Tag Archives: Pulse.


Guns in the hands of Dangerous Weapons. The most dangerous weapon in America today is a  Muslim stealth ticking time bomb, a suicide bomber, a Jihadist, a natural born Jew hater, a killer of Infidels; Christians included, one who despises the LGBTQ community, a Radical Islamist, a Wahhabist in Muslim garb ready willing and able to execute to the death of America, all of these rolled into one. Obama’s  Muslim Brotherhood brothers fit this profile.

The United States is the plant for those Jihadist who are intent on destroying Western Civilization and our liberal values. Obama is responsible for inviting hundreds of thousands of Muslims into America, those with a mindset to murder, rape and pillage. Brainwashed, schooled in hate, trained to kill at an early age, none can be trusted. This hate can lie dormant for years until set off by some external force; the Boston massacre occurred on Patriots day during the (click)Marathon by none other than Radical Muslim terrorists. They were commended by their parents for doing a good job blaming America.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva — who wrote her message in all capital letters — denied her boys committed any of the killings and other crimes committed during their five-day terror spree. “My sons are innocent, as innocent as all those who are being killed by your country,” she wrote.

The guns in Orlando were not responsible in the killing of 49 people at the Pulse nightclub; a natural born killer murdered them in cold blood, it was a RADICAL ISLAMIST versed in the ways of Muhammad – directed by the Koran.  Contrary to what you hear from the political elitists ( a word now describing our rulers rather than Sarah Palin’s definition of crony capitalism) Islam was to blame for this violent act against Western values. Obama has once again failed to use the term “Radical Islam”. Islam by its very nature is Radical.

America has not heard from the Muslim community expressing sympathy or emphasizing with those who have suffered a great loss. This was a most vicious deed by a Dangerous Weapon sent by Islam to unloaded as many rounds as possible from an AR-15.  A gun held by a Dangerous Weapon, like a suicide bomber, both are inseparable. Muslims around the world agree that this type of carnage is justified, they condone it, having been taught that the LGBTQ community is evil and punishment for practices is sanctioned by Allah.

A quote from the high Priest (Obama)who defends Radical Islam: “What exactly would using this label accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIS less committed to trying to kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this? The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction.”

Tuesday night, Trump shot back telling a rally audience in North Carolina that Obama “was more angry at me than he was at the shooter. … That’s the kind of anger that he should have for the shooter.”