Tag Archives: Donald Trump


Republicans are fair game when it comes to prosecution. Democrats seem to escape the chains of justice. They say the law is blind, but when the progressive zealots control the FBI and DOJ it seems that the Democrats are able to pull off a Houdini; escaping from the straight jacket without a key. With friends in power who needs a key.

Criminals to the tune of Podesta, Hillary Clinton (don’t forget the $100,000 commodity scam), Mills, Samuelson, Rich, Loretta Lynch, Huma Abedin, and Slick Willie lawyer up, lie, forget and blame others for their crimes. So what else is new? They went after the Stevens in Alaska (APPEALED AND FOUND NOT GUILTY), McDonnell in Virginia (APPEALED AND FOUND NOT GUILTY) like hungry wildebeests,Blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus taurinus), male.jpg but Corzine of MS Global (NEVER INDICTED) went scot free. Folks remember WE are BELOW THE LAW, these narcissists know no law.

Tuesday, November 8, the day of  reckoning, we can turn the tables on the criminals who rule the roost. These tyrants belong need to be put a way for good, JAIL THE BIRDS for ever.  JAIL HOUSE ROCK.

CLICK HERE and watch liberal news anchors shocked by female Black woman giving them a lesson in stereotyping.

A DEMOCRAT CITY, CHICAGO! The City that never Sleeps.

Tuesday was the first day of November and Chicago has already recorded its first murder.

The newest crime numbers from the Chicago Police Department are staggering. October was the second deadliest month in 2016.

Police said Tuesday there were 78 murders, 353 shootings and 427 shooting victims last month. That means there have been 605 murders, 3,003 shootings and 3,633 shooting victims so far this year. In October 2015, 31 people were killed.





If any member of the Democratic Party – Kaine, Biden, Kerry, (or Bill Clinton) etc were to step into the Presidency, Clinton would still be driving the bus – it would just have to be ’supposedly’ invisible…… sort of like her criminal enterprises are invisible now (NOT!)



With less than two weeks before November 8, James Comey of the FBI just announced he is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s private email system. So with Hillary now the target of a criminal investigation, what happens if she is indicted or relinquishes her candidacy before the election, or even after. According to LawNewz.com here are some different scenarios:

1. If Clinton is indicted before the election

It’s highly unlikely an indictment would come before November 8. If it did, the indictment itself wouldn’t mean that Clinton could no longer run, as an indictment is only an accusation, not a conviction.

2. If Clinton steps down before the election

Should Clinton relinquish her candidacy before the election, the Democratic National Committee has a special meeting where they would choose a new candidate. Since we are exactly 11 days away from the election, there is one major problem: The ballot deadlines have passed in nearly every state.  So the Democratic leadership would likely have to wage a public campaign to tell voters that if you vote for Clinton/Kaine, you are really voting for Biden (or whoever it maybe)/Kaine. Then the electors would have to change their vote for the new ticket when they meet on December 19th, 2016.

3. If Clinton wins the election and is indicted before the inauguration

Should Clinton be indicted after winning the election but before officially taking office, she could try to play beat-the-clock and hope to take office before her case concludes. Once a person is in office as President, it gets even more complicated, as we’ll see later. Should Clinton be indicted and convicted prior to her inauguration, and end up in jail, she may be deemed incapacitated, in which case Section 3 of the 20th Amendment kicks in and the Vice President-Elect, in this case Tim Kaine, would become President.

4. If Clinton wins the election and steps down before the inauguration

If Clinton becomes President-Elect and decides to step down before her inauguration, either due to being indicted or out of fear that an indictment may be imminent, it would be similar to the situation just described, and Kaine would become President. However in a situation where a candidate steps down after the general election, but before the Electoral College chooses the winner, federal law says the electors would be able to vote for whomever they want, although states may pass their own laws controlling this situation.

5. If the investigation continues after the election and Clinton wins and is inaugurated before a decision is made. Could Clinton be indicted when she becomes President?

The law is unsettled when it comes to this situation, but most opinions tend to believe Clinton would luck out, due to the philosophy that Presidents — and only Presidents — are immune from prosecution while in office.

The Department of Justice addressed this in a memorandum by the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in 1973. That memo said that prosecution of a sitting President would undermine the power of the executive branch and its ability to function. In 2000, a new memo reviewed that determination and agreed that a President is immune from indictment and prosecution for the duration of their time in office. Of course, that memo acknowledged that no court has ruled on this issue yet. It almost happened during the 1974 Watergate scandal.


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“Your purpose will only be found in service to others, and in being connected to something far greater than your body/mind/ego.” ~
Dr. Wayne Dyer


A few weeks ago the Clinton Gang was relishing in glee, FBI director Comey brushed aside evidence (a joke for sure on gross negligence) that would have convicted anyone else and decided to overlook the preponderance of the evidence in deciding not to recommend Jail the Bird Clinton be indicted. That was then, now is now, Comey has re-opened the case in a turn of events that not even a Republican would dream of predicated on new evidence and allegations that may implicate the lying Clinton.  This is political theater at its best.

Elijah Cummings ( another liar) weighed in yesterday on the new revelations. (click)If his statement doesn’t make you laugh we don’t know what will. At this point in time we have no idea what the FBI has turned up emails on the computer used by Anthony the pervert Weiner, who is the husband of Huma Abedin, The BIG LIE by Cummings when he said the case was never closed, then how can it be reopened. Cummings is a liar first rate indeed. Hillary’s top aide. Hillary Clinton now comes out with a statement recommending that Comey release the emails immediately.

It’s obvious that something big is happening here, Abedin has bunkered down, not heard or seen since the story broke. Hillary wants the emails released ASAP so she can move forward with her divisive campaign. Having a concubinage relationship with Huma, one would think that Clinton has her private number. Apparently there is more to the story; we can only think what will happen when the facts come out.

Why did the gumshoes not get that device and those e-mails before? The answer could involve the FBI decision not to use a grand jury and subpoena power, but instead to take the highly unusual route of making informal agreements with Clinton and her team, including giving five people immunity.


And another lie by the BIRD when Hillary says only the Republican members of Congress originally received the letter when in fact the letter was sent to the respective members of Congress at the same time. 


We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.

LEONA HELMSLEY, attributed, New York Times, Jul. 12, 1989

Well, the Democrats seem to think that they are for the little people, pandering to them, offering them good times of plenty only if they vote for them and up till now they have. However, these Little People are getting religion wondering if these lying Clintonites are worthy of their vote. Questions are arising in the “hood”, such as, What have you done for me lately? There is a schism taking place.

Blacks are wondering why they are taken for granted, why have the Hispanic/Latino cabal usurped billions of funds that should have gone to the Black community. Why the Blacks are once again second class citizens, standing in back of the line is a question that needs answering?

Ask yourself why Blacks are arrested for petty crimes etc and Hillary Clinton who committed treason, stole government property, violated several statutes is not? Connections to the all powerful corrupt government is the answer. You are the little people, stand up for what is right, don’t give Hillary your vote; change is in the air, embrace it, do the right thing, if the government did not Jail the Bird, you, the Little People can indict Hillary in November 8.  Donald Trump deserves your vote, give him a chance. He will drain the swamp. 

The lame street media has blinded them with propaganda. As Donald Trump said, “the fix is in.” The facts are these,  billionaires control the Democrats, pay for play is their game; contributions to the Clintons by influence peddlers, multi national companies, foreign governments, financial institutions, university elites, Wall Street and Solyndra type entities have corrupted the very core of Democracy. Democracy in America is a thing of the past; it doesn’t exit.  Let us remind you of the old Russian saying, the final score is Hillary 1, Trump 0, the election will be held tomorrow.

Another Russian adage that the Clinton campaign uses widely is, “mistakes will be made, but others will be blamed.” Think Obamacare, think that “you can keep your doctor.” These are all lies, Democrat politicians don’t care about you, they care only about themselves, they are power hungry world without border tyrants.

America, before you vote, ask yourself if Hillary Clinton for you or herself? Remember, that the bulk, over 75%, of her donations were from multi-billionaire individuals and corporations. You folks are Leona Helmsley’s “THE LITTLE PEOPLE.”


During his speech at his Trump SoHo hotel in New York, Wednesday, Trump accused Hillary Clinton of committing a felony during her time as Secretary of State according to Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.  CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL STORY FROM FOX NEWS
 “Hillary Clinton accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of Brunei when she was Secretary of State – plus millions more for her foundation. The Sultan of Brunei has pushed oppressive Sharia law, including the punishment of death by stoning for being gay. The government of Brunei also stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of Hillary’s Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she would absolutely approve if given the chance,” said Trump.lies
Judge Andrew Napolitano said this may be the first time a presidential candidate of a major party has accused their opposition of committing a felony — and could carry some major implications for both candidates.


And why should he? Let’s look at the picture. Let’s look at the facts. Does any patriotic American accept the outcome of the FBI investigation? Do they accept the fact that Loretta Lynch met with Slick Willie on the tarmac, do they accept the fact that FBI director Comey cleared Clinton when in fact career agents were aghast at her not being indicted. This is corruption at the highest level. Fact that the Clintons are in violation of the RICO act, but Director Comey has not pursued a more thorough investigation regarding the most egregious offenses committed by the Corrupt Clinton. Fact, Clinton lied and had surrogates lie to cover-up her illegal server activity. Clinton’s patsy Sullivan tried to coerce the FBI in changing classified emails under Clinton’s orders.

Fact that Hillary Clinton, while Secretary of State shook down foreign governments for contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Donations from government such as Saudi Arabia who treat women as cattle. Fact that Clinton worked behind the scenes to deny Bernie Sanders run for Democrat nomination. Clinton and her lackey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, colluded to prevent Sanders from securing the nomination. Fact that the Clinton campaign hired criminals to disrupt Trump rallies, these criminals were paid to provoke violence at Trump rallies in violation of the law. Fact that press interviews with Hillary Clinton were fixed beforehand, questions were force fed to the press in advance.

Fact, if it were any other American who committed these crimes they would be in jail for good. Fact, (click, very important readillegals are allowed to vote without proof of citizenship and many times are paid to do so. Fact, Hillary Clinton lied when she said that she is for open borders, but for the electric grid. Fact that the press has ganged up on Trump. Fact the Republicans are guilty of subversion, trying anyway they can to prevent a Trump victory to save their own ass. Fact Republicans have allowed Obama to run over them with a steam roller the past 8 years. Fact, Donald Trump is an outsider who will bring common sense to government by rationalizing the bureaucracy.

Fact, Hillary Clinton is against Charter Schools, but pro union. Fact, Hillary Clinton will be Obama on Steroids. Fact, Hillary Clinton says under Bill Clinton the economy thrived and deficits were a thing of the past, the fact is that Slick Willie eviscerated the Defense Department and we are paying for it today. Fact, Hillary Clinton authored the red line in Syria which became the white flag line resulting in 400,000 deaths and ten million refugees. Fact, no Syrian Christians are allowed into the United States. Fact, Arab countries have not accepted any Syrians; why is that? Fact, Hillary Clinton will bankrupt the United States. Fact, Clinton will bring in supreme court justices who will make the law instead of interpreting it. Fact, Hillary Clinton will bring in the New World Order, she will let in millions of Muslims, we know that; she will emulate Merkel of Germany. Hillary Clinton will never say, “Muslim Jihadists or Radical Islam. Hillary Clinton is one of themlies

Fact, the Bird should be in Jail.

And then they question Trump’s failure to say that he will accept the results of the November 8 election when in fact Americans as a whole will question the results if Trump does not win. We bet that States with Republican governors will do all they can to stop the Washington machine if Clinton wins; they will tell Washington in no uncertain terms that they have had enough of the Foggy Bottom; they will do everything in their power to stand firm against Washington.

Bring it on Washington, we are waiting for you. teapartylogoredgadsdenflag


  1. Highlight the fact that millions of illegal immigrants will be crossing our borders; drug dealers, ISIS killers, murderers and Muslims who are anti Christian; these migrants from the Middle East will never accept our culture nor simulate into it. If you want this to happen vote for my opponent.
  2. Russia has now or vice versa Turkey, a member of NATO. I will recommend that Turkey be rationalized from NATO. This country has been hijacked by Erdogan the dictator; a tyrant who is anti-United States and everything it stands for. They have prevented the Kurds from establishing their own country in defiance of common sense. My opponent will continue to embrace Turkey although they have usurped the press, purged the military, purged the courts and most of all blame the United States for the recent coup attempt.
  3. My opponent will slash military spending ala Obama, spending money we don’t have on social programs where past results were a complete failure.
  4. My opponent will continue to blame Israel for failing to come to an agreement with the pseudo Palestinians.
  5. My opponent will not have the intestinal fortitude to eliminate waste in government. She will hire more do-nothings in a bloated beast that has not functioned for the majority of Americans
  6. My opponent will direct the military where she is despised for the killing of Chris Stevens and three others.
  7. My opponent will appoint Supreme Court Justices who will eliminate freedom of the press, speech; take our guns and allow millions of illegals to cross our borders and vote.
  8. My opponent arrest those who disagree with her, the same as Erdogan in Turkey has done.
  9. My opponent will continue to spend increasing our deficit to 30 trillion dollars.
  10. Announce the United States withdrawal from the United Nations
  11. If she becomes President none of the above will happen, but if I become President Hillary Clinton will be looking out from a prison cell. I will jail the Bird


Her game plan fell flat on its face, just like she did on 9-11, falling quicker than Humpty Dumpty; in an egg shell that is what Hillary is, a hollow shell without a core. Her lies are reminiscent of some of the most dangerous murders of the past hundred years. Hillary Clinton received not one, not two, but three knockout blows last night. She repeated again that “Donald Trump lives in his own reality”, the fact is she is the one living in her own reality. Trump scored the knockout punch when he said that Clinton should be in jail. Hillary tried to score some low blows, aided by the moderators who posed questions and answers for Clinton. Blame it on Lincoln says Hillary. This is a no-no bias for a neutral moderator. Hillary has failed to take ownership of Syria, Libya, Crimea, Ukraine, Iraq, Iran, Russia and China. The fact is that Hillary Clinton and John Kerry are the worst Secretaries of State of all time. Instead of making our case in the international arena, these two and Obama have spent eight years on the Apology Tour; they have alienated Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel. Those in the know are have lamented on why Israel is now friends with the Saudis and Egypt’s General al-Sisi. What we heard from Hillary Clinton last night were more vicious lies, disingenuous answers and failure to take responsibility for her illegal actions. Clinton’s campaign gets down and dirty running gutter politics to its finest.

PLEASE CLICK HERE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT KIND OF DISASTER CLINTON AND KERRY WERE AND ARE REGARDING OBAMA’S LINE IN THE SAND. The road to war authored by none other than Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. 




Apparently the Trump campaign and Ms. Flowers had second thoughts. She will not be part of the invited guests in tonight’s visceral debate.  

(CLICK)HOT OFF THE PRESS, Gennifer Flowers will be at Ringside Monday night. In the first debate, to be held at Hofstra University, Donald J. Trump has invited Ms. Flowers; she accepted. In your face Hillary says the next President of the United States. No coughing spells allowed for this one. 

The 90-minute face-off in Hempstead, LI — the first of three planned presidential debates — begins at 9 p.m. Monday, moderated by NBC’s Lester Holt. Click here for the story brought to you by the New York Post.