Tag Archives: President Trump


Puerto Rico this week requested $94 billion in immediate aid to recover from hurricanes Irma and Maria, which left most of the 3.4 million residents without power. The biggest share of the funds, $31 billion, were to be used to rebuild homes, with another $18 billion requested for the electric utility, Governor Ricardo Rossello said in a letter to President Donald Trump released Monday.  

No preconceived notions here, but what gets our goat is the amount of money Puerto Rico demands from mainland taxpayers;  $100,000,000,000. Side note, Puerto Ricans don’t pay Federal Income Tax.  A back of the envelope calculation computes to $10,000 per individual – counting children. That is on top of the $50,000,000,000 we send annually to the island. Sending good money after bad does not compute, it never did.

American Renaissance

Alex Witoslawski, American Renaissance, October 4, 2017

Puerto Ricans are blaming President Trump for the fact that two weeks after Hurricane Maria, their island is still a mess: power outages, flooding, fuel shortages, spotty cell service, washed out bridges, roads blocked by fallen trees. But who is really to blame for the island’s paralysis?

Consider this: Puerto Rico has a population of only 3.4 million but their elected government has run up a debt of over $70 billion and pension obligations of $50 billion. That’s more than $35,294 per resident and over 100 percent of GDP. Puerto Rico has already defaultedon a $58 million bond payment in 2016, due to its already-high taxes and unwillingness to cut government spending. It fell into crushing debt despite the $21 billion annually the island receives in aid from the United States, much of it spent on welfare programs such as Head Start, public housing, and food stamps. That’s over $6,000 per capita in federal welfare that the islanders consume. And due to the special status of the island, Puerto Ricans do not even pay federal income tax.

Borrowing and US handouts sustained the welfare habits of the people, but Puerto Rico left its infrastructure embarrassingly outdated. According to the Los Angeles Times, Puerto Rico’s electrical grid is so starved of physical and human capital that it suffers from power outages four-to-five times the average—even in good weather. Puerto Rico also failed to invest in infrastructure to protect against flooding. The island has few floodwalls and dangerously weak dams—a dam on the island cracked following the hurricane, forcing the evacuation of more than 70,000 people.

These problems were foreseeable and preventable, but liberals and Puerto Rican officials are blaming Donald Trump. Perhaps he is being too nice. Puerto Rico created its own problems; why should we be on the hook for them?

(Credit Image: © Erik Mcgregor/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire)

After acquisition by the United States following the Spanish-American War in 1898, the island’s residents never integrated with Americans culturally, linguistically, or racially. Puerto Ricans are culturally Hispanic, racially a mix of Spanish colonists, African slaves and Taino natives, and most of them don’t speak any English. They may technically be United States citizens but they share little common history or ancestry with Americans and are clearly a nation that developed separately from our own. And what could indicate a clearer sense of alienation from the United States than the fact that Puerto Rico has its own Olympic team?

Puerto Ricans, meanwhile, have many gripes with what they perceive as their American overlords. For example, even before this latest hurricane-induced crisis, a major problem for Puerto Rico was their inability to conduct trade independently. According to U.S. law, goods must travel between Puerto Rican and mainland American ports on American-made vessels before they are exported or imported. This weakens Puerto Rico’s economy.

The best solution would be to let Puerto Rico become an independent country, free to make its own decisions and responsible for its own problems. This could be done amicably and generously. Since we pay the island tens of billions of dollars every year in welfare payments, we could easily pay off their debt and give them post-hurricane humanitarian aid as incentives to independence.

We could also offer remigration cash incentives for Puerto Ricans living in America who are willing to give up their U.S. citizenship and move to the island. This would not only be an opportunity for the Puerto Rican diaspora in the United States to reunite with their people, but also a great way to reverse the brain-drain. Over the past century, many of the more intelligent and hard-working Puerto Ricans moved to the mainland for better opportunities. The 2010 U.S. Census counted the number of Puerto Ricans living in America at 4.6 million, making it America’s second-largest Hispanic group after Mexicans. This represents a tremendous loss in cultural, economic, and human capital for the island.

Finally, we could offer military protection and economic advice for a couple decades. Chile took economic advice from free-market economists from the University of Chicago and the economy boomed. With the right advice and incentives, Puerto Rico could experience a similar economic rebound.

Separation would come with an expensive up-front price tag for us, but it would save Americans money in the long run and would give Puerto Rico full control over its culture and destiny.

CLICK HERE – Trump tweets that “federal aid won’t last forever.”

THE LATEST NEWS – previous post

The head of an international engineering firm in Puerto Rico said in an editorial Saturday that when the time came to send 50 of his engineers to help in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, he bypassed local officials and went straight to FEMA.

The reason, said Jorge Rodriguez, the CEO of PACIV, in an editorial in the New York Post, is that “for the last 30 years, the Puerto Rican government has been completely inept at handling regular societal needs, so I just don’t see it functioning in a crisis like this one.”

Puerto Ricans elected a new governor last November but, Rodriguez charged, he was inexperienced and had never been responsible for a budget.

Gov. Ricardo Rossello cannot exactly count on those around him either, Rodriguez asserted.

“His entire administration is totally inexperienced and they have no clue how to handle a crisis of this magnitude,” said Rodriguez, who has a graduate business degree from Harvard Business School and was named a “Most Distinguished Graduate” by the University of Puerto Rico.   

The WARNING FROM MR.Rodriguez who also had a word of caution for the U.S. Congress: “Watch out what relief funds you approve and let our local government handle. Don’t let the Puerto Rican government play the victim and fool youThey have no clue what they are doing, and I worry that they will mishandle anything that comes their way.”


Hey Guys (this includes Girls-no offense, but guys is now a generic term) do you, a taxpayer, want to pay for a stranger’s new house ? Bigger and better than the one you own or rent?  Yeah, we are talking about those poor souls who lived in shanties down there in Puerto Rico. The ones with no flood insurance; to top it off 60% had no wind insurance. In the great majority of cases these houses (pmuds to say the least) were worth, maybe if you stretch it, $8000-$10,000. You have seen them before on the outskirts of Tijuana, Mexico – you say you don’t know what a pmud is, for heaven’s sake it is a dump spelled backward.

Well, let’s get to the point! The welfare island territory has leached off us long enough – now is their time to carry the water.  We are sick and tired of being being sucked dry. They are clamoring for us to give them new houses for free, yes those who had theirs destroyed by Maria. These former homeowners are surging into FEMA’s offices. Of course they have plenty of time on their hand, none work. They rely on you, the taxpayer, for money.  We are talking about the drug and gangster infested island. Audacity. They are also DEMANDING RESPECT. People with no job, but oh yeah, they are on SS disability, food stamps, welfare, medicare and whatever program they can suck dry. You don’t believe us? And the mayor of San Juan, she too opened her big fat trap. Trump had none of it. 

Flag of Puerto Rico.svgPuerto Rico’s bloated government also bears much of the blame. Around 30% of the territory’s jobs are in the public sector. Among other things, a big and coddled bureaucracy undermines Puerto Rico’s educational achievements in two ways. First, nearly half those on the education department’s payroll are not teachers; quality has fallen because of low accountability and mismanagement.

The Urban Dictionary defines LEACH; is a type of person who does their best to suck your personal wealth out of you, without actually causing pain, but just extreme annoyance after you notice it is happaning. Trump voters are sick and tired of being leached to death. Aren’t you?

As he walked through Aguadilla’s town hall recently, Mr Méndez, the mayor,  boasted about each employee’s university or graduate-school credentials as he introduced them. The trouble, he says, is that “All they want to do is find security only. They have no ambition...Everybody wants to work for the government.” Manuel Reyes, of the Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association, also sees little hope that the government’s role will shrink. “There is no light at the end of the tunnel,” he says, “because we are still in denial.”

The federal government spent more than $2 billion to provide food stamps to residents of Puerto Rico in 2012, up to 25 percent of which is untraceable because it is distributed in cash and there is “no way to verify that funds are spent on food,” according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The funds are used to supply more than one-third of the population of Puerto Rico with food stamps. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) for Puerto Rico, an unincorporated territory of the United States, received $2 billion in Nutrition Assistance Block Grants in fiscal year 2012.  Folks this was back in 2012, today it is approaching $3 billion dollars. Why work when you can eat like the burger King.

Unemployment: 48% of those eligible to work don’t, counting those that don’t seek work the figure explodes to 55%. One in six working-age men in Puerto Rico are claiming disability benefits and the figure is expect to rise to 12% because of Maria. People from the Dominican Republic do many of the jobs in Puerto Rico that pay too little to attract the locals because the huge amount of government payments they collect while on the dole. What do Puerto Rico’s men do all day? Some get into trouble. But many others hang out in pleasant places that require little money, such as beaches, shopping malls and the armchairs in Borders bookstores. They also watch plenty of television. Satellite dishes sprout from many rooftops. People always have money for that bill.

PUERTO RICO wins the Leach award hands down. Advice to President Trump, “do not give them one red cent.” The government is defunct, the people who live there rely on the United States for handouts. They have reneged on $125 billion in debt. Their economy never was functional, relying on tax breaks to bribe mainland companies – for the most part big pharma – to relocated there. They determined their fate; they shall have to live with it. Estimates of damage are close to $100 billion, why bail them out? For the United States taxpayer this is a travesty. To bail out a bunch of low lifes on social security disability is an affront to those who work, to the American taxpayer. The highest percentage of Social Security disability cases are in Puerto Rico. Now we expect a million more (because of depression) to apply for disability. IT IS A WAY OF LIFE IN PUERTO RICO. Live high, but don’t work, on other peoples money. READ ON FOLKS AND YOU WILL BEGIN TO COMPREHEND THE REAL SITUATION IN PUERTO RICO.

Puerto Ricans who can’t speak English qualify as disabled for Social Security

Hundreds of Puerto Rico’s residents qualified for federal disability benefits in recent years because they lacked fluency in English, according to government auditors. The Social Security Administration’s inspector general questioned the policy this month in light of the fact that Spanish is the predominant language in the U.S. territory. Under Social Security regulations, individuals are considered less employable in the United States if they can’t speak English, regardless of their work experience or level of education. AND THAT IS NOT ALL!

Puerto Rico is red meat, let the vultures come in and devour it. Clean it up and make it what it can be. But no this won’t happen because Big Government will get involved continuing their largess. LET THEM SINK OR SWIMWhy should the mainland BAIL them out?

According to the Consolidated Federal Funds Report compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau, Puerto Rico has received more than $21 billion annually in federal aid from the United States. A substantial portion of this amount is earmarked for public welfare, including funding educational programs (such as Head Start), subsidized housing programs (such as (Section 8 and public housing projects), and a food stampsystem called the Nutrition Assistance for Puerto Rico program.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal entitlement program that provides cash assistance to low-income aged, blind, and disabled individuals. Individuals receiving SSI benefits are eligible for Medicaid coverage in all states except “section 209(b)” states, which have opted to use their more restrictive 1972 criteria in determining Medicaid eligibility for SSI recipients. Section 209(b) of the 1972 amendments to the Social Security Act allowed states the option of continuing to use their own eligibility criteria in determining Medicaid eligibility for the elderly and disabled rather than extending Medicaid coverage to all of those individuals who qualify for SSI benefits. As of 2001, eleven states (Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Virginia) had elected the “209(b)” option to apply their 1972 eligibility criteria to aged or disabled individuals receiving SSI benefits for purposes of determining Medicaid


One third – 33% of Puerto Rico’s population is on food stamps costing the United States over $2 billion per year.  Puerto Rico had a higher public assistance participation rate (5.9 percent) than the national average (2.9 percent), this means that twice as many per capita receive welfare. For those who stay, rich welfare benefits provide a disincentive to work. A household of three can receive $1,743 per month in food stamps, Medicaid, utility subsidies and welfare compared to minimum-wage take-home pay of $1,159. Employers are required to provide 15 days of vacation and 12 sick days annually and a $600 Christmas bonus. Government employees make up a quarter of the island’s workforce.

A more appropriate name should be Puerto Welfare.


The Greek debacle has been the focus of late on its on again-off again debt restructuring, but that doesn’t mean that the troubles in Puerto Rico are playing second fiddle. Puerto Rico is on the hook for close to $100 billion. That is a boat load of pina coladas. SoBe Smooth Pina Colada Drink - 20-Fl. Oz. Bottles (Pack of 12)Just in case you haven’t been initiated in the Puerto Rico way of doing business we bring you their number one life saver, welfare and social security.  Puerto Rico is a disability fraud paradiseThe top 10 U.S. zip codes tied to people receiving disability benefits, nine are in Puerto Rico. Flag of Puerto Rico

The sharks are circling the waters in the hope of default if and when it happens. The rich island has a dark journey ahead, tourism is in the tank, the economy is in a perpetual depression, drugs are rampant and most of all the government will not do what needs to be done; cut bait.

But Puerto Rico is part of the United States and is a metaphor for liberal bastions like Illinois and Connecticut, both drowning  the sea of debt. Utmost on the minds of the Puerto Rican is not the rising sea levels, but their share of the islands IOU’s. By the way, in case you didn’t notice, Puerto Rico has a population similar to Connecticut, 3,5 million or simply put a debt of $22,000 for each of its citizens. And true to form the Commonwealth’s economy has slowly reached the point of no return being sucked down by a giant whirlpool, even Captain Nemo can’t save this one.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne


 Jeff Session is weak; Trump did not expect this of him.  Governor Christie on the other hand is an expert at shooting fish in a barrel.  Washington D. C.  has fish aplenty, the kind that Christie, a one time United States Attorney, loves to net. Bridgegate is over, Christie is ending the final months as governor of New Jersey and would like nothing better than steering the D.O.J. His first charge is to go after the Clintons – a big catch indeed, but knowing Christie, he will have no problem reeling them in.


President Trump pardoned America’s Sheriff last week to the consternation of Right and Left. The way we look at it, Arpaio was arrested, charged and convicted by a bunch of liberal hangmen; particularly the Judge who held him in contempt.

Looking for similar situations we bring you to the movie action roadblock: a bank is robbed, the police are all over their citizen band radios, the alert goes out, immediately roadblocks are set up. Initial reports indicated that the perpetrators were Black.

As one vehicle after another approaches the roadblock the occupants wonder what is in store, being Black they don’t know what to expect. The police have orders requiring them to ask the occupants of all vehicles to exit the vehicle.

To their surprise they find that all occupants are Black.  Numerous violations are found, but the bank robbers are nowhere to be seen having outsmated the police. To those searched they find outstanding warrants, unregistered weapons, drugs and drug paraphernalia among the more serious offenses. Arrests were made because of violations of the law.

Now according to the left leaning libtards this was a travesty. Blacks were targeted, civil rights laws violated, individuals were targeted because of skin color. Comparing this to Joe Arpaio’s posse we find the same scenario. Arpaio allegedly stopped what was mostly Hispanic/Latio looking individuals. Why? Because they were the only ones on the road. Did he know that most of them were involved in criminal activity? Know! But that is beside the point.

Didn’t Obama let hundreds of thousands out of jail? All illegals!


In a last major act as president, Barack Obama cut short the sentences of 330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes on Thursday, bringing his bid to correct what he’s called a systematic injustice to a climactic close.

With his final offer of clemency, Obama brought his total number of commutations granted to 1,715, more than any other president in U.S. history, the White House said. During his presidency Obama ordered free 568 inmates who had been sentenced to life in prison.


Current logo of the British newspaper The Sun
WAR FOOTING  Current logo of the British newspaper The Sun

US Air Force unleashes supersonic bombers in ‘North Korea nuke drill’ as it’s claimed Donald Trump is ‘poised to launch military strike’ against the rogue state

Nuclear-capable B-1 bombers were escorted by South Korean fighters over the peninsula


Since day one of his presidency the criminal left have exercised their freedom of speech, assembly and the press in calling for the death of President Trump. Be mindful that if they controlled the government all of these freedoms would be denied. These born again radicals whose script is Rule for Radicals are none other that Putin clones.

Statism is their bread and butter, their ultimate goal is to control other peoples lives, but President Trump and the free thinking minds of the twenty first century will not let this happen. 

The shooting yesterday is a prime example of the fury of hate woven into the minds of left wing radicals. Killing is their coin of the realm, these blood thirsty mental retards will not stop their intimidation until they have their way. So be aware of them because they are Jihadists in their own right.







Fortunately for us Trump gave him the bounce. For Pete’s sake, this guy is every which way but loose. Does he know what his job (ex job) was. For some reason he is conflicted. He is in need of some truth serum. By the looks of it John McCain has trumped them all. Click here for McCain’s questioning of Comedy; time to go Senator, join Hillary in the Alzheimer’s ward. 

This was Mr. FBI beeping his horn, dancing to the music, parsing out words slower than molasses on a cold day. A political liberal hack who could not find the intestinal fortitude to do what was right – drop dead. Now that the Comedy hour is over we can get back to business. But as Yogi said it ain’t over till its over.

That’s right – the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations admits to being the leaker-in-chief – taking it upon himself to do what others are being prosecuted for – leaking information in order to damage the President and the Trump Administration.  It was revenge – pure and simple.



John Gotti was crowned the head the Gambino Crime Family becoming the “King of the Volcano” by knocking off those who did not know the way of the street. You could say that Donald Trump knows the way of the street better than all of the Republican and Democrat challengers he faced in 2016. The street is composed of regular people, not those elitists who who dictate to them.

November 8 turned out to be a wake-up call to those mental midgets. Many Republicans failed to grasp the Trump movement, some of them are sore losers, such as Kasich from Illinois. Others now find themselves not in the backseat but on the running board. Democrats on the other hand are now living in fear and they should be. These pollywog buffoons no how to destroy a good thing; America. And they have paid for it in spades. Congratulations to their self immolation. We enjoyed their flameout. They can protest until hell freezes over, but it won’t do them any good. Instead of working with moderate Republicans during the past eight years, they snubbed them. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi armed themselves to the teeth, pulling every trick in the book to pass Obamacare. Obama in a rage stood down at the United Nations when the stakes for Israel were the highest. John Kerry, another lying snake in the grass, tries to explain the United States stance against Israel and their rightful place in Jerusalem. History records the facts not Obama’s pipe dream.

Friday will come, but it will not be gone. It will be a day that lives in infamy; Washington will be turned upside down. 


RONALD REAGAN‘s warning of future Obamas.



Obama, a “legend in his own mind.”

Eight years in office with nothing to show for it. Oh he will tell you that Obamacare is his signature achievement; well sorry to say, but come next week America will kiss it goodbye. Please don’t insult us Mr. President because Americans know all too well that Obamacare was instituted by Democrats and Democrats only to lasso potential voters of the Democrat persuasion.

We know how socialism works, once people are dependent on government there are very few indeed who will jump ship. Why stop the gravy train? That’s what it is all about. One hand washes the other, a power grab by the political elite. But when the music stops, as it did in Venezuela, the people become a little unruly, antsy we might say. Good thing you only were allowed eight years, America could not put up with the damage you would have done in another four. You see, Americans are much smarter than you think. You see that guy in the background, his name is Maduro, the now president of Venezuela. A true commie like you, excuse us, a socialist. Pardon us for mixing the two up. Your ex-head of the DNC, Wasserman-Schultz, may she rest in peace, said or implied or couldn’t answer the question of what the difference was between a Democrat and a Socialist. She choked up. Like Hillary choked up on your dime. See, people have had it with parasites, liars, leaches, illegals, divisive politics and all that stuff you are for.

We hear you are staying around for a couple of years. That’s nice! It is about time you get a first hand look at the Capitalistic Machine in action. Many of your Washington pals will be begging you for help. They will have their hands out. See Trump knows who they are and is not afraid to tell them that there is no free lunch. Also he will tell them to get lost. And your lackey Holder, he hooked up with Governor Moon Beam; the two make a whacky couple. BTW Holder has taken the cream off the top to the tune of $300 big ones and that is for his mind.  His job, recommending and consulting on suing Uncle Same when the time comes.  Trump will send in ICE, round up the illegals and march them back across the border. Some will be made to swim. Expect Holder to speak out for the illegals. Gee whiz, a man of the Constitution, like you, who does not know what the word “ILLEGAL” means.

Last but not least. Representative Lewis from Georgia went Tongue Loose. All kinds of rubbish from his mouth. He doesn’t like the result of the election and calls Trump an illegitimate president. Matter of fact many of the socialist bottom feeders were and are quite upset about the Trump landslide. Thank you for making it all possible. These malcontents are on a rampage, having hissy fits. We expect to see them in Washington on Friday. However, the Trump riot police will be there too.  This type of behaviour is expected from spoiled rats, sorry we mean brats. We can’t recall this type of action back in 2008 and 2012.

Well, President Obama, THANK YOU FOR SERVING, thank you for Obamacare and thank you for backing Hillary. WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN without your help. YOU’LL SEE.



Conflict of interest laws are so poorly written that it is impossible not to break them. One look at the Clintons corroborate this very fact. The Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, their personal speaking fees are best described as conflict of interest gone nuclear.” Have they been arrested? No! Have they admitted their crimes? No! Has the media demanded independent investigators to ferret out the double dealing committed? No! Why are they now bringing up Trump’s potential conflicts of interest? We know the answer already.

Donald Trump has numerous business interest around the world; ask yourself how in the hell would he avoid media scrutiny accusing him of conflict of interest – virtually impossible in today’s world. No one, not even God could avoid being biased.

Out advice to Trump; Let the kids run the show the best they can – seems they are up to it. Make them understand that they can’t expect any comments, inputs, advice or any other feedback from you.

President Trump you will be judged by the public not by the lame stream media. Tell the media to fuggetaboutit