Former Secretary of State has sanitized the server and ultimately any record of her corrupt dealings as our foreign policy continued to hemorrhage during her tenure. Everything this woman has done is on the sly, from futures trading to banking relationships, to Vince Foster’s suicide to fund razing and ultimately to her Benghazi cover-up. Bottom line, Clinton is a blatant liar.
The time has come take the necessary steps which involves arresting her for stealing and destroying government records; this lady needs to be brought to justice. Trey Gowdy, who is heading the investigation has the authority to ask the Sargent at Arms to issue an arrest warrant for Clinton.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is a tough, former prosecutor who is Hillary Clinton’s worst nightmare. As the Chair of the Benghazi Select Committee, he is furious at Hillary’s blatant criminal activity.

From the Republic’s earliest days, Congress has had the right to hold recalcitrant witnesses in contempt — and even imprison them — all by itself. In 1795, shortly after the Constitution was ratified, the House ordered its sergeant at arms to arrest and detain two men accused of trying to bribe members of Congress. The House held a trial and convicted one of them.
The Congressional Research Service issued a report in July 2007 that confirmed Congress’s inherent contempt powers. It explained how they work: “The individual is brought before the House or Senate by the sergeant at arms, tried at the bar of the body, and can be imprisoned in the Capitol jail.” Congress can do this, the report concluded, to compel them to testify or to punish them for their refusal to do so.