Confirmed, the TSA offers valid proof that typical government agencies employee workers who are asleep at their job; not qualified to hold their positions. Sixty Seven out of seventy attempts to pass through TSA security stations with weapons and bombs were not detected.
Many of the TSA employees just barely qualify to hold their positions. Where did these people come from, who hired them, what was their previous experience and who trained them? God only knows. Now that they have been outed, their boss has been reassigned; not fired mind you, reassigned. Can you imagine if a backpack suicide bomber was able to slip through and carried out his/her mission.
Before announcing the reassigning of Carraway, an 11-year TSA veteran, Johnson issued a statement outlining a series of actions he had ordered in response to the findings, including more training for all transportation security officers, re-evaluation of airport screening equipment and continued covert testing.
According to the latest DHS report, “the new ‘terrorists’ in this country are the Americans who love liberty, hate unconstitutional government edicts and fear the bureaucrats running Washington, D.C.,” writes Pat Shannan. “Second Amendment advocates are at the top of this ‘terrorist’ list, but a mere ‘pro-life’ bumper sticker might be enough to make one suspect in the eyes of a dumbed-down cop who forgot his oath.”
THE TALIBAN have claimed responsibility for killing three US contractors one day after a White House spokesman called them an ‘armed insurgency’, despite their presence on an official terror list since 2002. Click here for the White House double speak B.S. Any American will wonder why Obama is still in office. Most of all he is America’s number one terrorist; solely responsible for the diminution of the United States during his tenure. Arrest and imprisonment are the only justice to be leveled out.

- We remind Americans of past terrorists such as John Hancock, Sam Adams and John Adams, not to mention the iconic ride of Paul Revere. It it were not for those terrorists the United States of America would not be here today. To put it bluntly we rather stand in the shoes of past terrorists than the scum running our government today. If they can call us terrorists we call them Criminals and they can be found in Washington D.C. walking the halls of Congress.
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire