Tag Archives: America


Honest Service law


The bunch of liars, cheats and thieves known as the Republican party will see a devastating defeat in 2018. Their brash attempt to lie themselves into office in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 has exposed their folly. Being part of a unit does not allow individual opinions, but that did not stop the likes of McCain, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake and the usual suspects from going rouge.

Questions remain as to what is in store for the Republican party. The Senate now looks vulnerable, the House too, but not a given. However, the one solace in this coming train wreck are the criminal Democrats and their party machine. They too are, despite a couple of wins on November 6th, are in the throes of a massive schism. With the likes of Pocahontas, Schumer and Sanders fighting for their wing the future here too will involve a plethora of firestorms. Don’t forget the DNC top dogs, Perez(conquistador background carries forward to today-anchor baby?) and Ellison (suicide bomber mentality for condoning illegal aliens). Do they represent America? Think about it. To them the White man is the enemy.

So what can we learn from the Donald Trump presidency? One thing for sure, the Republicans as a whole hate his guts. Why? Because he beat them at their own game. Trump won because the country was sick and tired of double talking politicians who speak with forked tongue. But there are liars on both sides; Hillary Clinton is the quintessential example.

An unbiased analysis will reveal the truth that Americans on both sides of the aisle are sick and tired of duplicity. Therefore, there is room for those who will challenge the status quo. For those who are challenging the incumbent we advise you to speak the truth.  Polygraph tests are now in vogue. 


Once upon a time, what seems like a long time ago, Americans woke up to the sound of roosters crowing, sun rising and the light of day putting a happy face on us all. Today we rise with mayhem all around us, yes we see the sun, but don’t see the light of day. What happened to us? Americans are divided more than ever and we know the reason why.

First off is the Lame Stream Media which began the recruitment of brainwashed journalists from elite schools. Taught by the liberal progressive types who shut down discussion of alternate views; they failed to disseminated the facts, resulting in one track brains of those students who fell into their domain. This eventually perpetuated the false narrative that they were always right and those who oppose them were always wrong – no in-between, no discussion.

Of course they will shoot out their facts (fake facts) to make their claim. But upon further analysis we find no truth to their so called argument. For instance the economic theory called Keynesian-ism, named after the late economist Lord John Maynard Keynes. We know how that worked out; Venezuela and Cuba are prime examples. But these socialist autocracies are not the prime example – the United States, Italy and Greece have or will meet their fate. Greece already has, Italy is closing in behind the United States as the next paper hanger to take the plunge. Proof is in the pudding, check the purchasing power of the almighty $$$ and the implosion of the Great Britain’s ###. Both have collapsed faster than the Hindenburg which went down in flames.

So here we are, a time of despair, infighting, outfighting tantamount to civil discourse being thrown to the wind. The Hollywood sect paved the way; first it was G, the GP, then R, then X, then XXX. What was XXX thirty years ago is today’s R. A breakdown in morals perpetuated by the social agenda. This, by the way paved the way to families without fathers, the welfare state and the democratic hegemony inbred in the bureaucracy. The tail is waging the dog. The Great Society became the Welfare Society. The New Deal became the Bad Deal.

An evaluation of the liberal mind will ultimately reveal them to suffer from an incurable disease – that being socialism; taking from the rich and giving to the poor – gifting to the lazy, taking from the productive. The only cure known to eliminate this malady is through a lobotomy or preorbital lychonomy. Every last one of them must be reprogrammed through physical, psychological, injection or electronic means.

With all being said, the blame is not entirely the fault of the Democrats, the Republicans also suffer from a malady called COMPROMISE. These individuals are the ones with no backbone, weak at the knees, falling for false narratives under pressure, succumbing to a made up public opinion fostered on them by the media,  devoid of any principle except staying in office.

Truly the only way out of the disaster facing us is to replace one or more liberals on the Supreme Court; hopefully they will see the light and rollback the biased political opinions that got us to where we are today.



Fear has brought Europe to a standstill. Europeans are in the grip of Islamic Jihadists. Do they hide behind every bush? That is the question. Security in Europe is non existent. With the tsunami of Muslims infiltrating the Old Country it is inevitable that suicide bombers will exercise the will of Allah. Wave after wave of bombings have not hardened the minds of Merkel and Hollande.They fail to see the forest from the trees.

Muslim population in Europe

We are not an island until itself.  Terrorists, invited to the United States by Obama and Clinton are in the planning stage seeking to spread fear and wreck havoc here in the United States. One lone wolf triggered by the call of Holy Jihad, is all it takes. And believe us, believe Trump, they will do the work of Allah with dispatch. On Obama’s watch 150,000 potential terrorists have been given the green light to come to America. They are everywhere, you see them, we see them. Wherever they are they make demands, they incite, they intimidate. They are not us folks, they are foreign to our nature, our culture and our way of life.newhavenpeople2

America should wise up to this extreme terrorist threat that has infiltrated our glorious country. On Obama’s watch another one million illegals have crossed the southern border alone, many of them from Jihadist Countries of Africa; such as Somalia, Yemen, Libya. Be vigilant, make sure your back is protected; watch for suspicious objects. Let us, with a shiv, jar your memory, that Ford Hood killer has not been called a Terrorist by Obama – “work place violence” is Obama’s definition of what happened. Obama has not protected us, what makes anyone think that Hillary Clinton will protect us. Did she protect our Four Brave Men in Benghazi. Wake Up America.


America has lost its luster, no longer the envy of the world, but pillaged by the parasite class; enabled by the politically socialist policies of both parties. Not only do we have a liar in the White House, but most of the 435 Representatives and the same goes for the 100 Senators all of which would fail a polygraph test.

America is in upheaval, an underlying pain in its gut, the Motherland is suffering, the Heartland is suffering, Americans are suffering beyond belief; for they see Old Glory being starved to death. We are in a death spiral which if not turned around in the next few years America as we know it will be no more.

The political wannabees running for office have found out that getting out of the gate is not as easy at it sounds. Bernie Sanders has thus far pulled the rug form under Hillary’s campaign, the same goes with Donald Trump. What does this tell you? The people are sick and tired of the conventional lying politician from both parties it is enough that we have one in the White House.

Greece is done, caput; Three years from now they will be set free to drown in their own swamp. America is not far behind, owing eighteen trillion is not an easy amount to put your hands around. But soon the rest of the world will find the going getting tougher when the time come to roll the debt over. This might be tomorrow or five years from now, but it is coming sooner than anyone will imagine.

The the illegal immigrants invading our country with impunity is another sign of the failure of government, they do not protect us, enforcing the law.is anathema to our government. This is no laughing matter, failure to enforce one law increases the chances of anarchy. Once the bill comes in for Obama’s lack of enforcing the law, illegal migration will continue to flood the country. The bill, yet to be determined, will most likely surpass a trillion dollars.


The country we know is slipping away, multiculturalism greased the slide, progressives fanned the flames resulting in the great divide. We all remember Joe the plumber who said, “spreading the wealth around.” Obama, the high priest of American Hate, learned from his mentors, Franklin Marshall and Reverend Jeremiah Wright, but was highly influenced by the Black Panthers. Obama doesn’t suffer from loose lips, his tirades against whites are well choreographed to incite the minions of Blacks who have not made it. And they will never make it, their life history and the history of their parents and grandparents tells us this; no generation gap here, but an intelligence gap.

They had it right in Louisiana, that had it right in the deep south; the people saw what was slipping away and they did not like it one bit. They saw Obama with his prejudiced invective regarding Gates, Martin and Brown. Obama, the great divider will now face a Republican Congress who are at the ready to duel with this Islamic patronizing interloper. Americans, real Americans, are ready to take up arms for there is no middle ground here.

Since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society, an ambitious undertaking to say the least, taxpayers have been bilked out of trillions and for what? The Great Society programs have mutated to the Welfare Society. Just like FDR’s New Deal turned out to be a bad deal. Trillions of dollars have been spent on the underclass, whites included, hoping to bootstrap them up to the middle class. We have realized that it is impossible to educate those who don’t and will never have the skill set to succeed. Intelligence is not something that can be fertilized to grow with dollars, it is innate, inherited and carved in stone. The last forty years have given us proof that we cannot buy ourselves out of poverty. Did the war on drugs succeed? The same with the war on Poverty a colossal failure.

But what did we spend these trillions of dollars on? Free and subsidized housing; huge segments of society are living in rent free $400,000 homes. Millions receive free health care, free education and free food. These are the enabled that have grown out of the Great Society. Think about losers becoming winners, because of their gangster style protests, they have intimated politicians who have solicited their vote and in return were given free everything. Imagine a taxpayer living in a single family $100,000 ranch house while across town a welfare family celebrates their new $400,000 apartment.  Wait 20 years and it will be trashed. But let’s be clear here, many of those who live in these subsidized apartment – single family developments are illegal aliens to boot. Did any recipient of government largess ever thank a hard working taxpayer for their good fortune? Hell no! Most have spit in our face demanding more and more. Time to starve the beast.

How did all of this start?  Check out HUD – Housing and Urban Development – the builder of ghettos across America. HUD is a socialist organization, once run by Andrew Cuomo the Governor of New York. We guide you to  number 4 below. The Black Panther platform demanded free housing.

And now in wake of Obama rattling his tail America is once again at a crossroads. The new Congress has the opportunity to begin the process of taking out the proverbial hatchet to the welfare programs that have leached into a enabled society. Yes, there will be flames arising in many cities, segments of the population will exhibit un-human like behavior, but it must be done. And the job does not end here, subsidies for agriculture (the farmers are the biggest recipients of welfare), the Commerce Department needs to be scrapped and all corporate welfare to be ended OR ELSE.


October 1966 Black Panther Party
Platform and Program

What We Want
What We Believe

1. We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community.

We believe that black people will not be free until we are able to determine our destiny.

2. We want full employment for our people.

We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every man employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the white American businessmen will not give full employment, then the means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.

3. We want an end to the robbery by the white man of our Black Community.

We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules was promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of black people. We will accept the payment as currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The Germans are now aiding the Jews in Israel for the genocide of the Jewish people. The Germans murdered six million Jews. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over twenty million black people; therefore, we feel that this is a modest demand that we make.

4. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings.

We believe that if the white landlords will not give decent housing to our black community, then the housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that our community, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for its people.

5. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the present-day society.

We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of self. If a man does not have knowledge of himself and his position in society and the world, then he has little chance to relate to anything else.

6. We want all black men to be exempt from military service.

We believe that Black people should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like black people, are being victimized by the white racist government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, by whatever means necessary.

7. We want an immediate end to police brutality and murder of black people.

We believe we can end police brutality in our black community by organizing black self-defense groups that are dedicated to defending our black community from racist police oppression and brutality. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives a right to bear arms. We therefore believe that all black people should arm themselves for self defense.

8. We want freedom for all black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails.

We believe that all black people should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial.

9. We want all black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their black communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States.

We believe that the courts should follow the United States Constitution so that black people will receive fair trials. The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives a man a right to be tried by his peer group. A peer is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical and racial background. To do this the court will be forced to select a jury from the black community from which the black defendant came. We have been, and are being tried by all-white juries that have no understanding of the “average reasoning man” of the black community.

10. We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. And as our major political objective, a United Nations-supervised plebiscite to be held throughout the black colony in which only black colonial subjects will be allowed to participate for the purpose of determining the will of black people as to their national destiny.

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to supper, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.teapartylogored


CLICK HERE for a very important eye opening and intuitive read: Face to Face with Race, edited by Jared Taylor