Tea Party Views



“I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.” Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776

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Police Brutality and Public Trust of Law Enforcement:
1960s Vs. 2015.

At one time Americans trusted and respected the
police in this country a whole lot more than they do today.

The August 31, 1967 edition of the Des Moines Register printed the results of a Gallup Poll regarding respect for police and the existence of police brutality. These poll figures on police kept 50 years ago, provide a startling glimpse at the rise of the modern American police state.

Not quite half a century ago, and following the summer riots in Detroit and other cities across the U.S. no less, most Americans trusted and respected the police. Nearly eight out of 10 adults responded they had a “great deal” of respect for police.

In fact, only 6% of the 1,626 people polled across the country said they believed police brutality even existed at all.

That figure had actually come down from the 9% reported on a prior poll in 1965, while the percent of people who claimed to have a “great deal” of respect for police rose from 70% in 1965 to 77% at the time of the 1967 poll.

This means that the declarations of martial law and police response to and presence following the summer riots actually strengthened Americans’ views of police, not the other way around. In fact, only 4% of 1967 Gallup respondents said they had “hardly any” respect for the cops.

Now compare that with how people feel and what’s going on today.

In a 1999 Gallup Poll, 38% of Americans answered not only that they believe police brutality exists, but that they specifically believed incidents of police brutality had actually occurred in their area. Nearly
a third (27%) responded that they personally felt they had been treated unfairly by police. By that time only 64% responded that they had a “great deal” of respect for police, down 13% from the 1967 poll figures. The following year, in 2000, only 60% said they had a
“great deal” of respect for police. Another drop…..

While not exactly the same poll, Gallup asked people in 2015 how much “confidence” they had in the police just this past June. Only 25%, responded “a great deal,”. At that point Gallup noted it was the lowest since 1993.

In other words, Americans’ confidence in police has hit a 22-year low.

Wonder what it would be if they specifically asked Americans about police respect these days. Hardly a day goes by in recent years by that someone isn’t (or multiple someones aren’t) shot and killed by police in this country.

Because a database was never properly kept on these killings, we’ll never be able to properly compare these figures with those from 50 years ago… but just judging on the poll numbers above, it isn’t hard to take a guess at how much less death by cop there once was in America.

Just a couple weeks ago, FBI Director James B. Comey admitted it was “embarrassing” and “ridiculous” that it’s now 2015 and we still do not have an official government database keeping track of officer-involved shootings.

“You can get online today and figure out how many tickets were sold to ‘The Martian,’ which I saw this weekend. . . . The CDC can do the same with the flu,” he continued. “It’s ridiculous
it’s embarrassing and ridiculous — that we can’t talk about crime in the same way, especially in the high-stakes incidents when our officers have found the use of force necessary.”

How sad is that?

With as militarized as our modern police state has become, how much power and weaponry they have at their disposal, and how many lives are ended by American police on a daily basis, it’s insane that in all these years no one has officially required even this most rudimentary level of accountability.

The FBI has for years collected information about people killed by police officers, but reporting is voluntary and only 3 percent of the nation’s 18,000 police departments comply.

As a result, the data is virtually useless…
Over at “Killed by Police,” a website that started as a Facebook page in 2013 to keep track of these things, reported that as of today there have been at least 938 people killed by U.S. police since January 1, 2015; 1,107 were killed by cops in 2014; and 2,813 people have been killed by cops in America since May 1, 2013 when the page started.

By contrast , 117 law enforcement officers died in 2014, and of those, 16 were drug- or alcohol-related deaths, 18 were due to job-related illness, and 32 were vehicle crashes. Only 48 were
shot, and the data does not specify how many of those shootings were by suspects versus friendly fire, accidents, or suicides.

Here’s where we’re at.
Modern police have been militarized. They are equipped with “less-than-lethal” weapons such as LRAD devices, weaponry drones, and mine-resistant, ambush-protected tanks the Pentagon sells as surplus off of foreign battlefields.

Police now use pre-crime algorithms based on our social media posts to assign us a threat score before they ever even lay eyes on us. We walk around in a surveillance society that seems more like something out of a George Orwell novel than a rational reality.

More than 100 families are SWAT raided a day in this country.

While there were an average of 3,000 SWAT raids a year in 1980, there are now an average of 80,000 SWAT raids yearly — a nearly 2600% increase.

Only 60%+ of them, just by the way, are related to the failed drug war.

More than three people a day die at the hands of police in this country today, and there’s not even an official database on use of lethal force to track the trend. The perception of police brutality has skyrocketed across the nation, while respect for police as the people we call to “protect and serve” us has continuously dwindled.

It’s sobering to look at how opinions of the American police state have evolved over the last half a century. And it’s proof that things were not always this way. We are fast becoming a POLICE STATE where Law Enforcement officers shoot first and ask questions latter.

This is a very dangerous state of affairs. A state where the potential exists for a dystopian type of existence, where citizens become victimized and coerced by the very police originally organized to “Serve and Protect them.” Keep your firearms handy.

Tony Passaro
[email protected]
Bel Air Tea Party Patriots
Alliance of Americands Patriots
Campaign For Liberty
American for Prosperity
Maryland Fair Tax
American Tea Party Movement
paid for by

Tea Party Views

Bel Air Maryland  21014


A Pantsuit Orange
GraphicReposted from springer’s blog

Obama Sabotaging Clinton Investigation

Discussion Started by ilona trommler 

OCTOBER 16, 2015 9:10 AM



(NY Times) – Federal agents were still cataloging the classified information from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal email server last week when President Obama went on television and played down the matter.

“I don’t think it posed a national security problem,” Mr. Obama said Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” He said it was a mistake for Mrs. Clinton to use a private email account when she was secretary of state, but his conclusion was unmistakable: “This is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”

Those statements angered F.B.I. agents who have been working for months to determine whether Ms. Clinton’s email setup had in fact put any of the nation’s secrets at risk, according to current and former law enforcement officials.

Investigators have not reached any conclusions about whether the information on the server had been compromised or whether to recommend charges, according to the law enforcement officials. But to investigators, it sounded as if Mr. Obama had already decided the answers to their questions and cleared anyone involved of wrongdoing.

The White House quickly backed off the president’s remarks and said Mr. Obama was not trying to influence the investigation. But his comments spread quickly, raising the ire of officials who saw an instance of the president trying to influence the outcome of a continuing investigation — and not for the first time.

A spokesman for the F.B.I. declined to comment. But Ron Hosko, a former senior F.B.I. official who retired in 2014 and is now the president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, said it was inappropriate for the president to “suggest what side of the investigation he is on” when the F.B.I. is still investigating.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Mr. Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.

Several current and former law enforcement officials, including those close to the investigation, expressed similar sentiments in separate interviews over several days. Most, however, did so only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case.

The White House said Thursday that Mr. Obama was not commenting on the merits of the investigation, but rather was explaining why he believes the controversy over Mrs. Clinton’s emails has been overblown. The president, officials said, was merely noting that the emails that have been publicly released so far have not imperiled national security.

“There’s a debate among national security experts, as part of their ongoing, independent review, about how or even whether to classify sections of those emails,” said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary. “But, as the president said, there is no evidence to indicate that the information in those emails endangered our national security.”

Whether Mr. Obama’s remarks have a lasting effect beyond upsetting some F.B.I. officials depends on the investigation’s outcome. Since the email inquiry began this past summer, investigators have been scrutinizing everyone who came in contact with her server and trying to determine whether anyone sent or received classified information, whether that information was compromised and whether any of this amounted to a crime.

Tensions among career F.B.I. agents, the political appointees who run the Justice Department and the White House are commonplace. In deciding whether to bring charges in a case, F.B.I. agents are often more bullish. Prosecutors, with an eye toward trying to win at trial, tend to be more cautious and have the final say. As such, no administration, Democratic or Republican, is immune from the suspicion that politics has influenced case decisions.

But Mr. Obama’s remarks in the Clinton email case were met with particular anger at the F.B.I. because they echoed comments he made in 2012, shortly after it was revealed that a former C.I.A. director, David H. Petraeus, was under investigation, accused of providing classified information to a mistress who was writing a book about him.

“I have no evidence at this point, from what I’ve seen, that classified information was disclosed that in any way would have had a negative impact on our national security,” the president said at a 2012 news conference, as the F.B.I. was trying to answer that very question about Mr. Petraeus.

At the time, the Obama administration was leading a historic crackdown on government officials who discussed national security matters with reporters, even when that information was never disclosed publicly. But Mr. Petraeus was a four-star general, a White House adviser and the most celebrated military leader of his generation. F.B.I. officials were concerned that he would receive preferential treatment.

The F.B.I. ultimately concluded that Mr. Petraeus should face felony charges and a possible prison sentence. Not only had he provided highly classified information to his biographer — including notes about war strategy and the identity of covert officials — but he also lied to agents about it. James B. Comey, the F.B.I director, made the case to the attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., that Mr. Petraeus deserved to face strenuous charges.

But the Justice Department overruled the F.B.I., and earlier this year the department allowed Mr. Petraeus to plead guilty to a misdemeanor. He was spared jail time and remained an informal White House adviser.

Although current and former senior officials at the Justice Department who were involved in the case said the decision was not influenced by the White House, F.B.I. agents came to view Mr. Obama’s remarks about Mr. Petraeus as a harbinger of the ultimate outcome.

Presidents typically decline to comment on cases under investigation or in the courts, citing the need to avoid prejudicing legal proceedings. Often that tradition is politically convenient, offering them an easy excuse when they would rather not answer questions about the behavior of allies and aides.

Mr. Obama has skirted across that line on a few occasions.In 2013, he proclaimed that troops who commit sexual assault should be “court-martialed, fired, dishonorably discharged,” which provided ammunition to defense lawyers who argued that the commander in chief had prejudiced proceedings.

Mr. Obama is not the first president to generate criticism for weighing in on cases. George W. Bush was criticized when he told an interviewer that he believed Representative Tom DeLay of Texas was innocent of illegal fund-raising charges. Mr. DeLay’s conviction was overturned last year.

The federal law used against Mr. Petraeus prohibits officials from knowingly taking classified information “with the intent to retain” it at “an unauthorized location.” A second, more serious charge makes it a felony to remove classified information through gross negligence. Officials at both the F.B.I and the Justice Department acknowledge that those laws set a high bar for criminal charges in the email case.

Mr. Obama said he had no impression that Mrs. Clinton had purposely tried “to hide something or to squirrel away information.” In doing so, Mr. Obama spoke directly to a core component of the law used against Mr. Petraeus, intent, and said he did not think it applied in Mrs. Clinton’s case.

Since the existence of Mrs. Clinton’s account was revealed in March, she has provided a series of different explanations about whether she sent or received classified information from the account.

Mrs. Clinton is to testify next week before the Republican-controlled House committee investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya. The committee, which has come under intense scrutiny in recent weeks after two Republican lawmakers said it was created to harm the political fortunes of Mrs. Clinton, is expected to ask her about her unorthodox email arrangement.

Mr. Comey, the F.B.I. director, earlier this month acknowledged the difficulties posed by the investigation. He said one reason he has a 10-year term is “to make sure this organization stays outside of politics.”

“If you know my folks,” he said, “you know they don’t give a rip about politics.”


Laura J Alcorn

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As we enter 2016 the question has to be asked, what if Hillary gets in? There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that she will run roughshod over the Constitution, taking the cue from her mentor, Obama. To her, she is invincible, no law can touch her, no jury will indict her. Because of her flaunting the law Americans have realized that the system is rigged.

Clinton has violated more laws, stolen government records, lied under oath, trashed documents, covered up her crimes and yet she has not been arrested. The public is calling for blood. Why is it that this criminal is still on the loose and running for president mind you. We will tell you why, if she wins, the possibility of any arrest or indictment will disappear as fast as her 30,000 personal emails (“oh like with a cloth”).

The 2012 election make speaks volumes. Notice the blue states, mostly occupying the west coast and Virginia up to Maine. The upper mid-west consists of the blue collar industrial error coalition of Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, To win in 2016 Republicans must break this block. It goes without saying that Romney was not an aggressive candidate; what hurt him the most was the “open mike”.

Getting back to our original thesis, if Hillary wins there will be mass demonstrations across the Red States, there exists the possibility of major demonstrations leading to states no longer taking orders from Washington or following the decisions of the Supreme Court. Civil disobedience and anarchy is a real possibility. We expect it to prevail in many parts of the country.

Red State citizens have been taking for now, however they have had enough dictating from Washington D.C., they are sick and tired of lying compromising politicians; the time has come to act. Revolution will be the only solution. The people are fed up, why feed the beast when it slams you like a rag doll at every turn? Democrats believe they have the solution, if so, why has our economy tanked after spending eight trillion dollars? Why is our education system the 28th in the world? why has the United States lost its panache? A simple answer, Democrats!

flag1776 The time has come once again to throw off the shackles of autocrats, a Revolution is the only solution. Some say it can’t happen, but a red state vs blue state civil war is possible.

Click here to see why people are PISSED OFF.



They lined up, but the doors were closed. Citizens, honest tax paying citizens, the salt of the earth type were told that their money was not there. Scammed by bankers the vault was empty. The depression was in full force, the economy imploding, bankruptcy for many inevitable.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 6102, issued by US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt 80 years ago, on April 5th 1933, banned private gold ownership in the United States, forcing gold owners to take their bullion to a bank and exchange it for Dollars at the prevailing rate.

Think about it, the Federal Government of the United States, in broad daylight confiscated the wealth of its citizens. This enabled the government to transfer power to the Federal Reserve, they then began the printing of fiat money with abandon. Why? To perpetuate the lying and the deceit of their hidden agenda. What is that agenda: to retain their political power above all else. However, the day has come to stop the charade.

One look at the price of gold, in the mid $1100 per ounce is a tell tale sign of what is to come. Prognosticators predicted, that’s what they do, that gold would be selling for $300 today. Inflation is zero, the economy is in intensive care, (very serious- negative interest rates are in the discussion) interest rates are zero; the question is then why is gold selling where it is?

The answer, the world is in turmoil and the government, our government, every government around the world cannot be trusted. Printing money is not the answer, it is the problem. Your politicians are not there to help you, they are there to deceive you.

The day is close at hand where the United States will no longer be able to sell their fiat paper and then the window will close once again, gold will skyrocket, maybe to $20,000 or more. No one knows what will happen, but be sure to protect yourself from the criminals in Washington D.C. Insurance is what you need.

An added note, those people in Illinois who have winning lottery tickets worth more than $600 can’t cash them in, given IOU’s. Read about the story here. Think about it, that is what our $$$’s are IOU’s.


With Obama leading the band on politically correctness Christians have no chance in dictating the message. Do not be mistaken by the lies coming from the liberal progressive cabal. Those lies infer that the country was not born on the Judeo-Christian ethich, but were free of a state sponsored religion. Truth be told, the country was born on a strict moral code reflecting the biblical truths that orthodox Christians hold dear; this includes those of the Jewish faith. Don’t be misled by today’s Romans.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

Notice the word “respecting” which according to the  Merriam-Webster dictionary means “considering“. In (click here for more details) Everson v. Board of Education (1947), the Court drew on Founding Father Thomas Jefferson‘s correspondence to call for “a wall of separation between church and State”, though the precise boundary of this separation remains in dispute.

Let there be no mistake about it the Founding Fathers adhered to the Christian faith in some way or another, they believed in the Ten Commandments, but most of all were men of morals. Washington took his oath of office with an altar bible borrowed from the St. John’s Lodge No. 1, Ancient York Masons lodge in New York and he kissed the Bible after taking the oath of office. Subsequent presidents followed suit, up to and including Harry Truman, but Dwight D. Eisenhower broke that tradition by saying his own prayer instead of kissing the Bible.

As time progressed many citizens were offended by symbols of Christianity, suits were brought, regulations changed and symbols removed. Additionally, courts have ruled that any form, be it words, statutes or verse be removed from public property. These courts have desecrated the foundation of the United States and the principles which it stands for.

We see the results today, foreigners with a different culture have been invited into our country with a religious zeal of hate. This hate has been instilled in them from birth; “infidels are to be killed or forced to convert.”

We are concerned that the majority of today’s Christians are pacified. They have rolled over without a fight, watching the principles they stand for tarnished to no end. We are not saying that Christian should be promoted by government, but we are saying is that the principles of Christianity should be the guiding light going forward without government interference.

We might ask why are the Ten Commandments place so often on court houses, schools, public places if it were not for instilling a strict moral code on its citizens?

Our country is at war, one that we are losing. Unless the Judeo-Christian ethic is once again vigorously promoted the United States, the moral leader of the free world, will lose, if it has not already done so, its preeminent status in the world.

One salient point, sending children to parochial schools saves the taxpayer $10,000 at a minimum per child and people had the audacity to question the subsidy for school bus transportation. What nerve.



Pork for those who run the prisons, but pork is not kosher for those inmates who reside there. Is this to appease a certain religious group. Jewish and Muslim inmates are elated that the Christians cannot have bacon for breakfast.

However, Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for CAIR dismissed concerns that Islamic advocacy groups had anything to do with the move, saying that while it had always pushed for halal exemptions for Muslim inmates, they have no reason to push for pork being denied to non-Muslim prisoners.

The question now being raised is who is behind this. Obama?


The iconic pool term, “running the table” is the result of a player maintaining composure, being focused and self confident; keeping that posture enables the player to bank (pocket) the balls in their correct order leading to running the table. Donald Trump is in that position today, disposing of one opponent (ball) after another.

Many more wannabees will drop by the wayside in the coming days as we move closer to the primaries. Trump’s poll numbers are steady at 30%, when the talking heads said he will self destruct, Donald has shook off the criticism by stepping up a notch.

The Trump Wave is gathering tsunami heights as hit washes over the heartland. Playing to SRO crowds the Donald is on the verge of sending a message to the mainstream Republicans. That message is loud and clear, “you are through” America has had enough of  political correctness; we are sick and tired of compromising with the Democrats.

Our message to the lame brain Republicans, “you better get on the Trump Band Wagon now, tomorrow is to late.  Come January 2017 Donald Trump will be President of the United States.


Bernie Sanders is on a tear, (click) fund raising more than all Republican candidates put together. Bernie Sanders, the self-described socialist and most left-leaning presidential candidate, is surprising the whole field with unexpected fundraising prowess. Sanders’s campaign says it raised $26 million from July through September, which would be more than every single Republican candidate raised during the same period. The only person who pulled in more cash was Sanders’ fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton, who took in $28 million.

In the past week Hillary’s support from Democrats has imploded, losing 10 points in a week; down to 41% vs Bernie Sanders remarkable 28%. BTW Bernie was an unknown six months ago. Now he is on the clock, drawing SRO crowds across America. These days, Hillary only draws questions not crowds. Ladbrokes has Hillary at a 2 to 5 favorite, Bernie at 5 to 1 and Joe Biden at 7 to 2.



Faded Glory

Something terrible is happening to our country. I will attempt to elucidate,…..

America has LOST it’s way.  There is NO decency and honor any longer.  We are murdering babies and selling their body parts for profit while our bought and paid for corrupt government officials look the other way, trashing traditional values and strutting around like sluts on a street corner!  

We now labor under the authoritarian control of an out of control rogue government. A government that does not serve the people but rules them with an iron fist. Our legislative processes are a sham…..the American people have been reduced to the status of serfs while being lorded over by a tyrannical government………

What of a nation that won’t lower it’s flags to honor the fallen BUT, lights up it’s White House to celebrate the debauchery and mocking of traditional marriage!

Time is Like a River..
You cannot touch the water twice, because once the flow has passed it will never pass again.

Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida in January, 2015 when he said America will not come back. He wrote:

The American Dream ended (on November 6th, 2012 ) in Ohio. The second term of Barack Obama will be the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled, fought for and developed the greatest Republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of Blacks (who now have the temerity to claim that looting and rioting and burning of other peoples property are proper forms of protest.), Latinos, Feminists, Gays, Government Workers, Union Members, Environmental Extremists, The Media, Hollywood , uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the  chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other “fellow travelers” have ended Norman Rockwell ‘s America .

The Cocker Spaniel is off the front porch… The Pit Bull is in the back yard.

The American Constitution has been replaced with
Saul Alinsky ‘s “Rules for Radicals” and Chicago shyster, David Axelrod, along with international Socialist George Soros will be pulling the strings on their big eared beige puppet to bring us Act 2 of the New World Order.

Our side ran two candidates who couldn’t even win their own home states, and Chris Christie helped Obama over the top with a glowing “post Sandy ” tribute that elevated the  “Commander-in-Chief” to Mother Teresa status. (Aside: with the way the polls were run, he didn’t need any help!).  Christie had sold us out in the name of expediency and forever branded himself as an Obama Droid. For that reason Chistie will never be elected to the sacred office of POTUS……

People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will never again comment on or concern myself with the afore mentioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our  traditions without a shot being fired.

You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of courage, defiance and massive displays of civil  disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed the New Aristocracy to take away. It will take Militant Zealots, not moderates & shy not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former glory.

Political Correctness be dammed.

Those who come after us will have to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly and apathetically frittered away due to “white guilt” and the dammed insidious censorship called POLITICAL CORRECTNESS…

    Got the guts then pass this on!!!!! 


Tony Passaro
[email protected]
Bel Air Tea Party Patriots
Alliance of Americands Patriots
Campaign For Liberty
American for Prosperity
Maryland Fair Tax
American Tea Party Movement
paid for by

Tea Party Views

Bel Air Maryland  21014

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