Waving the Union Jack,
Englishmen and Englishwomen have expressed their wishes loud and clear. BREXIT – LEAVE WINS! A deafening silence fell over those who were so adamant on preserving E.U. membership. But the Leave campaign dealt a serious blow to the New World Order, spitting into the face of Cameron and Obama who by the way always sticks his nose into someone else’s affairs. So it shall be said, now it shall be done. The British want their country back; from who? Travel to U.K. and see for yourself.
The socialists gomes of “The New World Order” have been blind sighted. They no longer can dictate their country destroying philosophy to England. Others have warned the E.U. that leaving is an option. The Dutch, under Geert Wilders is the most vocal opponent of mass migration, which by the way has destroyed the social fabric across Europe. Click here for the latest recommendation by Mr. Wilders, a true Dutch Patriot.
Western civilization as we know it hangs in the balance. Cultural identity being destroyed by Muslim immigrants who pillage, murder, rape and bomb innocents, all in the name of Allah by orders of Muhammad.
It is very important to note that Britain never entirely gave up their sovereignty by accepting the EURO. UK has usually been the second-largest net contributor to the EU budget, behind Germany. That now will change, austerity will prevail. This has meaning, “have you heard us now” Britainers screamed at the top of their lungs. Yes, they too, are sick and tired of throwing good money after bad; being told what to do and what to say. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS OVER.
The elitists drunken lout do gooders got it shoved up where the sun don’t shine. Like the imbedded bureaucrats here in the United States, who by the way are sucking the well dry, continue to press for more laws, more regulations, more control. Does any middle class worker (they call them the middle class) but in reality making $100,000 for a family of four just about gets you by.
When the cash drops to your bank account, taxes deducted, netting about $70,000, one should wonder where the other $30,000 went? Up in flames to a bunch of parasites. Sales tax, real estate tax, social security tax, Federal Income tax, gas tax just to name a few. A toll taker on the Massachusetts Turnpike collects a king’s ransom, certainly does, $85,000 plus a year. Check the union driven railroads of New York and Connecticut, workers steaming ahead on your bank account, some engineers have enriched themselves to the tune of $300,000 per year. Tax to death, tax to death and American’s won’t take it anymore – THEY ARE FED UP.
Visit a social security office, a welfare office, an emergency room, look around and you will understand what kind of country the leach politician turned the country into. Do these people look like you? FIFTY DIFFERENT LANGUAGES TAUGHT IN SOME SCHOOLS. English has brought us together, politicians have caused us to separate.
Ask around, see who is collecting social security disability; yeah right, they look healthy to you don’t they, why are they collecting? Check Puerto Rico for instance to get a first hand look at what hides behind those curtains. Not only are they broke, but the whole country is a basket case. Social Security disability the main employer.
One third – 33% of Puerto Rico’s population is on food stamps costing the United States over $2 billion per year. Puerto Rico had a higher public assistance participation rate (5.9 percent) than the national average (2.9 percent), this means that twice as many per capita receive welfare. For those who stay, rich welfare benefits provide a disincentive to work. A household of three can receive $1,743 per month in food stamps, Medicaid, utility subsidies and welfare compared to minimum-wage take-home pay of $1,159. Employers are required to provide 15 days of vacation and 12 sick days annually and a $600 Christmas bonus.
Government employees make up a quarter of the island’s workforce.Just in case you haven’t been initiated in the Puerto Rico way of doing business we bring you their number one life saver, welfare and social security. Puerto Rico is a disability fraud paradise. The top 10 U.S. zip codes tied to people receiving disability benefits, nine are in Puerto Rico. 
Your neighbor, retired at 50, collecting full pension from Uncle Sam or from the local municipality while you are busing your rump hoping to retire at 70. Republicans and Democrats alike are to blame. Now most “little Americans” understand why Donald Trump is such a threat – he will shake things up.
And yet, CROOKED HILLARY, is not in Jail. Now America understands!