Tag Archives: PASSPORTS


DHS lost track of refugeeicebadge 1 million refugees not accounted for by DHS. DHS now to use social media to vet potential terrorists after the San Bernardino killings. Obama is responsible for this catastrophe, he did not allow the DHS or other agencies to cull social media; a secret policy put in place by the President himself; POTUS has blood on his hands. Since 2012 over 100,000 Syrians have been admitted to the United States.

A proposal to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States has ignited a bitter debate in Washington, but more than 10 times that number of people from the embattled country have quietly come to America since 2012, according to figures obtained by FoxNews.com.

Some 102,313 Syrians were granted admission to the U.S. as legal permanent residents or through programs including work, study and tourist visas from 2012 through August of this year, a period which roughly coincides with the devastating civil war that still engulfs the Middle Eastern country. Experts say any fears that terrorists might infiltrate the proposed wave of refugees from United Nations-run camps should be dwarfed by the potential danger already here.

“The sheer number of people arriving on all kinds of visas and with green cards, and possibly U.S. citizenship, makes it impossible for our counter terrorism authorities to keep track of them all, much less prevent them from carrying out attacks or belatedly try to deport them,” said Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies.


(click here for the story)The vetting process for Syrians entering Europe and the United States is somewhat of a joke. The recent revelation that ISIS has been printing thousands of counterfeit passports came as a surprise to DHS. However, counterfeiting has been a way of life for our enemies since time immemorial, Iran, USSR, North Korea, China have at one time or another supplied fake passports to those who surreptitiously entered the country. Iran and North Korea have continued to print $100 bills with abandon. To find out now that Syrians are the latest to take advantage of lax security here in the United States should have been expected by our security apparatus. However, as we all know, they are reactive not proactive.

This past November five Syrians were detained in Honduras for crossing the border with stolen passports. Honduras police confirm said that “these citizens will be taken away and will be investigated. We already have confirmation that they had passports that were stolen in Greece.” Greek authorities and Interpol were involved in Honduras detaining the men, Baca, a spokesman for the Honduras police unit said. Before the men had arrived, they had traveled to Lebanon, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina and Costa Rica, he said. He didn’t specify why authorities had been tracking the men. They will be presented to prosecutors to be investigated on charges of falsification of documents, he said.

However, Iran, according to the DHS, is counterfeiting passports, with covers printed in Russia, enabling terrorists to reach our shore. Fake Syrian passports aren’t exactly a dime a dozen, but they can be had for as little as $200, according to a report from the Department of Homeland Security that could call into question the ability to screen Middle East refugees fleeing to the West. Intelligence agencies have already flagged some 3,800 counterfeit Syrian passports, and will add data on another 10,000 fake Syrian passports recently intercepted in Bulgaria on the way to Germany. The sheer volume of fake passports flooding the market as refugees – or terrorists posing as refugees – pour into Europe has investigators on edge. The fake Syrian passports will add to an already challenging problem of vetting Syrian refugees, said Claude Arnold, a former DHS Investigations special agent in charge for Minneapolis and Los Angeles.

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Adding to the problem, Homeland Security Investigations believes the police force in Deir ez-Zour, Syria, may be involved in issuing and distributing counterfeit passports, because a forged Syrian passport that turned up in Turkey in July displayed the signature of Zuhair Hamad saad Al deen, head of the Deir ez-Zour Police.image

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