Tag Archives: France



We are free because of the Veteran. To say otherwise is a falsehood. For us here in America the bell of freedom continues to ring.  We owe a debt of gratitude to a Veteran. Would any of us like living under a Communist dictatorship or perhaps an ISIS run government? We think not.

The victory of General George Washington’s army with French(click here for President Trump commemorating WWI) support at Yorktown was the final victory in the War of Independence. His army comprised the first veterans, they endured hardships like no other; setting an example for future soldiers and generations to come, many who are alive today are  Veterans of the most grueling of wars, WWII.

Our freedom is not free, daily we strive to defend ourselves from the evil forces out to destroy us. So today, when you celebrate Veterans Day, remember why you are here and who you are. Perhaps you may come across a veteran in your daily routine, stop for a moment, shake his/her hand, thank him for a job well done.



City after city,  Muslim murderers lurk in the shadows, waiting for the call from Allah to strike. “Allahu Akbar” is today’s “Geronimo.”  The call for violence from the Islamic devil triggers the anger within. Devastation and blood, their calling card. And as day follows night Jihad follows serenity. This Champs Elysees was the venue. The killer had spoken about wanting to kill police but had had no apparent link to Islamist radicalism before the attack, prosecutors said. A note defending so-called Islamic State (IS) was found near his body.

Recent terror attacks in France

  • 7-9 Jan 2015 – Two Islamist gunmen storm the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 17 people. Another Islamist militant kills a policewoman the next day and takes hostages at a Jewish supermarket in Paris. Four hostages are killed before police shoot the gunman dead. The other two gunmen are cornered and killed by police in a siege.
  • 13 Nov 2015 – IS jihadists armed with bombs and assault rifles attack Paris, targeting the national stadium, cafes and Bataclan concert hall. The co-ordinated assault leaves 130 people dead, and more than 350 wounded.
  • 13 Jun 2016 -A knife-wielding jihadist kills a police officer and his partner at their home in Magnanville, west of Paris. He declares allegiance to IS, and police later kill him.
  • 14 Jul 2016 – A huge lorry mows down a crowd of people on the Nice beachfront during Bastille Day celebrations, killing 86. IS claims the attack – by a Tunisian-born driver, later shot dead by police.
  • 26 Jul 2016 – Two attackers slits the throat of a priest at his church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, in Normandy. They are shot dead by police.
  • 3 Feb 2017 – A machete-wielding Egyptian man shouting “Allahu akbar” attacks French soldiers at Paris’s Louvre Museum – he is shot and wounded.
  • 20 Apr 2017 – A convicted criminal who was investigated for threatening to kill police opens fire at police on the Champs Elysees in Paris, killing one and wounding two. He is shot dead – and the assault is claimed by IS.Women demonstrate against police violence
  • More than 100 wives and partners of police have protested in Paris against attacks on police following the killing of an officer on the Champs Elysees.
  • French presidential election, 2017
    Election contest
    The first round of the 2017 French presidential election is set to be held on Sunday, 23 April 2017. Should no candidate win a majority, a run-off election between the top two candidates will be held on 7 May 2017. Wikipedia

    Presidential election could lead to rioting in French cities, intelligence …

    www.telegraph.co.uk › News

    2 hours ago – Riots could break out in cities across France after results are announced of the first round of the presidential election, intelligence services have …

    Dates: Apr 23, 2017 – May 7, 2017


The Spanish Inquisition in 1492 The Inquisition was originally intended in large part to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam. This regulation of the faith of the newly converted was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1501 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert or leave Spain. Alhambra Decree, which ordered the expulsion, was issued in January 1492. Historic accounts of the numbers of Jews who left Spain have varied enormously. Historians of the period give extremely high figures: Juan de Mariana speaks of 800,000 people, and Don Isaac Abravanel of 300,000. Modern estimates, based on careful examination of official documents and population estimates of communities, are much lower: Henry Kamen estimates that, of a population of approximately 80,000 Jews, about one half or 40,000 chose emigration. The Jews of the kingdom of Castile emigrated mainly to Portugal (whence they were expelled in 1497) and to North Africa. However, according to Henry Kamen, the Jews of the kingdom of Aragon, went “to adjacent Christian lands, mainly to Italy”, rather than to Muslim lands as is often assumed. The Sefardim or Anusim descendants of Spanish Jews gradually migrated throughout Europe and North Africa, where they established communities in many cities. They also went to New Spain, the Ottoman Empire and North America (the American Southwest), Central and South America.

The Inquisition not only hunted for Protestants and for false converts from Judaism among the conversos, but also searched for false or relapsed converts among the Moriscos, forced converts from Islam. The Moriscos were mostly concentrated in the recently conquered kingdom of Granada, in Aragon, and in Valencia. Officially, all Muslims in the Crown of Castile had been forcibly converted to Christianity in 1502. Muslims in the Crown of Aragon were obliged to convert by Charles I‘s decree of 1526, as most had been forcibly baptized during the Revolt of the Brotherhoods (1519–1523) and these baptisms were declared to be valid.

Many Moriscos were suspected of practising Islam in secret, and the jealousy with which they guarded the privacy of their domestic life prevented the verification of this suspicion.[30] Initially they were not severely persecuted by the Inquisition, but experienced a policy of evangelization without torture,[31] a policy not followed with those conversos who were suspected of being crypto-Jews. There were various reasons for this. Most importantly, in the kingdoms of Valencia and Aragon a large number of the Moriscos were under the jurisdiction of the nobility, and persecution would have been viewed as a frontal assault on the economic interests of this powerful social class.[32] Still, fears ran high among the population that the Moriscos were traitorous, especially in Granada. The coast was regularly raided byBarbary pirates backed by Spain’s enemy the Ottoman Empire, and the Moriscos were suspected of aiding them.

In 1609, King Philip III, upon the advice of his financial adviser the Duke of Lerma and Archbishop of Valencia Juan de Ribera, decreed the Expulsion of the Moriscos. Hundreds of thousands of Moriscos were expelled, some of them probably sincere Christians. This was further fueled by the religious intolerance of Archbishop Ribera who quoted the Old Testament texts ordering the enemies of God to be slain without mercy and setting forth the duties of kings to extirpate them.[35] The edict required: ‘The Moriscos to depart, under the pain of death and confiscation, without trial or sentence… to take with them no money, bullion, jewels or bills of exchange…. just what they could carry.’[36] So successful was the enterprise, in the space of months, Spain was emptied of its Moriscos

France today:

The country’s radical secularism clashes with many Muslims’ desire to publicly display their faith

With news that the chief suspects in the massacre on Wednesday at the offices of the French satirical newspaperCharlie Hebdo are French citizens, a new mystery emerges: how could the land of liberty, equality and fraternity have produced men hell-bent on destroying all three? While the attack may evoke comparisons to earlier tragedies in New York, London, or Madrid, France’s relationship with its Muslim citizens is particular — and particularly fraught. What sets France on a particular collision course with Islamic practices is the country’s radical brand of secularism — and this ideology’s impact on French Muslim life.

With more than 5 million Muslims, France may have Western Europe’s largest Muslim community, but its relationship with Islam has been tenser than, say, Britain’s or Germany’s. An older generation of French Muslims has been alienated by memories of the Algerian War in the 1950s, when local groups battled for independence from more than a century of French rule, with its heavy-handed disdain for local customs. Their children and grandchildren frequently feel excluded from mainstream society because of their Arabic names or the color of their skin.

With news that the chief suspects in the massacre on Wednesday at the offices of the French satirical newspaperCharlie Hebdo are French citizens, a new mystery emerges: how could the land of liberty, equality and fraternity have produced men hell-bent on destroying all three? While the attack may evoke comparisons to earlier tragedies in New York, London, or Madrid, France’s relationship with its Muslim citizens is particular — and particularly fraught. What sets France on a particular collision course with Islamic practices is the country’s radical brand of secularism — and this ideology’s impact on French Muslim life.

With more than 5 million Muslims, France may have Western Europe’s largest Muslim community, but its relationship with Islam has been tenser than, say, Britain’s or Germany’s. An older generation of French Muslims has been alienated by memories of the Algerian War in the 1950s, when local groups battled for independence from more than a century of French rule, with its heavy-handed disdain for local customs. Their children and grandchildren frequently feel excluded from mainstream society because of their Arabic names or the color of their skin.


Germany, England and France have allowed millions from Muslim countries to infiltrate their societies. Most of the Muslim immigrants live in ghettos. Germany for instance had an insatiable need for Turks to do their dirty work. France allowed Algerians to enter the country from their once colony. England the same, Indians, Pakistanis and Afghans have come to Great Britain in droves. All of this immigration would be of no consequence except for the culture of these immigrants; mostly Muslim, they do not subscribe to Christian values.

Now it is too late to stop the surge. Due to ISIS grabbing parts of Iraq and Syria with Turkey on the horizon, the influx of refugees have become overwhelming. Cultural diversity does not sit well with many of the European countries. In fact there is a major upheaval brewing.  This is only the start. Once the bills start coming in we look for mass demonstrations across England, Germany and France. Why pick up the tab for them? These countries will be the first to lose their Christian culture. Not today, but tomorrow can bring civil wars throughout Europe.

TOPSHOTS Participants hold flags and a banner during an anti-immigration rally organised by an initiative called "Stop Islamisation of Europe" and backed by the far-right "People's Party-Our Slovakia" on September 12, 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia. AFP


France has long been the hot bed of liberal activity; since the fall of the Bastille, the French have frolically played to the prurient interests of man. Eros was their God. Freedom of the press their liberty, for the state validated the prurient interest of its politicians.

However, things have gone awry, foreigners with a different ideology have invaded the country and yesterday they manifested their true nature; murders of innocents who didn’t tow their line. Muslims, Islamists all the same, in the name of Jihad, executed Charlie in a brazen raid in broad daylight.

There is no appeasement here, the French must demand the heads of the perpetrators by the method utilized by their forefathers;  Punishment by the GUILLOTINE   will send a message to all worlds Muslims, the western world does not want you. We have seen your work, your religion is no religion at all it is a political agenda which demands all to serve your killer God.

Time now for the world to wake up and do what is right, exterminate the cancer before it exterminates you. Wake up Christians. Do you not realize that turning the other cheek is tantamount to death.

Doesn’t ISIS, Boko Haram, Islamic Jihad, al Qaeda and the Taliban give you a clue.

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