UPDATE: The one thing about telling the truth is that you never have to alter the story, but a lie, there is hell to pay. Because most people can never remember what the lie was and so they keep changing the story until they are caught in a vicious circle lies. This brings us to Hillary Clinton and her dismal recollection of what was and what wasn’t kept regarding her 55,000 emails. It does not sit well with us and we applaud Trey Gowdy in his pursuit of the truth. In the end it may come down to this, WHAT EMAILS!
In passing we would be remiss in not mentioning Hillary’s past: The Riadys, (click here for the whole list) Johny Chung, Travelgate, Rose Law Firm billing records, the cattle future caper and Marc Rich pardon.
Just in: Transparency is out.
It wasn’t surprising to hear that most of Hillary Clinton’s emails, you know the ones that didn’t travel on the government server, are buried along with Jimmy Hoffa, never to be seen again. There is a slim chance that a digital record does exist outside Hillary and Bill’s sever but in most cases they have been sanitized.
The Clintstones have a track record of running roughshod over their opponents, trampling them to death later to be picked apart like road kill. We take you back in time when Hillary’s canned the White House travel office employees soon after Slick Willie took office. Travelgate was the first of many instances where the arsenal of lies was put to good use.
Hillary Clinton gradually came under scrutiny for allegedly having played a central role in the firings and making false statements about her role in it. On January 5, 1996, a new development thrust the travel office matter again to the forefront. A two year-old memo from White House director of administration David Watkins surfaced that identified First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton as the motivating force behind the firings, with the additional involvement of Vince Foster.
Quoting Vince Foster, ” Here ruining people is considered sport.” Not pulling punches we expand Foster’s opinion to mean that “lying, cheating and scamming” by the Clintons who have no integrity, is their blood sport to be fought in the octagon of the gullible fifth estate. Unfortunately, anyone who gets in Hillary’s way becomes road kill. But we are determined that she be pecked clean as the House Committee investigates her Benghazi crimes.
These developments, following Hillary Clinton’s prior disputed statements about her cattle futures dealings and Whitewater, led to a famous exchange in which high-profile New York Times columnist William Safire, who had endorsed Bill Clinton in the previous election, wrote that many Americans were coming to the “sad realization that our First Lady—a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation—is a congenital liar.”
Both Hillary and Bill graduated from the iconic Yale Law school, they were educated in use of argument, contortions, deceits and lies. Upon graduating with their skills honed to perfections they put them to good use in the political arena moving up the power latter.
But the world does not turn on Hillary’s say so and investigations into the sever problem will haunt her campaign for President, just as Vince Fosters death still speaks from the grave. One more incident which will fester for the next five years is Hillary’s culpability in the Benghazi affair. Her finger prints are all over it; she ran from the fight sacrificing four Americans including our Ambassador Chris Stevens.
Let no stone be left un-turned in bringing her to justice. As her lies have shrouded the guilt that surrounds her, never to be incarcerated for wrong doing, the time has come to bring out the rack and eventually the hangman’s noose of public opinion ; finding her guilty of treason is the only decision; a traitor to the United States only interested in winning the presidency that Barack Obama snatched from her six years ago.
We cannot dismiss Hillary’s methods without alluding to here senior thesis while at Wellesley College. Her subject was Saul Alinsky – a true and tried socialist bent on destroying the capitalistic system by destroying people that embrace it. He rebuked discourse and debate as he employed personal destruction as a means to an end; sounds familiar doesn’t it. Don’t address the issue destroy the messenger.
By the way the thesis was never released which echos the safeguard of President Obama’s college records.