He has a target on his back, but that does not stop (click)Geert Wilders from voicing his opinion; warning about the Islamization of not only his country but all countries. In 1998, Mr. Wilders was elected to parliament and became known for opinion articles that were usually about foreign policy. He had a genuine interest in the Middle East, focusing on countries such as Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. He was one of the first politicians to warn about Islamic extremism, an issue that was unknown in the Netherlands. After the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, Mr. Wilders’ interest in Islam grew. He also noticed the success Fortuyn had achieved by opposing Islamic immigration.

In 2005, Mr. Wilders established the Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV), into which Group Wilders was merged. PVV was to be the vehicle for participation in the 2006 elections and for a search for party candidates. It would focus on opposition to Islam, the legacy of Fortuyn, cutting non-Western immigration, and euroscepticism.The PVV is often described as conservative, right wing, or even far right. However, right-wing parties are usually strong proponents of free markets and laissez faire economics. If the PVV were not anti-immigration and anti-Islamic, it would be known for favouring liberal social policies, such as improving public healthcare and not raising the retirement age.

Little-known Facts

Very few people know that the PVV has a considerable following among immigrants to the Netherlands. Greek Cypriots, Copts, Middle-Eastern Christians, and people from India support Mr. Wilders in substantial numbers because of their experiences with Islam in their home countries.

According to Mr. Wilders, Islam should not be seen as a religion but as a totalitarian ideologythat seeks to dominate every aspect of life.


Hillary Clinton’s problems have multiplied this week. New information has revealed that Hillary Clinton’s left hand man, (click)Sidney Blumenthal, was tutoring Hillary on Libya; making recommendations etc. We point out that Mr. Blumenthal was given the hands down by the Obama administration when Secretary 0f Clinton wished to put him on the government payroll.  Time and time again Hillary has been caught in a lie, now it is revealed that she has received classified information.

Longtime Hillary Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal allegedly sent her an email with the name of a CIA source, further casting doubt on her claim she never sent or received classified information on her private email address, according to the Republican chairman of the committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attack.


Authorities in Africa hunted down one of their biggest trophies to date last week — an ivory-trafficking mastermind they say is at the center of a trade that has seen more than 500,000 elephants killed for their tusks in recent decades.

Yang Feng Glan, the Chinese woman dubbed the “Queen of Ivory,” was nabbed in Tanzania after a special task force from the nation’s National and Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit stalked her for a year as she shuttled between Beijing, Uganda and Tanzania facilitating the illegal tusk trade.

“The most notorious ivory trafficker brought to task so far,” the U.S.-based  Elephant Action League said, describing Glan after her capture in the East African nation.

“It’s a very important arrest, the most important in Africa in the past years.”

– Andrea Crosta, Elephant Action League


(click here)Representative Chaffetz was stunned by the announcement.  In lieu of McCarthy’s announcement he vote for Speakership has been postponed.

As reported earlier. Speaker of the House John Boehner was ridiculed today when his hand picked man quit. This was not expected but welcomed. Kevin McCarthy was in for the fight of his life to become the next Speaker of the house. Now we expect the chances of Jason Chaffetz to be good.

The vote for a new speaker is set for October 22. Boehner already indicated his choice, a John Boenher clone, Kevin McCarthy. This does not sit well with the conservative Tea Party members of Congress who brought about the revolution we are seeing today.

Jason Chaffetz of Utah has thrown his hat into the ring. Right now the vote is too close to call. We are anticipating a ruthless knock ‘m down fight for Speaker. Under Boehner’s speaker ship we have seen Obama run rough shod over the House of Representatives. We have the purse strings but failed to use our authority to stop POTUS in his tracks.

Jason Chaffetz will see to it that a different path is taken, one that will seeks to enforce the power it was given by the Constitution. This has not been done under Boehner’s leadership.

“If we don’t inject new blood into the leadership team, our constituents are going to be irate at best,” Chaffetz told reporters on Capitol Hill Monday. “There’s a massive drumbeat out there that the status quo is not what we sent you there to perpetuate. This is a national wave, it’s not something that was driven by Jason Chaffetz. I’m just someone who was smart enough to recognize it and try to get ahead of it.”

Will “NEWT” come back?



This is a Canadian commentary.
Syria has had a civil war for almost 5 YEARS. Why all the “refugees”
NOW and why so all of a SUDDEN and why in such VAST NUMBERS?
With an Honors degree in History and a lifelong student of the
subject, I smell a rat.
This is a highly organized, well oiled, mobilized invasion of Muslims
and Jihadists into the Western World. It’s been in their plan for a long
time. Momar Gadhafi predicted and explicitly stated that Muslim domination
of Europe would happen without a conventional war and he said it 30 years
ago. 95% of these economic “refugees” many who have cell phones are men
between the fighting ages of 20 and 40. Very few women and children from
everything I’ve seen.
Odd that he 5 wealthiest Arab States including Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
Bahrain and Kuwait are taking “no refugees” thanks and feel quite self
righteous about it. No guilt what so ever? They are even laughing at us
for doing so.
Ask yourself, why would Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, Sweden, and
others want to destroy their own cultures from within?  It doesn’t make any
sense? If this keeps up Europe will be burning daily within a very short
few years if not months. Civil war in the streets between civilizations.
Muslims vs Kefirs, that is to say, everyone who is not a Muslim.
Unfortunately, the reality is that Muslims are just not like any
other immigrants. They don’t want to assimilate, they want to set up
separate enclaves and implement Sharia Law. Another problem is that while
the civilized West rightly abhors violence, conversely Muslims daily
display their love of violence. They live it and embrace it. In many
Muslim countries public be-headings and stoning to death for adultery for
example. It’s a part of their culture precisely because Islam is – dare I
say it – a death cult.
Islam is a supremacist, totalitarian, bigoted, fascist political
ideology masquerading as a religion. It literally means “submission”. The
Quran MANDATES death for blasphemy, for adultery, for apostasy, for family
honor, for being gay, Jewish or a Kafer as well as ten other “crimes” many
not even considered to be so in the West. Death for drinking alcohol or
taking illegal drugs for example.
Why let in vast numbers of these brainwashed people especially men of
that age when past experience has already demonstrated the tragedy, not to
mention the financial, social, and political costs of rampant
multiculturalism in Europe. Ordinary citizens are against this immigration
but strangely, their governments are not?
Someone or some organization is pulling some strings here is what I
see. Is this invasion part of the New World Order’s plan to depopulate the
planet? Maybe there’s not even any such an organization but it’s all over
U-tube and other social media.
The major media are implicit in selling gullible citizens of the West
the righteousness of the “refugees” cause and openly siding against
Western culture. One drowned child’s picture in the right places sparks
outrage and sympathy world wide for the movement and resettlement of vast
numbers of Muslims.
However the implementation of Sharia Law, No Go Zone ghettos in most
countries in Europe and Muslim rape gangs go unreported. In radical
Islamist countries honor killings, be-headings, stoning’s, cutting off
limbs, whipping and torture, pedophilia, child bride marriages, rape and
misogyny go unreported DAILY and are dismissed as culturally ingrained.
Where is the indignity and the outrage over people doing this every
day to their own populations? Yet a staged picture a drowned baby on a
beach sparks a world outcry?
  Muslim birthrates are 8 children per family while Europeans average
1.4. When these current millions bring in their multiple wives, children
and extended families 85% of whom live on state benefits (England’s
experience) you can multiply their number by at least 10x, maybe 20x or
even more.
By 2050 Europe will be Muslim dominated just by demographics alone.
When their numbers are sufficient they will legally vote in their own kind
and then Sharia Law.
Europe as we know it will be lost forever. Two thousand years of
civilization will be destroyed by the same fanatical bearded, bigoted,
brutal, boneheaded, belligerent bastards who are now slaughtering their
own kind and blowing up ancient and irreplaceable world heritage
buildings, monuments, books, manuscripts and other historically
significant art treasures in Iraq, Syria and other conquered territories.
Canada should not get sucked into this quagmire of political
correctness just to show how polite, civilized. politically correct and
Canadian we are. We should learn a lesson from our Australian
This email was sent from John V. Foster, Ph.D. to
Bethesda Christian Church | 2210 Basse Rd, San Antonio, tx, 78213, United States




I have been spending time in Hong Kong this past year, and recently took a short trip into China proper. Several things struck me as being not at all what I expected, in both places. Not surprising, though, given the Ministry of Propaganda, aka, the “mainstream” media, filtering of what we are allowed to hear about. The skewed, leftist-agenda driven misinformation and downright lies that they spew out daily rarely paint a picture of what the world is actually like. Thus, I thought I would share some of my personal observations that if skewed, are skewed in the direction of proudly-American patriotic conservatism.


Hong Kong was taken as a colony by the British in 1841, as part of a treaty ending a brief war over opium. Over time, it became a great Asian commercial center and lots of people got very rich there, including many Chinese. In 1992, Hong Kong was returned to China by the British who were definitely watching the sun set on their former empire, and on their standing as a first tier nation.


However, rather than imposing the idiotic central planning that communists are infamous for, the ChiComs allowed business to continue pretty much as usual: largely unregulated and untaxed. As a result, Hong Kong continued to prosper, bringing huge amounts of capital and trade to, and through, it. I saw more Ferraris in 10 days last winter than I had seen in the previous 10 years in the US. Unemployment appears to be minimal. The parks have only retired people, not the jobless, in them, and the homeless are very hard to find. Poverty seems darn near non-existent, and, unlike America’s Democrat-run cities, it’s safe and clean. It reminds me of what America was like back when I was growing up, in the 1950s and early ’60s. And though they have experienced some recent unrest among the Chinese residents regarding the local political process, international business – the source of Hong Kong’s fabulous wealth – has been mostly unaffected. This, of course, may change, but for the more or less immediate future, Hong Kong will likely maintain its #1 ranking as the most free place for doing business in the world. The USA, by the way, under Obozo and his Merry RINOs, has sunk to #17.


China proper, too, had some surprises. When I crossed the border into Shenzhen – Hong Kong and the New Territories are not part of the Mainland and you have to have a visa to cross from them into China – I expected there to be a big change from booming Hong Kong. Instead, it looked very much the same – well dressed (often expensively) people, lots of luxury cars, but with China license plates, lots of big construction projects, and so on. Unlike our border with Mexico, where the poverty, crime, filth, and pollution are a stark contrast, Shenzhen clearly has benefited from its proximity to the epitome of free enterprise. But while Shenzhen was similar to Hong Kong, there were recognizable differences.


One of the first things I noticed on the cab ride from the crossing to my hotel – a marvelous Crowne Plaza – was that there were, what were clearly homeless wino-types, sleeping in the parks. These people are not supposed to exist in Mao’s worker’s paradise, but they do indeed, though not in great numbers. I wonder how they have managed to stay out of sight of the all-seeing eye of the People’s Police.  And this relates somewhat to another Chinese anomaly – ghost cities and unfinished housing.


The Ministry of Propaganda has mentioned ghost cities, but mostly as curiosities, with little or no serious analysis. These cities are complete, with wonderful housing and shopping malls, but no more than 10% occupancy in any of them. And out in the smaller cities and towns and the countryside, I saw hundreds of relatively new three and four story western-style buildings, constructed to the point of just needing finishing – wall and ceiling finish, window glass, etc. – and then apparently left to sit, some obviously for more than just a few months. So, with all this vacant, potentially occupiable housing, why are there still homeless on the streets? And who is supposed to fill it all, since other than the handful of homeless, everyone seemed to have places to live?


What this suggests to me is that all these are make-work projects, to keep people busy, who would otherwise be idle, and thus, potential trouble-makers, but producing nothing of real value to the country. Indeed, I saw lots of idle workers, sitting around day after day, playing cards (gambling! shocking!) apparently victims of government dictating which businesses operate when. While it is always possible that there is some brilliant central master plan behind all this, it sure isn’t obvious, and instead hints at endemic systemic problems for which they are unsuccessfully groping for a solution.


Add to this the obvious popularity of Western Culture, and China becomes less of a stable, monolithic, communist state than we are led to believe it is. Virtually no one wears traditional Chinese clothes, except a few ethnic minorities in very rural areas of southwest China, and it is not unusual to see spiked, blue/green/red hairdos. Western music is everywhere, and television and advertising are clearly modeled after ours and Europe’s. This embracing of Western, non-Chinese culture hints at the adoption of Western values, sooner or later, and may be a major factor in the increasing crackdown on internal dissent. Interesting times, indeed!





Don’t think for a minute that John Boehner will go out peacefully. The vote for a new speaker is set for October 29. Boehner already indicated his choice, a John Boenher clone, Kevin McCarthy. This does not sit well with the conservative Tea Party members of Congress who brought about the revolution we are seeing today.

Jason Chavez of Utah has thrown his hat into the ring. Right now the vote is too close to call. We are anticipating a ruthless knock ‘m down fight for Speaker. Under Boehner’s speaker ship we have seen Obama run rough shod over the House of Representatives. We have the purse strings but failed to use our authority to stop POTUS in his tracks.

Jason Chaffetz will see to it that a different path is taken, one that will seeks to enforce the power it was given by the Constitution. This has not been done under Boehner’s leadership.

“If we don’t inject new blood into the leadership team, our constituents are going to be irate at best,” Chaffetz told reporters on Capitol Hill Monday. “There’s a massive drumbeat out there that the status quo is not what we sent you there to perpetuate. This is a national wave, it’s not something that was driven by Jason Chaffetz. I’m just someone who was smart enough to recognize it and try to get ahead of it.”


Stranger Than Fiction

It’s been a while since I’ve commented on the Kafkaesque dreamscape that life has degenerated into of late. This happens occasionally, when it seems things can’t get any weirder, but they do. I drop back and watch, waiting to see if anybody does anything to make things better. Invariably, they never do.

This time it’s been no different. In fact, things seem to be getting exponentially worse, with the supposed Good Guys aiding and abetting the Bad Guys like they were all on the same payroll. Oh…wait…they are. Never mind.

The one bright spot is Donald Trump. Now, I don’t really give a flying hooha that he’s not a purist’s idea of a conservative, or that he’s a populist. What is important is that he’s a patriot who loves America and will do whatever he can to restore us to the greatness that, pre-Obama and the America-hating neo-fascists who run him and the Democrats, used to be ours. Trump is not a politician, he’s a very successful businessman, and that is exactly what we need. He’s lost and regained fortunes and more, has bought and sold politicians, so he knows how they play their game, and he’s got enough money so that he is neither afraid of nor beholden to anyone. Again, exactly what we need. Now, if we can at the same time get rid of the 100 or so worthless, lying RINOs in the House and the 34 or so even more worthless, lying RINOs in the Senate, we could see America become once more the great, constitutional republic that our founders intended us to be.

As a result of many, if not most, Americans not having access to the truth about what is happening in the world around us – our “mainstream news media” has degenerated into nothing more that a leftist propaganda and indoctrination machine – we are woefully unaware of the dangers that are growing like unchecked cancers around us.

I am currently in Hong Kong, and have just returned from a short trip into China proper, and a couple of things have become very clear. First, Hong Kong, with it’s largely free and unregulated trade, is booming like I have never seen a place boom. Massive construction, high demand for luxury goods, marketplaces filled with goods and crowds of people there to buy them. The docks are crowded with containers stacked seven and eight high, coming in and going out. The harbor, too, is filled with ships, bringing thousands of more containers filled with goods from the mainland, and taking others out to ports all over the world. For this, we can thank the neo-fascists who have run our government and “global” corporations, outsourcing our work and wealth, for at least the last 25 years.

The second thing that has become clear is that something is very wrong in China. Their conversion into a quasi-capitalist, quasi-communist country has created consumer economy and a hugely higher standard of living for nearly everyone. It’s also created an obvious privileged class who can afford luxury apartments, BMWs, Mercedes’, Buicks, and other high-priced vehicles, Armani clothes, Cartier watches, etc. But it has also created the ghost cities – whole cities, brand new, with massive high rise apartment complexes and shopping malls…all standing empty. What I discovered on my little jaunt was that a similar situation exists in the countryside, where it’s not so obvious, but apparently is ubiquitous.

In every hamlet, village, and town, and to some extent in the smaller cities, too, there are dozens of new two, three, and four storey, multiple-occupancy houses, constructed to the pre-finish stage, and then left standing unfinished and empty. No workers at all, and as near as I could tell, and no people in need of housing to fill them if they ever did finish them. They appear to be a massive socialist make-work scheme that didn’t work out as planned, but suggesting internal economic problems that they haven’t come up with a solution for.

The worrisome aspect of all this is the aggressive actions China has been taking towards its neighbors – Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan. The tried-and-true method of repairing a broken economy has always been to start a war, preferably one you can win. Among those who understand the Chinese military, it has long been predicted that they will move on these smaller neighbors, and if no one stops them, will go on to take the rest of Asia. Unfortunately, Marxist Obama and his Marxist Democrat Party have weakened our military so badly that China is virtually assured of only cheap talk and token resistance from us. Interesting times, indeed!

Sadly, China is only one of America’s coming disasters. Obama and his little helpers in the Republican Establishment have also guaranteed that the Middle East will explode, and most likely, Europe will collapse, too. And lest we forget, they are facilitating the inundation of America with violent foreign criminals and terrorists.

I, for one, believe that Donald Trump, with the backing of a genuinely patriotic Congress, could turn things around. However, this can only happen if We, the People, make it happen. Can we?


The Revolution is Over


News flash from the gummint and the Republican Party Establishment (aka, the Misleadership): “Ladies and gentlemen, the Revolution is over, and so as not to inconvenience anyone, nothing has been changed.” And so it would seem. Despite an historic landslide victory for supposed conservative Republicans in both houses of Congress, Obamacare has not been repealed or defunded; Obama’s illegal Executive Amnesty has not been defunded nor has anyone been indicted for defying court orders to end it; the butchers at Planned Parenthood will continue to be funded with taxpayer money; tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” are being forced on the country, despite the opposition of the  vast majority of Americans; the unconstitutional EPA is still operating as a Democrat political sledgehammer, killing jobs and extending federal control over all land use; the dismantling of our military continues apace and unimpeded; the Middle East, and thus the world, has been brought to the brink of WWIII, thanks to the ineptness or intentional machinations, supported by the Republican Establishment, of Obama and the globalist Council on Foreign Relations-dominated State Department; and though the traitor Boehner has been pressured into quitting, it appears likely he’ll be replaced by a business-as-usual political clone; etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, ad nauseam.


The mess Obama and the State of Confusion Department have made in their dealings with Putin, too, should be of extreme concern to thinking conservatives. Putin’s airstrikes against ISIS seem to be doing in a few days what the Obama-controlled ones of ours failed to do in months. Putin is looking like what a real world leader should look like, and Obama, and thus America, are looking like totally incompetent fools. And trust me, the world is watching very closely, much like wolves watching a crippled sheep.


China, in particular, is not just watching, but gathering its strength, getting ready to pounce. Comments by Chinese leader Xi Jinping indicate that the recent talks with Obama left him totally unimpressed and not the least inclined to alter their present aggressive policies with their Asian neighbors and in the South China Sea. Obama’s weakening of our military and the massive strengthening of China’s, particularly its navy, and Putin’s show of strength in Syria with the tail-between-his-legs-rollover submission there by Obama (and this ignores the glaring fact that we should never have gotten involved in Syria in the first place), make it very likely that China will also escalate its aggressive moves on its smaller, weaker neighbors.


The really despicable part of all this is the acquiescence of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and the Republican Establishment. They have sat passively, or voted to allow Obama to create unmitigated chaos, at home and abroad. They could, and should, have impeached Obama years ago, but instead have aided and abetted him at every turn, all the while publicly pretending to be opposed to all his unconstitutional and illegal actions. If there were a law that any elected official who violated his oath of office would be summarily removed from that office, tried, and if found guilty of doing so intentionally, imprisoned for, say, one-to-five years, there wouldn’t be anyone left in Congress or the White House, and ¾ of the judiciary would be gone, too. Perhaps if we elect Trump or Carson or Cruz, we can get such a law.


Washington and our once (relatively) honest political system have been fatally corrupted in the past 25 years. Money has indisputably become King there, the driving force in all our politics, and all of the current gaggle of politicians, Republicans and Democrats, have, to some extent at least, been bought and paid for by special interests. It’s been a long time since they have acted in the interests of America or We, the People. We are inches away from being a totalitarian state, ruled by a self-serving, wealthy, globalist elite who see us as cash cows to be milked until we are dry.


It seems crystal clear that We, the People, are fed up and finally ready to fight back. The popularity of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz is no some passing fad, no flash in the pan. It’s a genuine reflection of the feelings of the majority of Americans who are done standing quietly in the background while radical leftists and neo-fascists dismantle and loot the country.


And woe be unto the fools who doubt this.