Tag Archives: Muslims


UPDATE: Turkey’s Erdogan says MUSLIMS discovered America.  This is a quintessential manifestation of a Muslim maniac who doesn’t know fact from fiction. He can best be defined as a suicide bomber of the mouth.


A Maryland school district has bowed down and kissed the feet of Muslim Jihadists, eliminating any reference to Christian and Jewish holidays on their calendars. We don’t recall any Muslims fighting in the War of Independence, war of 1812, WWI, WWII. Matter of fact, how many Muslim veterans were out there on Veterans Day supporting our troops? The United States was a Christian nation from the get-go, adhering to the Judeo-Christian ethic. If fact many of the Jewish faith fought in our war of Independence. And one was responsible for the final victory at Yorktown.

A look at the Muslim coward, the Fort Hood Jihadist, an Islamic killer, murdering 13 of our unarmed servicemen.“Muslim Mafia” co-author David Gaubatz said on a recent edition of his counterterrorism radio program that because of a Muslim’s first allegiance to Shariah law, they are ill-fitted for the U.S. armed forces.Gaubatz said a mosque leader in Knoxville, Tenn.,

Do not be misled by others who have swallowed the cool aid and perpetuate the myth that the United States is a Muslim Country,. For President Obama said so. Don’t believe others who say many slaves were Muslim and therefore Islam was part of our heritage. We don’t recall hearing of or seeing any Mosques after the Civil War in the deep South.

Bottom line is simple, the politically correct are anti American. And the most recent election is proof of that. Americans will march forward with their head held high, defending the lover of freedom and liberty, but they will be cautious as ever for the termitic swine that is intent on distorting our heritage.



All freedom loving countries have seen an influx of Muslims from distant lands.  Once there they offer the host country a hand in friendship, but do not be misled. this is a Trojan Horse.  Ultimately they demand their rights; rights that will become thorns in the side of Christians while at the same time their brethren are burning Christians at the stake.

Their ultimate goal is world takeover, the caliphate. What you will find is ultra liberals coming to their side. This creates friction between citizens that must be resolved. A deeper look into the new comer goals must be addressed. Mosques, habibs, religous demands are most common. But then Sharia law is demanded.  As many around the world see their countries being invaded it is well advised to look at them as an example of what the future holds. It is not too late to stop the invasion.

Norway, Sweden, England, France, Germany and Australia are front and center of the Islam crusade against Christianity. The United States is on the verge of succumbing to Allah.


Allah Who? Aaacckk Barf!

What, pray tell, has happened to what used to be thought of as the Civilized World? The savage, barbarous acts being committed against human beings on a daily basis all over the world in the name of Islam are glossed over, brushed aside, or completely ignored by the “mainstream” media, and “liberal” and “enlightened” politically correct, multicultural governments – like ours. The depth and breadth of the denial that the world is being pushed toward a second Dark Age, ruled over by fanatic Muslim zealots is truly frightening.

Those who rely on the leftist newspapers and TV networks for information on current events and politics, rarely hear the details of the ravages of Islamic jihadists in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, the Philippines, and yes, the United States. Instead they are fed a constant litany of leftist propaganda in which Islam is portrayed as the Religion of Peace™ and all but a handful of Muslims as “moderates”. For those of us who look to alternate sources for news, however – e.g., the internet, talk radio – the picture that emerges is much different.

As Brigitte Gabriel, founder of Act for America! (http://www.actforamerica.org/),  pointed out in a Heritage Foundation sponsored forum (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry3NzkAOo3s), even if radical Islamists/jihadis make up only 15 to 25% of the world’s 1.2 billion Muslim population, as analysts have estimated, that still equals 180 to 300 million people, equal to nearly the entire population of America, men, women, and children. The jihadis are nearly all angry, sexually frustrated young males who believe their god has instructed them to violently slaughter all who do not submit to their demands to convert to Islam and accept Shariah law. And this vast horde of savages has made it clear that America and her mostly Judeo-Christian people are its main target.

The history of jihad goes back to the beginning of Islam in the early 7th century, a “religion” started by a man who it could easily be argued suffered his entire life from schizophrenic hallucinations and delusions. As time went by, his writings and exhortations to his followers became more hateful and violent. Heavy taxes, slavery, and death, particularly by beheading were prescribed for infidels – all those unbelievers throughout the world unwilling to submit. Over the ensuing centuries, Muslim jihadist armies have “spread the faith” by fire and sword on many occasions, in many parts of the world. Look it up. And we see a continuation of this Pillar of Islam today with ISIS.

The mass beheadings of their enemies (http://nypost.com/2014/10/14/isis-beheads-tens-maybe-hundreds-leaves-bodies-in-streets/), including rival Muslim sects, the mass murders of captured soldiers and Christian civilians (http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1581481/video-shows-captured-syrian-soldiers-executed-islamic-state; http://www.barenakedislam.com/2013/04/19/russia-2004-beslan-school-massacre-by-chechen-muslim-terrorists/), the suicide bombers, including those who explode their vest bombs in places crowded with unsuspecting, innocent civilians (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/19/world/africa/19iht-web.0119telaviv.html?_r=0), the kidnapping and forced bondage of girls and women to be used as sex slaves (http://www.clarionproject.org/news/thousands-yazidi-women-kidnapped-sex-slaves; http://www.clarionproject.org/news/thousands-yazidi-women-kidnapped-sex-slaves),  are all common practices of the radical Islamist groups active today. Here in America, we’ve seen so-called “honor killings”, beheadings, and single and mass murders in various parts of the country, all committed by Muslims in the name of Islam.

You would think that the left, particularly the feminist left, would be issuing a non-stop stream of statements condemning Islam’s treatment of women, and that the anti-war zealots would be marching in the streets every day. Instead, the sex/drugs/rock and roll left, including the media, the epitome of everything the Islamists are out to expunge from the face of the Earth, support the Islamists under the delusion that they will hasten the demise of the free, capitalist West and will institute a socialist utopia, rather than a religio-fascist caliphate. And to the growing detriment of the American people, it is clear that the apostate Muslim, the Squatter-in-the-White House shares these deluded views.

The Obama administration’s utter mismanagement of the war(s) in Syria and Iraq, when looked at in the context of years of Obama’s unambiguous praise for Islam and statements of support, appears to be intentional. The failure to train and rebuild the Iraqi Army, the illicit arms smuggling out of Libya and into Syria, the arming of al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria, the foot-dragging in declaring ISIS an enemy, the laughable “coalition” of half-hearted “partners”, and the pathetically inadequate number of airstrikes being flown – usually 20 or less, as opposed to the hundreds recommended by our generals – all leave the Islamist jihadis in a position of unprecedented power that would have never been possible, but for the action and inaction of Obama and his henchmen.

Obama, raised as a Muslim, has publicly declared that we are not a Christian nation and that Muslims played a significant role in the founding of the country, in spite of a total lack of evidence to support these wild claims. He has bowed low before the King of Saudi Arabia. He has also made clear his disdain for our Constitution, and that he thinks America is to blame for all the evils in the world. It is more than obvious where his loyalties lie. He needs to be removed as a danger to public safety. Allah who? Aaacckk barf!


Apparently not on the radar yet, but obviously it should be. This is a hot button issue.  Like the 9-11 bombers who took flying lessons, but spared the landing part. And who in their right mind would ever think that a plane could fly into the Pentagon – our military nerve center. Of course most civilians thought it to be heavily guarded and the periphery rimmed with the appropriate missile defense. So it is easy to see how much we thought would be, but turned out it didn’t. This brings us to the demise of  Western Civilization.  Liberalism, the worst poison known to man is the main culprit.

Not likely to be thought of on a daily basis, but our culture is based on the influences of  the civilizations of Classical Greece and Rome as well as Ancient Israel and early Christendom are considered seminal periods in Western history; cultural contributions also emerged from the pagan peoples of pre-Christian Europe. 

Thus, the great ancient capitals were linked – cities such as: Athens, home to Athenian democracy, and the Greek philosophers AristotlePlato and Socrates; the city of Jerusalem, the Jewish capital, where Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed around AD 30; and the city of Rome, which gave rise to the Roman Empirewhich encompassed much of Europe and the Mediterranean. Knowledge of Greek, Roman and Judeo-Christian influence on the development of Western civilization is well documented because it attached to literate cultures, however, Western history was also strongly influenced by less literate groups such as the Germanic, Scandinavian and Celtic peoples who lived in Western and Northern Europe beyond the borders of the Roman world. Nevertheless, the Mediterranean was the centre of power and creativity in the development of ancient Western civilisation. Around 1500 BC, metallurgists learned to smelt iron ore, and by around 800BC, iron tools and weapons were common along the Aegean Sea, representing a major advance for warfare, agriculture and crafts in Greece.

As the centuries passed and the stargazers wondered, the 21st century arrived;  and in its arrival Western influence has been challenged as never before. Not because of its strength but its weakness. Embracing all cultures became the lynch pin of their demise. In England, France, and to some extent Germany the walls of nationalism were slowly torn down by socialists.

The European Union broke down borders allowing for dilution of once hemogenous societies. Strange peoples migrated to the European states, Muslims from far off lands, culturally at odds with Western Values.  Liberalism was the key that opened the door to the destruction of once monolithic states. Now government had to deal with a segment of society who did not fit in. That was a problem on two fronts, they demanded welfare, housing and food, but the major problem arose when they demanded Western Society conform to their ways instead of them assimilating to their home country.  Sorry to say that the problem is not going away.

Click here for a list of the Muslim killings in the heartland; the United States during the past forty years has not been immune from attack from these terrorists, our mortal enemies. America must realize that Christianity itself is the target of Islam. Proof is no farther than the ISIS purge of Christians in the caliphate. Christians have been leaving the Middle East of the past fifty years; they are targeted just as Jews are targeted by propaganda and bullets. It is no different in Nigeria and the Philippines.

Free loving peoples need to understand the indoctrination that pervades these societies. The Koran is not a book of peace, it is a book of holy war. Muslims use local laws to advance their political ideology and at the same time increase their say in local affairs. Three hundred million, twenty five percent are fervent terrorists who will stop at nothing; the other seventy five percent are believers, but remain silent as the killings continue.

Syria is the most recent example, almost hundred fifty thousand dead, all Muslims and who cares? That’s right, only the U.S., the Muslims don’t relish the killing for it advances the agenda; that is the price to be paid. Civilian deaths are collateral damage on the way to world domination. Wake up World Christians before it is you that will be between Mohammad’s sword and the Islamic killer who wields it.

One other note of importance that we must bring to your attention. For sake of argument why would the Pope entertain the thought of inviting Muslims to the Vatican. For what? A prayer service; that is the most ridiculous thing we ever heard.  He does not understand what the Muslim political propaganda campaign has gotten to him too. Before long he will be bowing to them and washing their feet.

We live in a pluralistic society and we think that  most Americans would agree that freedom of religion is a good thing. The most important thing we can take from this information is that as long as any group (even a group that we do not agree with) can be tolerant of other groups that that group has a right and a place within the United States. As Voltaire once said, I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it… However, if a group begins to dictate how others should live…well that’s a different kettle of fish! Unfortunately the tolerance track record of Islamic countries towards other religions is not very encouraging as most if not all Muslim countries have strict laws forbidding the practice of other religions. For example in Saudi Arabia the practice of proselytizing by other religions is illegal and to convert to another religion carries the death penalty and this is not at all unusual for Muslim countries.

Muslims have taken over several towns in Britain already and also in America (Dearborn, MI is one). In twenty years Muslims will be able to elect the next president in the United States. We  don’t know what the answer is to this problem but something must be done NOW in order to stop this from happening.  Important to click Your suggestions are encouraged.

One thing we must point out, Muslims and their religion (political agenda) is  not compatible with Western Values.  A glaring statistic: in America in 1970 there were over 1,000 Muslims in America, today there are over 9 million. They are multiplying faster than rabbits.

So if anyone doesn’t think we are in trouble, think twice. America is a decade behind France and England, but we are in serious trouble never the less. Can we be overcome by the Islam insurgency, yes, but we can fight political correctness tooth and nail. It must be done or the world we will leave to our children will not be the one built by and characterized as Western Civilization. Believe us when we tell you that the hijab and niqab will be as common as the blue jeans in the next decade.