Tag Archives: Donald Trump


Putting the hammer down, Ted Cruz took his last gasp of air in order to save his imploding campaign. Victory is out of reach, but he had little choice; greasing his team with a female fatale was the last thing on anyone’s mind. Definition (an attractive and seductive woman, especially one who will ultimately bring disaster to a man who becomes involved with her). And  it turns out her addition to the team will be responsible for a collision of his own doing.

Tomorrow, Cruz will hit Indy’s brick wall in turn number one. The pole sitter, Donald Trump, will roar on to victory lane, crowds cheering frantically as they get a glimpse of the next President of the United States.\

Fox News shows Trump up by 15 points in Indiana.


Senator Ted Cruz knows the truth, a Harvard graduate with a Juris Doctor degree. Cruz was also an adjunct professor at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary Canada to an American citizen mother and to a Cuban born father with Canadian citizenship. This leads us to the Constitution.

Reading the following paragraph, it is up to you to ascertain the eligibility or non-eligibility of CRUZ to be the President of the United States.

Qualifications for the Office of President

Age and Citizenship requirements – US Constitution, Article II, Section 1

No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident .

The preceding rendering is crystal clear, spelling out in clear unadulterated English the eligibility requirements for President. Note, where it says “or a citizen of the United States, as the time of the adoption of this Constitution”, this clearly implies that one seeking the highest office in the Land must be today a Natural Born Citizen which conclusively means, “BORN IN THE UNITED STATES.” Why would it add “or……?”

The aforementioned Article needs to be litigated now, the record must be set straight; The Supreme Court must determine with clarity the eligibility requirements once and for all. If not frauds perpetrated on the American people will continue.

Ted Cruz knows in his heart that he is NOT ELIGIBLE to be President. There is no two ways about it.



Much ado has been written concerning Trump’s ideology. To tell you the truth we don’t care if he is liberal or conservative; it make no difference to us. This is what the lame stream media doesn’t get.

Trump, to us, is an iconoclast, the vehicle which we will use to implode big government. Trump will do to the United States bureaucracy what he has done all his life, get the best deal. Count on him ferreting out fraud, theft, redundancy, parasites and leaches. Yes, he will get it done or else. “Your fired” is his shibboleth.



Ninety Five votes are at stake today; Trump is expected to run the table capturing all 95. This will widen the gap between him and Ted Cruz. As the velocity of his campaign hits warp speed expect Trump to wrap up victory by capturing the Big Enchilada, California, with 172 delegates on June. 7.


GOOD MORNING NEW YORK! Thank you for the tremendous amount of support that you have given me since announcing my candidacy on June 16, 2015. Today is a big day for New York, and the United States of America!

Everyone must get out and VOTE TRUMP- so we can continue our path to securing the GOP nomination and defeating Hillary Clinton in November! I will not let you down- and we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I love you NEW YORK, thank you!

To keep up to date on the happenings of the campaign you can go to his Facebook page with the following URL, www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/.  You can also get information at the following URL “TIME TO PLAY THE TRUMP CARDon Facebook. Either way, there is a whole lot of information there for your consumption.

APRIL 19, 2016

New York

Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 95 Total Delegates

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APRIL 26, 2016


Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 28 Total Delegates

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Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 16 Total Delegates

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Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 38 Total Delegates

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Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 71 Total Delegates

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Rhode Island

Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 19 Total Delegates

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MAY 3, 2016


Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 57 Total Delegates

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MAY 10, 2016


Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 36 Total Delegates

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West Virginia

Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 34 Total Delegates

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MAY 17, 2016


Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 28 Total Delegates

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MAY 24, 2016


Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 44 Total Delegates

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JUNE 7, 2016


Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 172 Total Delegates

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Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 27 Total Delegates

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New Jersey

Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 51 Total Delegates

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New Mexico

Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 24 Total Delegates

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South Dakota

Type of Primary: Primary

Number of Delegates: 29 Total Delegates

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell finally weighed in on this years primary. Another RINO, a Kentuckian at that, who does not have the backbone to do what is right. Daniel Boone, a proud Kentuckian would be aghast at McConnells behavior.  Don’t count on seeing McConnell’s likeness on any coinage in the next 1000 years. What has McConnell done? He indicated that the Republican Primary would see a second round. Interpreting his statement, one can conclude that he is against Trump which means he is against the people.

Quoting McConnell: Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday that he is “optimistic” that the Republican National Convention in July will need a second ballot to decide the party’s nominee.”

Therefore, based on McConnell’s posture he can best be described as a scallywag.

Urban Dictionary: scallywag


Urban Dictionary

Top Definition. scallywag. 1. A person who is known to be a treacherous lying son-of-a-bitch, and usually smells bad. 2. A term of endearment used by pirates. 1.


Donald Trump, the next President of the United States, has effectively utilized social media to propel his presidential bid. Up to this point we have seen how vigorous it has been,  millions of new voters coming out to support the real estate magnate. The campaign that has now reached critical mass.

To keep up to date on the happenings of the campaign you can go to his Facebook page with the following URL, www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/.  You can also get information at the following URL “TIME TO PLAY THE TRUMP CARDon Facebook. Either way, there is a whole lot of information there. TRUMPtrumpbillboard3trumptime

Donald J. Trump's photo.
Melania, the new First Lady



Donald Trump filled the Connecticut Convention Center venue last night. Another one of Trump’s big time rallies which had brought out thousands of new supporters. Commenting, as usual he commented about media bias, but his story line changed a bit. He went off on Governor Dan Malloy, govmalloywhose policies and those of his fellow Democrats, chased one manufacturing company after another out of the state.

In fact a few days ago, it was reported that Connecticut is dead last in states that appeal to new businesses. Trump also lambasted the media for not telling the truth; he mentioned that they never pan the audience in fear of exciting backlash from their liberal purveyors, most notably the progressive zealots.

trumpbillboard3With Connecticut’s primary looming on April 26, Trump leads with 50 percent of the vote in the only presidential primary poll of state voters, meaning he likely will likely walk away with all 25 delegates.


Republican wannabee POWER HUNGRY PSYCHOS such as Paul Ryan and his running mate Mitt Romney have behind the scenes tried to derail Donald Trump’s train to the nomination, or so it has been said. The word got out that Trump voters have had it with backrooms filled with cigar chomping stalwarts.

It has even been put out that Paul Ryan would steal the nomination after the first round. Well yesterday, Ryan put a stop to the rumor. He will not seek nor accept the nomination. “Count me out.” We give him credit for stopping the rampant speculation.


The illegal alien debate has raged now for more than a decade, but has now come to the fore with Donald Trump stating that he will send them back to Mexico. Secondly, he will build a wall, Mexico will pay for it, to keep the trespassing criminals from violating our country. What they do is akin to rape. Contrary to what others think, the deportation of these criminals (Democrats call them undocumented – all lies) will cause the economy to boom; those seeking menial type work will find it and get well paid for doing it. This will be due to the lack of supply of cheap labor that finds the demand robust. As Trump said, “Make America Great Again.”  This will happen when he is elected President. “So let it be written, so let it be done.”

trumpbillboard3 From the Drudge Report. Boston Globe is releasing a fake front page in Sunday’s edition of Trump on Day One, calling for the deportation of the illegals.

What is the media scared of? Why are they doing all they can to derail his campaign? The liberal media is once again showing their true blue colors; trying to brainwash through propaganda the American people. There is no other reason, look back eight years ago, they didn’t call Obama out because they knew first hand he was one of them, a socialist out to destroy the fabric that made America great.

Effectively, America, with the media’s hype, helped elect Obama, a Jihadist in sheep’s clothing, to the highest office in the land. To keep the Obama message upfront, they are doing very little calling for Hillary (the Liar) to step down, who ostensibly will carry on the mission, but Trump who didn’t kill four of our guys in Benghazi is persona non-grata.  Go figure!


Don’t let the ink splatter get you down. No way in hell was Wisconsin ever going for Trump,  but the rag trade made everyone think that a Trump loss was a disaster. No such thing. A bunch of scallywags have ganged up on Trump and found the best way to be him is by coagulating around Ted Cruz; Republicans feel that they are better off with Cruz rather than see Trump as the last man standing.

So what do they do, put Ted Cruz up as a Trojan Horse.  America remembers Cruz fighting with fellow Senators, nobody would speak with him because of the 21 hour Obamacare filibuster.  Cruz scorched the earth and became radioactive, not one Republican would touch him with a ten foot pole. However, the enemy of my enemy in this circumstance can be my friend. Now that the Republican RINO’s have embraced Cruz we pose the question, why would they do that? Because these imbedded politicians want the Status Quo. Anything that will upset the applecart is detrimental to those currently holding office. And so that is the story in a nutshell.

What can we do about it? PLENTY! Thirty five to forty percent of the population are in the “WE WANT A REVOLUTION” NOW CAMP. They have seen politicians steal and lie for decades without any punishment. Politically correct politicians, better yet, lying politicians, heretics to the cause. Roused the crowds to get elected then forgot the people who put them into office. Tell you folks, REVOLUTION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION.”  trumptimetrumpbillboard3

 Don’t write Trump off just yet!