The latest, the Pope calls greed, “the devil’s dung.” Guess he never heard of Gordon Gekko.
For Christians living in the United States, the majority, we hazard, respect the Ten Commandments, believe in the Constitution, worship freedom, liberty and the laws of nature, were shocked by the Pope’s terse anti capitalistic tirade while visiting Bolivia. The Latin American country is “ruled” by a ruthless dictator with a socialist bent, Evo Morales.
Many citizens have disappeared under his rule. Quoting him, “In Bolivia the gringos no longer rule, the Indians do, ” wearing a jacket with the image of Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara.
So once again we have proof that a picture is worth a thousand words.
We were not shocked by his invective, in your face anti-colonial hate speech is expected from the miscreant dictator who rules over a decaying rubble of a country with an imploding economy. Blaming others for your own failures is common among dictators; no where else to turn for excuses, the entrepreneur can never escape the blame of a skilled orator who gives the poor a license to kill the successful.
But what came next was astonishing, not shocking as we know from the Pope’s earlier diatribes, that he has turned the cheek and embraced the ideology of Marx and Lenin. A pure Jesuit is he. The Pope, by the way, drank some coca leaf infused tea, but as far as we know did not chew any coca leafs
before speaking from the pulpit commanding the “globalization of hope” that would guarantee the needs of every person. And we might ask, guarantee by who? God! We recommend that the indigenous of Bolivia continue the chewing of coca leafs and all of your dreams will come true.
So the Pope, with the skill of a failed orator, urged his audience to “say ‘no’ to an economy of exclusion and inequality.” Truly Marxist-Lenin stuff. “In favor of an economy of Christian inspiration,” then he goes off the deep end by saying, “which would guarantee everyone not only the basics of land, housing and employment, but also access to education, healthcare, new technologies, artistic and cultural manifestations, communications, sports and recreation.”
Where does the Pope think all of these things come from? Apparently, capitalism was a forbidden word in his Latin American travail. The Pope forgot to add the most important item to the list, ” dinero, dorado. Perhaps the Pontiff forgot that these dreams of want are prevalent in capitalistic societies and they do come true. By his guarantee of them he sanctions violence in the “smash and grab thugs” that were let loose by Maduro in Venezuela. “Down with Capitalism is the Pope’s message.”
The initiated of this world would take immediate offense to the Pope’s Canonization of Hope. For those of us who live our life to the fullest endeavoring improving our knowledge, embracing successes, embellishing the fruits of our labor we remind the Pope that countries such as Bolivia and Venezuela are mired in poverty of their own making; embracing socialism is the cause of their despair not the coca leaf elixir that lifts the spirits of the people.

An added fact, newspapers that exist must tow the socialist Morales line or they are shut down in an authoritarian minute. Tea with Morales confirmed the Pope’s philosophy of transfer the wealth. We at the Tea Party do not know of any poor person to give one a job; we wonder if the Pope does.