Tag Archives: THIRD WORLD


“THE DONALD” has surprised his friends and foes alike in ways that they could not imagine. Not a politician by a long shot, but a fighter for what’s right just the same, President Trump has said what needs to be said. No political flunky this President, but a tactical brawler who knows trench warfare. Globalism, Agenda 21, World without borders are non-starters for him. He knows the ultimate road these far flung philosophies, programs, dictates will take us. And that is the road to self destruction.

Remember back to yesteryear, the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s when a visit to a foreign country brought excitement, exploration, intrigue and happiness? Yes, what a joy it was to see how others lived in real time; to explore their culture, life style, behavior was so educational.

No more! Visit London today, or should we say “Londonstan”. Hit some of the outskirt neighborhoods, no Englishmen in sight. Robes proliferate, call to prayer, hijabs are ubiquitous. Makes one wonders what is going on? We don’t have to tell you, do we? Well there is a push back in the air. Little by little the locals are being vocal; they are concerned on their way of life being diluted by foreigners who don’t respect their ways and their culture. There is an air of revolution spreading from country to country. Questions arise, can the Euro survive?

Hungary is manifesting disgust with the ways of E.U. dictates. Other countries are now seeing the light And this revolution of a cultural clash will ramp up in the coming years as others will attempt to dictate their ways and in so doing try to destroy our culture. Austria’s right-wing government plans to shut seven mosques and could expel dozens of imams in what it said was “just the beginning” of a push against radical Islam and foreign funding of religious groups that Turkey condemned as racist.  The moves follow a “law on Islam”, passed in 2015, which banned foreign funding of religious groups and created a duty for Muslim organizations to have “a positive fundamental view towards (Austria’s) state and society”.

Can you imagine that Pip Squeak Erdogan farting with the mouth once again. Can’t wait to see him carried out on the horizontal. 


Please be advised that this will not happen in Russia or other members of the communist bloc. We will learn that the culture we celebrate ( the Christian-Judaic ethic is not shared by certain members of society. Those are the ones that are most dangerous. Imagine if Clinton were elected, your life style will be obliterated by a new affirmative action regime giving priority to those who want to destroy us.