Tag Archives: illegals


Why the Authoritarian Right Is Rising

 American Renaissance

Pat Buchanan, American Renaissance, April 20, 2018

“[Hungarians] don’t want to become a minority in their own country.”

A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country’s constitution.

To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news.

For the bete noire of Orban’s campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban’s commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence to the European Union, and to fight any immigrant invasion of Hungary from Africa or the Islamic world.

Why are autocrats like Orban rising and liberal democrats failing in Europe? The autocrats are addressing the primary and existential fear of peoples across the West—the death of the separate and unique tribes into which they were born and to which they belong.

Modern liberals and progressives see nations as transitory—here today, gone tomorrow. The autocrats, however, have plugged into the most powerful currents running in this new century: tribalism and nationalism.

The democracy worshippers of the West cannot compete with the authoritarians in meeting the crisis of our time because they do not see what is happening to the West as a crisis.

They see us as on a steady march into a brave new world, where democracy, diversity and equality will be everywhere celebrated.

To understand the rise of Orban, we need to start seeing Europe and ourselves as so many of these people see us.

Hungary is a thousand years old. Its people have a DNA all their own. They belong to a unique and storied nation of 10 million with its own language, religion, history, heroes, culture and identity.

Though a small nation, two-thirds of whose lands were torn away after World War I, Hungarians wish to remain and endure as who they are.

They don’t want open borders. They don’t want mass migrations to change Hungary into something new. They don’t want to become a minority in their own country. And they have used democratic means to elect autocratic men who will put the Hungarian nation first.

U.S. elites may babble on about “diversity,” about how much better a country we will be in 2042 when white European Christians are just another minority and we have become a “gorgeous mosaic” of every race, tribe, creed and culture on earth.

To Hungarians, such a future entails the death of the nation. To Hungarians, millions of African, Arab and Islamic peoples settling in their lands means the annihilation of the historic nation they love, the nation that came into being to preserve the Hungarian people.

President Emmanuel Macron of France says the Hungarian and other European elections where autocrats are advancing are manifestations of “national selfishness.”

Well, yes, national survival can be considered national selfishness.

But let Monsieur Macron bring in another 5 million former subject peoples of the French Empire and he will discover that the magnanimity and altruism of the French has its limits, and a Le Pen will soon replace him in the Elysee Palace.

Consider what else the “world’s oldest democracy” has lately had on offer to the indigenous peoples of Europe resisting an invasion of Third World settlers coming to occupy and repopulate their lands.

Our democracy boasts of a First Amendment freedom of speech and press that protects blasphemy, pornography, filthy language and the burning of the American flag. We stand for a guaranteed right of women to abort their children and of homosexuals to marry.

We offer the world a freedom of religion that prohibits the teaching of our cradle faith and its moral code in our public schools.

Our elites view this as social progress upward from a dark past.

To much of the world, however, America has become the most secularized and decadent society on earth, and the title the ayatollah bestowed upon us, “The Great Satan,” is not altogether undeserved.

And if what “our democracy” has delivered here has caused tens of millions of Americans to be repulsed and to secede into social isolation, why would other nations embrace a system that produced so poisoned a politics and so polluted a culture?

“Nationalism and authoritarianism are on the march,” writes The Washington Post: “Democracy as an ideal and in practice seems under siege.” Yes, and there are reasons for this.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people,” said John Adams. And as we have ceased to be a moral and religious people, the poet T. S. Eliot warned us what would happen:

“The term ‘democracy’ … does not contain enough positive content to stand alone against the forces you dislike—it can be easily be transformed by them. If you will not have God (and he is a jealous God), you should pay your respects to Hitler and Stalin.” Recall: Hitler rose to power through a democratic election.

Democracy lacks content. As a political system, it does not engage the heart. And if Europe’s peoples see their leaders as accommodating a transnational EU, while failing to secure national borders, they will use democracy to replace them with men of action.


Criminals shall be warned that testing our will has consequences; Trump must exercise the power he has and protect the citizens of the United States with Brut Force. Be it cutting them down on the ground or to take to the air it must be said and done. Either way this show of force is necessary, not for intimidation, but for our right to keep out the the trash coming to our the Homeland.

Trump says the military will secure the southern border until wall can be built!

We don’t have laws, we have catch-and-release,” he said. “You catch and then you immediately release and people come back years later for a court case, except they virtually never come back.”

Trump did not offer specifics, but the move appears to be at least partly motivated by a caravan of over 1,000 Central American migrants heading toward the U.S. border. Buzzfeed, which first reported on the caravan, said that Mexican officials had not yet attempted to stop the flow.

Reports of the caravan angered Trump, who has sent out a number of tweets threatening to end the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and to cut foreign aid to countries such as Honduras, from where many of the migrants originate.

Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council, said on Fox News Radio’s “The Todd Starnes Show” that it gives Border Patrol “certainty of apprehension.”

“The criminal smugglers, this is a multibillion dollar industry. They smuggle humans, they smuggle drugs,” he said. “This criminal enterprise, if we arrest the majority of people that cross the border illegally, we put a dent into their criminal enterprise, and if you put a dent into their criminal enterprise, then you can possibly stop them.”


As noted on several occasions the illegal alien criminals who has terrorized our nation (think MS-13) are also looting America’s social welfare programs; plus they have filed fraudulently tax returns to take advantage of childcare credits when in fact their children live in Mexico. 

Paul Sperry


New York Post

Mexico won’t have to pay for the wall, after all. US taxpayers won’t have to pick up the tab, either. The controversial barrier, rather, will cover its own cost just by closing the border to illegal immigrants who tend to go on the federal dole.

That’s the finding of recent immigration studies showing the $18 billion wall President Trump plans to build along the southern border will pay for itself by curbing the importation of not only crime and drugs, but poverty.

“The wall could pay for itself even if it only modestly reduced illegal crossings and drug smuggling,” Steven A. Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, told The Post.

Federal data shows that a wall would work. A two-story corrugated metal fence in El Paso, Texas, first erected under the Bush administration has already curtailed illegal border crossings there by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which it was built.

Absent a wall, the Homeland Security Department forecasts an additional 1.7 million illegal crossings at the US-Mexico border over the next decade.

If a wall stopped just 200,000 of those future crossings, Camarota says, it would pay for itself in fiscal savings from welfare, public education, refundable tax credits and other benefits currently given to low-income, illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America.

If a wall stopped 50 percent of those expected crossings, he says, it would save American taxpayers a whopping $64 billion — almost four times the wall’s cost — to say nothing of the additional billions in federal savings from reduced federal drug interdiction and border-security enforcement.

 Camarota explains that illegal border-crossers from Mexico and Central America — who account for more than 75 percent of the illegal immigrant population in the US — are overwhelmingly poor, uneducated and lack English language and other skills. In fact, the average Latino illegal immigrant has less than a 10th-grade education. That means if they work, they tend to make low wages; and as a result pay relatively little in taxes while using public services. And if they have children while in the US, they more often than not receive welfare benefits on behalf of those US-born children, who have the same welfare eligibility as any other citizen.

“A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households is received on behalf of their US-born children,” Camarota said. “This is especially true of households headed by illegal immigrants.”

Therefore, illegal border-crossers create an average fiscal burden of more than $72,000 during their lifetimes, Camarota says. Including costs for their US-born children, the fiscal drain jumps to more than $94,000.

While the national media routinely report that illegal immigrants don’t go on welfare, Camarota says this is a pervasive myth. While in most cases they can’t legally qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid or other public benefits, the reality is that the vast majority of households headed by illegal immigrants are on welfare through their children.

The vast majority of households headed by illegal immigrants are on welfare through their children.

“There is simply no question that households headed by illegal immigrants access a good deal of welfare. In fact, illegal immigrants’ use of some programs is quite high,” he said.

The US Census Bureau’s latest “survey of income and program participation” shows that 62 percent of illegal-immigrant-headed households are on the federal dole — more than double the rate for households headed by native-born Americans. And that includes households where one or more workers are present in the household.

Their use of US welfare is highest for food stamps and Medicaid, data show.

Though welfare use among illegal immigrants is much more associated with children, “childless illegal households still use some welfare programs at surprisingly high rates,” Camarota pointed out.

Some collect federal benefits through fraud or administrative errors or through green-card holders. But in the case of Medicaid, pregnant women illegally in the country can sometimes be enrolled in the program.

There is also an Emergency Medicaid program that covers predominantly illegal immigrants. Funds from the multibillion-dollar program go to hospitals to offset the cost of treating adult illegal aliens who can’t pay their bills. And it’s not just for ER visits. In New York, the program can be used to provide chemotherapy and radiation therapy for illegal immigrants.

In addition, Camarota said the IRS each year pays out billions to illegal immigrants in refundable child tax credits and the earned income tax credit.

While Democrats complain the $18 billion price tag for the Trump wall is too high, the “Dreamers” amnesty bill they want Trump and Republicans to pass in exchange for funding the wall (or ideally in spite of the wall) would cost US taxpayers even more than the construction of the border partition over 10 years.

“The cost of the DREAM Act has been estimated as very large — a $26 billion net cost in the first 10 years,” Camarota noted.

Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office recently estimated that 3 million DREAM Act recipients would receive an estimated $12 billion-plus in ObamaCare subsidies, more than $5.5 billion in Medicaid benefits, $5.5 billion in earned-income and child-tax credits and more than $2 billion in food stamps.

A bipartisan bill incorporating the deal was defeated in the Senate last month by a vote of 54-45. Trump rejected the proposal in favor of a tougher border bill introduced by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), which limits the number of DACA beneficiaries to 1.8 million, curbs family visas, or so-called chain migration, and phases out the diversity visa lottery, while earmarking $25 billion in funding for the wall and other border security.

Sperry is a former Hoover Institution media fellow. Follow him on Twitter: @paulsperry_


The Internal Revenue Service says everyone who is employed in the United States – even those who are working here illegally – must report income and pay taxes. Of course, undocumented workers are not supposed to have a social security number. So for them to pay taxes, the IRS created what’s called an ITIN, an individual taxpayer identification number. A 9-digit ITIN number issued by the IRS provides both resident and nonresident aliens with a unique identification number that allows them to file tax returns.

While that may have seemed like a good idea, it’s now backfiring in a big way.

Each spring, at tax preparation offices all across the nation, many illegal immigrants are now eagerly filing tax returns to take advantage of a tax loophole, using their ITIN numbers to get huge refunds from the IRS.

The loophole is called the Additional Child Tax Credit. It’s a fully-refundable credit of up to $1000 per child, and it’s meant to help working families who have children living at home.

But 13 Investigates has found many undocumented workers are claiming the tax credit for kids who live in Mexico – lots of kids in Mexico.


According to the United States Census Bureau Supplemental Poverty Measure, California has the highest poverty rate in the country. One in five people in California are living in poverty and the state’s residents account for 33% of all those on welfare in the United States, despite the state only being 12% of the country’s population. The state spent $958 billion on welfare programs between 1992-2015. According to the study, 60% of Californians are jobless and living in poverty.

California is a sanctuary state and is often championing movements which find ways to grant protections and entitlements to immigrants at the expense of Americans. While an astronomical 30% of Americans in California are receiving means-tested welfare, this pales in comparison to the 55% rate of use by immigrant families consuming this type of welfare. The state is handing over tons of cash to foreign nationals at the expense of Americans.

One contributing factor to their high poverty levels is their lack of affordable housing. Housing in California has become increasingly out of reach for the middle class due to building regulations and space constraints. This has caused housing to consume far more of the average residents income than in other parts of the country, leaving them with less money for food, transportation, healthcare and other services.



The Latino/Hispanic invasion continues without a word from major Black organisations. Where is the leadership, where is the Black Caucus, where is the NAACP? The influx of illegals from Latin America during the past three decades has marginalized the Black community. No longer are they a force to be reckoned with in the Democrat party, their power succeeded to the Latino/Hispanic cabal. All of this was done under the cover of racism. The Black leaders never realized or even if they did, none spoke out against this invasion. They were taken for granted that equal rights meant for all, even those with no gripe. According to latest estimates, there are 35,000,000 Hispanics residing in the USA, this includes Mexican, Cubans, Puerto Ricans and those from other countries; this is almost equivalent to 36,000,000 Blacks or those who are African American. The Blacks are now on the threshold of being marginalized.

Blacks have been clamoring for their rights ever since the founding, but the major thrust began after the Civil Rights bill of 1960 became law, this was subsequent to the Civil Rights Act of 1957 but preceded the 1964 and 1965 Acts. Since then Blacks have made great strides, however monies that were initially intended for them were side tracked to the Hispanic community. Bilingual education became paramount. Instead of the focus helping Black children in their childhood years funds became diverted. But now a new element has swallowed up more funds initially intended for Blacks. We are talking about bringing in refugees from foreign lands with a history of being anti-Christian and anti-Semitic. However, to ascertain the full impact one must look at the cost. And that cost to integrate these foreigners will run into the trillions.


(click)Preferences for such people are entirely legal. The federal government’s definition of “Hispanic” for both the census and affirmative action guidelines is, “a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Since preferences apply “regardless of race,” a person qualifies for affirmative action even if every one of his Latin American ancestors was a white slave owner. And slavery was much more brutal in Latin America than in British North America.

In the first two decades of affirmative action (the 1960s and 1970s) its rationale was to redress the effects of slavery and post-slavery anti-black discrimination. During this period, “black” and “minority” were used interchangeably, and arguments about affirmative action were about whether past anti-black discrimination justified present discrimination preferences

At the beginning of the 1960s, when white Americans tried to come to terms with the legacy of slavery, unelected government bureaucrats included Hispanics in the same “minority” category as blacks. Neither the public nor Congress discussed or even noticed this bizarre categorization because Hispanics were then such a small percentage of the population. Minority status, in turn, resulted in relabeling Hispanics as deserving non-whites and generating a myth that Hispanics had suffered the same type of discrimination as Blacks.

So where do we stand today. A reminder that Blacks deserve their due, the Hispanics do not. Blacks fought valiantly in the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. Not to say that natural born Hispanics did not, but they were not discriminated against, they were not prevented to vote, they were not enslaved.

Click here for “National Council of la Raza” Effectively this socialist organization’s philosophy is simple, “take from the rich give to the poor, demand placement for Latinos in jobs in the name of diversity when a more qualified person (white in most cases) has the better credentials and last but not least, fight for the right of illegal aliens to not only stay in the United States, but to give them free everything.

Click here for Jorge Ramos quipping that there is no invasion of the United States.

“There is no invasion. No one is invading the United States,” Mr. Ramos said. “Mexicans are not invading the United States. The undocumented population has remained stable at about 11 million for the last decade. So those are the positive things. The negative is that this is the ‘Trump effect.’ This is created because of the policies of fear, and xenophobia and cruelty.”

The Univision star sent a different message on Fox News just one day earlier. Mr. Ramos told told Tucker Carlson on March 8 that America, for all intents and purposes, belongs to anyone who crosses the border — legally or illegally.

So we call for the BLACK LEADERS to break away from the past PARADIGM and look to the future where your voice will be heard; if you don’t do it now, you will never have a voice again. Please shout as loud as you can, your future is at stake. Your community has gone in reverse, progress is at the very least a standstill.  The marauding bands of Hispanic/Latino leaders have usurped your hard work and no pun intended, “BLACKENED YOUR LEGACY.”


Democrats have a psychiatric malady? Under Obama they got what they wanted, one way or another. Many times the Republicans acquiesced to their demands. Case in point, Holder, Lynch, Kagan and Sotomayor were given the green light with a minimum of ten Republican votes. When the votes weren’t there for Obama to pass his agenda, he resorted to executive orders. The Democrats applauded this, they gave him a standing ovation. Federalism did not matter, it was the big picture, States rights meant little.

However, now that the shoe is on the other foot they, these same Democrats that applauded Obama’s executive orders, challenge Trumps. The latest being Sessions indication that funds will be withheld from State, County and Local governments that do not cooperate with ICE. This has gotten the feathers up of many of the grandstanding mayors. For example the bad hombre from the Big Apple, de Blasio.

Mayor Bill de Blasio a few months ago said President Donald Trump’s executive order stripping funding for sanctuary cities would be severely damaging to New York City.

Trump followed up and signed the order targeting sanctuary cities, which do not arrest or detain immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.

“We will not allow ICE agents to threaten that protection, disrupt classes or take any action that would be detrimental to our students,” de Blasio said at a press conference held outside New York’s Tweed Courthouse Tuesday afternoon. “With these updated guidelines, we are reinforcing the fact that a school is a safe and protected location,” he said, adding that his promise would not apply if ICE got a court order.

A November 2014 report by the New York Post estimated the state has a population of 35o,000 illegal-alien students. Their illegal immigrant parents work throughout the city, mostly in jobs where employers want cheap employees, and they spend tens of billions of dollars each year at local businesses.

“Specifically, concerns about possible federal action that would penalize cities financially for their policies toward immigrants and lead to increased deportation of immigrants,” the Conference of Mayors’ website reads. “With the January 28 issuance of an executive order halting admission to the United States of refugees and other immigrants, mayors and the Conference focused attention on these issues as well.”

According to de Blasio’s new protocol, ICE agents will not be allowed to enter a school unless they provide a warrant and wait outside the school until school employees consult with the Department of Education attorney. If the ICE agent appears without a warrant, de Blasio is instructing the school to call the NYPD.

“This adds another layer of defense so that it’s quite clear if an agent shows up, the default position is they’re not coming in the building,” de Blasio said. “ICE agents will not be wandering the halls of a school. Legal staff from the DOE and/or Law Department have to get involved, the principal has to get involved, senior police officials have to get involved before any decision is made on how to proceed.”

The IRONY here is simple, de Blasio swore to uphold the laws of the State of New York and the United States Constitution, but seems he only will when it suits him. Trump should have him arrested for violating Federal Law in this regard.



Democrats, louts as they are, got what they deserve, took a bloody beating in 2016, not a TKO, but a vicious pounding; a near death experience. For the Clinton campaign it was a devastating defeat, one they will never ever forget; couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.

Their latest temper tantrums tell us much about their hate for democracy and the hate that resides in their bones. These people are raging maniacs; deserving to be incarcerated at the nearest psych ward. Shouts and demands to end the Electoral College are common place. Who was it that said that the next President be allowed to make a Supreme Court nomination, but could not accept Trump being the one. In January 2006, then-Sen. Obama joined 24 colleagues in a futile effort led by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., to filibuster the Supreme Court nomination of now-Justice Samuel Alito.

And it was Joe Biden who said, ” in a speech on the Senate floor in June 1992, Mr. Biden, then the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, “there should be a different standard for a Supreme Court vacancy “that would occur in the full throes of an election year.” The president should follow the example of “a majority of his predecessors” and delay naming a replacement. If he goes forward before then, the Senate should wait to consider the nomination.” So again, we have those sore losers who can’t get over the mother of all losses. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they seek to rewrite the rules that have bode us well through history.

However, they are not taking this defeat lying down. Protests by hooligans across the country have erupted. Pugnacious rabblerousers have incited the crowds who trash and burn cities across the land; the likes of George Soros have paid for agitators to disrupt the political agenda of Trump. Socialist infiltrators, illegals and Democrat filth have doubled their efforts in protecting the illegal community, offering them an underground railroad.

The illegal is responsible for pillaging the United States of America in two ways; anchor babies that Americans have to educate and mothers who collect welfare and free medical care. Secondly the hombre works under the table sending back the dinero to Mexico without paying taxes or buying anything while here. There are whole towns in Mexico void of the hombre;

When ABC News gathered together a group of children from the town and asked how many had relatives in the United States, all of them raised their hands — for fathers, brothers, uncles, even grandfathers all working in places like New York, Oklahoma, Utah and Florida.

There are signs of American influence everywhere. The town’s welcome sign is both in Spanish and English. There are American cars and pickup trucks all over the village, TV sets and DVD players in many living rooms, satellite dishes on many rooftops.

The men from El Epazote send thousands of dollars back home every month — enough to build new homes that now dot the landscape. It is money that buys new clothing for their children and puts food on their table.

To remind the losers that during the past eight years, the conservative groups, including the Tea Party patiently waited for the right time, working with the grassroots and developing a ground game that resulted in victory. We were not out there calling names, gang banging, looting, calling people racists, trashing towns and disrupting public discourse. We accepted that Obama won, but now when Our Man wins, all hell breaks loose. This goes to show you something – freedom is not free. 

Churches, many of them in the Hispanic community have offered sanctuary, legal organizations have come forward with pro bono assistance. And calls for fines rather than arrests are on the table in New York. So a criminal illegal commits a felony which obviously will place him at the top of the list for deportation, Di Blasio and company will now levy a fine to erase any record that would cause deportation. SICK – Di Blasio is a sick man, ready for institutional debriefing via a frontal lobotomy. Bottom line, they are not taking it lying down. So we must be prepared for the next down and dirty slug fest.

We know the Democrat party all to well. It is made up of criminals, illegals and sore losers. Criminals such as John the swift boat Kerry, Hillary jail the bird Clinton, Debbie email Wasserman- Shultz, Barry Soetoro aka President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and La Raza. Aztlan flag rb.jpg

Supported by organizations that would have qualified as full blown communists in the ’50’s; there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that they would have been subject to investigations by the “The House Un-American Activities Committee . These groups consist of those seeking to overthrow the United States. Disintegration, overthrow and start anew are their ultimate goals. Molotov cocktails, trash and burn at every turn when rulings, laws and regulations go against them. Anarchy is their soup d’jour.

Eight years of Obama were disappointing, a laid back aloof president who sought conflict rather than accommodation; one who sought to divide and conquer rather than reconciliation; one who failed in his duty to protect the United States and its allies. The American people had it with him and his ilk. This paved the way for the humiliating defeat of Jail the Bird Clinton. She sought to implement “Rules for Radicals“, but the word got out quickly that this malcontent would bring evil to the land. America had it with Obama and time was ripe to “move on” in another direction. But the loss did not sit well with the radical thinkers of the Democrat hierarchy, now they seek to stifle the new administration. However, the wind is not in their favor and it will blow back the sheets of dirt in their face.

The ides of March are upon us, hearing for the Supreme Court nominee will be in full swing. Neil Gorsuch is a very fine Judge, an honorable man with a great wit. It is obvious that he will be approved one way or another. This will bring a swing man back into the decision making process. However, to fully implement our Constitutional agenda we wish and hope for the departure of one of the other justices. Either it be Kennedy or Ginsburg we don’t know, but one thing we do know, another Trump appointee will take us back (actually forward) to what we want to be, what we should be and what we will be. Law and order will prevail in the Trump era. Count on it, bank it. The wall will be built.


Studies over and over again offer empirical evidence that illegals and temporary workers are responsible for the lower wages of American farm workers and those in tech. Farmers who rely on illegals and temporary workers to do the dirty work are cheating Americans out of higher paying jobs. The contrary view is that Americans won’t do these backbreaking laborious jobs. How do they know? Have they done scientific studies to prove otherwise? Where are they.

We propose and put forward a challenge to those who deceive and constantly fabricate the truth.  Apple growers are the first to complain that Americans won’t pick apples, that the job is too hard for them.

From the Seattle Times:   At an orchard near Zillah in the Yakima Valley, a sign in Spanish reads, “pickers wanted.” A farm-labor shortage is leaving apples unpicked at the height of the harvest.

Growers mostly blame rising tensions around illegal immigration that have spooked migrant farm workers, the majority of whom are here illegally, while worker advocates say there’d be no shortage if growers were willing to pay workers more.

 “Truth be told, we’ve always had a labor shortage in this state; 75 percent of these workers aren’t authorized to be here,” said Dan Fazio, director of the Washington Farm Labor Association.

The crux of the matter is that farmers, apple, grape, nut or vegetable, who seek to hire labor for back-breaking work fail to understand the workings of the capitalistic system. Wages are set by the unconstrained demands of a free market; this means that they must operate according to our current system of laws. However, they don’t comply with them, therefore they are guilty of theft and federal and state labor laws.

Construction jobs are a good comparison. If a laborer with the minimal skill required to work in construction commands $25 per hour and is hired at that level, that then becomes the floor. If, then the grower has to compete in this market he must ante up $25 to meet the demand for a general laborer. If few people apply, then a higher starting rate has to be offered. Supply will eventually equal demand, but this is hard for the farmer to digest.

The farmer complains that their profits will suffer, workers will have to be laid off. Now that strikes us as an oxymoron. Businesses that face higher costs must adapt, if not, they have to face the consequences. The same should apply to farmers, instead of complaining perhaps they would be better off producing a different higher margin product. The apple grower is always touting that no one will buy apples at $4 or $5 a pound; have they tried it. The lettuce producer says that a market for $3 lettuce doesn’t exist – we disagree.  Of course less demand will persist,  but the farmer will find a way to eek out a profit. When temporary and illegal workers abound the end produc does not reflect market prices, but subsidized ones.

So when Trump says we will build a wall, this is good for wage growth in the farming community. Americans will apply for jobs in agriculture if the price to attract them to menial labor is high enough. Don’t fall for the farmer who is only out for his own good by hiring illegals while Americans with a desire to work lose the opportunity because the farmer will not pay what the market demands. Let their crops rot in the field, vine and tree. 


Don’t you love those Democrats? They named a candy bar after Reggie Jackson called the Reggie bar. The story went that the Baby Ruth Baby-Ruth-Wrapper-Small.jpgwas named after Babe Ruth, but that was dispelled. Anyway it still became legend. Now we have found a candy named after the Democrats, Cry Baby. Don’t you just love it. 

They just can’t get over the results of the election. The sour pusses were ubiquitous at Clinton campaign headquarters on Tuesday night as the results came rolling in. The word on the street was that campaign Honcho Grande, John Podesta went yellow pants. Hillary was nowhere to be seen, but a person familiar with the situation reported her being in a sour mood.

Clinton’s team is still clamoring for a recount in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin; slim chance to overturn all three. Then Hillary’s campaign is boasting on how they won the popular vote by 2 million. But to top that off they want the electoral college shut down saying it is a fraud like Trump University.

These Democrats, always conniving; next time they will demand the results before the election. A small minutiae has been left out of the equation. What could that be? Between 3 and 4 million illegal voters cast a vote. Not being there to confirm who they voted for we hazard a guess – Hillary Clinton of course.

Of course the BLAME GAME is in full swing. FBI director Comey gets the full brunt of Clinton’s wrath, he is to blame for the loss.

Clinton got beat fair and square from a much more savvy guy because American’s finally realized that she is a congenital liar and murderer at that. She only has herself to blame.teapartylogored Final word on Trump. He stepped up to the plate and went yard with the bases loaded.  Not like Casey (in this case Hillary Clinton), who struck out with the bases loaded.