Tag Archives: Weiner


Obama pushed the socialist agenda hard culminating in the approval of Obamacare. Note that the Democrats owned this having no Republicans voting for it. But all was not lost, Chief Justice Roberts gave thumbs up to its legality. We wonder if he did it surreptitiously, giving the Republicans an issue to run on?  Interpreting the law by saying the penalty for not signing up was a tax, therefore Obamacare became the new healthcare panacea.

This became a blessing because the Republicans now had an issue. And so the fait accompli  became the rallying cry. The Elephant party took over Congress.

Next came Donald Trump, a “joke” at first blush and a circus clown at that, no way was he going to trump the Bush, Christie, Rubio, Kasich, Cruz and all of the other also-rans. However, during the primaries things started to move in “The Donald’s direction.” Trump was no ordinary stumping politician. He shot himself several times; for instance the comment on blood flowing, calling Rubio, “little Rubio and Bush, “low energy.” Then he dueled with Cruz regarding wives. With all that being said Trump started to emerge from the “joke” to contender. He fought off those with more power and money, moving into the top tier.

On the other side Hillary, the odds on favorite fought desperately fighting off attacks from Bernie Sanders. At time Hillary was shaken to the very core. Sanders was gaining grassroots momentum, suddenly winning primaries. What was Hillary to do? Her brain trust had the answer, do what comes natural,LIE. lies She took their advice, lying about her record, lying about Benghazi, lying about her emails.  But still the media gave her succor. Calling her the odds on favorite to defeat Trump and handily at that. Sanders was disposed of, not with ease, but with dispatch; an inside job in a rigged system. An inflection point in the name calling campaign of Hillary Clinton though, one she will never forget, is when Hillary called us DEPLORABLE.

Finally, the picture began to come into focus; the pollsters polled what they wanted to hear ignoring the rumbling down under. However, this was a good thing for the Republicans because the Democrat hierarchy and Hillary’s brain trust bit full line and sinker. They did not campaign in the states that they thought were a sure thing. Their campaign was in celebration mode, bottles of champagne in the clubhouse, on ice and waiting to be uncorked. The rigged system was working for them, with the press on board, CNN playing favorites and polls forecasting a Hillary victory. There was nothing to worry about.

On election night the NY Times initially had a Hillary win probability at 85%, the race for the White House was moving in the right direction. Shocked waves began to surface, a deep fissure indeed – once joyful Democrats started to see a turn of fortune. Expression became melancholy. And then the proverbialshot heard around the world was fired.”

The results from Pennsylvania came in. Hillary was badly beaten, this time by a loud mouth racist-sexist who never followed the politically correct line. GAME OVER

So we owe a debt of gratitude to Justice Roberts and the lame stream media. Justice Roberts for giving us an issue to run on and for the lame stream media convincing the Clinton campaign that she would be the next President of the United States. 

Of course the FBI helped, so did the email controversy and the Benghazi murders.trumptime