Mr X, a cold blooded killer, alleged to have ordered buttons pushed on fellow gangsters, civilians and lawmen alike. This Capo di tutti Capi Big built a deadly organization that reached all levels and back allies of society. Governors, mayors and police were at his beck and call. Down through the years his organization cloaked society with a web of threats and blood, lead and brass. But an undercover sleuth was elected to drain the swamp. His charge – to eliminate the scum that has permeated American life for fifty years. This was not to be an easy task because the innocent may go down with the guilty. However, a free and democratic society lies in the balance.
Gangster wars are no longer front page news, like Blacks killing Blacks in Chicago, the media got sick and tired of covering what was now old news. So who cares how many died today? In war zones killing became as ubiquitous as suicide bombers. Blood filled streets didn’t sell like the old days; new stories were mined to attract today’s audiences. But the past still lingered. The new sheriff in town was ready to accept the challenges. Of course he met resistance from the criminals who saturated the land. Being an outsider did not sit well with the local populous, he had a tough road ahead, many saw him as the enemy, he was to challenge the status quo; his objective was to find out the truth, he would call a spade a spade. This was the United States where legal terms were parsed by hired guns, the rich and powerful never seem to face the music.
Not only was the Deep State out to sabotage our hired gun, but the fourth estate took and active role too with biased reporting and false news. 
The hierarchy of past was on the warpath, with the help of judges, regulations and media outlets and the corrupt bureaucracy they began to unload their shotguns in the hope that one shot will take him down. Calls for impeachment reached a crescendo and from none other than those with brains the size of peas. Locked and loaded from the beginning he is facing his adversaries massive firepower,
His posse is on the trail of a ruthless individual who was threatened at gunpoint. Documents will reveal the truth that her ovaries were pulverized by Mr. Big, she lied down like a cheap whore; was it to be life or death? – in the end it was life. Mr. Big has silenced another threat continuing down the teflon paved road. The way was now clear, no more obstacles were in the way, so he thought. In the end it was not to be. A egomaniac couldn’t hold his mouth, a speed bump, a roadblock put an end to the dream.
However, all is not lost. The force be with us now. Ankle chains and wrist bracelets wait to be locked, keys to be thrown away. Americans who seek truth and justice wait for the guilty one to tell all, to face the crime she committed.
They are coming for you Loretta Lynch, you will talk. Waterboarding or not. Lock her up.