Tag Archives: Trump


According to the FOX News Poll, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz garner over 54% of potential Republican voters. Jeb Bush and Rand Paul(never gained traction) bring up the rear with 5%. Carson and Rubio are mired in quicksand. The focus will soon become clear as the tailgaters will most likely drop out.

But who can win?  Thirty-two percent say that candidate is Trump.  That’s about twice as many as think Cruz (18 percent) and Rubio (14 percent) can beat Clinton in 2016.


Mainline Republicans are in an uproar. And why? Because Donald Trump is trampling the “bushes”. There will be no “smoked filled room” candidates this year.  What separates Donald from the pack is that he is not “politically correct.” This literally pisses the main stream Republicans off to no end.

So far Bush has not dropped out of the race; we can’t figure that one out because the radar gun doesn’t register his imploding campaign. Like the anointed Hillary, Bush was supposed to be a ‘shoe in.’ However, on the way to stardom, the “we the people” said, “we had enough of the pukes” who got us into the mess in the first place.

With the fanfare of SRO crowds Donald is taking it to them and bringing a message of bravado to patriotic Americans. We are talking about the Octagon here. Where the spilling of blood is a time honored tradition, but usually it is the opponents blood, not one of the family. With the likes of double talking Republicans, for instance all the Wannabees, the public has finally come to the conclusion that they are all buffoons and the ones that aren’t are chronological liars.

In order to halt the Trump campaign the Republican gang has decided to ambush “The Donald” by calling him a wacko. This, most likely will receive little traction with the voters.

Donald Trump took his build-a-wall approach to immigration one step further at the fourth major Republican debate in Milwaukee Tuesday night when he vowed that, if elected president, he’d deport 11 million undocumented immigrants.

That’s when Ohio Gov. John Kasich jumped in to rip Trump’s plan, saying, “It’s a silly argument. It’s not an adult argument. We all know you can’t pick them up and ship them back across the border.”

Trump responded by taking a shot at Kasich’s state’s economic recovery: “You’re lucky in Ohio that you struck oil.”


by MIKE FLYNN20 Nov 201510,720GettyImages-495150466 trump crowdA Super PAC tied to Ohio Governor John Kasich is annnouncing a new multi-million dollar effort to torpedo Donald Trump’s campaign for the Republican nomination.

Trump’s continued dominance of national and state-level polling has vexed the GOP establishment and pushed it to near-panic as voting nears.

A recent survey of public attitudes by Reuters/Ispos, though, suggests caution for the GOP establishment.

Whatever failings there may be in his specific policies, Donald Trump’s campaign has tapped into a strong, visceral feeling of millions of Americans. Seeking to destroy Trump, the candidate, may further alienate the Republican party from a rapidly growing block of voters.

According to the Reuters survey, 58 percent Americans say they “don’t identify with what America has become.” While Republicans and Independents are the most likely to agree with this statement, even 45 percent of Democrats share this feeling.

More than half of Americans, 53 percent, say they “feel like a stranger” in their own country. A minority of Americans feel “comfortable as myself” in the country.

There are no doubt lots of reasons underlying this feelings. Demographically, Americans holding these views tend to be white, older, live in the South and have less than a college education. Politically, they are cordoned off as the white working class. While they rarely attract much attention from the political class, they still represent an enormous block of voters.

Their numbers may be declining relative to the entire population, but they are still the largest single block of voters. In many critical swing states like Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina, they represent a significant base of voters that can determine the outcome of elections.

The reasons for their alienation are both cultural and economic. The economic anxiety sparked by the financial crisis in 2007-8 has likely pushed them further away from the mainstream political parties. This isn’t solely a phenomenon on the right, as the resurgent popularity of explicitly socialist policies on the left attest.

Even allowing that the economy has officially been in recovery for the past six years, its benefits haven’t been felt widely. The jobs gained during the economic recovery have generally been at lower wages and benefits than before the Great Recession. The number of Americans not in the labor force, on food stamps or permanent disability have all reached historic highs. Concerns over income inequality have increased as the Federal Reserve has pumped trillions of dollars of stimulus into Wall Street and the financial markets.

There are cultural factors as well.

Several years ago, leading Democrat strategists created the “Bobby Kennedy Project,” an effort to increase the party’s appeal to white working class voters. The effort was soon abandoned, though, when it became clear that the party would have to moderate some of its more progressive social positions. The Democrat party, for now at least, has staked its future on appealing to young and minority voters.

Whether or not this is the politically smart play for the future remains to be seen. In the present, however, it means that a huge block of voters feel alienated and are up for grabs politically. Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” is perfectly attuned to those voters who feel increasingly like “strangers” in their own country.

Panic breeds actions born out of emotions rather than somber reflection. The Republican establishment is understandably panicked at the thought of Donald Trump capturing the party’s nomination for President. It is convinced, perhaps incorrectly, that a Trump candidacy will doom the party’s chances next year.

Its zeal to derail his campaign carries huge risks for the party, however. The Trump phenomenon is not simply the product of a media-savvy, hyper-personality candidate. It is drawing strength from very real sentiments of a huge block of voters. The Republican party may take out Trump, but it alienates these voters at its peril.


Two Republicans did the honorable thing by dropping out of the race for president. We commend them for their effort; they did the right thing. However, others still have delusions of grandeur. They are the ones with no chance of winning, but do a disservice to those who have the money and support to continue on. Why do Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, George Pataki and John Kasich, continue on? What do they have to gain?

Right now there are really only five viable candidates if you count Jeb Bush who basically has no support. Those with a chance are Trump, Carson, Cruz, Fioriana (slight chance) and Rubio. The legitimate question is why do the others continue on? BIG HEAD. 

The head of the RNC, Reince Priebus needs to send them a message, “drop out” now, you are running interference with the those who have a legitimate chance of winning.


General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 – 9/3 45.8 43.4 Clinton +2.4
SurveyUSA 9/2 – 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 45 Trump +5
PPP (D) 8/28 – 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 44 Clinton +2
Quinnipiac 8/20 – 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 45 41 Clinton +4
CNN/ORC 8/13 – 8/16 897 RV 3.5 51 45 Clinton +6
FOX News 8/11 – 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 47 42 Clinton +5

All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

Donald Trump is on the verge of running the tables. A black swan event if there ever was one. Trump is leading in the polls by a substantial margin. If the vote was held today he would be our next President. Hillary Clinton’s reputation has finally caught up with her. Donald has risen to star status leaving the politically correct politicians in his wake. Americans are fed up with those politicians who put their careers ahead of the United States. We can’t wait to see the Democrats drowning in their own politically correct diatribe. Thank God for Donald Trump. The time has come to stop the infighting by Republicans and hop on the Trump Band Wagon. THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN.


Brazen activists outside Trump Tower holding signs comparing Trump to the KKK did not expect the unexpected when one of (click video)Trump’s goons threw a head shot. The reporter highlights several other campaign themes particularly the one relating to language. Trump’s philosophy is that if you are here in the United States you should speak English. We certainly agree with that; there would be no assimilation if everyone spoke a different language.


A tsunami fueled by ISIS has taken hold across Europe; millions of Muslims who chose to run when it came to fight have fled their native countries for the greener pastures (free welfare from the socialist minions of the EU) of Europe. How they were able to do this goes back to the European Union’s open border policy set by Brussels. Slovakia and Hungry have seen enough. The influx is fueling anti Muslim demonstrations across Europe.

Hungry is stringing fences along its border with Slovakia who has put on notice that only 200 immigrants will be allowed in, but with a caveat, “only Christians need apply.” Slovakia also noted that there are no mosques in the country. Muslim intimidation in your face is their religion of conquest.  “Convert or die.” Since the end of WWI when the Ottoman Empire was dissolved have we seen such a cross border movement.

The problems across the pond are having multiple ramifications in the States. Not only are Muslims invading the country, with DHS turning a blind eye; ICE has released thousands of criminals  in their possession. As Trump noted, many are killers, rapists etc. He has gained momentum by voicing concerns that many have held only to themselves because of political correctness; they did not want to fan the flames of racism. However, by not speaking out they have insulted Americans to no end – these politicians are a detriment to the American Wild West culture.

Politically correct politicians rarely tout their underlying beliefs but nuance a more conciliatory policy regarding illegals – Rubio known for flip flops among others. Trump has ceased the moment, now we hope America will too.


Click here for the latest Trump interview.  “Make America Great Again”

Jeb Bush, legalize illegals. Apparently Bush fails to realize that the illegal alien progeny is responsible for over thirty million (30,000,000) anchor babies. That is the gift we gave these illegals. Isn’t that enough already? No other country would give citizenship to the (important read) anchor baby