We are free because of the Veteran. To say otherwise is a falsehood. For us here in America the bell of freedom continues to ring. We owe a debt of gratitude to a Veteran. Would any of us like living under a Communist dictatorship or perhaps an ISIS run government? We think not.
The victory of General George Washington’s army with French(click here for President Trump commemorating WWI) support at Yorktown was the final victory in the War of Independence. His army comprised the first veterans, they endured hardships like no other; setting an example for future soldiers and generations to come, many who are alive today are Veterans of the most grueling of wars, WWII.
Our freedom is not free, daily we strive to defend ourselves from the evil forces out to destroy us. So today, when you celebrate Veterans Day, remember why you are here and who you are. Perhaps you may come across a veteran in your daily routine, stop for a moment, shake his/her hand, thank him for a job well done.

We are free because of the Veteran. To say otherwise is a falsehood. For us here in America the bell of freedom continues to ring. We owe a debt of gratitude to a Veteran. Would any of us like living under a Communist dictatorship or perhaps an ISIS run government? We think not.
The victory of General George Washington’s army with French support at Yorktown was the final victory in the War of Independence. His army comprised the first veterans, they endured hardships like no other; setting an example for future soldiers and generations to come, many who are alive today are alos Veterans of the most grueling of wars, WWII.
Our freedom is not free, daily we strive to defend ourselves from the evil forces out to destroy us. So today, when you celebrate Veterans Day, remember why you are here and who you are. Perhaps you may come across a veteran in your daily routine, stop for a moment, shake his/her hand, thank him for a job well done.

Today we owe a debt of gratitude to the Veteran. For us here in America and those around the world who share our values the bell of freedom continues to ring because of the brave men and women who served and are serving our country.
The victory of General George Washington’s army with French support at Yorktown was the final victory in the War of Independence. His army comprised the first veterans, they endured hardships like no other; setting an example for future soldiers and generations to come, many of the men and women who are alive today are Veterans of the most grueling of wars, WWII; their sacrifice is a small reminder that freedom is not free.
Daily we strive to defend ourselves from the evil forces out to destroy us. So today, when you celebrate Veterans Day, remember why you are here and who you are. Perhaps you may come across a veteran in your daily routine, stop for a moment, shake his/her hand, thank them for a job well done.
We are free because of the Veteran. To say otherwise is a falsehood. For us here in America the bell of freedom continues to ring. We owe a debt of gratitude to a Veteran. Would any of us like living under a Communist dictatorship or perhaps an ISIS run government? We think not.
The victory of General George Washington’s army with French support at Yorktown was the final victory in the War of Independence. His army comprised the first veterans, they endured hardships like no other; setting an example for future soldiers and generations to come, many who are alive today are Veterans of the most grueling of wars, WWII.
Our freedom is not free, daily we strive to defend ourselves from the evil forces out to destroy us. So today, when you celebrate Veterans Day, remember why you are here and who you are. Perhaps you may come across a veteran in your daily routine, stop for a moment, shake his/her hand, thank him for a job well done.
Happy Veteran’s Day 

"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire