Tag Archives: Pataki


Two Republicans did the honorable thing by dropping out of the race for president. We commend them for their effort; they did the right thing. However, others still have delusions of grandeur. They are the ones with no chance of winning, but do a disservice to those who have the money and support to continue on. Why do Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, George Pataki and John Kasich, continue on? What do they have to gain?

Right now there are really only five viable candidates if you count Jeb Bush who basically has no support. Those with a chance are Trump, Carson, Cruz, Fioriana (slight chance) and Rubio. The legitimate question is why do the others continue on? BIG HEAD. 

The head of the RNC, Reince Priebus needs to send them a message, “drop out” now, you are running interference with the those who have a legitimate chance of winning.