Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organizations Act (Rico)A federal law, passed in 1970, that allows prosecution and civil penalties for certain acts (including illegal gambling, bribery, kidnapping, murder, and money laundering) performed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise. RICO has been used to prosecute members of the mafia, the Hells Angels motorcycle gang, and Operation Rescue, an anti-abortion group, among others.


The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The RICO Act focuses specifically onracketeering, and it allows the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes which they ordered others to door assisted them, closing a perceived loophole that allowed a person who instructed someone else to, for example, murder, to be exempt from the trial because he did not actually commit the crime personally

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
Great Seal of the United States
Long title An Act relating to the control of organized crime in the United States.
  • OCCA
  • RICO
Nicknames Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
Enacted by the 91st United States Congress
Effective October 15, 1970
Public law 91-452
Statutes at Large 84 Stat. 922-3 aka 84 Stat. 941
Titles amended 18 U.S.C.: Crimes and Criminal Procedure
U.S.C.sections created 18 U.S.C. §§ 19611968

Classify this!


A tsunami fueled by ISIS has taken hold across Europe; millions of Muslims who chose to run when it came to fight have fled their native countries for the greener pastures (free welfare from the socialist minions of the EU) of Europe. How they were able to do this goes back to the European Union’s open border policy set by Brussels. Slovakia and Hungry have seen enough. The influx is fueling anti Muslim demonstrations across Europe.

Hungry is stringing fences along its border with Slovakia who has put on notice that only 200 immigrants will be allowed in, but with a caveat, “only Christians need apply.” Slovakia also noted that there are no mosques in the country. Muslim intimidation in your face is their religion of conquest.  “Convert or die.” Since the end of WWI when the Ottoman Empire was dissolved have we seen such a cross border movement.

The problems across the pond are having multiple ramifications in the States. Not only are Muslims invading the country, with DHS turning a blind eye; ICE has released thousands of criminals  in their possession. As Trump noted, many are killers, rapists etc. He has gained momentum by voicing concerns that many have held only to themselves because of political correctness; they did not want to fan the flames of racism. However, by not speaking out they have insulted Americans to no end – these politicians are a detriment to the American Wild West culture.

Politically correct politicians rarely tout their underlying beliefs but nuance a more conciliatory policy regarding illegals – Rubio known for flip flops among others. Trump has ceased the moment, now we hope America will too.


Since 1971 when Nixon closed the gold window, governments have been free to print fiat money and spend at will. Why not, no one will stop them. Secondly this keeps the politicians in power. Without handouts to one constituency or another no one would vote for an incumbent.  What is confusing to us is why do governments bring up the gold subject so often? This does not make sense. This action is similar to digging up an old body looking at for a moment or two then covering it over until next time.

The main reason governments bring up the dead is because they fear them and so it is with gold. Suppose gold never existed, what would prevent governments for printing as much wallpaper as their pretty heart desires? Nada! Like a governor on a car, the shadow of gold keeps the thief within certain parameters.  Gold is the invisible hand restraining governments from going off the deep end as did Weimar in the 1920’s.   Picture of a 5 trillion dollar note.

When government loses their credibility, a REVOLUTION is ready to fill the gap.

The old saying went like this, “when the United States sneezes, the world catches a cold.” The world is now topsy turvy, today the world looks at China not the United States for the sign of a sneeze. What appears to be the onset of more than a whiff of a sneeze in China has caught the attention of the developed and undeveloped world. First sign of problems were the ghost cities, then the unrestrained growth forecasts then went thud, then came the everyday speculators who went whole hog buying stocks in a frenzy. Then came the recent missed economic forecasts which sent up a red flag. Then out of nowhere the China crash, stocks imploded in a flash. Instead of letting the free market take care of the problem, the government decided to be the purchaser of last resort. But they were not through, China saw signs of influenza in the distance and they reacted by debasing their currency 2%. This was their Nixon moment. This has caused turmoil in the Asia currency markets. Others soon followed not wanting to miss the sampan. 

Back to gold for a moment. With the world economy in the tank, oil sliding to new lows, commodities rusting in warehouses, inflation negative in many countries; in fact some banks charge their customers for making a deposit – give them $100 and they will give you $99 a year later. Wow, that is a new twist.  With all of that being said isn’t it logical to see gold at $20 or $35 like it was in 1933? But there must be something buried out yonder, it is the call of the wild that implores the initiated to take hold, something is up while the world economies are going down.

Something certainly is up. Currencies being debased in a frenzy. China, last week spent $500 billion. With reserves now at $3.5 billion, if this continues in another seven weeks they will be out of cash. And our old friend the Chavismo state of Venezuela, we heard that they are on the verge of economic collapse, riots breaking out in city after city. The calls for Brazilian President Rousseff to quit are becoming louder by the day. And all sorts of stuff, like bombs exploding in country after country; makes one wonder what is will happen next. Wack a mole world keeps us on edge, particularly with many governments in the hands of liars, ours included.  Stay tuned for more elephants dropping by. No wonder gold is still in the $1100 range.

Click here for more take.


Why has judge sealed file in Somali-Muslims’ murder trial?

Started by Robert M

Freddy Akoa, a 49-year-old healthcare worker, was killed in his apartment, allegedly by three Somali-Americans whose families came to the United States through the United Nations-U.S. State Department refugee resettlement program.

Freddy Akoa, a 49-year-old health-care worker, was killed in his apartment Sunday, allegedly by three Somali-Americans whose families came to the United States through the United Nations-U.S. State Department refugee resettlement program.

Authorities in Portland, Maine, have arrested three Somali-American men in connection with the brutal killing of a man inside his apartment, then moved quickly to seal the case from public view.

Police arrested Abil Teshome, 23, Mohamud Mohamed, 36, and Osman Sheikh, 31, on Thursday. All three are charged with the murder of 49-year-old health-care worker Freddy Akoa.

Police have provided almost no information on the killing, not the cause of death, not the type of weapon used, nor any possible motive for the killing. They even refused to release prison mugshots of the suspects. The Associated Press and local TV stations failed to identify the three suspects by their country of origin or race.

Watch the local TV report on the murder:

Akoa was found dead in his apartment at 457 Cumberland Avenue on Tuesday and it was revealed at a court hearing Friday that he had been dead since Sunday. He lived alone and, according to his LinkedIn page, worked as a hospital and health-care professional in the Portland area.

Police said all three suspects were arrested on unrelated charges and placed in custody Wednesday and Thursday when they were charged with Akoa’s murder.

Osman Sheikh Said, 31, of Maine, is one of three suspects charged with the murder of 49-year-old Freddy Akoa.

Osman Sheikh Said, 31, a Somali-American living in Maine, is one of three suspects charged with the murder of 49-year-old Freddy Akoa.

WND found a mugshot of a man named Osman Sheikh at an online police mugshot site that matches the age and place of residence of the Osman Sheikh who was arrested.

Akoa was found dead about 12:15 p.m. Tuesday by an apartment manager after his mother called police and requested a check on his well being.

The killing “wasn’t random in nature,” said Police Chief Michael Sauschuck, indicating the alleged killers knew their victim.

The U.S. State Department, in cooperation with the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, has sent 1,379 Somali refugees to Maine since 2002, with 1,010 of them going to Portland, according to the State Department’s refugee database. Records prior to 2002 are not kept online, but the U.N. has been sending Somali refugees to the United States since the early 1990s with the full support of the U.S. Congress, despite the fact that hundreds of them have turned out to be jihadists or criminals.

Mohamed Mohamud, one of three suspects charged in the killing of Freddy Akoa in Portland, Maine.

Mohamed Mohamud, one of three suspects charged in the killing of Freddy Akoa in Portland, Maine. Credit/Portland Press Herald

Of all the countries participating in the U.S. refugee resettlement program, Somalia has the worst record. Countless Somalis resettled in America have been investigated, arrested and convicted of violent crimes and terrorism-related charges. More than 50 have left the U.S. to join the ranks of ISIS, al-Shabab and al-Qaida, the FBI has confirmed.

Yet, the Obama administration, with the full support of Congress, continues to infuse American cities with a steady stream of Sunni Muslim “refugees” from Somalia. They arrive in the U.S. at a rate of 7,000 to 10,000 per year, or about 600 to 800 a month, according to records obtained by WND through a search of State Department databases. They get resettled in more than 190 cities and towns, with many sent to the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area of Minnesota; Columbus, Ohio; Portland, Maine; San Diego, California; Fargo, South Dakota; Wichita, Kansas, Boise and Twin Falls, Idaho; Amarillo, Texas; and Seattle, Washington; among other cities.

WND has reported on numerous other criminal and terrorist elements who entered the country legally through the refugee resettlement program, including one case where a refugee from the west African country of Togo was in the country only nine days before raping a woman in Virginia.

Congressman calls for ‘pause’ in refugee program

Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, recently introduced H.R. 3314, the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act, which would press the pause button on a program that grants permanent legal residency to nearly 70,000 new refugee immigrants a year. The refugees qualify for a smorgasbord of welfare benefits on day one upon arrival, including food stamps, subsidized housing, public education, Medicaid and WIC (federal aid for women, infants and children).

Babin’s bill would temporarily suspend the program until the Government Accountability Office completes a thorough examination of its costs on local governments, states and American taxpayers, as well as the risks to national security.

“The Refugee Resettlement Program has been running on autopilot for far too long with little regard to economic, social and national security implications,” Babin wrote in a recent op-ed. “We need to step back and examine all aspects of this program. Such as, why is the U.N., whose policies often run counter to the best interests of the U.S., even in the equation?”

Babin introduced his bill July 29 and is still looking for his first co-sponsor.

The Portland Press Herald reported that Akoa, the murder victim, had a clean record with no arrests, but at least two of his alleged killers have extensive criminal rap sheets.

Sheikh has 33 criminal convictions, mostly public order crimes such as criminal trespass, disorderly conduct and drinking in public, according to the State Bureau of Identification. Teshome’s criminal record includes convictions for drinking in public and theft.

Akoa lived alone on the third floor of the Cumberland Avenue apartment building. He is divorced and has three children, according to the Press Herald article.

Alice Page, a resident of the complex, said the apartments are not as safe as they were when she first moved in six years ago. She told local TV station WMTW 8 that she used to be able to do her laundry at any time of the day or night, but “now, you do it during the day or you don’t do it at all.”

Authorities tight-lipped, keep case files sealed

An autopsy was performed on Akoa’s body, but police declined to release the results, the Bangor Daily News reported.

Police announced Wednesday they were investigating the death as a homicide but refused to say how the killing was carried out. When the final arrest was made Thursday, they remained mum, and the secrecy then spilled over into Friday’s court hearing.

Assistant Attorney General John Alsop, who is prosecuting the cases, asked the judge at the start of Friday’s first-appearance hearings to seal the case files against each of the three men from public view for one week as investigators continue to compile evidence in the murder investigation, the Press Herald reported.

Warren granted Alsop’s motion with the condition that if the prosecution doesn’t file an extension within a week, the cases against the men will become public, including the detailed affidavits police filed to obtain arrest warrants against each man, the Press Herald reported.

Victim was ‘kind and loving person’

Akoa’s brother, Benoit Akoa, released an emailed statement on behalf of the victim’s family.

“Freddy was a very kind and loving person. Freddy did not deserve to be the victim of such acts of violence, no one deserves that. We, his brothers sisters and parents will miss him dearly. This was a senseless and violent crime and we trust in the system, that justice will prevail,” Benoit Akoa said in the email.…

Laura J Alcorn

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On the way to a higher calling Hillary has been sucker punched by a socialist brute from the Green Mountain State of Vermont. Who would of thought that a 70 year old something could tough it out with the hardened shell of Ms. Clintstonewall.

Her career was in the making ever since she compiled her senior thesis on none other than Saul Alinsky.  Moving on to her ultimate goal of top female dog (aka bitch) she married an even sleazier character by the name of Bill. Her career path was then put on overdrive as they moved through the Ozark state like a bunch of razorbacks eating their prey with no end.

And did they perfect their skills. These two were not the typical red necks one finds in the back woods distilling their shine. These were later day Bonnie and Clyde types, taking no prisoners along the way. To them politics was a blood sport and they were ready to spill others at random. Just ask that Vince Foster fellow, the one who fell on his own gun.

But what problem says Hillary, there are no problems in my mind. I did every thing by the book. Of course she did, by her book. A congenital lying psychopath is never deterred by critics because they have perfected the use of verbal tear down. Just thinking, isn’t that what Mr. Alinsky advocated. Don’t address your deceitful lies, but blast the inquisitor with personal insults; soon they will fade into the bush.  But that does not seem to be happening here.

Clinton thought it was by her achievements, what ever they were, was proof that she and only she possessed the philosopher’s stone.  However, as fast as a magician makes things disappear, the real life story of Hillary’s email disappearance may be the magic dust that shrouds her campaign as it disappears into political oblivion once and for all.

Onto Bernie Sanders – he is no flash in the pan. Take it from us. When an old geezer brings in crowds comparable to the early days of the Beatles we take notice. Game on!  As we all know Hillary’s lead is slipping away – her head starting to ache as if she took another fall. God forbid! Just this past week Bernie has blazed a trail through the liberal scion states of Wisconsin and Minnesota. Onto Iowa he has captured the field of dreams of the many Iowans who voted for the anointed one. These are Hawkeyes who know how to party on ethanol. Take our word for it.

The latest New Hampshire poll has shaken Hillary supporters to the core. Their campaign immediately sent out a message, “stay the course.”  We know Bernie is a socialist, but when asked the question of what is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist, (click here for a double take) Debbie Wasserman Schultz choked up as if she was hit on the head by a hammer and sickle or possibly was off kilter due to the shot of vodka she gulped down at breakfast.

In any event the Summer is fading into Fall which brings us to the stumbling Clinton and the old adage, “have a nice trip, see you next fall.”


China is similar to Texas in many ways, the most similar is size. China is big and you can always count on them doing things in a big way. For instance in the past two weeks they flooded the stock market with buy orders preventing the inevitable implosion. The stereotype Chinese is a gambler to no end; borrowing up to a trillion dollars to gamble on the pure speculative bet that a sucker is born every day. And their currency dropped like a lead balloon causing consternation in the currency markets, not to mention those who were long the renminbi. This has started an Asian currency war sending shockwaves across the Pacific.

In case you were cooped up last week, that boom you heard was not an SST, it was a China warehouse/chemical factory celebrating the Chinese New Year in August; trouble was 100 people met an untimely death and another 800 or so were injured – that is according to official forecasts. The prescription to solve their lack of safety regulations is a good dose of cyanide. Maybe they have an EPA or for that matter OSHA, in name only – their  incapacity to prevent catastrophes of this type is due to bureaucratic bumbling. But do not be misled by the get tough statements from the higher-ups, they only want to cover their asses. What else do politicians do? They react no act; a typical Democrat solution, putting out the fire they set – Republicans too.

And while we are at it how about throwing in the Chinese version of a Ghost town. You might wonder who owns all of those apartments – SPECULATORS. The bottom line here is simple as breathing the ubiquitous smog that permeates Beijing, Economies in most parts of the world are on their last IV drip of fiat money, soon the needle will be pulled and that is when the violence will erupt. Expect this to culminate in a disaster to our economy with losses in the trillions. Exporters to China beware of a economic tsunami. A Confucius quote, “WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN”

For those on the needle of free drugs cold turkey is not an option, but raiding clinics for more is their first reaction. A violent population is something to despair – a government with guns is something to fear – REVOLUTION is in the AIR.

P.S. The GREAT WALL of China is an apt description of Hillary Clinton’s subtravuge, stonewalling the investigators who by now are becoming restless.  Once a liar always a liar. Treason best describes Clinton; her failure to guard Top Secret information is at the least worthy of time in the Gulag.

Click here for more insight on what is just over the horizon.

The Great China Ponzi—-An Economic And Financial Trainwreck Which Will Rattle The World


The latest New Hampshire poll has put Bernie Sanders in the lead by 7%. The Hillary road to the White House has been trumped by the 70 year old Vermont Senator. From the start HRC’s campaign has been paved with pot holes, but now it is mired in a deep rut having been demolished by the Sander’s frost heave. But nothing is more destructive to Hillary’s campaign than the lies lies that keep rolling out of her big mouth.

What gets our goat, after 6 years as Secretary of State, the lady doesn’t know what is top secret and what is not. Hillary has constantly said that no top secret emails existed on the server; not true.

We constantly demanded that server in so far as advocating the the Sargent of Arms go to Chappaqua CHAPPAQUA and literally haul it out of Clinton’s house; according to today’s report she is ready to turn over the server – no doubt that it has been immersed in Clorox for at least a week. But the real reason she is turning it over is due to the implosion of her run for the White House.


And counting; our guess is $50 billion, what is yours? EPA chief takes responsibility, what a bunch of lead. As “The Donald” would say, “your’e fired. The Navajos are on the warpath, they want the scalp of Gina McCarthy. Previously she was commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2004–2009.

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy warned Tuesday that millions of gallons of contaminated water from Colorado’s Gold King mine now surging along Colorado’s Animas River could eventually impact Mexico, Utah and the Navajo nation.

McCarthy also told a press conference the agency is still trying to determine how it accidentally unleashed the wastewater into the river and vowed to use the “full breadth of the agency” to clean up the mess.

Tap onto the EPA website and there is no mention of the EPA responsible catastrophe. Gold King Mine Entrance.jpg


Cecil the iconic lion was murdered by a killer from the United States. And for what? The whole world became enamored with his death. Trafficking in lions and tigers have become big business resulting in an influx of poachers to Africa and Asia. This has raised the ire of those whose job it is to monitor game reserves protecting the wildlife. They realize that foreign tourists seek to watch these beautiful animals from afar bringing much need currency to third world countries.

Tigers have long been a prize possession. In the Asian country of Bangladesh the tiger population has been decimated by the hunter. That brings us to the Bengal tiger, the most prized of the specie. Poachers were caught this week by the Bangladesh police, gun fire was exchanged leading to the violent death of six poachers. Three tiger skins were found. Contrary reports indicated that the six were killed after being arrested rather than shot in a gunfight. This puts the poachers on notice, dead or alive, in the end you are deadA Bengal tiger, pictured in India



President Obama signed an agreement NOT knowing what is in it; America is now Iran’s satellite state. A side bar to the nuclear agreement is a state secret, buried six feet under along with Iran’s cavernous nuclear facilities.  The problem here is two fold,  our intelligence agencies are not be privy to the agreement therefore they can’t vet it and second Iran says America can’t do a thing about it. Bottom line; what goes in their nuclear program stays in their nuclear program.

We remind you that the Obama/Kerry axis has skirted Congress, a run around, by signing on to the U.N. P-5+1 sponsor of state terrorism. A two thirds majority by Congress is necessary to override a presidential veto. It is important to not lose sight of the fact that four Americans have been thrown under the proverbial bus.

Obama talks about the deal as the best we could expect. Wrong! A “NO” deal is a better deal because the more we squeeze the Ayatollahs  the better chance we have of their overthrow. By making life miserable for the majority of Iranians counter revolutionary activity will develop leading to regime change.  Obama, a Shiite, will never allow this to happen.

HOT OFF THE PRESS:  Senator Charles Schumer sends Obama a nuclear missile. Schumer, the top Democrat dog, questions Obama’s take on the agreement – specifically the 24 day notice of inspection. We commend Schumer for going up against the President. Calling out the Mullah President Hussein Obama will cause much strife in the months ahead.

Since Schumer came out of the anti-Obama closet many Democrats have gone on the attack. “How dare you go against the President.” This is an insult to his integrity. But there is another side of the story, one which dates back to 2010 and 2014; remember that in 2010 the Republicans took the House and 2014 they took the Senate and increased their showing in the House.

So it doesn’t take a blind man to understand that if you stand with Obama there is a chance that you may be fired by the people you serve.  This is not the first time Schumer  has turned his back on POTUS.  But we will tell you straight out, any Democrat or for the matter Republican who votes for the Iran deal will never set foot in Israel ever again; even the Senate and House Jews . Israel will find themselves on the Jihadist list – no visas period.  They will be hunted till the day they die.

It is very important to remember that the United States have failed miserably in the enforcement of previous deals; North Korea and Russia. North Korea has violated every agreement signed with or agreed to by the United States – Russia has violated the Strategic Arms agreements and the SALT agreement, now we find out that Iran violated sanction agreement on travel. What makes Obama think that Iran will keep this agreement. Obama and the all in Democrats have one thing in common – they are naive. Because what will the U.S. do if it is violated? A BIG FAT NOTHING.

Alleged quote from Obama, ” DO NOT to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics,” On the other hand judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics”


We want our four Americans back Obama. Do you hear us now?