when it comes to the equal application of the law. America now has two justice systems as it returns to the day of yesteryear’s Jim Crow in reverse.

With Obama pandering to his legions of parasites, America is going down in flames. Words do no stop violence, only law enforcement does. To prevent the kind of hooliganism that we have seen in Baltimore, “Shoot to kill should be the message” -this will stop a looter in his tracks serving as an example when the next brother decides to snatch some booty. This kind of law enforcement will send a loud and very clear message to the trash and burn crowd.

Loretta Lynch, the new attorney general, succeeding Eric Holder, has an agenda far worse than Holders. Her past record speaks loudly to that. But what outrageous us is that ten Senators of the Republican persuasion voted for her confirmation. Our memories are long and we shall savior the day when the true uncompromising Patriot votes the turncoats out of office.

The Senate voted 56-43 Thursday, finally, to confirm Loretta Lynch as attorney general, with eight Republicans voting to confirm her. Five had already committed themselves to support her: Republicans Orrin Hatch (UT), Jeff Flake (AZ), Lindsey Graham (SC), Mark Kirk (IL), and Susan Collins (ME).

Not too surprisingly, embattled incumbent Kirk was joined by three others who have potentially tough re-elections in 2016 in purple states: Kelly Ayotte (NH), Rob Portman (OH), and tea partier Ron Johnson (R-WI). But a couple other of the yes votes are a surprise: Thad Cochran (MS) and particularly Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the guy who made AG Lynch wait for five months for a vote.