Barack Hussein Obama, the fraudulent ex-president of the United States, a Muslim Brotherhood life member, hid from the American people and Congress the secret deals, the under the table schemes, the back door collusion and most of all the selling out the United States of America. These lies, deceptions and deceits are High Crimes and Misdemeanors and they placed America in great peril for the foreseeable future.
President Trump has spent valuable time in his pursuit to right the wrongs of Obama’s lies which undercut the safety of American citizens. The Iran deal, which was not approved by Congress and never would have, was a traitor type of act. Now it is up to President Trump to right a wrong; one that should never have taken place.
The Mullah regime is hated by the majority of Iranians. Trump’s plan is to create the atmosphere for them to manifest their disdain for this illegal theocracy. Once critical mass is attained the revolt against tyranny will come full circle. This is the plan. Bring the Mullah trouble makers to their knees and they will beg for mercy. Will it happen? Time will tell.
We be that these Mullahs are watching the Singapore negotiations with their eyes peeled.