Tag Archives: Donald Trump


Thus far Donald Trump has kept his powder dry, but that is about to change. The campaign is about to blast the Trump message through the lame stream media, basically the teletube. We can’t wait for the truth to get out to the millions of Americans waiting for new ideas. “Watch out” here comes Donald.

So what can we expect, first of all most of the wannabee Republicans still in the race will face reality, they are wasting everyone’s time, secondly the two or three left will obviously face a phalanx of Trumpisms and public animosity for staying in the race. Spoilers are not welcome this year.

And for Hillary, Trump can’t wait to get his hands on her; she will be eviscerated for sure.



Donald Trump is no pussy cat, he has catapulted into the Republican lead by trashing one opponent after another. To him “political correctness” is the enemy; no better exemplified by the Democrat liar running for president.  Hillary Clinton’s reaction to Trump is to pull out  Saul Alinsky’s play book as manifested in “Rules for Radicals.” The Clinton camp, desperate at this point, mired in one lie after another resorts to the tactics employed by Alinsky.

Divided into ten chapters, each chapter of Rules for Radicals provides a lesson on how a community organizer can accomplish the goal of successfully uniting people into an active organization with the power to effect change on a variety of issues. Sounds like Obama took the book to heart during his stay at Columbia.

Alinsky would find an external antagonist to turn into a common enemy for the community within which he was operating. Often, this enemy would be a local politician. that had some involvement with activity that was causing detriment to the community. His goal was to unite a group through conflict with an external antagonist. Once the enemy was established, the community would come together in opposition of it. This management of conflict heightened awareness within the community as to the similarities its members shared as well as what differentiated them from those outside of their organization. The use of conflict also allowed for the goal of the group to be clearly defined. With an established external antagonist, the community’s goal would be to defeat that enemy, whether it be a politician, policy, or opposing agency.

The rule Clinton and Obama have used over and over again with success is the following:

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. However, Clinton meets Trump and he ain’t no one to mess with. In Grand Rapids yesterday Trump answered Ms. Clinton with the full force of a CAT. 

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pounded on Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton Monday, calling her a “liar” over her claim that the ISIS terror group used videos of his comments about Muslims to recruit militants.

“She’s a liar!” Trump told more than 6,000 people at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also said Clinton was “crooked” and “not a president.”

Trump also resorted to crude language to discuss Clinton’s 2008 loss in the Iowa caucuses to Barack Obama, who went on to win the Democratic nomination and the White House.

“She was favored to win and she got schlonged, she lost,” said Trump, who also mocked Clinton for returning late to Saturday’s Democratic debate following a commercial break. “I thought she quit, I thought she gave up,” Trump joked.


Donald August 19 (cropped).jpg

He has been called many things, but never “stupid.”  The Donald entered the Republican race for President with one goal in mind, to win. Losing is not in his vocabulary. He has sent shivers into the  Republican National Committee because he could win.

What sets Mr. Trump climb to the top was to call out those who expounded “political correctness.”  Trump has called out Muslims, Politicians, candidates, the media; he has left no stone unturned.

Donald J. Trump  touched a nerve among those who are sick and tired of liars, thieves, big government ,progressives, hypocrites. This has caused the expected backlash which has helped Trump in the poles. So for Donald to bring the message to America and expose its enemies, we select “The Donald” for our MAN OF THE YEAR.


The posse is headed by none other than the head of the Republican party who can’t stomach a Trump nominee; Reince Priebus has been a disaster these last eight years. As “The Donald” said earlier, “he would support the eventual nominee.” However, as it now stands the “politically correct” losing candidates will not do such a thing. They are committed to hanging Mr. Trump from the nearest tree. A political lynching indeed. Don’t forget these politically correct “nattering nabobs” are the ones who stood idly by while Obama ran roughshod over the nation.

Mostly all the Republican candidates disavowed their association with Donald Trump. These hypocrites, such as Lindsay Graham, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, not add in the usual suspects, are alarmed because Trump has touched a nerve and is stroking the fires. The Republicans fear disaster in November is Trump is the nominee. Trump is not to one to mess with though, he can run as an independent pealing off Republican votes which would insure a Hillary victory. If you thought Obama was bad wait for Hillary, a train wreck in the making.

Add in the libtard media who are going bonkers as Trump’s campaign gains critical mass. This is not what the lame stream media expected. Bottom line, who cares what the media says. What’s remarkable is the way that self-described straight journalists have concluded that Trump is such a menace to society that they must abandon their ordinary practices and call him out.

In the opinionated precincts of the media, Trump is Public Enemy No. 1. We see this in the New York Daily News cover depicting him as chopping off the Statue of Liberty’s head.

Click for more from Media Buzz

Salient questions to be asked anyone who believes in the “religion of peace” is why do you pray five times a day? And secondly what are you praying for? And thirdly, do you believe in a worldwide Caliphate, Fourthly do you believe the Koran when it says, Christians and Jews are infidels?


Hillary Clinton the liar extraordinaire will not use the word, “Radical Islam or Islamic Extremists” because it might insight the moderate Muslims do go postal. Tell you what Ms. Clinton, not only are you a liar, a politically correct liar, a chronological liar, you are a stupid liar. Muslims by their vary nature are extremists, don’t you get it.

“I don’t want to do that because, No. 1, it doesn’t do justice to the vast numbers of Muslims in our own country and around the world who are peaceful people,” she told ABC’s “This Week.”  Her memory is void of the facts; Muslims have killed over 2 million people in the two decades. Real peaceful people. They are wrecking havoc in every nation where they are a minority, not to mention Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

On the 2016 presidential campaign trail, leading GOP candidate Donald Trump recently called out Obama on the issue.

“Radical Islamic terrorism,” Trump said at an event Friday. “We have a president that refuses to use the term. …There’s something going on with him that we don’t know about.”

How can any women vote for you when you bow down, like Obama did, to the so called moderate Muslims you are pandering too. Don’t you know that women are second class citizens. Have you forgot that all Muslims hates Jews, hates Israel and hate Christians. Read the Koran.

Have you counted the number of Christians left in the Middle East, have you checked with the Jew hating Erdogan of Turkey lately, the despot who has run most Christians out of the country, only 200,000 left out of 80,000,000. So lady Clinton, you are a nut case panderer who should be in jail by now. Hopefully the FBI will arrest you for treason, selling secrets to the enemy for political considerations, selling the United States out for donations to your husband’s foundation. You, Ms. Clinton, are pure scum. Still running for President when Chris Stevens was killed because of you. You think it is a big joke.

A fitting job for you is to clean latrines for prison inmates who have done a lot less than you, but have paid the price because they did not have the connections or money to shut people up. Ms. Clinton, you can go straight to hell.

Obama gets to the airwaves to throw more politically correct bull s…t. “This was an act of terrorism,” Obama said in his first Oval Office address since 2010, showing the magnitude of the situation. Notice how he did not mention “Islamic Terrorism.” You know why, because he is a devout Muslim, he prays to Allah; secondly he does not want to insult his brother Islamists or the Muslim Brotherhood.  The United States is coming to find out what mistake they made in 2008 and 2012. We can rectify it by electing Donald Trump in 2016.

We ask America, do these people look like Americans? If you say yes, then we are in trouble, If you say know then we know what to do.


Trump Tweets Infowars Link of Dancing Muslims from 9/11; Liberals Go Into Meltdown

Written by Paul Joseph Watson
November 27, 2015 at 6:24 am| URL: http://wp.me/p3c1Bb-e9v

Major butt-hurt after Republican frontrunner links to article about Muslims celebrating 9/11


Liberals went into meltdown Wednesday night after Donald Trump tweetedan Infowars link to a story about how Muslims in New Jersey allegedly celebrated the 9/11 attacks.

After days of the mainstream media accusing Trump of lying about the assertion that he saw news reports about Middle Easterners celebrating the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the Republican presidential frontrunner cited a Washington Post story from September 18 which appeared to at least partially prove the claim.

But that didn’t satisfy the “fact checkers,” who continue to insist that Trump is being disingenuous. Fast forward to Wednesday night, when Trump tweeted out a link to an article posted on Infowars in which the writer, who drove through New Jersey on 9/11, asserts that she, “Witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said.”

Other people who were in New Jersey and New York on the day of the attacks also tweetedout their eyewitness reports of Muslims celebrating 9/11 under the hashtag #TrumpIsRight.

The mere spectacle of Trump tweeting a link to Infowars caused a sudden outbreak of cry-baby butt-hurt on behalf of liberals the likes of which the Internet has never seen.

Gawker devoted an entire article to the egregious act with the headline Trump Tweeted an InfoWars.com Link and the Election Is Still 348 Days Away.

After we began trending, Twitter exploded with leftist rage at ‘The Donald’ daring to link to Infowars, with one cry-baby describing us as, “a site by paranoid idiots for paranoid idiots.”

Most of the attacks on Infowars also failed to recognize the fact that the article wasn’t even an Infowars story, it was a re-post of a BizPacReview piece by Carmine Sabia.

MORE evidence that New Jersey Muslims in fact, were dancing and celebrating on 9/11/01

MORE evidence that New Jersey Muslims in fact, were dancing and cel…

by BareNakedIslam

BareNakedIslam | November 27, 2015 at 9:00 pm URL: http://wp.me/p276zM-1jvV

The sharia-compliant media cover-up can’t cover up what many people in New York and New Jersey saw with their own eyes on 9/11. Don’t forget, there were no i-Phones back then and most of the cell phones did not have video cameras built in as they do now.

This is a copy of a Navy Vet Log from a DJ Lewis on Sept. 11, 2001″ “People Here Dancing on Rooftops – UNREAL!”



Ben Carson is coming in for a pit stop with only 18 gallons left in the tank; Cruz and Rubio are inhaling exhaust gases from both of them. But most of all “The Donald” has given both of them the pipe, their 14 gallons won’t last much longer.

You all know that the Cajun Governor from Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, took a hard look at the numbers and decided to pack it in. Our take is that he had enough of the red stick. We expect more of the “wannabees” to hit the skids soon – we wonder why it has not happened already; an old Southern Gentlemen once said, “ain’t got the sense God gave a rock” guess that explains why they are still in it.

As it stands now, we expect Donald Trump to be given the nuclear code come January 2017.

Are you sure you're the President?



Military officer carries nuclear football briefcase

In the past, a military officer carrying a special briefcase (nicknamed “The Football”) had to accompany the President wherever he went. The briefcase carried the secret daily codes needed to launch a nuclear attack along with a list of targets and attack scenarios.

To launch an attack, the President would need to confirm his identity using a code printed on a plastic card (nicknamed “the biscuit”), which the President was supposed to always have in his possession. With today’s technology and internet availability, the “football” and the “biscuit” have become obsolete.

As a supreme show of confidence in the new White House Cybersecurity Plan and an ongoing commitment to openness and transparency, the Daily Nuclear Codes are uploaded to this White House website giving the President immediate access to these vital codes wherever he is.

Because these Top Secret codes are protected through the use of a retinal scan, they can only be accessed by President Obama. This online nuclear launch capability along with theCyber Warfare Command and Control System give President Obama the tools he needs to keep our nation safe.


His campaign imploding faster than the most dangerous hurricane which was expected to hit the Mexican riviera, Jeb Bush has paid a visit to his mommy and daddy. Apparently, Jeb’s diapers are still wet, needing a change he has turned to the old codger. Turning back the clock it was George Bush who said, “read my lips, no new taxes.” Of course the Democrats tricked him into raising taxes which led to the election of “Slick Willie.” 

As Ronald Reagan‘s vice president during the 1980s, Bush endorsed Reagan’s policy that tax increases were undesirable but sometimes necessary. In 1984, however, there was some controversy when Bush seemed to diverge somewhat from Reagan’s view. Responding toWalter Mondale‘s admission that if he were elected taxes would likely be raised, Bush also implied that tax increases might be necessary in the next four years. Reagan asserted that he had no plans to raise taxes in his second term, and Bush quickly argued that he had been misunderstood. Bush’s statements led some conservatives to begin doubting Bush’s dedication to tax cuts.

As Jeb enters the most important months of his campaign he finds himself slipping in the polls for the most obvious of reasons; he is another Bush. Secondly, the American voter is sick and tired of career politicians who speak with forked tongue.

At a rally in Florida Trump teased Bush, a former Florida governor, for his recent decision to lay off campaign staff and cut salaries by 40 percent, and for his planned retreat with donors in Texas on Sunday.

“Bush has no money, he’s meeting today with mommy and daddy, and they’re working on his campaign,” Trump said at the rally in downtown Jacksonville, Fla.


The iconic pool term, “running the table” is the result of a player maintaining composure, being focused and self confident; keeping that posture enables the player to bank (pocket) the balls in their correct order leading to running the table. Donald Trump is in that position today, disposing of one opponent (ball) after another.

Many more wannabees will drop by the wayside in the coming days as we move closer to the primaries. Trump’s poll numbers are steady at 30%, when the talking heads said he will self destruct, Donald has shook off the criticism by stepping up a notch.

The Trump Wave is gathering tsunami heights as hit washes over the heartland. Playing to SRO crowds the Donald is on the verge of sending a message to the mainstream Republicans. That message is loud and clear, “you are through” America has had enough of  political correctness; we are sick and tired of compromising with the Democrats.

Our message to the lame brain Republicans, “you better get on the Trump Band Wagon now, tomorrow is to late.  Come January 2017 Donald Trump will be President of the United States.


Stranger Than Fiction

It’s been a while since I’ve commented on the Kafkaesque dreamscape that life has degenerated into of late. This happens occasionally, when it seems things can’t get any weirder, but they do. I drop back and watch, waiting to see if anybody does anything to make things better. Invariably, they never do.

This time it’s been no different. In fact, things seem to be getting exponentially worse, with the supposed Good Guys aiding and abetting the Bad Guys like they were all on the same payroll. Oh…wait…they are. Never mind.

The one bright spot is Donald Trump. Now, I don’t really give a flying hooha that he’s not a purist’s idea of a conservative, or that he’s a populist. What is important is that he’s a patriot who loves America and will do whatever he can to restore us to the greatness that, pre-Obama and the America-hating neo-fascists who run him and the Democrats, used to be ours. Trump is not a politician, he’s a very successful businessman, and that is exactly what we need. He’s lost and regained fortunes and more, has bought and sold politicians, so he knows how they play their game, and he’s got enough money so that he is neither afraid of nor beholden to anyone. Again, exactly what we need. Now, if we can at the same time get rid of the 100 or so worthless, lying RINOs in the House and the 34 or so even more worthless, lying RINOs in the Senate, we could see America become once more the great, constitutional republic that our founders intended us to be.

As a result of many, if not most, Americans not having access to the truth about what is happening in the world around us – our “mainstream news media” has degenerated into nothing more that a leftist propaganda and indoctrination machine – we are woefully unaware of the dangers that are growing like unchecked cancers around us.

I am currently in Hong Kong, and have just returned from a short trip into China proper, and a couple of things have become very clear. First, Hong Kong, with it’s largely free and unregulated trade, is booming like I have never seen a place boom. Massive construction, high demand for luxury goods, marketplaces filled with goods and crowds of people there to buy them. The docks are crowded with containers stacked seven and eight high, coming in and going out. The harbor, too, is filled with ships, bringing thousands of more containers filled with goods from the mainland, and taking others out to ports all over the world. For this, we can thank the neo-fascists who have run our government and “global” corporations, outsourcing our work and wealth, for at least the last 25 years.

The second thing that has become clear is that something is very wrong in China. Their conversion into a quasi-capitalist, quasi-communist country has created consumer economy and a hugely higher standard of living for nearly everyone. It’s also created an obvious privileged class who can afford luxury apartments, BMWs, Mercedes’, Buicks, and other high-priced vehicles, Armani clothes, Cartier watches, etc. But it has also created the ghost cities – whole cities, brand new, with massive high rise apartment complexes and shopping malls…all standing empty. What I discovered on my little jaunt was that a similar situation exists in the countryside, where it’s not so obvious, but apparently is ubiquitous.

In every hamlet, village, and town, and to some extent in the smaller cities, too, there are dozens of new two, three, and four storey, multiple-occupancy houses, constructed to the pre-finish stage, and then left standing unfinished and empty. No workers at all, and as near as I could tell, and no people in need of housing to fill them if they ever did finish them. They appear to be a massive socialist make-work scheme that didn’t work out as planned, but suggesting internal economic problems that they haven’t come up with a solution for.

The worrisome aspect of all this is the aggressive actions China has been taking towards its neighbors – Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan. The tried-and-true method of repairing a broken economy has always been to start a war, preferably one you can win. Among those who understand the Chinese military, it has long been predicted that they will move on these smaller neighbors, and if no one stops them, will go on to take the rest of Asia. Unfortunately, Marxist Obama and his Marxist Democrat Party have weakened our military so badly that China is virtually assured of only cheap talk and token resistance from us. Interesting times, indeed!

Sadly, China is only one of America’s coming disasters. Obama and his little helpers in the Republican Establishment have also guaranteed that the Middle East will explode, and most likely, Europe will collapse, too. And lest we forget, they are facilitating the inundation of America with violent foreign criminals and terrorists.

I, for one, believe that Donald Trump, with the backing of a genuinely patriotic Congress, could turn things around. However, this can only happen if We, the People, make it happen. Can we?