The old saying, “what goes around comes around” has suddenly bit the Democrats and their cohorts in the butt. Democrat governors and their attorney generals have gone to court over Trump’s executive order halting subsidies to insurance companies; these subsidies lower the premium cost to those who purchase health insurance through exchanges. The subsidies are illegal; the courts have ruled on that. No appropriation by congress to allow the government legally to make these payments exists. But this didn’t matter to Obama who violated the law. About 6 million Americans benefit from the subsidies.
Trump weighed in six months ago, “I’ve been saying for the last year and a half that the best thing we can do politically speaking is let Obamacare explode,” Trump said. “It is exploding right now.”
Experts said the ACA wasn’t “exploding,” but that it needed fixes to help incentivize insurers to stay in marketplaces.
But now, six months later, Obamacare may actually be on the road to “exploding” – catalyzed by an accelerantpoured over it by President Trump.
This decision has fired up the mouths of Pelosi and Up-Chuck Schumer who are fiercely blowing smoke into the wind and some other place. It was OK for Obama to issue numerous executive orders when he felt necessary; the executive order was Obama’s prime legislative weapon. If congress didn’t pass the law, he “the anointed one” would get it done; for instance the dreamers putsch. So he went E.O.
Now the shoe is on the other foot. The Democrats think they have a winning hand; yeah right – didn’t they think that on November 8, 2016? Please bring in the clowns.
The White House argued the subsidies are illegal, because they are not appropriated by Congress. House Republicans sued the Obama administration hoping to stop the payments. As noted above the court ruled the payments to be illegal.
That’s not all the Trump administration has done that could pull the rug out from under the ACA — it has also shortened the sign-up period for health care; closed the federal exchange on Sundays; and cut the budget for marketing efforts, including ending advertising to urge sign ups.
Don’t be fooled by biased opinions and sleazy editorials, Trump has the winning hand, even if the Republicans balk and the Democrats look to the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip. The bottom line is this, the Democrats won’t negotiate – their feeble effort to blame Trump and the Republicans will go nowhere but up in ashes like the hundreds of homes in Santa Rosa.
If the government shuts down won’t have the slightest effect on most Americans, in fact this will be a good thing. They realize thata bloated government is not too big to fail. GO TRUMP
The (click here for the latest) three sewer RATZ sit in the Senate under a Republican banner, but for all intents and purposes, these three are part of the Republican lunatic fringe who carry water for the Democrats. McCain still has not gotten over his presidential defeat including Trump’s remark concerning his time in Viet Nam. Therefore he has held Trump hostage regarding the rollback of Obama Care. Susan Collins, listen to her for a moment, if you can, will cause you immediate pain. Murkowski, she should not be there. Ted Stevens was the Senior Senator until trumped up charges by Democratic partisans caused him to be arrested and convicted. These charges were later dismissed under appeal, but too late as he lost the Senate seat. Murkowski is now an Alaskan Senator because of that.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On April 28, 2017, four months before President Trump threatened to end Obamacare by not paying insurance company subsidies, broke the story that President Trump could end Obamacare with the stroke of a pen.
President Trump Tweet on Saturday Threatening to End Obamacare Insurance Subsidies
All President Trump must do to “repeal” Obamacare is sign an Executive Order instructing the Solicitor General to withdraw the Obama administration’s appeal in the federal district court case U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell, (130 F. Supp. 3d 53, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, 2016).
The result will be to immediately defund the low-income insurance company subsidies being paid by the federal government under Section 1402 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), causing Obamacare to collapse, almost immediately.
The point is Congress never funded any taxpayer funds to pay the low-income insurance subsidies that are at the heart of making Obamacare work.
What is at issue is Section 1402 of the ACA – a section written to provide federal subsidies to insurance companies for insurance purchased on state insurance exchanges to cover the difference between the capped maximum a low-income purchaser could be expected to pay and the amount the insurance cost.
Without funds provided by Congress to pay the low-income insurance subsidies under 1402, Obamacare collapses almost immediately.
No insurance company can long afford to provide low-income health insurance at a discount, unless the federal government pays the difference between what the insurance truly costs and the limited amount low-income purchasers can pay.
The problem is that Congress refused to pass an appropriation to fund Section 1402, leaving the Obama administration scrambling to find funds somewhere else in the federal budget that could be diverted to pay the low-income insurance subsidies. has proved through an analysis of the Treasury Department balance sheets that the Obama administration found a solution in August 2012, when the Treasury Department decided that earnings confiscated from the Government-Sponsored Entities (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the “Net Worth Sweep” (NWS), could be diverted to pay the Obamacare low-income insurance subsidies.
The record contained in the Treasury Department balance sheets shows through 2013 a direct diversion of the NWS into line items used to fund Obamacare.
After 2013, the Obama administration continued the NWS (ultimately confiscating some $271 billion from Fannie and Freddie), but the one-for-one diversion of the Fannie and Freddie funds going into line items used to fund Obamacare is less clear, suggesting Treasury grew more clever after 2013 in hiding the diversion within the Treasury general account used as a slush fund.
The House of Representatives filed a federal district court case against then Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Matthews Burwell to stop the Obamacare from diverting federal funds to pay the ACA low-income subsidies.
On May 12, 2016, U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer, in the case U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell, ruled against Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Matthews Burwell.
Judge Collyer decided HHS Secretary Burwell had no constitutional authority to divert funds Congress appropriated to one section of the ACA to fund Obamacare subsidy payments to insurers under another section of the ACA, Section 1402 – the clause defining the insurer subsidies – when Congress specifically declined to appropriate any funds to Section 1402 for paying the insurance subsidy.
“Paying out Section 1402 reimbursements without an appropriation thus violates the Constitution,” Judge Collyer concluded.
“Congress authorized reduced cost sharing but did not appropriate monies for it, in the Fiscal Year 2014 budget or since,” she stressed.
The Obama administration appealed the District Court decision in U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, deciding on its own authority that federal funds could continue to be diverted from other budgetary purposes to continue paying the insurance subsidies as long as the case was under appeal.
The point is that if the Trump administration simply decided to drop the Circuit Court appeal in Burwell, the District Court decision would become established law.
The result would be the Trump administration would be forbidden from diverting federal funds to pay the ACA insurance subsidies, with the result Obama care would implode.
“The Obama administration appealed the decision, but if the Trump administration were to drop that appeal, the subsidies would disappear,” commented Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News, in an article published on April 9, 2017.
If insurance companies were forced to take a loss by absorbing the cost above what low-income insured could afford to pay for the insurance coverage required under Obamacare, no insurance company could afford to provide health insurance to low-income insureds under the ACA.
Once President Trump withdraws the Obama administration appeal in U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell, Obamacare becomes history.
To revive Obamacare, Congress would have to pass a resolution funding ACA Section 1402, something even RINOs like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell might find politically suicidal to do.
Food stamp enrollment soared to record levels during the Obama years, peaking at nearly 48 million nationwide in 2013. Southern states are at the forefront of revising the welfare system; many are now requiring able body men and women to work for benefits. This has highlighted the welfare state in black and white. For instance according to, the number of those recipients in Alabama declined from 5,538 to 831 between Jan. 1 and the beginning of May – an 85 percent drop. Similar changes were implemented in select counties in Georgia and by the end of the first three months, the number of adults receiving benefits in three participating counties dropped 58 percent, according to the Georgia Public Policy Foundation. For these states we are seeing the beginning of the imploded welfare state. Other states are now looking at ways to do the same pointing out that a continuation on the same path will lead to Illinois and Connecticut. Both of these states are one step closer to the junkyard.
The statistics will tell you the sad story. Only 55% of able body Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 are working! Sixty percent of non working men receive disability benefits; 41% of nondisabled adults are on medicaid. Thirteen million Americans aged 18-54 currently receive SSDI or SSI benefits. AND YOU WONDER WHERE OUT MONEY GOES. We are the welfare state, built by Johnson all the way to Obama. The Republican RINO only gives it lip service. Will they get rid of Obamacare? Not in your lifetime.
With the 2018 election season approaching and their jobs at stake, House Republicans were in no mood to WALK THE TALK. The effort to replace Obamacare was filled with so many loopholes causing the Conservative Caucus to walk out. We don’t blame them. As President Trump said, Obamacare will fall on its own knife. Premiums will lift skyward this year forcing many to abandon the welfare ship. More will be without insurance than ever before; then and only then will they clamor for repeal. Keep in mind that these RINOs, who ran on the shibboleth, “repeal Obamacare” were all talk but no action. When push came to shove they fell in with the Democrats. Not wanting to take possession of the repeal with a bill filled with so many entitlements that it was difficult for the Conservative Caucus to swallow.
The Republicans do not realize that they are in a war. The Democrats do not compromise on any issue. Take Neil Gorsuch for example. He should slide right through, but no, Schumer, the idiot that he is, demands 60 votes.
Go Nuclear guys, go Nuclear on every bill this session. Change the rules.
She is becoming desperate, loosing any momentum she had, really it was only a mirage. Clinton is more than desperate, she is one degree from psycho. Clinton sent out her pit bull daughter in a vain attempt to eviscerate Sanders. This is pathetic . Hillary defended her daughter despite criticism the remark was inaccurate.
“You know, I adore my daughter and I know what she was saying,” Clinton told “Good Morning America” about Chelsea Clinton. “Because if you look at Senator Sanders’ proposals going back nine times in the Congress, that’s exactly what he’s proposed. To take everything we currently know as health care, Medicare, Medicaid, the CHIP Program, private insurance, now of the Affordable Care Act, and roll it together.”
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said Sunday that he will release his medical records, after saying that any attempt by a political rival to get them is “vile and desperate,” as the primary race tightens and becomes more hard-hitting ahead of Sunday’s debate.
The Vermont Independent senator and self-proclaimed Democratic-socialist had until Sunday tried to capitalize on the reported request for his medical records by David Brock, founder of the pro-Clinton super-PAC Correct the Record.
“They are insinuating Bernie is too old and unhealthy to be our next president,” Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver wrote in a fundraising email sent Saturday.
“Bernie is in excellent health. But this personal attack is another example of a sickness in our democracy when it is so easy for millionaires and billionaires to buy up candidates and elections.”
We are not talking about the devastating loss suffered by the Seattle Seahawks, but the Supreme Court decision legalizing Obamacare. Questions arise about the kingpin who cemented the victory. Supreme Court justice John Roberts, always smirking, was vilified by the Right for unleashing a socialist scheme on America. But questions remain; did Roberts know in advance that the Affordable Care Act would be so distasteful to so many Americans that the public would rise up from the ashes and hand Congress over to the Republicans. In hindsight did he do America a favor?
Many conservatives including the New Boston Tea Party were gleeful when the decision came down, for we realized that this was going to be a future albatross around the anointed one’s neck. And it came to pass, the Democrats lost control of Congress. If the ACA was shot down by the court there was the probability that Congress would have remained split. So now we are waging a much bigger war, one that pits Obama and his un-Constitutional edicts against Congress. repeal andReplace is now the Republican message.
However, Obama is facing a much larger problem, (click)State Attorney’s General have entered the fray; law suits questioning Obama’s carte blanche deferral of allowing illegals to stay here are set for the Supreme Court stage. And again Roberts will be front and center. Don’t forget Roberts dislikes Obama to such a degree that he weighed in on Obama’s 2010 State of the Union speech. (Very important talkback- click here)Samuel Alito was so taken back by Obama’s lack of decorum that he shook his head in disbelief during the 2010 State of the Union speech. What to expect next is?
Speculation would indicate that Obama’s over reach will be decided by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional which obviously sets up a confrontation with the White House and a possible Constitutional crisis. We anxiously wait the outcome of this once in a lifetime duel between the two most savvy government branches. Good luck on this one Mr. President.
Mr. S… eating grin, New York’s Senator Schumer, came clean after the November 4th election or did he. The Democrats took a whupping across the board, one for the ages, a clean sweep for the Republicans. But Mr. Up-Chuck was in no mood to accept responsibility for the loss, he blamed the catastrophe on Obamacare.
Said, we should not have concentrated on it (Obamacare)going into the 2010 election cycle; the economy was going through turmoil and our constituents were in dire condition, the focus on Obamacare was wrong, we needed to focus on their plight, helping them to enter the main stream, but we didn’t and the results showed. We were given the exit.
Of course anyone with a half a brain realizes that Harry Reid’s kissing cousin is more of a blowhard than a truth teller. A life long politician with only one goal in mind, patronizing the left if it suits him or jumping ship when a tsunami is bearing down hard.
In the next election cycle, New Yorkers would be wise to take the Senator out to the back forty for the kind of Whupping that Mary Landrieu will receive on December 6. Adios Senator.
Democrats have consistently rammed legislation down the throats of average American; only when the legislation is signed, sealed and delivered do we know what is in it. Nancy Pelosi told us so. When it came to Obamacare the game plan was exactly that, don’t tell the “stupid American” what is in the bill.
However, the Supreme Court has surprised by calling a penalty a tax. Once again the ball has fallen in the court’s lap; this time they will have to make a decision on subsidies. State exchanges are allowed to provide subsidies, but states without exchanges are not. The government says this was an omission, now it is up to the Supreme Court to decide.
It is up to us to drill the progressive anti-American politician of the Democratic bent into the ground on Tuesday. Keystone XL will prove to be the albatross around their neck. Senators Landrieu, Begich, Hagan, Pryor and Udall are on the chopping block. They voted for Obamacare, they voted for Harry Reid, they are the face of Obama.
Our number one priority is to defeat Obama/Reid’s lackeys and install free market, Constitutional right politicians to do the job necessary to take America back. The above mentioned five have done enough damage to America, they are Obama’s water carriers. Fire them, take back our future and the future of our children and grandchildren.
No vote on Keystone XLbecause Harry Reid has not allowed a vote; a vote would embarrass President Obama. Obamacare, every Democrat voted “yeah” for this monstrous government intrusion. Five thousand new regulations, millions of illegals being insured on our dime.
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