Washington State mall massacre committed by Turkish immigrant. A 20-year-old Turkish immigrant was arrested Saturday in the murders of five people in a Washington state shopping mall, authorities said. The Jihad continues against Western Culture and Society.
Jordanian writer murdered for insulting ISLAM (a religion of peace).
Jordan writer in blasphemy case Nahid Hattar killed

Nahid Hattar, a Christian, was hit by three bullets outside the court in the capital Amman where he was standing trial, state news agency Petra said.
(click)Mr Hattar’s killer was arrested and police are investigating the killing, TV reports said.
The writer was detained in August for 15 days on charges of insulting God.
The cartoon he shared depicts a bearded man lying in bed with two women and smoking, asking God to bring him a drink.
Mr Hattar was attacked on social media for being anti-Islam.
He said he had not meant to cause offence and wanted to expose radical Islamists’ view of heaven.
But the authorities said he had broken the law by sharing the cartoon.
Time and time again, Islamic nations have not only proved but certified the vicious nature of their beliefs.
Answers are demanded by today’s lying politicians to the salient question why they believe that Muslims can be integrated into Western societies. It has never been done in 1500 years. Only an IDIOT believes it possible.
Afghan, who planted bombs in NY and NJ caught red handed. Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, who was described as “armed and dangerous.”
Rahami’s family lives in an apartment above First American Fried Chicken in Elizabeth, New Jersey, Mayor Chris Bollwage said. The family has a history of clashes with the community over the restaurant, which used to be open 24 hours a day,
— The Rahami family alleged discrimination and harassment in a lawsuit against the city and its police department in 2011, arguing that officials conspired against them with citations for allegedly violating a city ordinance on hours of operation.
— The suit alleged that police officers and city officials had said “the restaurant presented a danger to the community.” It also accused a neighboring business owner of saying, “Muslims make too much trouble in this country” and “Muslims don’t belong here.” The defendants, including police officers and city officials, denied the allegations.
— Bollwage said a 2012 ruling on the case favored the city, adding that the family’s restaurant was “disruptive in the city for many, many years.”
This malcontent never fit in (they never do), a loner, a deadbeat, unhappy with Western ways, dissatisfied of everything America stands for, an outsider, raged about American way, homophobic, a cultural malcontent; family had reservations too, they were schizophrenic, accused police of harassment, brought suit against the town, thought they were the object of discrimination. Please note that the the culprit had 7 brothers and sisters. Click here to learn more about the Rahmani family and their Jihadist view of America. Total estimated cost for the bombings etc is $100,000,000. Is Clinton going to cough up the money to pay for this.
This type of behavior is prevalent in the Muslim community. Contrary to outreach by Christians and Jews, the assimilation of Muslims with the zestful lives of the West is never going to happen. Fifteen hundred years of brainwashing, intimidation, infighting between themselves and some think there is hope that a cultural red line or glass ceiling will be penetrated. No way, ain’t gonna happen. Haven’t Americans noticed the demands of Muslims, demands that we, America, bow down to their culture rather than vice-versa. It must stop before it is too late.
The bottom line here is that these people were not Americans, but angry immigrants who were not happy in in the land of the Cowboy, blaming US for their failures We have seen these types in every community, money hungry, anti America, never to be culturally assimilated, accumulating money to be used for their retirement back in their home country. One may ask why did you come here in the first place? These people are interested in building America, they are interested in tearing it down.
France has the problem, we have the problem, New York has the problem, Saint Cloud has the problem. Of course these incidents are always condemned, but that is like papering over the real problem. Muslims do not fit in, PERIOD. Donald Trump is the man to not hold back, but to do what should be done. And we all no what that is. And to reiterate, this Muslim malcontent had Jihad training in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He was interview about this, his answer, he was visiting relatives. Relatives, most relatives in these countries are Jihadists, suicide bomber types. Again, the FBI fell flat on their face.
Islam, is the religion of Satan. This is a given, no matter how many spokesman defend the “religion of peace” it will never fly in America. Christianity, the Judeo-Christian ethic and Western civilization is anathema to Muslims. Their ways do not culturally fit into our society. The sooner we realize this, the better off we will be. Every predominantly Muslim country in the Middle East will be free of Christians by the next decade. Turkey, once the focal point of Eastern Christendom, Constantinople their Rome, has less than 170,000 Christians amongst 80,000,000 Muslims. Erdogan will see to it that those remaining will suffer pain by the day.
But we weigh in, one salient point needs description. The NBTP has nothing against Muslims who live peacefully in their own countries; there is no animosity here. For instance, Morocco, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, for the most part are peaceful and law abiding. In fact, Saudi Arabia is a prime example where Islam, the Sunni version, predominates religious and social life. However, Christianity, no churches in Mecca or Medina, is forbidden. This is due to the cultural class of Christianity and Islam. The government seeks the status quo going back 1500 years.
Muslim society goes about their ways without cultural conflict obeying their strict code of Islam for the most part without allowing Christian values to permeate their culture. The above examples provide an insight on the areas of conflict among society. The best way to prevent a continuation of flash points is to recognize that the Koran is not compatible with the Bible. Integration will never succeed when two religions clash, not only at the margins, but in the body of verses. So let it be said, let it be done, separation is the avenue toward peace, integration is the avenue toward revenge and conflict.