Jonas has made into the nations capitol with a vengeance. Twenty to thirty inches is expected. It could not have happened to a more deserving place. Sort of a metaphor for the Republicans who have been in a deep freeze for eight years. The real story here though is the one inch, repeat 1″, that Washington D.C. received on Wednesday. The Mayor failed in her duties which was to salt the streets prior to the once inch storm; havoc prevailed.

An inch of snow, icy roads unleash 9 hours of traffic chaos across D.C. region. CLICK HERE FOR THE MAYOR’S RESPONSE TO THE ONE INCH BLIZZARD.


IMG_6683(though no proof was needed) that Washington, when taken by surprise, is woefully unprepared, not just for a blizzard but for any “snow event.” It also showed how little it takes for the region to descend into a long night of traffic chaos: more than 1,000 reported fender-benders (unofficial numbers via Waze), six- and seven-hour trips home, jammed arteries and impassably frozen exit ramps.


Hillary Clinton has a vacuum between the ears; now she has no idea what an establishment candidate is. Apparently it was wiped clean by Bernie Sanders dynamic campaign which is rolling over Clinton in the early primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire.  Right now Clinton is running after Sanders and from the FBI.  However, in the not too distant future Clinton won’t have to worry about running for anything, our guess is she will be running FOR the exits. 


The residents of Flint Michigan, Detroit’s sister city, have been drinking lead laced water for a few months. What happened is a cause of concern. How it happened is a tragedy. The blame game has entered the octagon. From what we know, the EPA (Environmental Pollution Agency) gave the green light to send the noxious fluid through the Flint’s corroded pipes. However, before this happened Flint was in the bankruptcy court; to save money they opted to exit the Detroit’s water supply and pump the polluted Flint River water through century old pipes, which by the way were known to be in need of immediate maintenance while awaiting the construction of a new pipeline bringing water from Lake Huron. The EPA turned a blind eye as officials ran afoul of EPA regulations. Remember Flint is just a figment of their former self, now a city of poor people, a 100,000 at last count, down from 200,000 four decades ago. Most of the middle class fled along with the jobs provided by the Big Three.

The Environmental Protection Agency director overseeing a region that includes Flint, Michigan, is stepping down after contaminated water in that city exposed residents to lead poisoning.

The EPA on Thursday also announced an emergency order requiring that the state and city “take a series of immediate steps to address the drinking water contamination in Flint.”

It said the city and state’s response to the crisis has been “inadequate to protect public health.”

The EPA’s emergency order comes nearly four months after advocacy groups petitioned the agency to step in.

In October, the National Resources Defense Council, the American Civil Liberties Union and local groups petitioned the EPA to use its emergency powers to secure safe water in Flint. In December, EPA responded that it would “defer action” until the city had the corrosiveness of its water under control.

“The failure to act on it was bizarre and unacceptable,” said Henry Henderson, director of the NRDC’s Midwest program. “This action today reflects different thinking.”


The American people are demanding the arrest of Hillary Clinton. Responsible for the Benghazi raid that killed our Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, Clinton has so far escaped the law. Overwhelming evidence has been discovered, lies have been discredited and emails proved that Top Secret information has been passed to others from Clinton’s not government approved server. 

Clinton’s campaign, so far, has rebuked the truth, blaming partisan politics for keeping this as front page news. Independent investigators, appointed by Obama, say otherwise; that Clinton has lied, hid the truth and continues to stymie investigators in the investigation. 

Clinton’s campaign and the State Department have long denied that any information was handled improperly, saying that the information and emails in question were all retroactively classified.

She also called an inspector general’s letter a “continuation of an inter-agency dispute that has been going on now for some months.”

Clinton was referring to a letter sent by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III to leaders on congressional intelligence committees last week detailing the findings from a review of Clinton’s emails, a spokeswoman for the inspector general confirmed to CNN.

Two government agencies flagged emails on Clinton’s server as containing classified information, the inspector general said, including some on “special access programs,” which are a subset of the highest “Top Secret” level of classification, but are under subject to more stringent control rules than even other Top Secret information.”

Joe Biden is waiting in the Wings.

Hillary Personal Server Emails Contained Highest Level Secrecy Classification Information

by sundance
sundance | January 20, 2016 at 12:30 am RL: http://wp.me/p1kzlW-sWm
(Via Fox News) Hillary Clinton’s emails on her unsecured, homebrew server contained intelligence from the U.S. government’s most secretive and highly classified programs, according to an unclassified letter from a top inspector general to senior lawmakers.

Hillary - orange is the new black

Fox News exclusively obtained the unclassified letter, sent Jan. 14 from Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III. It laid out the findings of a recent comprehensive review by intelligence agencies that identified “several dozen” additional classified emails — including specific intelligence known as “special access programs” (SAP).  

That indicates a level of classification beyond even “top secret,” the label previously given to two emails found on her server, and brings even more scrutiny to the presidential candidate’s handling of the government’s closely held secrets.

“To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the confidential, secret, and top secret/sap levels,” said the IG letter to lawmakers with oversight of the intelligence community and State Department. “According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.”  (read more)

biden window

Laura J Alcorn

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Your fired! We hope that “The Donald” vaporizes the Departments of Commerce, Energy, Education, Agriculture. Order the FBI to arrest the following people: Lois Lerner, the IRS lackey who took the 5th and her boss John Koskinen, the head of the IRS, a person without morals who has lied to Congress on several occasions. He may be subject to impeachment.

Below are several charts, graphs and statistics highlighting BIG GOVERNMENT and the web it has created. The number of Federal employees that vote Republican could most likely be counted on one hand.

The bloated government workforce has an inherent interest in the status quo. The time has come to bash the old paradigm and do what is right for the hard working taxpayers of the United States.

Federal Government executive branch civilian employment,
except U.S. Postal Service, January 2007[19]
(Employment in thousands)
DC area United
DC area
Combined Total 1,774 284
Executive departments 1,593 234 Independent agencies 179 48
Defense, total 623 65 Social Security Administration 62 2
Army 223 19 NASA 18 4
Navy 168 24 Environmental Protection Agency 18 5
Air Force 152 6 Tennessee Valley Authority 12 0
Other defense 80 16 General Services Administration 12 4
Veterans Affairs 239 7 Small Business Administration 6 1
Homeland Security 149 20 Office of Personnel Management 5 2
Treasury 109 14 Other independent agencies 45 30
Justice 105 23
Agriculture 92 11 Executive departments (cont.)
Interior 66 7
Health/Human Services (HHS) 60 28 Energy 15 5
Transportation 53 9 State 14 12
Commerce 39 21 Housing/Urban Dev (HUD) 10 3
Labor 16 6 Education 4 3
SOURCE: U.S. Office of Personnel Management


Total Federal Employment 4,196,832 including the Postal Service and Department of Defense.

Federal Civilian Employees On-Board Personnel 2,067,262

Agency Sep-03 Sep-13 Percent Decrease
Department of Agriculture 113,155 97,231 -14.1%
Department of Education 4,679 4,232 -9.6%
Department of Housing and Urban Development 10,534 8,747 -17.0%
Department of the Interior 78,315 71,766 -8.4%
Department of the Treasury 110,366 98,499 -10.8%
Environmental Protection Agency 18,923 16,950 -10.4%
General Services Administration 12,605 11,824 -6.2%
NASA 18,996 18,009 -5.2%
Social Security Administration 64,903 62,543 -3.6%
Source: Office of Personnel Management’s Fedscope Database. Note: While GAO states that the Small Business Administration saw a shrinking workforce from 2004 to 2012, OPM data shows a substantial increase from September 2003 to September 2013.


By now we have heard the reply to Obama’s last State of the Union Address. A pitiful rebuke if there ever was one. The South Carolina Governor acted like a Union soldier killing General Grant after the surrender of General Robert E. Lee at the Appomattox Court House.

Image result for appomattox court house surrender
The Battle of Appomattox Court House, fought on the morning of April 9, 1865, was one of the last battles of the American Civil War. It was the final engagement of Confederate Army general Robert E. Lee‘s Army of Northern Virginia before it surrendered to the Union Army under Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.

Judge Jeanine Pirro had none of it, she again manifested her rage with a right on diatribe, a vitriolic invective that Nikki Haley had coming. Click here for Judge Jeanine.  Chalk up Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan for the negativity against Trump. Now we know why these two Obama lapdogs have licked the feet of Obama for the past seven years. 


Again, a liar much larger than Obama, Hillary Clinton takes the top prize, but she is running on fumes, her tank will soon be empty, only filled up by lies.

Clinton’s ‘no individual too big to jail’ tweet backfires

tweet backfires

“There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail,” Clinton told the moderators during the first hour of the debate Sunday.

Within seconds, the remark was tweeted out to the former secretary of state’s five-plus million Twitter followers.

And the response was not what Clinton’s campaign had hoped for.

Clinton has defended herself against numerous scandals and sought to decrease voters’ distrust in her since she launched her second bid for the White House in April. Several reports last week signaled an expansion of the FBI investigation into the private email server Clinton kept during her tenure as secretary of state.

Read more on WashingtonExaminer.com


Hillary Clinton is involved in the biggest cover-up in a generation. The State Department she once headed is in cahoots with her by not coming clean regarding Top Secret emails she received. These were emails sent to her private server that were classified Top Secret from the beginning. These emails were originated by the CIA.  Clinton has obfuscated the process from the start, but now it is the State Department which is protecting her.

The findings have been transmitted to the State Department, which continues to challenge the intelligence community’s conclusions about the classification of all the emails. But the department has no authority to change the classification since it did not originate the information.

On Nov. 6, Politico reported that the intelligence community was retreating from the “top secret” classification, a development that could have helped Clinton’s presidential campaign deflect allegations about mishandling classified material. Fox News can confirm it is true the handling of one email has changed since it was drafted and sent, but this change has no bearing on the “top secret” nature of the emails when first received on Clinton’s server. And this is what matters to the FBI probe.

Hillary Clinton is a criminal, but the State Department is protecting her; America wants to know why and who is behind it.Click for Options


What would Dr. Martin Luther King’s opinion be on the happenings of today?  First of all he was a man of non-violence, so he would be astonished at the wanton killings by Blacks on Blacks in the Black Community. Secondly, he would not only be astonished but he would be shocked that up to 72% of Black children live in a single parent family. Thirdly, and this is most relevant to his original goal of OVERCOMING, that only marginal progress has been made in education and economic opportunity.

However, the greatest shock that would send shivers through his body is that under eight years of a Black President, things have deteriorated to such a degree that things are worse now than they were forty five years ago.

There is a great divide in this country which was not expected when Barack Hussein Obama became president in 2009. Obama set back the clock to the Jim Crow era. How did he do this?  By not being a healer, but a divider, a class antagonist, a narcissist, a race baiter all wrapped up in one.

The legacy to be left behind by Obama will no doubt be one of utter disdain, a black mark on this nation’s history, one that will go down in the annals of what could of been, but did not. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did not live to see his vision come true, but his Brothers are living the NIGHTMARE of OBAMA.


Information below provided by


According to a recent study published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in February 2011, “Although blacks make up only 13.6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 50.3 percent of all diagnosed cases of HIV. Additionally, the rate of HIV diagnosis among black men is eight times that of whites and two times that of Hispanics, and the rate for black women is 19 times that of whites and four times that of Hispanics.”


According to a recent study conducted by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) at Brandeis University, “The wealth disparity between white and black households has more than quadrupled, regardless of income bracket.” Predicated on economic data from 1984 to 2007, the IASP study indicated that the average white family in the sample group held around $95,000 more in assets than the average black family. Additionally, the study found that middle-income white families have more assets (stocks, bonds, business interests, real estate other than primary residence) than do high-income black families.

Single Mothers

According to the most recent government figures from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “72 percent of black mothers are unwed which eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans.” To be sure, these statistics do not imply that babies born to unwed mothers will be unsuccessful or devoid of opportunities. However, the data does bespeak of the need for more fathers in the home who are involved in their child’s life.

Secondary Education

According to the US Department of Education, “Nearly half of the nation’s African American students attend high schools in low-income areas with dropout rates that hover in the 40-50% range.” “Dropout factories” (i.e., high schools that routinely have senior classes with 60% fewer students than their entering freshmen classes) are estimated to produce 73% of African American, 66% of Latino, and 34% of White dropouts, respectively.

Higher Education

According to a relatively recent graduation rate report from the Education Sector, an independent think tank, “Fewer than half of the black students who enroll in college graduate from four-year institutions within six years. Nationally, the average six-year graduation rate for all students is 57 percent.”

Moreover, a 2009 Associated Press analysis of government data on the 83 federally designated four-year HBCUs indicated that only 37 percent of their black students finish a degree within six years, which is 4 percentage points lower than the national college graduation rate for black student

Incarceration & Crime

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, “The racial composition of the US prison and jail population as of 2008 was 60.21% (African American (non-Hispanic), 20.29% Hispanic, 13.44% White American (non-Hispanic) , and 6.06% Other (American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander American, and Multiracial American).”

Relative to black on black crime, the most recent government statistics indicated that “43% of all murder victims in 2007 were African American, 93.1% of whom were killed were African Americans.”


According to recent US Census Bureau data, “24.7% of all African-American live in poverty in comparison to 8.6% of all non-Hispanic White, 11.8% of all Asian-American and 23.2% of all Hispanic.” The Labor Department statistics still show the current unemployment rate among blacks hovering around 16 percent, although the economy as a whole has shown some improvement.

Coronary Heart Disease & Stroke

According to the US Centers for Disease Control Health Disparities and Inequalities Report (Jan. 2011), “Black women and men have much higher coronary heart disease (CHD) death rates in the 45–74 age group than women and men of other races. A higher percentage of black women (37.9%) than white women (19.4%) died before age 75 as a result of CHD, as did black men (61.5%) compared with white men (41.5%). And, a higher percentage of black women (39%) died of stroke before age 75 compared with white women (17.3%) as did black men (60.7%) compared to white men (31.1%). “



She is becoming desperate, loosing any momentum she had, really it was only a mirage. Clinton is more than desperate, she is one degree from psycho. Clinton sent out her pit bull daughter in a vain attempt to eviscerate Sanders. This is pathetic . Hillary defended her daughter despite criticism the remark was inaccurate.

“You know, I adore my daughter and I know what she was saying,” Clinton told “Good Morning America” about Chelsea Clinton. “Because if you look at Senator Sanders’ proposals going back nine times in the Congress, that’s exactly what he’s proposed. To take everything we currently know as health care, Medicare, Medicaid, the CHIP Program, private insurance, now of the Affordable Care Act, and roll it together.”

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said Sunday that he will release his medical records, after saying that any attempt by a political rival to get them is “vile and desperate,” as the primary race tightens and becomes more hard-hitting ahead of Sunday’s debate.

The Vermont Independent senator and self-proclaimed Democratic-socialist had until Sunday tried to capitalize on the reported request for his medical records by David Brock, founder of the pro-Clinton super-PAC Correct the Record.

“They are insinuating Bernie is too old and unhealthy to be our next president,” Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver wrote in a fundraising email sent Saturday.

“Bernie is in excellent health. But this personal attack is another example of a sickness in our democracy when it is so easy for millionaires and billionaires to buy up candidates and elections.”

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