During the past century America has not experienced many earth shattering political upheavals. Yes the changing of the guard did take place, but the evil bureaucracy continued on a sustained path upward and outward. Examples of profligacy are earth shattering; to give succor to illegals and Muslim refugees when our veterans are starving is Patriotic Blasphemy. However, this is small potatoes on a global scale. Forces are beginning to surround us from all sides; these threats must be addressed.
Trump’s November 8th volcanic victory has sent the tectonic plates in a new direction. The many aftershocks ostensibly will gobble up the exhausted progressive agenda. Soon, the Supreme Court will be fully manned. Gorsuch, hopefully will bring a more conservative constitutional enlightenment in decision making, breaking the standstill that now exists. 
But turning to the world stage where we find many wannabee Napoleons who have stepped up during the weak eight year apology tour of Obama. The saber rattling boy man despot of North Korea is one of them. Is he about to meet his match? We don’t know how to say Allahu Akbar in Korean, but to constantly intimidate, provoke and yearn for a fight with the United States is a quick route to suicide. On the diplomatic front Rex Tillerson has has read the riot act; “all options are on the table.”
If China does not collar the boyman, Trump will. Our suggestion to end the North Korean provocations is simple as 1, 2, & 3. Give China an ultimatum, stop North Korea from their nuclear ambitions in 90 days, if not, on the 91st day exports from China to the United States will be halted. This will enrage the 250 million Chinese workers who suddenly will find themselves on the street. China would suddenly find themselves between a rock and hard place. Not wanting to address a raging populace with military means, one that has gotten use to the good life, Beijing would then use their leverage to bring North Korea to heel. We bet they will act quicker than the Japanese tsunami that hit Fukushima.
The Iranian mullahs and their Revolutionary Guards have a long arm, it has reached far and wide, spreading the message of Sunni Islam in an attempt at world hegemony. Their arch enemy Israel has not taken their threats lightly. They are prepared for the Mother of all confrontations. On all sides they face enemies, but none greater than Iran. If not them it will be the United States that acts to halt their nuclear ambitions. Their cooperation with North Korea is well known. A few years back Israel took out a half built nuclear plant supplied by Pyongyang in the Syrian hinterlands. There is little doubt that Israel is in the forefront of nano warfare. Most likely their microscopic like robotic insects have invaded Iran’s nuclear facilities. Supplied by our DOD with bunker busters, Israel, when the time is right, will drop the big boy in a takeout of Tehran’s nuclear facilities.
However, with all that being Israel would not hesitate to level Iran if push comes to shove. And it will come! Their proxies, Hezbollah, will never let sleeping dogs lie. Having a Iran enclave bordering Israel with weapons of mass destruction is something Israel will have to address and ultimately eliminate in the not too distant future. The expectation of a confrontation, either it be an infiltration or a missile barrage is expected at anytime. Israel is prepared for such an event. Lebanon too is becoming a Hezbollah stronghold. Any wartime strategist knows that surprise is the best offense; expect Israel to be proactive with first strike capability; taking out as much infrastructure as possible before the enemy regains a foothold is the type of operation that they will employ with dispatch.
Next up is the Congressional battlefield. More danger lies there than a pit full of rattle snakes.