Tag Archives: Globalists


The Democ-rats are not about to recover from their almost fatal wounds anytime soon. Suffering the shocking defeat of November 8, the infliction of bruises from head to tow caused a near death experience. Their beliefs shattered; for instance, they thought they were on the way to kingdom-come. However, even worse and to their dismay, they are becoming the party of Image result for YELLOW PANTSYELLOW PANTS. Trump’s goal is to liberalize, streamline and free us from the BUREAUCRATIC system that so burdens all of us; levied by Democrats and Republicans alike, regulators and judges. This is the beginning of the end for Big Government.

Trump will make it happen. As he said, “I am the President of the United States, not the World.” Obama and the Clinton axis were One World type globalists, a world without borders where your neighbors and government were dictated by the New World Order. WRONG, we will never bow our heads and serve any master but ourselves. Patriots know all too well that the Democrats are the party of ISIS, out to destroy America and its founding values by self inflicted suicide.

On Obama’s watch the children of the world acted like children – fighting among each other, with neighbors and so called friends alike. Others like North Korea filled the Obama void by intimidation, threats and bellicose rhetoric. However, General Mattis is not one to back down from degenerates whose threats beckon a strong response.