Hillary Clinton, Hussein Obama, John Kerry and others of the many corrupt members of the Obama regime have tried very hard to keep the truth from leaking out about what really happened in Benghazi on September 11th 2012 and their roles in the events. A new film, based upon the book “13 Hours” by the same name now threatens to reignite the controversy over who did what, when did they do it and why.
Megyn Kelly attended a screening of the film earlier in the day of this interview with three of the heroes from the events of that evening.
Kelly points out that the lies were still being told by Clinton and Obama days after they already knew the truth, that an Internet video had nothing to do with the attacks, and that they were engaged in a cover-up, even to the point of lying to the family members about the cause as the bodies lie just feet away at Dover Air Force Base.
She also notes the response of Clinton to questions by a reporter as to why her story is so different from that being told by the family members. The reporter pressed her, saying, somebody is lying, who is it? Clinton responded dismissively with, “Not me, that’s all I can tell you.” The only inference possible is that she’s calling at least three of the family members liars. They’d have no reason to lie, a point that one of the heroes of the evening, “Oz,” makes near the end of the video. The only ones with a reason to lie are the politicians, Clinton and Obama, who have political careers to protect and possible wrong doing conceal.
The three heroes who answered the call in spite of being told to stand down describe the attacks, the fidelity of the movie to the events as they occurred, and the inconsistencies between the official narrative and the reality.
To this point the political ambitions of Hillary Clinton have been able to withstand the exposure of her crimes, with help from the powerful puppeteers who rule from the sidelines. This movie could make all of that protection much more difficult to provide. She might find herself subject to the very law she’s believed all of her adult life that she resided above.
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