Tag Archives: EMAIL


Criminals come in all colors and sizes, but one is most dangerous to democracy, the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT. Donald J. Trump’s ascent (Podesta on election eve, a very deceptive speech- at that time he knew she got trounced)to the White House is not palatable to the inbred. Incest has taken its toll and permeated the minds of the liberal; from grade school to college they have absorbed propaganda through the education lobby ruled by union thugs. On the other hand, the conservatives among us not only question the perverse holy sanctimonious positions of the brain washed educators, we demand facts to back up their claims. However, none ever are presented. That in itself is evidence enough to belittle those with brains no larger than a pea. And Trump is taking to them. While the tornado investigation sucks up more debris, that’s all it is, only debris, Trump tweets.

President Trump Says Son ‘Openly’ Shared His Emails While Hillary Clinton ‘Acid Washed’ Hers

(WASHINGTON) — Hours before he was to help commission a new aircraft carrier at a patriotic ceremony on the Virginia coast, President Donald Trump fired off a volley of early morning tweets that again showed how furious he remains over multiple investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

The tweets were unusual in their breadth and scope, even for Trump, given the wide variety of topics he touched on as Saturday dawned. His 10 tweets, all sent within two hours starting before 6:30 a.m., ranged from the Russia investigation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to Hillary Clinton, the health care effort and his newly appointed White House communications director.

Trump said in one missive: “While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us. FAKE NEWS.”

President Trump Says Son ‘Openly’ Shared His Emails While Hillary Clinton ‘Acid Washed’ Hers

(WASHINGTON) — Hours before he was to help commission a new aircraft carrier at a patriotic ceremony on the Virginia coast, President Donald Trump fired off a volley of early morning tweets that again showed how furious he remains over multiple investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

The tweets were unusual in their breadth and scope, even for Trump, given the wide variety of topics he touched on as Saturday dawned. His 10 tweets, all sent within two hours starting before 6:30 a.m., ranged from the Russia investigation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to Hillary Clinton, the health care effort and his newly appointed White House communications director.

Trump said in one missive: “While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us. FAKE NEWS.”

The Washington Post recently reported that Trump has inquired about the authority he has as president to pardon aides, relatives or even himself in connection with the widening investigation into Russian interference in the election and whether any Trump associates were involved.

The president has long criticized leaks of information about the investigation and has urged authorities to prosecute leakers.

Trump maintains that no crimes have been committed.

One of Trump’s attorneys, Jay Sekulow, said the president has not discussed the issue of pardons with his outside legal team.

Next week, Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.; his son-in-law and White House adviser, Jared Kushner; and Paul Manafort, a former campaign chairman, are scheduled to appear before Senate committees investigating Russian meddling.

Trump defended his son, saying he “openly gave his e-mails to the media & authorities whereas Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted (& acid washed) her 33,000 e-mails!” Trump’s namesake has become a focus of the investigation after it was revealed that he, Kushner and Manafort met with Russian representatives at Trump Tower in June 2016. Trump Jr. later released email exchanges concerning the meeting on Twitter, after learning that The New York Times was about to publish them.

The FBI investigated Clinton for using a private email server as secretary of state. She turned thousands of emails over to the government, but deleted thousands of others that she said were personal or unrelated to her work as the nation’s top diplomat.

Trump also complained Saturday about a Washington Post report that the Russian ambassador to the U.S. said he discussed election-related issues with Jeff Sessions when the men met during the 2016 presidential race. Sessions, now the attorney general, at the time was a U.S. senator and foreign policy adviser to Trump.

Trump tweeted: “A new INTELLIGENCE LEAK from the Amazon Washington Post,this time against A.G. Jeff Sessions.These illegal leaks, like Comey’s, must stop!”

The Post on Friday cited anonymous U.S. officials who described U.S. intelligence intercepts of Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s descriptions of his meetings with Sessions.

The Justice Department said Sessions stands by his previous assertion that he never had conversations with Russian officials about any type of interference with the election.

Trump also said “Republican Senators must step up to the plate and, after 7 years, vote to Repeal and Replace” the Obama-era health care law. An effort to advance legislation collapsed in the Senate earlier this week after several Republicans said they wouldn’t vote for the bill.

Click here for Trump defending son.

For a laugh click here.


The acuteness of irony here is two fold, a (click)Romanian hacker breaks into Sidney Blumenthal’s computer which eventually lead to Hillary’s personal email address. His nomme de guerre is Guccifer, a play on Lucifer. The Romanian government has asked the U.S. to send Mr. Lazar back to Romania.

“For me, it was easy … easy for me, for everybody,” Lazar told Fox News from his Alexandria jail in May, claiming he used Blumenthal’s account as a stepping stone to the Clinton server.

In July, when asked by Congress about this claim, FBI Director James Comey said Guccifer lied about the breach. When Comey recommended against criminal charges for Clinton and her aides, over the use of multiple personal servers for government business, he emphasized that members of Clinton’s inner circle were hacked, suggesting the personal server was vulnerable.

Don’t dismiss the fact that Clinton’s server would not have been breached if she was on the SECURE STATE DEPARTMENT NETWORK. CLINTON IS GUILTY OF VIOLATING THE LAW.

Again the bottom line here is this, “the old boys network” stiffed the Romanian like he was Dracula, but the real criminal, the Lying Clinton, was not prosecuted for stealing government information, lying about it and covering it up. Corruption at the highest level is a disease which needs purging. Time for the Revolution. Jail the Bird.


Former Secretary of State, Colin Powell (Clinton is trying to pin it on me), is now the FALL GUY. Reminding you he served the country honorably under two presidents. However, he is now the target of the Lying Clinton.  Yes,  Hillary pulled out the Alinsky card once again; blaming Powell for giving her the wrong advice regarding emails. Who do you believe? Stupid question! Powell or the Lying Clinton.

The backdrop, one year into Clinton using her private server, at a dinner party hosted by Clinton. Madeline Albright asked former secretaries what advice they would offer to Clinton.
“Toward the end of the evening, over dessert, Albright asked all of the former secretaries to offer one salient bit of counsel to the nation’s next top diplomat,” Conason wrote. “Powell told her to use her own email, as he had done, except for classified communications, which he had sent and received via a State Department computer … [Powell] confirmed a decision she had made months earlier – to keep her personal account and use it for most messages.”

Powell’s office later released a statement to NBC News, saying he “has no recollection of the dinner conversation.” However, “He did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department.” she asked Powell how he handled his emails. Powell’s office later released a statement to NBC News, saying he “has no recollection of the dinner conversation.” However, “He did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department.”

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus hoped on the news as well as Powell’s comments, saying, Clinton “seems incapable of telling the truth.”
“Clinton’s pattern of serial dishonesty is completely unacceptable for a candidate seeking the nation’s highest office, and her refusal to tell the truth and own up to her poor judgment is a preview of how she would conduct herself if elected president,” Priebus said in a statement Monday. “Even worse, this news comes on the heels of the Clinton camp falsely trying to pin her email woes on Colin Powell, raising serious questions about whether she lied to the FBI.”
The bottom line here is that the LYING CLINTON is trying to cover her tracks.


The true and tried technique utilized to open the lips of our enemies is Waterboarding

Whether waterboarding should be classified as a method of torture was not widely debated in the United States before it was alleged, in 2004, that members of the CIA had used the technique against certain suspected detained terrorists.

Subsequently, the U.S. government released a memorandum written in 2002 by the Office of Legal Counsel that came to the conclusion that waterboarding did not constitute torture and could be used to interrogate subjects. The OLC reasoned that “in order for pain or suffering to rise to the level of torture, the statute requires that it be severe” and that waterboarding did not cause severe pain or suffering either physically or mentally. 

So as they say the punishment fits the crime and in this case it certainly does. Looking at it from the perspective of those who talked – our mortal enemies such as KSM; the information gleaned from them was instrumental in not only saving but preventing the murder of thousands and perhaps millions. The technique does work well.

As of yesterday, July 2, 2016, Hillary Clinton offered up this statement: Clinton told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Saturday evening that the interview was something “I had been eager to do.” “Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was secretary,” Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. “She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion.”

Does this lady think Americans are stupid as dirt? Voluntary! Are you kidding? When the FBI says jump and you jump, asking how high. Eager to meet with the FBI? Fooyee.  Clinton has destroyed government records, deleted emails, erased records, shared information with non-government employees, lied time and time again. The Lying Clinton said this was  a security inquiry . But Americans knew all along that it was a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. Crimes were committed and it is time for her to FESS UP for her  CRIMINAL ACTS.

(click)JAIL THE BIRD – THE LADY IS A CHRONIC LIAR and a peddler of influence. This does not depend on the definition of (click here for more videos on the Clintons)”what is, is.


hillarysuckersvote“Guccifer” the Romanian hacker,  has been arrested for breaking into the former Secretary of State’s home alone computer. He has been interviewed, spilled the beans and sincerely we hope and gave the prosecutors some very valuable information in return for a lesser sentence.

What puzzles us is why a two bit hacker from Romania was extradicted in the first place; then arrested and convicted, well actually he did a plea deal for a petty crime. But on the other hand the Secretary of State who deleted documents, top secret ones at that, broke the law on securing them, ran her own server, lied about it for the umpteen time and she is walking free? Something is wrong with this picture.

Clinton was running a secret ‘shakedown operation’ which was beyond the sight of government. She struck deals with foreign entities, skirted the pay to play rules, ran a criminal organization with tentacles spread far and wide, yet she has not been arrested. Why?

If Loretta Lynch does not bring charges against her, we will finally understand that that the State Department and Justice Department are run by the same CROOKS.hillarydressedup

The most egregious crime Clinton has committed is failure to have a secure server.  Former State Department watch dog report concluded Clinton’s use of a private server and account was not approved, and broke agency rules. The report said by the time she became secretary, the rules had repeatedly been updated, and were “considerably more detailed and more sophisticated.”

The time has come to JAIL THE BIRD 

Click here for the latest on Cheryl Mills deposition brought to you by Fox News. Another blabber mouth but when it comes time to release the pearl her mouth closes tight as a clam.


Long time staffer given immunity to testify; Pagliano is spilling the beans. Previously Pagliano invoked the fifth. Contrary what the lying Clinton says, this is a criminal investigation not a security review. Once again, the lady is caught bare handed with the smoking gun.liesCHAPPAQUA

A request to interview her would have to be reviewed by top level officials at both the FBI and the Justice Department, a former official said.

As part of those interviews, the FBI would also seek to establish that Clinton and her aides understood the policies and protocols for handling classified information, former officials said.

It’s unclear whether Clinton and her aides would agree to an interview with the FBI because of the potential legal risks. However, if Clinton refused to cooperate with FBI investigators, the issue could become a political flashpoint in the campaign.


Hillary Clinton is in the midst of the greatest collapse in political history. Her run for the White House was essentially to be a cake walk. A waltz in the night leading to a triumphant march down Pennsylvania Avenue. However, the walk will not happen, but the ride to Sing Sing or Alcatraz is more likely. The latest Bonnie and Clyde duo, Hillary and Bill, are about to get busted; not one law broken but hundreds, a thriller, with death thrown in, murder in Benghazi and emails disappearing quicker than a magicians wand.

Bernie Sanders is now running neck and neck with the once invincible Clinton. He has connected to the people, where is Hillary has disconnected. Sort of like Bush, she brings in the family, but that doesn’t matter anymore. The emperor has no clothes is an apt description of this contemptuous liar. So many email/server stories have come out, even Hillary does not no which one is true.

Americans are patiently waiting for the FBI to bring out the bracelets. We are at wits end on why they have not acted yet. How much more evidence do they need to recommend an indictment? Why are they stalling, why is the State Department stalling? These are valid questions the American people deserve to know.


The American people have been “schonged” by Hillary Clinton. Make no mistake about it, Hillary Clinton has not only lied to the American people, she has treated us with disdain, believing that we are so stupid that she can tell us anything and we will believe it. A major part of the problem is her cohorts, the progressive press.CHAPPAQUA

Everyday, Ms. Clinton, either lies, denies responsibility or blames someone or something when challenged. Donald Trump, her worst nightmare, has been condemned by the lame stream media for using a slang word. Well folks, the hypocrisy here is two fold; when Joe Biden dropped the “F” bomb and said it was not a big “effen” deal” ,  the liberal establishment gave him two thumbs up. Think of any other Vice President or President before him using such language, but it was OK because this language is part of Joe’s everyday vocabulary. No doubt he is a  rap music aficionado.

The FBI is hot on Hillary’s trail, trying to smoke out the stinking animal rotting away in her server. This is not some passing Whitewater scandal folks, this is a National Security Issue. Clinton, signed on the dotted line that she would not divulge TOP SECRET information. However, by using her own server, wiped clean she thought, emailed others who were did not have a security clearance, the question Americans want to know, is why she has not been brought to justice?lies

The FBI knows that the evidence not only points to her guilt, not with standing the mutual liars in the State Department involved in the cover-up, but her private aid, the one who took the 5th when called upon to testify at the Benghazi hearing, is now center stage in the investigation. Bryan Pagliano is expected to take the 5th on producing documents requested by the FBI. This conspiracy is tantamount to treason.

In the prosecution of former CIA Director David Petraeus for his role in wrongly providing highly classified information to his biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell, violations of Non-Disclosure Agreements were cited.

Fox News was told that “frustration” is mounting in the pace of the investigation into Clinton’s emails.



We suffered as Lois Lerner invoked the 5th Amendment when question by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Now we have learned that the latest to take the fifth is the Hillary confidant responsible for setting up her illegal server. Bryan Pagliano will invoke the 5th Amendment when questioned by the the House Select Committee on Benghazi, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the Senate Homeland Security Committee citing an ongoing FBI investigation.

And to top it off the IRS Commissioner has continued to withhold evidence which would support the facts that the IRS targeted Tea Party groups. Jason Chaffetz of the House Oversight Committee has called for his firing. The guy is an incompetent donkey carrying Barack Hussein Obama’s water. And then we come to Hillary Clinton who has stonewalled the investigation into her email server.

Folks the government is out of control; the only solution is REVOLUTION.  gadsdenflag


Parsing words on the Hillary emailgate it is now possible that she had a second server.

Platte River Networks, which managed Clinton’s server and private email network after she left the State Department, has indicated it transfer – or “migrated” – emails from the original server in 2013, according to The Washington Examiner.

Clinton’s doomsday clock is ticking.