Tag Archives: Donald Trump


Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorable” remark was not off the cuff, this was a prepared speech, so we know it was not a “misspeak.” Effectively Hillary Clinton put to voice the consensus thinking of those “Who Made America Great.”

The one word defined America’s great Middle Class as a bunch of Deplorable Xenophobes, Racists and Islamophobic nobodys. This is not a surprise as the progressive elite have thought this way for the past three decades. We are the plebeians. They are the Elitists who know everything.trumptime


Donald Trump dared to go where angels fear to tread. But what a firestorm it brewed. Democrats called it a publicity stunt. Wrong! These liberal lying patronizing hypocrites are afraid to face their own music; the songs of bullets, killings, murders, decay and lives lost because of the progressive agenda which keeps Blacks on the plantation.

Trump has a better plan, one which flies in the face of today’s failing public schools, one which will give priority to charter schools and most of all one which will bring those out of the workforce into it. The Democrats can’t counter with this. These Democrat criminals act like a criminal gang starting a turf war akin to the Crips and the Bloods fighting over inner city neighborhoods.

If the criminal element running our country had any concern for the HOOD they would have eliminated the gangs many moons ago, but no, they find it to their advantage to see chaos reign in the HOOD. Without chaos, the Democrats offer absolutely nothing to the lives of Inner City Blacks. muchasgraciasamigo

America knows all to well that the central cities have pockets where most crime takes place. Black on Black, Hispanic on Hispanic are the main course. As long is it does no spill over to the burbs everything is hunky dory. But we must step back and analyze the cost to society. Educating failing students cost twice as the norm, police and firemen predominantly are hired to fight crime in the inner city costing billions a year. Arson is a daily occurrence costing lives and property damage.

It’s about time America puts a stop to the Largest Criminal Gang in AmericaTHE DEMOCRATS


He disposed of the odds on favorite, repelled one challenger after another, fought off an onslaught of criticism from party stalwarts who by the way accepted his largess then ganged up on him like rabid dogs, but to no avail. Now this iconoclast is in position to immolate Hillary ” Jail the Bird” Clinton’s final run at the White House.

They say it couldn’t be done; what did this newcomer know about politics? We pivot you to the Democrat primaries of 2008. Remember back when Hillary Clinton was to be anointed, but a junior senator from Illinois by the name of Barack Hussein Obama dispensed with her quicker than Ali’s dropping of Sonny Liston. In Hillary Clinton you get what you see, a liar, a patronizer,position switcher, a killer all in one; any other person on this planet would now be spending time in the brink.  The time has come for America to send the bird to jail.

Every day, there is no let up on the damage Clinton has done to the United States. Benghazi keeps coming back and it should. Clinton was responsible for security at our Benghazi Embassy, she shirked that responsibility and four brave men paid the ultimate price. The FBI uncovered 17,448 work related and personal emails that were never produced. These emails are not only the smoking gun, but they are a testament to the lies Clinton tells on a daily basis. She thinks we are so stupid that as time goes by we will forget criminal transgressions. (click here for the latestAgain we call on Attorney General Loretta Lynch to indict her. 

Donald Trump’s campaign and congressional Republicans are pushing to re-open the Hillary Clinton email case – at the Justice Department, as well as in the court of public opinion – in the wake of newly released FBI documents which are fueling claims her team may have destroyed evidence.  

That’s enough about Clinton for now. Let’s concentrate on Mr. Trump; ups sorry we let the cat out of the box. Trump took Jeb -low energy – Bush to the cleaners, he knocked out the lightweights in professional fashion dispatching them like “legends in their own mind” they were. After Kasich realized the end was near he barfed leaving only Lying Ted remaining. Why in the heck is Cruz able to run for the Presidency? It is crucial that the Supreme Court weigh in on this vital question.

Look up, positive news is on the horizon, Donald J. Trump is dead even according to the latest CNN poll. November is fast approaching and Hillary Clinton is slowly exploding. Jail the Bird. The latest news concerning Hillary’s brain trust is not good. There is dissention amongst them. From what we learned her campaign will explode quicker than the recent (riveting)explosion of Elon Musk’s SpaceX. This does not bode well as we enter September 26, debate night and the revealing of more Clinton emails.  (click)Cough it up Hillary, the nation waits for you



The latest poll has sent Hillary Clinton’s campaign into a frenzy. Hunkered down in their bunker, her brain trust is unraveling faster than Obama’s Middle East policy, the one Hillary mapped out.

Donald J. Trump, the next President of the United States, has narrowed Hillary’s once insurmountable lead to 2 points, 41% to 39% in a four way race. This does not bode well for the Lying Clinton.

As we enter the Labor Day weekend, more and more cover ups are revealed; for instance the acid program utilized in destroying her private server. Huma Abedin’s work at State and the Clinton Foundation at the same time and Clinton sending CLASSIFIED INFORMATION subsequent to her leaving the State Department. Being in possession of this information is a class A felony. But that is not all, the pay to play scheme is now front and center with an on going FBI investigation. To top it off Hillary is expected to testify once again, but this time to a Congressional investigative committee. Expect fireworks!P1050269



(CLICK FOR THE LATEST FOX NEWS POLLThe race for the White House has narrowed.  A new Fox News Poll finds Donald Trump gaining ground in the head-to-head matchup, despite improvements from Hillary Clinton on top issues.  

In addition, this is the first time the poll offers a four-way presidential ballot (it preceded the two-way ballot).  

The poll finds Clinton garners 41 percent to Trump’s 39 percent, while Libertarian Gary Johnson receives 9 percent, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein gets 4 percent.  CHAPPAQUAhillarydog


As (click)Trump makes one pit stop after another, unprecedented crowds came out to see him. At a rally in Des Moines preceded by a 42 mile Harley Davidson hog ride led by Senator Joni Ernst, more that two thousand were there to greet him. A rambunctious crowd wanting more of Trump. The latest poll has Trump in a dead heat. This is a win win situation because Iowa is the state that gave Obama a 54 to 44 win over McCain in 2008 and a 52 to 46 win in 2012 against Mitt Romney.  The latest results bode well for Mr. Trump who is on the verge of an unprecedented victory in November.  Time to Jail the Bird!trumptime


You do have to admit that Blacks and Hispanics get the short end of the stick when it comes to public education. Yes there are exceptions but in the broad scheme of things minority school children attend, for the most part, failing schools. This is due to many causes. The majority of students in these schools are from single parent families; hence the teachers spend a great deal of time on discipline, secondly one parent families have many chores thereby neglecting their responsibility in helping the child with homework or in fact seeing that it was done in the first place. Another major cause of concern is the education of the parent, in many cases they were dropouts, so engaging their children in meaningful conversations become a dead issue.

The liberal elites designed today’s education experience, for the most part, particularly in suburbia it works fine. However, when one peers into the inner city experience he/she sees a different picture. Mayhem is everywhere. Teachers in many instances are on the defensive, fearful of what an irate student may do. This has been caused by state board’s of education and the progressive politician. Discipline is no longer the stick that it once was. For instance a teacher, in many states and localities, can’t lay a hand on a student, even to break up a fight. The cops are responsible for this. Disciplining destructive students is not any easy task. Classes are disrupted effectively limiting their classroom learning. Teachers now become baby sitters. This very rarely happens in suburbia. Who to blame for this?  We can point many fingers, but it is obvious the liberal progressive cabal put the rules in place.

As we enter prime time in November, the decision on who to vote for becomes more acute. The Black parents need to understand who they are voting for and why. This is not too difficult of a decision. Looking behind and in front of the scenes makes the choice easy. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has come out in favor of Hillary.  Resolution of the AFT, “Hillary Clinton is a tested leader who shares our values, is supported by AFT members, and is prepared for a tough fight in order to champion the interest of students, families and communities”

Why does the AFT support Hillary? There is a one word answer, UNIONS. Hillary Clinton is vehemently against Charter Schools because they do not fall under the rules. They are successful in their own right and challenge today’s paradigm. A reminder once again that tenure teachers who do not measure up to today’s standards cannot be fired; they end up in the minority districts teaching down the inner city youth.

Many issues are at work here; for instance the AFT supports illegal aliens. This is detrimental to legal students, especially Blacks. Extra time is necessary to bring Hispanics up to speed, money that would to into the hiring of support personnel, tutors, mentors etc, to help failing or below standard Black students is not available. In reality the Blacks are like slaves of the Education Plantation. Suffering meted out like the plantation whip.

A look at the New York Charter School System is a prime example of what can be done to what is being done. Success Academy is the quintessential example of the dichotomy between public and charter schools; one flunks the other succeeds. Charters are a threat to the TEACHER’S UNION who control the public education agenda.

The message to the Black Parents, when voting ask yourself who is best for your child, who is in the pockets of failing teachers and unruly unions. You can make a difference, cast your vote for the future not the past. Despite her public pronouncements you must look behind the scenes and only then you will see who is pulling the scenes. Don’t fall for this trap again. They take your vote for granted. Do the right thing for a change, break away from the plantation mindset. It will benefit your child in the long run.

Click here for a message from Donald Trump.


A message for Trump to Clinton! Yes, I will divulge my my Income Tax Return if you allow an independent commission to investigate your server, the FBI files, the State Department files, the Clinton Foundation files, the Clinton World Initiative Files, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and Susan Rice files and whatever files or servers they deem appropriate.

Then and only then after they complete their investigation and release the ones that will incriminate you and publish them; you know the ones you haven’t turned over but say you did, you liar, then I will release my Tax return. Until then demand all you want but it will fall on deaf ears, you Corrupt lying murderer.

Slick Willy weighed in too. The words of Representative Duffy, “For Bill Clinton to come out now and say that this is a bunch of ‘bull’, why then did he have this secret meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Arizona to make sure he could tap down any kind of prosecution that comes from the DOJ,” Duffy said. “If he wasn’t concerned about Hillary Clinton and her scandal about the email he wouldn’t have had to have that secret meeting.”


Trump had it right, but did not spell out the particulars. Here they are straight from the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by theirCreator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Trump said this:

The candidate made the comments after telling voters in Wilmington, N.C., that his Democratic rival wants to “abolish” the Second Amendment.

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks,” he said.

Trump then added, “Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”

What Trump said was perfectly logical because it is based on the Declaration of Independence which said that it is the, “ Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.” We know for sure that a Hillary presidency will be devastating to most Americans and feel that they have the right to alter or abolish it. This is written in stone. Trump was not fast enough on the trigger to contest the charge brought by the liberals, who of course skewed the remarks to mean Trump advocated violence toward Hillary. flag1776

Donald Trump rejected claims he was advocating violence against Hillary Clinton when he suggested at a rally Tuesday there might be something “Second Amendment people” can do to stop her from picking judges, telling Fox News he was only talking about their “political” power – and saying of the media coverage: “Give me a break.”


donaldtrumpvictoryspeechDonald Trump, the NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, has drawn the RED LINE. Law and Order is the theme tonight as “The Donald” accepted the Republican parties presidential nomination. The lobbyists are given fair notice as they turn tail tonight, he runs right over Hillary Clinton reminding us of the scene in “Who Framed Peter Rabbit.”

Trump is out to defend the little guy, the one without a voice in Washington. Trump appeals to the Bernie Sanders voters as he will fix the trade deals that have devastated American industry. Trump will persevere, he said “that an attack on police is an attack on all Americans.” Trump will restore law and order to our Country on day one. Trump is “the Law and Order candidate.”

Trump throws down the gauntlet, “we will defeat the barbarians of ISIS and we will defeat them fast.” The damage done by Islamic radicals has been done over and over again. Trump says he will stop it. He will defend the LGBT community from the foreign ideology that murdered 49 innocents at the Pulse night club in Orlando, FL.trumptime He will be our greatest protector from foreign Islamic terrorists and illegals crossing the border. If any man can do it, Trump can. The untold bottom line here is that terrorists, illegals, felons on the lamb will be found jailed and run out of the country. A border will be built to stop the gangs, the violence, the drugs pouring into our communities.

On January 20th of 2017, the day Trump takes office, “Americans will wake up to a country where the laws of the United States are enforced.” “My policies are completely opposite of Hillary Clinton’s Radical and dangerous policies.” 

Trump proposed the largest tax reduction of anyone this year, simplifying the code. Reducing taxes will cause new companies and jobs to come into our country. The end to company killing regulations, the greatest job killers of them all,will happen. Steel workers and miners will be going back to work again.  Hillary will serve bureaucrats rather than children, Obamacare will be repealed, you will be able to choose your own doctor again. TSA at airports will be fixed. Our military will be rebuilt. Countries that we are protecting will be asked to pay their fair share; our Veterans will be taking care. Government bureaucrats, department heads will asked to produce a list of projects to be rationalized.

Justice will be appointed to the Supreme Court that will uphold our laws and respect the Constitution. Judge Scalia’s appointment will be of the same philosophy. Trump will support the 2nd Amendment and respect the right of all Americans to keep their families safe. He thanks the Evangelicals for their support.


Thank you Donald Trump for disposing of Jeb Bush.


America has caught on; they have seen the enemy past and present in the streets of Cuba, Czarist Russia, socialist Venezuela. Hillary Clinton epitomizes the aforementioned blood suckers who ruled at the point of a gun. The old saying says, “those with the guns have the power.” Proof of this is today’s Turkey, ruled by a violent Jihadist Erdogan. A Clinton Presidency, empowered by the parasite, the illegal, the minority Hispanics is some states are the majority) is one step away of a military ruled dictatorship. Wait until the Supreme Court is stacked with Jihadists with the same attitude as Ginsburg and Sotomayor. Both of these pervs legislate rather than interpret.

Why Turkey has not been tossed out of NATO is anybody’s guess. Well back to Clinton, a killer of four brave men in Benghazi, an Abysmal failure as Secretary of State, a criminal, although no charges were brought by Justice, a double talking condoner of Muslims who hate America – by the way she shook them down for hundreds of millions. Continuing to surround herself with Jihadists.

One can imagine the Czars in her administration ruling with an iron fist.  Black power brokers, Hispanic/Latino criminals, Loretta Lynch/Eric Holder types running Justice, Comey in the FBI and all of the other usual suspects. Wait that is not all. Expect her to purge the military a la Erodgan, a fascist pig, Christian -Jew hating Jihadist of the highest order, of all those suspected of insubordination. Yes they are afraid of a coup. Before it is all over, the IRS will have targeted those perceived enemies who are left plus purge the press of all conservative commentators. The 2nd amendment will be targeted as well, one vote on the Supreme Court is all it takes. Yes, America will go up in flames, military rule will prevail.

America has a choice in November, only one choice. Donald Trump will make America Great Again.