Tag Archives: Trump



Gregg Jarrett: Trump vs. crooks, liars and the liberal media

Gregg Jarrett


President Trump’s speech in Phoenix brought out the usual cast of misfits and miscreants.

And no, I’m not just referring to the “Antifa” anarchists who were, for the most part, denied their typical practice of wielding clubs, hurling feces, throwing rocks, setting vehicles ablaze and destroying buildings.

I’m talking about chronic Trump critics like James Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence.  Spouting off on CNN immediately after the speech, Clapper said he questioned the president’s “fitness to be in this office.”

Lying to Congress is a felony. Yet Clapper managed to avoid prosecution for criminal perjury by hiding behind President Obama. So, when Clapper decries the “complete intellectual, moral or ethical void” of President Trump, the irony is lost on no one.

Clapper seems to be making a career out of trashing Trump.  He’s like a guy who can’t resist cramming a cannoli in his mouth every time he passes a pastry shop.  Whenever Trump speaks, Clapper starts yapping.  It is no coincidence that his mouth, and the lie that came out of it back in 2013, is what should have landed him behind bars.

While testifying before Congress, Clapper was asked, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”   The DNI responded, “No.

It was a breathtaking lie, of course.  Soon thereafter, the story broke that the National Security Agency had, indeed, been doing exactly what Clapper denied under oath.  When confronted with his lie, he told a reporter, “I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or at least untruthful manner by saying ‘no.’”   Huh?

Later, Clapper apologized for his “clearly erroneous” answer, but explained he had simply forgotten all about the massive government operation to secretly collect metadata on hundreds of millions of U.S. citizens.  That’s like saying Christmas slipped his mind.

Lying to Congress is a felony.  Yet Clapper managed to avoid prosecution for criminal perjury by hiding behind President Obama. Obama’s pal, Attorney General Eric Holder, made sure the case was tossed in a broom closet somewhere, never to be seen again.

The pompous media has never understood why much of America does not embrace their liberal values. Most members of the press are too insular and dogmatic to ever conceive of any intelligent beliefs beyond their own.

So, when Clapper decries the “complete intellectual, moral or ethical void” of President Trump, the irony is lost on no one.  Clapper became the poster child for ethical decay when he served as the nation’s chief intelligence officer.

At roughly the same time Clapper was spewing his usual drivel, Hillary Clinton was attempting to sideswipe Trump with her own revisionist rubbish.

Clinton, who mangled her presidential aspirations with acts of self-immolation unmatched in modern political history, is at it again.  Old habits are hard to break.  You’ll recall that she famously blamed her husband’s infidelity with a young intern on a “vast right-wing conspiracy” two decades ago.  She has been playing the narcissistic “blame game” ever since.

Her latest incantation is really quite laughable.  In a breathless recitation of excerpts from her new book “What Happened,” Clinton bemoans that the mere sight of Donald Trump during the campaign made her skin crawl.  It is the tripe of dime novels, but no less hypocritical.

Wouldn’t Hillary want to crawl out of her own skin because of her self-destruction? Wouldn’t she blame herself for the utterly unnecessary, but fatal, scandal of her own making? When she looks in the mirror, does she see a crook staring back? How could she not?

Like Clapper’s lies, Clinton managed to escape prosecution and prison for what appears to be a clear violation of the Espionage Act in the mishandling of classified documents.  Once again, Obama’s Justice Department provided cover, with a significant assist from then-FBI Director James Comey.

Perhaps Clinton’s most revealing line in her book is when she recounts her “lifetime of dealing with difficult men trying to throw me off.”  While it is intended to be a swipe at Trump, it sounds more like an angry confession of living a tortured life in the company of Bill Clinton.

There will be more self-serving excerpts to come.  Lucky us.

But Hillary Clinton and James Clapper are like pesky flies compared to the mainstream media.  Driven by its pronounced liberal bias, they immediately condemned Trump for denouncing them at the rally.  The president knows he can provoke them into revealing their prejudices.  And when he did so during the speech, they reacted like Pavlov’s dogs.

The gnashing of teeth at CNN was predictable, if not comical.  Calling the president “unhinged” and “wounded,” anchor Don Lemon declared that Trump “came out on stage and lied directly to the American people.  His speech was without thought, without reason, devoid of facts, devoid of wisdom.”  Lemon blathered on and on, but you get the picture.  He seemed to light up like a pinball machine when his guest, Clapper, launched into his “unfit for office” shtick.  Is it any wonder that the convention hall crowd began chanting, “CNN sucks?”

The pompous media has never understood why much of America does not embrace their liberal values.  Most members of the press are too insular and dogmatic to ever conceive of any intelligent beliefs beyond their own.

Which is why journalists never imagined that Trump would be elected president.  When it happened, they lapsed into something akin to “septic shock” from which they have yet to recover.  Likely, they never will.  They will persist in predicting Trump’s imminent demise and assert their own intellectual and moral superiority.

In so doing, they are sowing the seeds of their own destruction.  Not as a professional endeavor.  There will always be journalists.

But America will no longer hold them in respectable regard.

Gregg Jarrett is a Fox News legal analyst and former defense attorney.



Identity politics has usurped American culture to such an extent that being American has lost its meaning,  dissipated to its own device.  What was E Pluribus Unum has been turned on its head. What was is not. Upon arriving to our shores different cultures assimilated into the culture of America, all became one. English was the grease that made this possible. Of course there were differences, likes neighbored together, but when together they spoke the culture of America, the citizenship of each other. Today this paradigm has been shattered. How did we come to this schism?

It all started with the “I want my rights.” I am a Hispanic/Latino, therefore I want teachers fluent in Spanish. No English for us. This demand gathered moss in more ways than one. First of all being taught in a language different from the main caused underlying animosity because it reflected a forced culture on the majority. Why cater to them? Secondly, acquiescing to their demand became mainstream as others wanted theirs. Individual issues were now mainstream.

Lesbians demanded equal rights, women jumped in on the equal pay issue, Gays hopped aboard, Black Lives Matter pressed their case and then the illegal criminals with the help of the bleeding heart liberals hopped on board. What started as a single issued snowballed to where we are now. And where are we? America is divided. A microcosm of the world itself.

e plu·ri·bus u·num
ˌē ˌplo͝orəbəs ˈ(y)o͞onəm/
  1. out of many, one (the motto of the US).
    To the liberal malcontent, anyone who disagrees with their philosophy is an existential enemy. The liberal progressive thug is a snake in the grass, waiting to counter the RIGHT at every turn. We are ready for them, locked and loaded.

Rod Thomson

This was all so obviously inevitable, the predictable result of divisive identity politics perpetrated on the American people — the exact opposite of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

Unfortunately, it won’t end in Charlottesville. The alt right and white supremacists, the Antifa and BLM groups — none of whom represent the best or even the good in America — will arm up, plan and ramp up the hatred and divisiveness. Because that is what comes from slicing up Americans by every conceivable grievance.

And instead of calling us higher, to the vision of America as a shining city on a hill, too many Washington politicians will do their best to take personal advantage of the situation. And already have. Democrats have been doing that for years by carving Americans along race, ethnicity, gender and income and pitting them against each other to get the votes of the aggrieved. It’s a directly dis-unifying strategy. Trump appealed to the backlash from that and while he is not a white supremacist, there’s no doubt he attracted their support.

Let’s get a couple of points clear. The alt right is not principled conservatism, or at least the racist elements are not. White supremacists are definitely not conservative. The rally in Charlottesville was ugly and unAmerican in its very origins, long before the violence broke out Saturday. Racists’ actions are hateful and should be called out — whether by whites or blacks or browns or whomever.

But there’s the problem, the step back to see a broader context for Saturday. According to many Americans on the left, particularly in academia, blacks actually cannot be racist because they are a minority and were oppressed by whites in the South 50 years ago. It’s true that they were, but the idea that racism can only come from the majority is nonsensical. Are only blacks racist in South Africa where they are the huge majority? Of course not. Hispanics, the left claims, cannot be racist because they’ve been oppressed by whites all the way back to the initial European settlers — which is not really historically accurate, but it still works to divide. Only whites can be racist by this theory. Yes, that is precisely what the thought-leaders on the left preach and teach, and it works to be wonderfully divisive.

So this did not happen in a vacuum on Saturday. Let’s also be clear on plain human nature. A nation cannot tell an entire class of its people — in this iteration, white males — that they are the source of the country’s evils and have no legitimate opinion on entire swaths of issues. From college campuses to social media, white males are told to check their privilege, sit down and shut up. Literally. That is as unAmerican as the Charlottesville marchers.

If blacks are not supposed to listen to whites because they are white, and Hispanics are not supposed to listen to whites because they are whites, and women aren’t supposed to listen to white men because they are men (I know, it’s not consistent but it is part of intersectional politics, see below) then how does this possibly end well?

To put a fine point on the obvious, it doesn’t.

To think there would not be a backlash by some in the target group was naive at best. Purposeful at worst. To think that when violence was being perpetrated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, that violence would not be perpetrated by white supremacists, was naive at best. Purposeful at worst.

Why purposeful at worst? Because there is a long line of philosophy on the far left that in order to overthrow the strong national order in the United States, American society must be foundationally destabilized.


Bring it on, we smash heads too. If that’s what they want, we will give them CIVIL WAR.  Republican governors in thirty five states are at the ready to call out the National Guard, local police departments are turned in as well. When violence erupts we will be top gun; this will not be an Orange Revolution, but a revolution of guns, not roses.

Soon we will own the Supreme Court. Decisions affecting 300 million people will be handed down; decades of precedent will be reversed. This will ignite the volatile venom permeating the liberal killa mindset. First off is the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. One more Supreme Court Justice will bring us back to the time where laws mattered, where trespassers were not citizens of the United States, neither were their progeny and they were thrown in the clink or booted out of the country. Secondly, we will have an adjudication of the 2nd Amendment once and for all.

Democrat incitement is growing at warp speed, but in Washington  the provocation by Mueller is non-stop. This is the case where no crime has been committed. A team of perverted progressive liberal lawyers hired by Mueller is searching for a crime to justify their existence. The special prosecutor is the crime. Comey, Hillary, Bill, Susan, John, Debbie are the criminals. The Deep State will not accept a TRUMP VICTORY. They will do everything in their power to impeded, stifle, challenge, target and destroy him. To them he is not legitimate.

America has been infiltrated by the earth’s scum; Latin American gangs, Hispanic/Latino killers, rapists, drug smugglers. Illegals bring a culture of violence across the land.  Taking advantage of our welfare system, free emergency room treatment, food stamps, hospitals, Social Security disability, education paid for by the taxpaying Patriot.




Click here for the Long Island chapter of MS-13.  They slashed him in the stomach with a machete, the gang’s weapon of choice.

Click here for liberal media sympathizing with the gang. Did anyone expect otherwise.

“[MS-13 has] transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into blood-stained killing fields. They’re animals. We cannot tolerate as a society the spilling of innocent, young, wonderful vibrant people,” Trump said to an audience of law enforcement officials, who mostly cheered in approval. 


We have devoted much ink to the violent El Salvador Mara Salvatrucha gang , better know by its nom de guerre MS-13 and the lesser know 18th Street gang.  They have infiltrated major cities committing felonies, murdering, extorting, running guns and prostitution rings, peddling drugs and smuggling.

In many cities the police do not dear tread on their turf. But what is more interesting is their sudden recruitment of illegals who are being lodged at an Arizona facility. We should be alarmed. As detailed in the article members of the gang cross the border and are subsequently housed in government holding pens pending their release.

Those doing the recruiting are minors, JUST CHILDREN IN MOST INSTANCES, effectively they are plants duping Obama’s  uninitiated border patrol goons.

These Latin American gangs aren’t the typical street hoods of the ’50’s, they are violent criminals. 

In the early 2000s (decade), US authorities investigated MS-13 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Eventually the work led to charges against 26 MS-13 members, including 7 trial convictions in January 2010, 18 guilty pleas, and 11 multi-year prison sentences.This included the alleged first federal death-penalty conviction for an MS-13 member, Alejandro Enrique Ramirez Umaña, aka “Wizard” (age 25).

On July 13, 2003, Brenda Paz, a 17-year-old former MS member turned informant was found stabbed on the banks of the Shenandoah River in Virginia. Paz was killed for informing the FBI about Mara Salvatrucha’s criminal activities. Two of her former friends were later convicted of the murder.



Russia, Iran, Turkey, China and North Korea (egging us on)  are all front and center. How did we get here? Politicians succumbing to diplomacy. Ask Harry Truman about diplomacy and he will tell you that the only diplomacy that counts is Little Boythe code name for the atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 during World War II.

They say it can’t be done, but it must be done. We are on the Eve of Destruction. The world of trouble makers only know one thing, death. For world peace to survive all adversaries must be neutralized by the most powerful weapon known to man. It will come sooner rather than later. Within the next five years one of the above countries will be targeted. It may not be by the United States, others, such as Israel, have a nuclear arsenal. Don’t discount any country or people, the reality of a dirty bomb emanating from the Middle East is a probability. No matter where it comes from it will come.


 Maduro is seen in the middle

When you are challenged, so goes the saying, kill the challenger before he can do any more damage. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and most recently Castro accepted the challenge. They soaked the earth with the blood of their adversaries. To them this was a beautiful thing; they all loved the color red.  One other color Maduro relishes is BLACK; black gold. Turning it into money is easy. This is the life blood of the dictator.

Venezuela ship millions of gallons of oil to the United States each year. To put the veritable squeeze on the Venezuelan killing machine is cut off the source of his power. Pull the switch, stop the oil from flowing. Trump can execute this inevitable and necessary step; doing so will put pressure on Castro’s puppet which hopefully ends in the overthrow of Maduro.

Fake elections aside, we remind you of the condoning of Chavez’s rise to power. None other than Jimmie Carter provided cover for Chavisimo’s ascension.  Carter has recently undergone nuclear radiation therapy for brain cancer which was probably caused from radiation burn during his time in a nuclear submarine most likely causing him to torpedo the democratic process.

From Carter’s lips,  “I would say the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world..”

Times have changed for the worst in Caracas, armed military control the streets, bashing opposition with clubs and bullets, Hundreds are dead having clashed with Maduro’s Tonto Macoutes. The recent sham vote which enables Maduro to run the country unimpeded will only bring more civilian clashes leading to more murders. Totalitarianism is now the soup du jour in Venezuela.

But make no mistake about it, Castro still lives in Venezuela. Yes, Fidel etal took control of the voting booth, passport issuance and identification papers years ago. Castro’s Cubanistas control the vital elections to this day. No way for any opposition leader to win.


The Atlantic

It’s hard to pick the Venezuelan president’s greatest flaw. Which is more serious: his cruel indifference to the suffering of his people, or his brutal autocratic behavior? Which is more outrageous: his immense ignorance or the fact that he dances on television while his henchmen murder defenseless young protesters in the streets? The list of Nicolas Maduro’s failings is long, and Venezuelans know it; over 80 percent of them oppose him. And it’s not just Venezuelans. The rest of the world has also discovered—at last!—his despotic, corrupt, and inept character.

And yet … Maduro doesn’t really matter. He is simply a useful idiot, the puppet of those who really control Venezuela: the Cubans, the drug traffickers, and Hugo Chavez’s political heirs. Those three groups effectively function as criminal cartels, and have co-opted the armed forces into their service; this is how it is possible that every day we see men in uniform willing to massacre their own people in order to keep Venezuela’s criminal oligarchy in power.



Infowars’ Roger Stone was first to predict General Kelly to replace Reince Priebus as White House Chief of Staff


WASHINGTON, D.C. – On April 28, 2017, four months before President Trump threatened to end Obamacare by not paying insurance company subsidies, Infowars.com broke the story that President Trump could end Obamacare with the stroke of a pen.

Last week, Roger Stone also was the first to predict that Reince Priebus would be removed as White House Chief-of-Staff, to be replaced by General John F. Kelly, then head of the Department of Homeland Security.

On Saturday, President Trump tweeted that if a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, bailouts for insurance companies would end very soon – a threat that followed precisely what Infowars.com had predicted in the April 28 article entitled, “How President Trump Can End Obamacare with a Stroke of a Pen: He just needs to end insurance company subsidies.”

President Trump Tweet on Saturday Threatening to End Obamacare Insurance Subsidies

All President Trump must do to “repeal” Obamacare is sign an Executive Order instructing the Solicitor General to withdraw the Obama administration’s appeal in the federal district court case U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell, (130 F. Supp. 3d 53, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, 2016).

The result will be to immediately defund the low-income insurance company subsidies being paid by the federal government under Section 1402 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), causing Obamacare to collapse, almost immediately.

The point is Congress never funded any taxpayer funds to pay the low-income insurance subsidies that are at the heart of making Obamacare work.

What is at issue is Section 1402 of the ACA – a section written to provide federal subsidies to insurance companies for insurance purchased on state insurance exchanges to cover the difference between the capped maximum a low-income purchaser could be expected to pay and the amount the insurance cost.

Without funds provided by Congress to pay the low-income insurance subsidies under 1402, Obamacare collapses almost immediately.

No insurance company can long afford to provide low-income health insurance at a discount, unless the federal government pays the difference between what the insurance truly costs and the limited amount low-income purchasers can pay.

The problem is that Congress refused to pass an appropriation to fund Section 1402, leaving the Obama administration scrambling to find funds somewhere else in the federal budget that could be diverted to pay the low-income insurance subsidies.

Infowars.com has proved through an analysis of the Treasury Department balance sheets that the Obama administration found a solution in August 2012, when the Treasury Department decided that earnings confiscated from the Government-Sponsored Entities (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the “Net Worth Sweep” (NWS), could be diverted to pay the Obamacare low-income insurance subsidies.

The record contained in the Treasury Department balance sheets shows through 2013 a direct diversion of the NWS into line items used to fund Obamacare.

After 2013, the Obama administration continued the NWS (ultimately confiscating some $271 billion from Fannie and Freddie), but the one-for-one diversion of the Fannie and Freddie funds going into line items used to fund Obamacare is less clear, suggesting Treasury grew more clever after 2013 in hiding the diversion within the Treasury general account used as a slush fund.

The House of Representatives filed a federal district court case against then Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Matthews Burwell to stop the Obamacare from diverting federal funds to pay the ACA low-income subsidies.

On May 12, 2016, U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer, in the case U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell, ruled against Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Matthews Burwell.

Judge Collyer decided HHS Secretary Burwell had no constitutional authority to divert funds Congress appropriated to one section of the ACA to fund Obamacare subsidy payments to insurers under another section of the ACA, Section 1402 – the clause defining the insurer subsidies – when Congress specifically declined to appropriate any funds to Section 1402 for paying the insurance subsidy.

“Paying out Section 1402 reimbursements without an appropriation thus violates the Constitution,” Judge Collyer concluded.

“Congress authorized reduced cost sharing but did not appropriate monies for it, in the Fiscal Year 2014 budget or since,” she stressed.

The Obama administration appealed the District Court decision in U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, deciding on its own authority that federal funds could continue to be diverted from other budgetary purposes to continue paying the insurance subsidies as long as the case was under appeal.

The point is that if the Trump administration simply decided to drop the Circuit Court appeal in Burwell, the District Court decision would become established law.

The result would be the Trump administration would be forbidden from diverting federal funds to pay the ACA insurance subsidies, with the result Obama care would implode.

“The Obama administration appealed the decision, but if the Trump administration were to drop that appeal, the subsidies would disappear,” commented Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News, in an article published on April 9, 2017.

If insurance companies were forced to take a loss by absorbing the cost above what low-income insured could afford to pay for the insurance coverage required under Obamacare, no insurance company could afford to provide health insurance to low-income insureds under the ACA.

Once President Trump withdraws the Obama administration appeal in U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell, Obamacare becomes history.

To revive Obamacare, Congress would have to pass a resolution funding ACA Section 1402, something even RINOs like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell might find politically suicidal to do.


US flies two supersonic bombers over the Korean Peninsula days after North’s ballistic missile test

A pair of US supersonic bombers have flown over the Korean Peninsula, less than 48-hours after North Korea’s successfullytested an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).The warplanes were joined by fighters from both South Korea and Japan.Image result for us defense department news on north korea


UNITED STATES AND CHINA are on the BRINK OF WAR. The theater is set, the action will be harsh and quick, devastating as devastating can be. North Korea will suffer to no-end, a lightning attack Israeli style, over in a matter of minutes. All military installations will be imploded in a nuclear minute. The Boy-ruler will run for cover, no doubt to an ICBM silo, that too will face the MOAB.

he North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, has issued a fresh challenge to Donald Trump by conducting a second ballistic missile test-launch which experts said placed US cities in range of potential attack. The missile launch was meant as a “stern warning” for the US, North Korea’s state news agency said.

Experts say the US president had hoped to form a “big marriage” with China, which would have seen the world’s top two economies tackle Pyongyang together, with Beijing putting economic pressure on its ally.

However the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, fearing the impact the collapse of Kim’s regime would have on China, has appeared unwilling to enter into such a partnership. Following North Korea’s ICBM test in early July, Beijing rejected Trump’s calls for it to do more, claiming the “China responsibility theory” had to stop.

There is only one remaining question to be answered, will China counter the United States to help North Korea repel the ally attack? 


Criminals come in all colors and sizes, but one is most dangerous to democracy, the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT. Donald J. Trump’s ascent (Podesta on election eve, a very deceptive speech- at that time he knew she got trounced)to the White House is not palatable to the inbred. Incest has taken its toll and permeated the minds of the liberal; from grade school to college they have absorbed propaganda through the education lobby ruled by union thugs. On the other hand, the conservatives among us not only question the perverse holy sanctimonious positions of the brain washed educators, we demand facts to back up their claims. However, none ever are presented. That in itself is evidence enough to belittle those with brains no larger than a pea. And Trump is taking to them. While the tornado investigation sucks up more debris, that’s all it is, only debris, Trump tweets.

President Trump Says Son ‘Openly’ Shared His Emails While Hillary Clinton ‘Acid Washed’ Hers

(WASHINGTON) — Hours before he was to help commission a new aircraft carrier at a patriotic ceremony on the Virginia coast, President Donald Trump fired off a volley of early morning tweets that again showed how furious he remains over multiple investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

The tweets were unusual in their breadth and scope, even for Trump, given the wide variety of topics he touched on as Saturday dawned. His 10 tweets, all sent within two hours starting before 6:30 a.m., ranged from the Russia investigation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to Hillary Clinton, the health care effort and his newly appointed White House communications director.

Trump said in one missive: “While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us. FAKE NEWS.”

President Trump Says Son ‘Openly’ Shared His Emails While Hillary Clinton ‘Acid Washed’ Hers

(WASHINGTON) — Hours before he was to help commission a new aircraft carrier at a patriotic ceremony on the Virginia coast, President Donald Trump fired off a volley of early morning tweets that again showed how furious he remains over multiple investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

The tweets were unusual in their breadth and scope, even for Trump, given the wide variety of topics he touched on as Saturday dawned. His 10 tweets, all sent within two hours starting before 6:30 a.m., ranged from the Russia investigation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to Hillary Clinton, the health care effort and his newly appointed White House communications director.

Trump said in one missive: “While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us. FAKE NEWS.”

The Washington Post recently reported that Trump has inquired about the authority he has as president to pardon aides, relatives or even himself in connection with the widening investigation into Russian interference in the election and whether any Trump associates were involved.

The president has long criticized leaks of information about the investigation and has urged authorities to prosecute leakers.

Trump maintains that no crimes have been committed.

One of Trump’s attorneys, Jay Sekulow, said the president has not discussed the issue of pardons with his outside legal team.

Next week, Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.; his son-in-law and White House adviser, Jared Kushner; and Paul Manafort, a former campaign chairman, are scheduled to appear before Senate committees investigating Russian meddling.

Trump defended his son, saying he “openly gave his e-mails to the media & authorities whereas Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted (& acid washed) her 33,000 e-mails!” Trump’s namesake has become a focus of the investigation after it was revealed that he, Kushner and Manafort met with Russian representatives at Trump Tower in June 2016. Trump Jr. later released email exchanges concerning the meeting on Twitter, after learning that The New York Times was about to publish them.

The FBI investigated Clinton for using a private email server as secretary of state. She turned thousands of emails over to the government, but deleted thousands of others that she said were personal or unrelated to her work as the nation’s top diplomat.

Trump also complained Saturday about a Washington Post report that the Russian ambassador to the U.S. said he discussed election-related issues with Jeff Sessions when the men met during the 2016 presidential race. Sessions, now the attorney general, at the time was a U.S. senator and foreign policy adviser to Trump.

Trump tweeted: “A new INTELLIGENCE LEAK from the Amazon Washington Post,this time against A.G. Jeff Sessions.These illegal leaks, like Comey’s, must stop!”

The Post on Friday cited anonymous U.S. officials who described U.S. intelligence intercepts of Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s descriptions of his meetings with Sessions.

The Justice Department said Sessions stands by his previous assertion that he never had conversations with Russian officials about any type of interference with the election.

Trump also said “Republican Senators must step up to the plate and, after 7 years, vote to Repeal and Replace” the Obama-era health care law. An effort to advance legislation collapsed in the Senate earlier this week after several Republicans said they wouldn’t vote for the bill.

Click here for Trump defending son.

For a laugh click here.



For eight grueling years the Tea Party fought hard; down in the trenches we were bloodied, pilloried, stymied and most of all, we were called “DEPLORABLE.” But through it all we stood tall. And in the end we elected Donald J. Trump as our President. Gelding does not describe him, but bull does; taunt him and he will dig in for the fight. Too bad this can’t be said about most Republicans.

Take for example, the slow talker from Maine, Susan Collins, by the time she gets it out, twenty four hours have passed then we forget the question.  Question: Why is she a Republican?   We can’t adequately describe her political affliction, only to say that she and Maxine Waters ought to start a comedy routine.

The usual suspects include the likes of Mitch McConnell, a two faced politician if there ever was one. Then we look no further than Lindsey Graham. But there is more, those who care about their careers rather than their country. Rinos who pledged to defeat Obamacare, but when the going got tough they went Yellow Pants. Governors who were hoodwinked to a Siamese twin Obamacare state are guilty as charged; for them socialized healthcare is said and done. Ron Johnson, Chuck Grassley, Thad Cochran, Mark Kirk are members of the RINO herd. John McCain is also a franchised member; a maverick in his own right.

And the rest of the herd that voted for Loretta Lynch.


The Senate voted 56-43 this afternoon to confirm Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. Ten Republicans voted for confirmation: Kelly Ayotte (gone), Ron Johnson, Mark Kirk, Rob Portman, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell.

In 2018 those Gelded Republicans up for reelection must be taken to the slaughterhouse. 

From Wikipedia 

Most recent election predictions

Democrats are expected to target the Senate seats in Nevada and Arizona.[2] Democrats could also target Texas.[3] Republicans are expected to target Democratic-held seats in IndianaMissouriMontanaNorth Dakota, and West Virginia, all of which voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 election and Donald Trump in the 2016 election,[4] as well as seats in FloridaOhioPennsylvaniaWisconsin, and Michigan, all of which voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election.[5] Republicans could also target seats in MinnesotaVirginiaMaine, and New Jersey.[2] Other races may also become competitive.

State PVI
[citation needed]
Incumbent 2012
Feb. 9
July 7
May 17
Arizona R+5 Jeff Flake (R) 49% R Lean R Lean R Lean R
California D+12 Dianne Feinstein (D) 63% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
Connecticut D+6 Chris Murphy (D) 55% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
Delaware D+6 Tom Carper (D) 66% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
Florida R+2 Bill Nelson (D) 55% D Lean D Tilt D Lean D
Hawaii D+18 Mazie Hirono (D) 63% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
Indiana R+9 Joe Donnelly (D) 50% D Lean D Tossup Tossup
Maine D+3 Angus King (I) 53% I Lean D Safe D Likely D/I
Maryland D+12 Ben Cardin (D) 55% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
Massachusetts D+12 Elizabeth Warren (D) 54% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
Michigan D+1 Debbie Stabenow (D) 59% D Likely D Safe D Likely D
Minnesota D+1 Amy Klobuchar (D) 65% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
Mississippi R+9 Roger Wicker (R) 57% R Safe R Safe R Safe R
Missouri R+9 Claire McCaskill (D) 55% D Lean D Tossup Tossup
Montana R+11 Jon Tester (D) 49% D Likely D Tilt D Lean D
Nebraska R+14 Deb Fischer (R) 56% R Safe R Safe R Safe R
Nevada D+1 Dean Heller (R) 46% R Lean R Tossup Lean R
New Jersey D+7 Bob Menendez (D) 59% D Likely D Safe D Likely D
New Mexico D+3 Martin Heinrich (D) 51% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
New York D+11 Kirsten Gillibrand (D) 72% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
North Dakota R+16 Heidi Heitkamp (D) 50% D Likely D Tossup Tossup
Ohio R+3 Sherrod Brown (D) 51% D Lean D Lean D Lean D
Pennsylvania EVEN Bob Casey (D) 54% D Likely D Lean D Likely D
Rhode Island D+10 Sheldon Whitehouse (D) 64% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
Tennessee R+14 Bob Corker (R) 65% R Safe R Safe R Safe R
Texas R+8 Ted Cruz (R) 57% R Safe R Safe R Likely R
Utah R+20 Orrin Hatch (R) 65% R Safe R Safe R Safe R
Vermont D+15 Bernie Sanders (I) 71% I Safe D Safe D Safe D/I
Virginia D+1 Tim Kaine (D) 53% D Likely D Likely D Likely D
Washington D+7 Maria Cantwell (D) 61% D Safe D Safe D Safe D
West Virginia R+20 Joe Manchin (D) 61% D Likely D Tossup Lean D
Wisconsin EVEN Tammy Baldwin (D) 51% D Likely D Tilt D Lean D
Wyoming R+25 John Barrasso (R) 76% R Safe R Safe R Safe R